Exclusive: VP Biden Steered $1.8B tax dollars to Ukraine; Son Hunter Bagged ‘Sweetheart Govt Deal’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Gee smells like COLLUSION..the commie media should close their eyes and pretend this story is about Donald Trump Jr instead of Hunter Biden and see how fast they report it!!!

SNIP--Joe Biden monetized his vice presidential powers, says author Peter Schweizer. “It’s pretty clear that the for-sale sign was open, and that a lot of foreign powers — including foreign governments — gave money to his son, Hunter Biden. "That demands investigation. Financial records from Morgan Stanley [are] very, very clear. It shows line after line after line of money going into an account that is marked ‘Robert H. Biden,’ (Hunter Biden’s legal name), and it shows huge sums of money coming in from Ukrainians, Chinese, Kazakhs, and anonymous LLCs. It’s all there in black and white.”

Hunter Biden sat on the board of Bohai Harvest RST — an obscure private equity firm — which secured a $1.5 billion investment from the Chinese government, noted Schweizer. “The deal with China was the first financial deal with the Chinese government that allowed moving assets to the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. J.P. Morgan didn’t have this kind of deal, Goldman Sachs didn’t have this kind of deal, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, the only firm that had this deal was Hunter's small boutique firm started a couple of years ago.”

In March 2018, an aide of Joe Biden’s dismissed Schweizer’s investigations and research given Schweizer’s relationship with Breitbart News: “We aren’t going to engage on a politically motivated hit pieces based on a series of demonstrable, factual errors from a Breitbart-affiliated author and his financial backers.”

Schweizer responded, “So he can huff and puff and attack me personally all he wants. In part, he attacked me because of my role as an editor at Breitbart, but that doesn’t erase the facts.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Progressives DON'T care what they're people do. The ends justify the means every time.
Gee smells like COLLUSION..the commie media should close their eyes and pretend this story is about Donald Trump Jr instead of Hunter Biden and see how fast they report it!!!

SNIP--Joe Biden monetized his vice presidential powers, says author Peter Schweizer. “It’s pretty clear that the for-sale sign was open, and that a lot of foreign powers — including foreign governments — gave money to his son, Hunter Biden. "That demands investigation. Financial records from Morgan Stanley [are] very, very clear. It shows line after line after line of money going into an account that is marked ‘Robert H. Biden,’ (Hunter Biden’s legal name), and it shows huge sums of money coming in from Ukrainians, Chinese, Kazakhs, and anonymous LLCs. It’s all there in black and white.”

Hunter Biden sat on the board of Bohai Harvest RST — an obscure private equity firm — which secured a $1.5 billion investment from the Chinese government, noted Schweizer. “The deal with China was the first financial deal with the Chinese government that allowed moving assets to the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. J.P. Morgan didn’t have this kind of deal, Goldman Sachs didn’t have this kind of deal, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, the only firm that had this deal was Hunter's small boutique firm started a couple of years ago.”

In March 2018, an aide of Joe Biden’s dismissed Schweizer’s investigations and research given Schweizer’s relationship with Breitbart News: “We aren’t going to engage on a politically motivated hit pieces based on a series of demonstrable, factual errors from a Breitbart-affiliated author and his financial backers.”

Schweizer responded, “So he can huff and puff and attack me personally all he wants. In part, he attacked me because of my role as an editor at Breitbart, but that doesn’t erase the facts.”

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...

Notice the vice president has no pants?
"Joe Biden was Vice President when Sandy Hook happened. He was VP when my family went to the White House (many times) looking for help with school safety. But he and his boss refused to help bc it didn’t fit their gun control agenda. I’ll take 4 more years of Trump, thanks!" - Wacky JT Lewis

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