Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

But that's not the point, dummy.

Hillary got $145 million from Russians. It was only important that she approve it, the others just voted along

How do you know that either Clinton needed to be bribed to give approval or that "The others just voted along"?

I'll tell you. You don't know that.


Why Russians gave $145 million to Clinton Foundation?
Most of that money was donated prior to 2008 election, and there is no evidence it influenced Uranium One deal.

Really? The timeline below looks quite incriminating to any honest rational person:

2008-2010: Uranium One and former UrAsia investors make $8.65 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One investors stand to profit on a Rosatom deal

June 2009: Rosatom subsidiary ARMZ takes a 17 percent ownership stake in Uranium One

2010-2011: Investors give millions more in donations to the Clinton Foundation

June 2010: Rosatom seeks majority ownership of Uranium One, pending approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, of which the State Department is a member. Rosatom says it does not plan to increase its stake in Uranium One or to take the company private.

June 29, 2010: Bill Clinton is paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow by a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin that assigned a buy rating to Uranium One stock.

October 2010: Rosatom’s majority ownership approved by Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States

January 2013: Rosatom takes full control of Uranium One and takes it private

Where's the $145 million in your timeline, dope?
spent I'm sure, and it doesn't matter.
But that's not the point, dummy.

Hillary got $145 million from Russians. It was only important that she approve it, the others just voted along

How do you know that either Clinton needed to be bribed to give approval or that "The others just voted along"?

I'll tell you. You don't know that.


$145 million. That's how we know.

It all went charity well before she was SOS.
90% of it went to pay her "expenses." Paying off Bill's legal bills and paying his settlement were the first things it paid for.

you can prove he is? I want to see this.
How do you know that either Clinton needed to be bribed to give approval or that "The others just voted along"?

I'll tell you. You don't know that.


$145 million. That's how we know.

It all went charity well before she was SOS.
90% of it went to pay her "expenses." Paying off Bill's legal bills and paying his settlement were the first things it paid for.

you can prove he is? I want to see this.

It his allegation to prove, dope.
$145 million. That's how we know.

It all went charity well before she was SOS.
90% of it went to pay her "expenses." Paying off Bill's legal bills and paying his settlement were the first things it paid for.

you can prove he is? I want to see this.

It his allegation to prove, dope.
so you don't know if it's true or not? hmmm how can you call him a liar then? you should just ask for his data and see what that states. Instead, you called him a liar implying you have data. so let's see it.
It all went charity well before she was SOS.
90% of it went to pay her "expenses." Paying off Bill's legal bills and paying his settlement were the first things it paid for.

you can prove he is? I want to see this.

It his allegation to prove, dope.
so you don't know if it's true or not? hmmm how can you call him a liar then? you should just ask for his data and see what that states. Instead, you called him a liar implying you have data. so let's see it.

I know he's full of shit as are you. You post the data, dope.
90% of it went to pay her "expenses." Paying off Bill's legal bills and paying his settlement were the first things it paid for.

you can prove he is? I want to see this.

It his allegation to prove, dope.
so you don't know if it's true or not? hmmm how can you call him a liar then? you should just ask for his data and see what that states. Instead, you called him a liar implying you have data. so let's see it.

I know he's full of shit as are you. You post the data, dope.
no, no, you have all the facts so post away and prove us wrong.
How many of those committees got money from the Russians?

Good question. Maybe you should find that out before claiming there's a bribery scandal.

But that's not the point, dummy.

Hillary got $145 million from Russians. It was only important that she approve it, the others just voted along

How do you know that either Clinton needed to be bribed to give approval or that "The others just voted along"?

I'll tell you. You don't know that.


$145 million. That's how we know.

$145 million in 08 from the guy that sold his stake in 07. That's how you know?

You dopes don't know which way is up.

I posted the timeline, dumbass, and your description isn't accurate. It's a big fat lie.
Good question. Maybe you should find that out before claiming there's a bribery scandal.

