Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Flynn is closely connected to Trump. I’m sure they’re shaking him down if they haven’t already.

Trump didn't know Flynn before the election, dumbass.
My picture shows him on stage with T. Stop being so fucking stupid..
What photo, dumbass?
The one I just posted with him chanting LOCK HER UP standing next to Putin’s Puppet
Another person who worked for T pleaded guilty for lying to the FBI or how Bripat sees it... telling a smal fib

He was a campiagn volunteer. That's totally meaningless.
He worked with Manafort. And he lied to the FBI which is a felony..

He was a campiagn volunteer. Do you think Trump is responsible for everythign everyone in his campaign does?
No you think T is not responsible for anything.
Either does he.
The buck stops where with T?
He's not responsible for traffic tickets people in his campaign get, is he?
Who got a traffic ticket?
You’re losing your mind.
At least all the indictments and convictions in the Reagan Ad. came at the end.
This shit is hitting the fan after only 9 months
Trump: I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters'

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.

After the event, Trump declined to answer when asked by CNN to clarify his comments.

Last month, he appeared to consider whether he would kill journalists, as Russian President Vladimir Putin -- whom Trump defended -- has been accused of doing.

"I would never kill them. I would never do that," Trump told supporters in Grand Rapids, Michigan, before reconsidering.

"Uh, let's see, uh?" he said aloud, his voice rising. "Noooo, I would never do that."


All the charges against Manafort is based on documented evidence.
Manafort even lied to his tax attorney.
Put Manafort in a cell with Bubba.
He was a campiagn volunteer. That's totally meaningless.
He worked with Manafort. And he lied to the FBI which is a felony..

He was a campiagn volunteer. Do you think Trump is responsible for everythign everyone in his campaign does?
No you think T is not responsible for anything.
Either does he.
The buck stops where with T?
He's not responsible for traffic tickets people in his campaign get, is he?
Who got a traffic ticket?
You’re losing your mind.
It's a hypothetical question, dumbass. How old are you, 10?
Why wasn't Flynn indicted yet? Maybe he's "cooperating" with the FBI.
Issuing indictments is used not only to squeeze those indicted for information but to put the fear of God in persons of interest being interviewed.
He's just being squeezed. There is no information to give.
“ no information to give” which you DONT KNOW. It’s called blind loyalty.
No, it's understanding that this whole thing is a witch hunt motived by a gang of petulant children who can't deal with the fact that the lost the election.
:rolleyes-41: making America GREAT AGAIN? :slap:

  • The FBI's special counsel's team is digging into the limits of President Donald Trump's pardon powers.
  • Because there is little precedent for governing presidential pardon powers, the special counsel, Robert Mueller, is likely to research state-level cases with elements that could be applied to the Russia investigation.
  • Experts say Mueller is taking unprecedented steps to ward off efforts by the White House to guard itself against the investigation.
'These are things we've never seen before': The Russia investigation is moving into uncharted territory

Why wasn't Flynn indicted yet? Maybe he's "cooperating" with the FBI.
Issuing indictments is used not only to squeeze those indicted for information but to put the fear of God in persons of interest being interviewed.
He's just being squeezed. There is no information to give.
“ no information to give” which you DONT KNOW. It’s called blind loyalty.
No, it's understanding that this whole thing is a witch hunt motived by a gang of petulant children who can't deal with the fact that the lost the election.
MAGA baby!

Morons Are Getting Arrested
The Orange supporters are one of the dumbest peopple I've ever seen in my life. Now that it's Manafort as we've been telling you all along, are you gonna admit you were wrong?
The whole entire world and the majority of Americans keeps telling you, you mad a stupid choice.....when are you gonna wake up?
Too bad I was hoping for the Trumps Maybe next time
oh there’s an obstruction of justice indictment with Trump’s name on it.
The stupid fuck admitted it live on TV. “ I fired Comey because he was investigating me.”
Classic obstruction of justice.
it'll be a beautiful day if that ever happens Can't wait for the AH to say ""what about Hillary""?
The Donald won every primary debate and royally kicked Crooked Hillary's ass in all their debates. One key thing is The Donald spoke from the gut as the former chairman of GE would say, and Crooked Hillary and the other stooges memorized talking points.
CLINTON won all 3 debates. You don't get debate points by being the biggest asshole and hurling the most attacks.

She won all 3 debates? LOL.

