Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

There is no glut. Your hyperbole is ignored.
professors are progs

Of course they are, they are educated! WTF?

College costs are fine, who pays teh costs is not.

This is clearly a cost that should be on business not on the student nor government.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

More teachers and lawyers? LOL

We have way to many of these leaches as it is.
I would argue that you should work a job while in college, and pay your way through.
A fair point, but not a solution to the problem. Pointing at people and saying, "Do better!" is a nonsolution. It is literally "doing nothing". And woth todays tuition costs, its not a viable situation for most students anyway. $15-20K per year at most State universities. Do YOU have $15-$20K annual disposable income? Did you have that when you were 19?
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

More teachers and lawyers? LOL

We have way to many of these leaches as it is.
No, we have. a teacher shortage.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.
Bet your arse it’s a good deal. Let’s PARTY !
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

More teachers and lawyers? LOL

We have way to many of these leaches as it is.
No, we have. a teacher shortage.

we do?

pretty much any warm body will do

that is how the last generation learned
Frankly, I don't know of a better way. It's probably not a one answer problem anyway, but I don't believe the federal gov't should be involved in student loans. Or mortgages either. Or abortions. Or minimum wage. Or local law and order. Or health care. All of these and more are best solved at the local and state level, each according to their needs and resources.

A better way is let them payoff their own debt like my niece and nephew just did. HTF are these people supposed to learn anything by being bailed out when they make a mistake? I understand the Democrat party is the party of irresponsible people, but making more irresponsible people certainly won't help this nation one bit.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

There is no glut. Your hyperbole is ignored.

When the supply exceeds the demand, there is a glut. Please, do share where there is such high demand for these types of majors. Please show the compelling data to go $100ks in debt for gender studies majors? Contrast that to the shortage of Cybersecurity analysts where you can get certifications at local colleges for less that than $5k and a high paying job that is in demand?


it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
Did the farmers refuse their $24B in socialist support (on top of the subsidies)?

" Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget, according to a POLITICO analysis. But lawmakers have taken a largely hands-off approach, letting the department decide who gets the money and how much. "

You don’t know what the F your talking about, which doesn’t surprise me. Maybe you should sit down with a Rancher or Farmer and educate yourself before you make a bigger ass out of yourself.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

More teachers and lawyers? LOL

We have way to many of these leaches as it is.
No, we have. a teacher shortage.

we do?

pretty much any warm body will do

that is how the last generation learned
We do. Nearly all of those warm bodies require 6 years of education and training. That's why you cant be one.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

More teachers and lawyers? LOL

We have way to many of these leaches as it is.
No, we have. a teacher shortage.

we do?

pretty much any warm body will do

that is how the last generation learned
We do. Nearly all of those warm bodies require 6 years of education and training. That's why you cant be one.

kinda silly to have such requirements for so menial a job, I agree.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

There is no glut. Your hyperbole is ignored.

When the supply exceeds the demand, there is a glut. Please, do share where there is such high demand for these types of majors. Please show the compelling data to go $100ks in debt for gender studies majors? Contrast that to the shortage of Cybersecurity analysts where you can get certifications at local colleges for less that than $5k and a high paying job that is in demand?

You said there was a glut. Its on you to prove that.
ood idea. You don't need college to study for a bar exam anyway; this country did fine with self-educated professionals for over 150 years. So did Wall Street and all the big corporations. Why should the Fed train a company's employees for them? Conservatives like to make lots of noise all about 'free enterprise', yet demand taxpayers train and educate their workers. It's hypocrisy and bullshit. Companies did just fine with hiring people with liberal arts degrees and training them. John D. took a few business school courses in accounting and regular high school. Walter Chrysler learned engineering working as a blacksmith on a railroad shop floor.

When have the conservatives ever want government paying for anything? We never promoted that, the left did. We didn't steal loans from the banks and put it in governments hands, DumBama did.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

More teachers and lawyers? LOL

We have way to many of these leaches as it is.
No, we have. a teacher shortage.

we do?

pretty much any warm body will do

that is how the last generation learned
We do. Nearly all of those warm bodies require 6 years of education and training. That's why you cant be one.

kinda silly to have such requirements for so menial a job, I agree.
I smell jealousy.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

The core trouble is people took on more debt than they should have. Republican or Democrat, it’s time for limits.

How about private businesses training their own employees instead of whining for govt. to do it, then sniveling about how the govt. does it.

For starters how about the government expanding vocational training program options instead of the myth that a formal high school education is the ticket to ride? Teach a man or woman to fish instead of giving them a fish. Historically proven to yield better results.
Teachers, lawyers, doctors, IT, plumbers, mechanics are what we want and are needed. What is not needed are gluts of Womens Studies majors who are $100ks in debt hoping they can get a piece of the Gender Tendencies in Pakistan program.

Exactly. This is before Covid, but makes the point of my previous career. Industry can't find enough drivers.

If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

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