But that's not the point, dummy.

Hillary got $145 million from Russians. It was only important that she approve it, the others just voted along

How do you know that either Clinton needed to be bribed to give approval or that "The others just voted along"?

I'll tell you. You don't know that.


$145 million. That's how we know.

$145 million in 08 from the guy that sold his stake in 07. That's how you know?

You dopes don't know which way is up.
they don't know enough to pour piss out of a boot
We're not the ones posting bullshit about when the Russians paid Hillary. I've posted the timeline, and Starskey's claims don't match.
Trump is now in over his head. Let's see how he handles it.

With Little Credibility And A New Crisis, Trump Reverts To Form With Fresh Untruths

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s charges against former Trump campaign aides are new. The White House response is tried and untrue.

Apparently Trump forces believe they can offset the damage done by the grand jury by attacking Hillary with the same unproven accusations and opinions we have heard for years. Trump supporters hate Hillary so much they are willing to overlook misdeeds and illegal acts by Trump and his minions supported by the believe that whatever Trump says or does, he's better than Hillary.

Yep, Hillary did nothing illegal. Of course, they'd sell this country to the Russian federation before they'll ever admit that Trump have done something treasonous.
Hillary colluded with Russia and sold them our Uranium. You ignoring that shows your hypocrisy.
It required permission of the federal government for any sale to go through, period. There was no justification for allowing this sale, especially when you consider national security. None.

There was no justification to not allow it.
The whole purpose of the CFIUS is to vet the deal to ensure there are no national security concerns. That's why each department signs off on it.

how did that deal benefit the USA? Not the Clintons, the USA

Who said it had to?
It was a Russian company seeking a share in a Candian company.

Only an idiot would approve a deal that didn't benefit the United States. That's their job, moron, doing what's best for the United States.

How is a deal between two foreign companies supposed to benefit the US?

we gave up title to 20% of our uranium. Seems like we should have gotten something in return. Do you understand that Putin now has control of 20% of US uranium?
There was no justification to not allow it.
The whole purpose of the CFIUS is to vet the deal to ensure there are no national security concerns. That's why each department signs off on it.

how did that deal benefit the USA? Not the Clintons, the USA

Who said it had to?
It was a Russian company seeking a share in a Candian company.

Only an idiot would approve a deal that didn't benefit the United States. That's their job, moron, doing what's best for the United States.

How is a deal between two foreign companies supposed to benefit the US?

we gave up title to 20% of our uranium. Seems like we should have gotten something in return. Do you understand that Putin now has control of 20% of US uranium?

We didn't have title to that 20%. Canada did.
We gave up nothing. The only thing that changed is who makes the profit. Putin controls nothing. The mines in the US are required by their license to only sell within the US just as it was before. Nothing has changed.
SO trump's official defense is going to be " Bbbbut Hillary! :cry: "


The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?


That is exactly what the Trump people are doing. They are attacking Hillary, Obama, and others opposing Trump with old accusations to distract the public from the illegal activity of Trump's people. As the president's men fall one by one, the noose will tighten and accusations against Clinton will become irrelevant.
SO trump's official defense is going to be " Bbbbut Hillary! :cry: "


The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?


That is exactly what the Trump people are doing. They are attacking Hillary, Obama, and others opposing Trump with old accusations to distract the public from the illegal activity of Trump's people. As the president's men fall one by one, the noose will tighten and accusations against Clinton will become irrelevant.
SO trump's official defense is going to be " Bbbbut Hillary! :cry: "


The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?


That is exactly what the Trump people are doing. They are attacking Hillary, Obama, and others opposing Trump with old accusations to distract the public from the illegal activity of Trump's people. As the president's men fall one by one, the noose will tighten and accusations against Clinton will become irrelevant.

the indictments against Manafort have nothing to do with Trump, those things happened before Trump even decided to run for president. However, the connection between Manafort, the Podestra group, and Hillary is real. Mueller may end up outing the very people who sent him after Trump.
how did that deal benefit the USA? Not the Clintons, the USA

Who said it had to?
It was a Russian company seeking a share in a Candian company.

