
Until they want to open a business, or need an organ transplant, or their cancer treated. Lots of folks moving to Texas. I guess if murder is what you do it may be like you say.

Still barbarians...

We are the only country in North America that still uses it, Europe doesn't use it, Russia doesn't use it

Who is left? The US with Texas in the lead. China, Muslim countries

We are judged by the company we keep

Ya, Russia don't use capital punishment ? I'll give you that it ain't the way to go, but saying what you did is just silly. If Texas is so bad, maybe the ultra sophisticated should stop going to Texas to get their cancer treated, their organs transplanted, and by God, stop opening business there. I think they get by fine as long as they don't kill anyone.

Russia does not have capital punishment.

Texas is more barbaric than Russia
Then why do states without a Death Penalty have a lower murder rate than those that do?

Why do countries that have banned capital punishment (The UK, Germany, France) have lower murder rates than the US?

There is no correlation between capital punishment and the murder rate.


I beg to differ.
Perhaps you have the chicken and egg the wrong way around an such places don't need the death penalty because they have a far lower murder rate to cope with.
I am only saddened by the fact it took so long to execute this cold-blooded murderer.

The woman preyed upon the weak and elderly. After murdering two others, she killed her last elderly, disabled victim, cut off her finger to retrieve a ring that she later tired to hock to buy drugs. She was also caught using her disfigured victim's credit cards and car.


Liberals in this forum should rejoice because she was part of racial supremacist group. She married a member of the New Black Panther Party. On the other hand, liberals shouldn't rejoice because their objectives are little different than the Panthers. Excuse me.
oh boo hop, we should not impose death on killers but it's okay to impose death on tiny defenseless babies. oh boo hop.

Fetuses aren't babies, and when you start caring about babies in non-fetus form, we'll take you seriously.

not caring if your dumb ass EVER takes me seriously, I certainly don't take your dumb ass seriously. Seriously

Yay, let's jump up and down for joy. I wonder how many were actually innocent? I really don't have a problem with the death penalty if we know for certain they are guilty, but there have been enough cases where there has been enough doubt that we should, without a doubt, abolish the death penalty. Secondly, we know that poor and/or minorities are sent to execution in much greater percentages than whites who are not poor, when comparing similar types of murders. Last of all, if we your point was to celebrate the death of anyone, then that is just plain morbid, although I'm not sure that was your point. Maybe you were just pointing out the fact that it is what it is.

Well, I guess Texas is not a good place to perpetrate a capital crime. As for the minorities getting it more then whites, they tend to kill each other more then the whites do.

You obviously do not understand basic statistics, but that's okay. I realize that is beyond most conservative understanding.
Still barbarians...

We are the only country in North America that still uses it, Europe doesn't use it, Russia doesn't use it

Who is left? The US with Texas in the lead. China, Muslim countries

We are judged by the company we keep

Ya, Russia don't use capital punishment ? I'll give you that it ain't the way to go, but saying what you did is just silly. If Texas is so bad, maybe the ultra sophisticated should stop going to Texas to get their cancer treated, their organs transplanted, and by God, stop opening business there. I think they get by fine as long as they don't kill anyone.

Russia does not have capital punishment.

Texas is more barbaric than Russia

Spend some time in a Russian prision and then revisit your statement.
Yay, let's jump up and down for joy. I wonder how many were actually innocent? I really don't have a problem with the death penalty if we know for certain they are guilty, but there have been enough cases where there has been enough doubt that we should, without a doubt, abolish the death penalty. Secondly, we know that poor and/or minorities are sent to execution in much greater percentages than whites who are not poor, when comparing similar types of murders. Last of all, if we your point was to celebrate the death of anyone, then that is just plain morbid, although I'm not sure that was your point. Maybe you were just pointing out the fact that it is what it is.

Well, I guess Texas is not a good place to perpetrate a capital crime. As for the minorities getting it more then whites, they tend to kill each other more then the whites do.

Race of Defendants Executed in the U.S. Since 1976
459 35%
LATINO 103 7%
751 56%
OTHER 24 2%
Race of Death Row Inmates Executed Since 1976 | Death Penalty Information Center

Raw numbers do not equate to statistics. Go back to school.
No, they will feel a warped sense of revenge, which will never take their pain away.

The inmate they executed was a woman, Noomi.

And revenge is sweet, by the way.

You have to imagine someone doing that horrific crime to someone you love dearly. I mean really picture it and feel it. Then tell me you'd object to the person being put to death.

Hey, the woman was okay with being executed, anyway. She says she's going home to Jesus. So everyone's happy.

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