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EXCLUSIVE: New York Times Slammed for Bias on Billboard in Front of Times Square HQ (


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
fightng back against the giant NY times

EXCLUSIVE: New York Times Slammed for Bias on Billboard in Front of Times Square HQ (INTERVIEW) | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

The New York Times was confronted on its home turf on Friday by a giant billboard in plain view of its Times Square, New York City, headquarters that accuses the media group of slanting its news against Israel.

The billboard was put up by CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, and will be up for the next six months.

It reads: “Would a great newspaper slant the news against Israel? The New York Times does.”

In the ad, CAMERA accuses the newspaper of “Misrepresenting facts, omitting key information, skewing headlines and photos” and exhorts it to “Stop the bias.”

The billboard includes a link to a section on the CAMERA website that provides backup for the argument, as well as linking to a six-month study published as a monograph that makes the same case.

In an interview with The Algemeiner, CAMERA Senior Research Analyst Gilead Ini said he has yet to learn of a reaction from the newspaper about the billboard, which went up on Friday morning, but he said, “I assume they’re not happy.”

Ini is a co-author, with Ricki Hollander, of ‘Indicting Israel: New York Times Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict,’ the CAMERA monograph about the newspaper’s reporting.

“The New York Times is famous for holding other powers accountable, and I know they feel a lot less comfortable with the spotlight on them; it’s safe to assume they’re not happy about this,” he said.

The rationale behind the giant billboard, CAMERA’s first, is “not something that comes out of the blue,” Ini said.

“We want them to pay attention, but this is not something that comes out of the blue, more of a continuum of a conversation. Over the years, we’ve met with their editors about our concerns, published a study zooming into fine detail about the nature of how they view news against Israel, published a monograph about our study, have run ads in the New York City area to get their attention; basically, we really do want them to hear our message every day.”

He said when they learned about the availability of the billboard space, in view of the New York Times’s headquarters, CAMERA jumped at the opportunity because the newspaper’s management would be “forced to contend with it.”

While multiple attempts to reach the Times’s communication department were unsuccessful on Friday morning, several people who picked up the telephone within the organization confirmed that they saw the billboard. “I can’t see it from this side of the building, but I definitely did on my way in this morning,” one assistant told The Algemeiner. “Ya, it was pretty ugly,” said another.

CAMERA’s Ini said this was the Boston-based watchdog’s “first foray” into really confronting the Times in such a grand fashion and is a “step up” to raise awareness.

“This is a very influential newspaper read by millions and policy makers and people should know the facts about how they’re misleading readers,” Ini said.

As to the effectiveness of CAMERA’s approach, Ini says that it works.

“Sometimes we hear back directly when our work has immediate effect,” he said, adding that CAMERA has been successful at forcing the newspaper to issue retractions in the past and, on one story, three times.

“We contacted their editors about the misrepresenting of a UN resolution, and we pushed them, and they corrected it again, and again, and a third time, until the editor finally stood up and reprimanded the journalists, having them accept the fact they made a mistake.”

He said that question was about the Times reporting of the Camp David accords, under U.S. President Bill Clinton, and specifically the wording used to describe UN Security Resolution 242, with the Times reporters reading into details that didn’t exist in the actual text.

“The newspaper is violating its own code of ethics, and we believe this policy of confronting them and publicizing their mistakes works,” he said.

In CAMERA’s monograph about the Times coverage of Israel, Ini highlighted the reporting of Jodi Rudoren, the paper’s Jerusalem correspondent, who happens to be Jewish, among others.

“Problems continue with her work and the question of fairness may have gotten worse since she started. There’s a tendency to editorialize that puts harsh opinions into news articles where they don’t belong. Of course, the editorial pages can publish whatever opinions they want, but news coverage should be more impartial.”

He said that one example is the subtle use of loaded adjectives to describe Israeli leaders, describing them as “shrill, stubborn, strident, abrasive, or cynical.”

“These types of adjectives have no scope coming out of a reporter’s mouth,” he said. “They might be fine for the opinion pages, but that’s something we’re promised won’t happen in a news story by a paper that says they cover news impartially.”

The question of Rudoren’s Judaism doesn’t mean her reporting is more balanced than others, he said.

“Historically, being a Jewish reporter doesn’t mean you’re more fair, or accurate or balanced, or even reasonable about Israel. When you look at the range of voices out there, being Jewish doesn’t play a predictable role in the fairness of a newspaper’s coverage,” Ini said.

“Whether this is intentional or overcompensation, we don’t know, but what we do know is that was the case with the Times during the Holocaust when there was an intentional move to distance the paper from Jewish issues so as not to be seen as a Jewish paper because its owners were Jewish.”

There is also “a popular misconception” that the Times is still owned by Jews — the Sulzberger family is no longer Jewish, but Episcopalian, Ini said.

The chairman of the newspaper’s parent company is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., who was born to an Episcopalian mother and Jewish father, and he was raised Episcopalian – “he was basically not born a Jew,” Ini confirms. ”That’s another total misconception brought to you by people who think Jews own all the media – well, they do not own this one.”