Only an idiot would approve a deal that didn't benefit the United States. That's their job, moron, doing what's best for the United States.

How is a deal between two foreign companies supposed to benefit the US?

we gave up title to 20% of our uranium. Seems like we should have gotten something in return. Do you understand that Putin now has control of 20% of US uranium?

We didn't have title to that 20%. Canada did.
We gave up nothing. The only thing that changed is who makes the profit. Putin controls nothing. The mines in the US are required by their license to only sell within the US just as it was before. Nothing has changed.

are you crazy? Canada did not have title to US uranium. Where do you get this crap?
Who said it had to?
It was a Russian company seeking a share in a Candian company.

Only an idiot would approve a deal that didn't benefit the United States. That's their job, moron, doing what's best for the United States.

How is a deal between two foreign companies supposed to benefit the US?

we gave up title to 20% of our uranium. Seems like we should have gotten something in return. Do you understand that Putin now has control of 20% of US uranium?

We didn't have title to that 20%. Canada did.
We gave up nothing. The only thing that changed is who makes the profit. Putin controls nothing. The mines in the US are required by their license to only sell within the US just as it was before. Nothing has changed.

are you crazy? Canada did not have title to US uranium. Where do you get this crap?

Yikes! I see a common theme with you guys.
Complete ignorance.

The 20% you're referencing refers to 20% of the annual production of US mines. Two US based mines that produce around 20% were owned by a Canadian company. A russian company petioned the US govt to purchase a controlling interest in that company. As two of their mines are in the US, it needed approval. The deal was reviewed for national security concerns and approved.

The US gave up nothing. The only thing that has changed is who makes the profits.

Got it now?
White House Aides Now Fear Impeachment
November 1, 2017 at 2:09 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard132 Comments

Gabriel Sherman: “The first charges in the Mueller probe have kindled talk of what the endgame for Trump looks like, according to conversations with a half-dozen advisers and friends of the president. For the first time since the investigation began, the prospect of impeachment is being considered as a realistic outcome and not just a liberal fever dream. According to a source, advisers in the West Wing are on edge and doing whatever they can not to be ensnared. One person close to Dina Powell and Gary Cohn said they’re making sure to leave rooms if the subject of Russia comes up.”

“The consensus among the advisers I spoke to is that Trump faces few good options to thwart Mueller. For one, firing Mueller would cross a red line, analogous to Nixon’s firing of Archibald Cox during Watergate, pushing establishment Republicans to entertain the possibility of impeachment.”

“Trump, meanwhile, has reacted to the deteriorating situation by lashing out on Twitter and venting in private to friends. He’s frustrated that the investigation seems to have no end in sight… According to two sources, Trump has complained to advisers about his legal team for letting the Mueller probe progress this far.”


Time to PANIC
Trump is now in over his head. Let's see how he handles it.

With Little Credibility And A New Crisis, Trump Reverts To Form With Fresh Untruths

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s charges against former Trump campaign aides are new. The White House response is tried and untrue.

Apparently Trump forces believe they can offset the damage done by the grand jury by attacking Hillary with the same unproven accusations and opinions we have heard for years. Trump supporters hate Hillary so much they are willing to overlook misdeeds and illegal acts by Trump and his minions supported by the believe that whatever Trump says or does, he's better than Hillary.

Yep, Hillary did nothing illegal. Of course, they'd sell this country to the Russian federation before they'll ever admit that Trump have done something treasonous.
Hillary colluded with Russia and sold them our Uranium. You ignoring that shows your
Trump is now in over his head. Let's see how he handles it.