She can add those debate points right to popular votes. That's worth something, right?
See how the far left is wishing that Trump will be removed and Hillary will be instantly made president?

The far left loves to use the impeach word, yet does not understand how that happens!

nobody believes that to be possible, cuckoo kosh...

alas, Democrats do indeed understand precisely how impeachment happens, but Republicans have thus far put PARTY OVER COUNTRY.

seems like YOU are the one who doesn't understand how our mechanisms of government work. :eusa_clap:

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. What impeachable offence has Trump committed? no talking points, be specific or STFU

educate yourself, and feel FREE to stop acting like a dumbo bully. if you can! :itsok:

The Donald Trump Impeachment Clock Is Ticking

President Trump's Impeachable Offense

No, it's not too early to discuss grounds for impeaching Trump


already posted in THIS THREAD (read the thread or STFU, bully):

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

The problem with your theory is that there is absolultely no reason to believe Trump committed any kind of crime. None.

Obtaining tax returns can lead to evidence of tax offenses. If an individual receives money that is not reported in the tax return or is misrepresented, that can be charged as a separate federal crime. Hiding financial transactions also can be used as evidence that the subject knew that the underlying source of the money was illegal.

Here's why Mueller might already have Trump’s tax returns


A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

Obtaining tax returns can lead to evidence of tax offenses. If an individual receives money that is not reported in the tax return or is misrepresented, that can be charged as a separate federal crime. Hiding financial transactions also can be used as evidence that the subject knew that the underlying source of the money was illegal.

Here's why Mueller might already have Trump’s tax returns


A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

OH, so we are back to tax returns. Do you understand that people in Trump's income bracket get audited every year? Are you saying that the IRS is corrupt? stupid? incompetent? on Trump's team?

Do you libs ever think about what you post?

:laugh2: i'm so sure your liar-in-chief could never ever be proven to have lied on his tax forms.

When lefties are "so sure" of something, they're usually clueless or just lying.

RATFLMAO! The Moonie rag and Fox News! Must be true!!!

I see Comrade, if it ain't on KOS, you don't believe it.

The jig is up moron, you got caught. You Maoists are corrupt to the core, you always have been. Without Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch to corrupt investigations, your sleazy corruption was bound to be exposed.

You know Comrade, Hillary will never go to jail for this shit. She should, but she is above the law. Lynch though, she may well be headed for a 8' X 8' cell...

:badgrin:--Hillary Clinton's investigations are OVER. Here is the biggest take down on your Uranium One conspiracy theory of last week. Watch it.

Uranium One: Joy Reid debunks fake news targeting Clinton

Furthermore your Loretta Lynch & Clinton conspiracy actually came from a Russian documented FAKE memo that Comey used to attack Hillary Clinton with. This set off the arm chair legal Ass's on FOX NEWS.
James Comey used possibly fake Russian document to justify Clinton press conference: Report
Comey influenced by bogus Russian document, report says


So you're but--but---but Hillary Clinton days are long OVER.

And so it begins.

What the Trump campaign was to dumb to ever realise is that they were being MONITORED & WATCHED since 2015, by several FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which his why Trump jr. couldn't pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower in June of 2016.

Then Trump being the total dumbass he is, actually went on a national televised NBC interview with Lestor Holt of NBC and admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Now we know clearly that none of this is FAKE news. The best place to go on this tonight will be your Nemisis, MSNBC Rachel Maddow who has been covering every single detail coming out of these investigations since they began months ago. She knows more than any of them, which is why her ratings have soared past FOX NEWS & CNN over the last several months.
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News
Rachel Maddow crushes Fox News in August; CNN gaining fast


Trump & company are going to start falling like domino's over this.

For older news on the Russian investigation and whom else will be coming down in this go to this USMB link--(ignore the error message.)
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
:rolleyes-41: making America GREAT AGAIN? :slap:

  • The FBI's special counsel's team is digging into the limits of President Donald Trump's pardon powers.
  • Because there is little precedent for governing presidential pardon powers, the special counsel, Robert Mueller, is likely to research state-level cases with elements that could be applied to the Russia investigation.
  • Experts say Mueller is taking unprecedented steps to ward off efforts by the White House to guard itself against the investigation.
'These are things we've never seen before': The Russia investigation is moving into uncharted territory
ROFL! Yeah, "these are things we've never seen before." We've never seen so much hysteria over absolutely nothing before.

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