CAMERA counts 65,000 members among its supporters, with a mission to hold “communications media to traditional journalism standards of accuracy, objectivity, context, comprehensiveness, balance, prompt correction of errors and absence of conflicts of interest.”
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The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:

of the MANY things that hajji muslims hate ----bsides truth and justice and
decency are the FACTS about the filth of shariah and the depravity of their
creed and the perversity it has wrecked upon the world-----for the past 1400

~~~~ hey hey nabi shill firday friday --your favorite day to rape and KILL
hey hey mecca sow--- friday friday----your time to murder is right now
Why are you distorting other poster's words ?

You actually used the quote function and changed the words of another poster.

That is extremely dishonest and unethical.

This is what Post 2 by Sunni Man read before you altered it.

"The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. "

The one thing Palestinians and their supporters hate is the truth to be told about the Palestinians fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:

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Why are you distorting other poster's words ?

You actually used the quote function and changed the words of another poster.

That is extremely dishonest and unethical.

This is what Post 2 by Sunni Man read before you altered it.

"The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. "

The one thing Palestinians and their supporters hate is the truth to be told about the Palestinians fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:


People can see what his original post was Sherri, so don't whine.

Either way, the only thing I did was state the truth

And please Sheri, you out of all posters here shouldn't be talking about what's DISHONEST and UNETHICAL
The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:

The stupidity of CAMERA is beyond my comprehension.

Such a billboard will only encourage those opposed to Israeli policies but worse, it will provide fodder for anti-Semites.

First of all, The New York Times is perhaps the most widely read and most respected newspaper in the USA, if not the world.

Most people who see this billboard will probably do nothing. Many of them already have already made up their minds or don't care. But those who haven't made up their minds will check into it and begin to learn about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, like the rest of the world, will begin to really question why we are supporting Israel and the racist and aparthid practices, and the people who will take the time to look into such things are generally people of action.

Secondly, they will look into CAMERA and find that it is a propaganda site run by Jewish people and whose membership is mainly Jewish, not to mention it is a whiney, pissant little organization with only 65 thousand subscribers in a nation of +300 million people. In other words, they will see that many American jews support racism and bigotry.

Some people do not know when to keep their mouth shut. Israel is slaughtering children and ethnically cleansing the area of Palestinians and CAMERA is calling attention to it. The U.S presses have been very favorable to Israel and all CAMERA is doing is creating a tempest in a teapot, but a tempest that may well drown them, and a lot of well meaning Jews in the process.
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The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:
The stupidity of CAMERA is beyond my comprehension.
CAMERA routinely gets corrections from Major Media Worldwide.

Dreolin said:
Such a billboard will only encourage those opposed to Israeli policies but worse, it will provide fodder for anti-Semites.
You mean YOURSELF of course. (and obviously from what's quoted below and in your previous posts)

Dreolin said:
First of all, The New York Times is perhaps the most widely read and most respected newspaper in the USA, if not the world.
Two Birds with One stone!
Many Corrections from the NYT Prompted by... CAMERA Facts.
CAMERA: New York Times

OUCHER Akhmed!

Dreolin said:
Secondly, they will look into CAMERA and find that it is a propaganda site run by Jewish people and whose membership is mainly Jewish, not to mention it is a whiney, pissant little organization with only 65 thousand subscribers in a nation of +300 million people. In other words, they will see that many American jews support racism and bigotry.
You forgot to Substitute 'Zionist' for 'Jew'. Your Bigotry is showing again Adolph.

Dreolin said:
Some people do not know when to keep their mouth shut. Israel is slaughtering children and....
Actually it's posts/Hyperbolic Slander like this, Not CAMERA's meticulous work, that is counterproductive to it's author's intent.
Everyone can see you are just a Foul-mouthed bigot slime-ball, not merely an 'Israel critic'.
Of course we knew that already.
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The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:

The stupidity of CAMERA is beyond my comprehension.

Such a billboard will only encourage those opposed to Israeli policies but worse, it will provide fodder for anti-Semites.

First of all, The New York Times is perhaps the most widely read and most respected newspaper in the USA, if not the world.

Most people who see this billboard will probably do nothing. Many of them already have already made up their minds or don't care. But those who haven't made up their minds will check into it and begin to learn about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, like the rest of the world, will begin to really question why we are supporting Israel and the racist and aparthid practices, and the people who will take the time to look into such things are generally people of action.

Secondly, they will look into CAMERA and find that it is a propaganda site run by Jewish people and whose membership is mainly Jewish, not to mention it is a whiney, pissant little organization with only 65 thousand subscribers in a nation of +300 million people. In other words, they will see that many American jews support racism and bigotry.