With Little Credibility And A New Crisis, Trump Reverts To Form With Fresh Untruths

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s charges against former Trump campaign aides are new. The White House response is tried and untrue.

Apparently Trump forces believe they can offset the damage done by the grand jury by attacking Hillary with the same unproven accusations and opinions we have heard for years. Trump supporters hate Hillary so much they are willing to overlook misdeeds and illegal acts by Trump and his minions supported by the believe that whatever Trump says or does, he's better than Hillary.

Yep, Hillary did nothing illegal. Of course, they'd sell this country to the Russian federation before they'll ever admit that Trump have done something treasonous.
Hillary colluded with Russia and sold them our Uranium. You ignoring that shows your hypocrisy.
Let me remind you. The Uranium deal did not originate with Hillary Clinton, nor the State Dept, nor any US agency. It began in Canada with Approval by the Canadian government. Approval was also required by an inter-agency US government group, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, CFIUS. The Uranium deal was approved by CFIUS of which the State Dept was only one of the agencies represented. That group was composed of the following departments: State, Defense, Treasury, Commerce, Energy, and Homeland Security. The US attorney general’s office also had a say, as did the US Trade Representative, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. The proposal got strong approval from all agencies.

This is just another attack from the Trump camp to divert attention from the Mueller investigation. It alleges Russia money which came through Uranium One to investors who donated to the Clinton Foundation. This may be partial true although most of the money came to foundation long before this proposal was considered.

As Mueller's investigation get's closer and closer to Trump, these accusations will intensify in an attempt to distract the public.
Trump supporters are saying Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia. This is the truth
Uranium One - Wikipedia
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Why Did Clovis Say Russia Was a Principal Focus of the Campaign?

Often when we are trying to understand a complex story it is the facts that we are most acclimated to that are most significant. Since they are familiar, they can hide in plain sight. With this in mind, I was particularly struck by a passage on page three of George Papadopoulos’s plea document.

The plea agreement narrative states that in early March 2016 Papadapoulos learned he would be a foreign policy advisor for Trump’s campaign. At the time he was living in London. “Based on a conversation that took place on or about March 6, 2016, with [Sam Clovis] Papadopolous understood that a principal foreign policy focus of the Campaign was an improved U.S. relationship with Russia.”

Why Did Clovis Say Russia Was a Principal Focus of the Campaign?
Trump adviser George Papadopoulos lied about Russian links

An election campaign adviser to Donald Trump has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the timing of meetings with alleged go-betweens for Russia.

George Papadopoulos admitted the talks happened while he worked for Mr Trump, not before, court papers show.

He said he had been told the Russians possessed "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

Separately, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort pleaded not guilty to charges of money laundering unrelated to the 2016 election.

The charges against Mr Papadopoulos are the first to be brought by Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating alleged links between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Trump adviser lied about Russian links

Trump "adviser," Herr Goebbels?

You know he never even met Trump, right Sploogy?
The Donald won every primary debate and royally kicked Crooked Hillary's ass in all their debates. One key thing is The Donald spoke from the gut as the former chairman of GE would say, and Crooked Hillary and the other stooges memorized talking points.
CLINTON won all 3 debates. You don't get debate points by being the biggest asshole and hurling the most attacks.

More proof that the far left is more dangerous than ISIS!
Bad boys bad boys ,whatcha going do ,watcha going to do when they come for you?

Silly far left drones and their debunked far left religious dogma!

Just clam you supported Hilary and nothing will happen!
Kosh After 7 decades ,,,
A new poll reveals President Trump's approval rating has plummeted to a record-breaking low.

The poll results come from Gallup's daily survey, and place Trump with a 33 percent approval ratings -- his lowest favorability number to date with the same pollster company. The daily poll also shows the commander in chief with a 62 percent disapproval rating.

As CNN notes, Trump's third-quarter numbers position him as the president with the worst ratings in that span in seven decades of surveys.

Well then, Hillary has it in the bag Comrade, no question....

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