Some people do not know when to keep their mouth shut. Israel is slaughtering children and ethnically cleansing the area of Palestinians and CAMERA is calling attention to it. The U.S presses have been very favorable to Israel and all CAMERA is doing is creating a tempest in a teapot, but a tempest that may well drown them, and a lot of well meaning Jews in the process.

Phocid Redux, do please mop up that drool from your mouth - and can't you try to be less blatant in your gloating? I highly doubt anyone here buys the 'sincerity' of your concern for 'well meaning'(sic) Jews.

And BTW, if it's a paltry 65,000 subscribers to CAMERA out of 300+ million people - there are close to 6 million Jews, so 65,000 represents a paltry number of even Jewish Americans. IOW, if one can actually *count* - and assuming that CAMERA is as the oathbreaking scofflaw making the post I quoted claims - its actually FEW American Jews supporting what is claimed as 'racist and bigoted'.
The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:

There is a difference between truth and the active engagement in prejudice and hatred.
The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:
The stupidity of CAMERA is beyond my comprehension.
CAMERA routinely gets corrections from Major Media Worldwide.

You mean YOURSELF of course. (and obviously from what's quoted below and in your previous posts)

Two Birds with One stone!
Many Corrections from the NYT Prompted by... CAMERA Facts.
CAMERA: New York Times

OUCHER Akhmed!

Dreolin said:
Secondly, they will look into CAMERA and find that it is a propaganda site run by Jewish people and whose membership is mainly Jewish, not to mention it is a whiney, pissant little organization with only 65 thousand subscribers in a nation of +300 million people. In other words, they will see that many American jews support racism and bigotry.
You forgot to Substitute 'Zionist' for 'Jew'. Your Bigotry is showing again Adolph.

Dreolin said:
Some people do not know when to keep their mouth shut. Israel is slaughtering children and....
Actually it's posts/Hyperbolic Slander like this, Not CAMERA's meticulous work, that is counterproductive to it's author's intent.
Everyone can see you are just a Foul-mouthed bigot slime-ball, not merely an 'Israel critic'.
Of course we knew that already.

No, I didn't forget to substitute "Zionist" for "Jew". It is a sad fact that Jews are isolating themselves and are the ones who support CAMERA and Israeli propaganda, and much to the detriment of those Jews of good conscience who speak out against Israeli policy and those who support it.

I think I have pretty well reduced the Jeewish/Zionist element to little more thaan name callung, another thing people are beginning to realize as a ruse. I rarely call names, perhaps when somebody makes a horrendous llegation as Hossfly has recently done.

Here is what is truly sad though. You are losing your own children because they see through your guise.
The one thing zionist jews hate is the truth to be told about Israel's fascist policies and apartheid agenda. .. :cool:

The stupidity of CAMERA is beyond my comprehension.

Such a billboard will only encourage those opposed to Israeli policies but worse, it will provide fodder for anti-Semites.

First of all, The New York Times is perhaps the most widely read and most respected newspaper in the USA, if not the world.

Most people who see this billboard will probably do nothing. Many of them already have already made up their minds or don't care. But those who haven't made up their minds will check into it and begin to learn about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, like the rest of the world, will begin to really question why we are supporting Israel and the racist and aparthid practices, and the people who will take the time to look into such things are generally people of action.

Secondly, they will look into CAMERA and find that it is a propaganda site run by Jewish people and whose membership is mainly Jewish, not to mention it is a whiney, pissant little organization with only 65 thousand subscribers in a nation of +300 million people. In other words, they will see that many American jews support racism and bigotry.

Some people do not know when to keep their mouth shut. Israel is slaughtering children and ethnically cleansing the area of Palestinians and CAMERA is calling attention to it. The U.S presses have been very favorable to Israel and all CAMERA is doing is creating a tempest in a teapot, but a tempest that may well drown them, and a lot of well meaning Jews in the process.

Extremely pathetic attempt at trying to legitimize an organization that is there to give viewers an alternative view and to correct mistakes made by the NYTimes. Not to mention that considering you're a well known anti - Semite, we all know that the ONLY reason you are criticizing CAMERA is because it is a Jewish based organization.

it is a propaganda site
I'm almost certain you have zero proof to back that up. Can you prove me wrong?

run by Jewish people and whose membership is mainly Jewish,

Yes, we know how much you dislike Jews LOL. What does it matter if it is a mainly Jewish organization? If it was mainly a Christian group, would you have mentioned that? Probably not..

whiney, pissant little organization
What is whiney about them? That they are trying to correct the viewpoint of certain issues of the NYTimes concerning Israel ?? There are plenty of sites like this (pro Israel and pro - Palestinian), but you are picking on this one because?????

only 65 thousand subscribers in a nation of +300 million

Another pathetic attempt at delegitimizing an organization. I can't stress the word pathetic enough.

Israel is slaughtering children and ethnically cleansing the area of Palestinians and CAMERA is calling attention to it

Further proof that you know nothing about CAMERA

In other words, they will see that many American jews support racism and bigotry.

LOL How did you come to that conclusion? Fuck, your despise for Jews is outstanding.

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