Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

There is no Executive Order doing this. And none I know of being proposed.'
Straw man much?
I have zero problem with canceling student debt. Assuming of course its' on the colleges to take the hit, not the government paying off the loan. It is after all partly the colleges fault for offering something it knows damn well is useless.
That is what I've been advocating. Student debt relief funded 100% by the Colleges. I would exclude science and math related degrees as they are highly marketable. If you can't get a job with an engineering or bio-chemistry degree, that's on you.
There is no Executive Order doing this. And none I know of being proposed.'
Straw man much?

From the OP:

Can a president cancel student loan debt?

Warren and Schumer say that student loan cancellation will stimulate the economy, reduce disparity, increase family formation, encourage new businesses, improve retirement savings, spur homebuying, and help relieve a generation of borrowers from crushing consumer debt. Earlier this week, Warren tweeted: “Canceling student loan debt would immediately put money in the pockets of millions of Americans. It would help dig our economy out of this crisis. And we don’t have to wait for Congress: the Biden-Harris administration can get it done with their executive authority.”
That is what I've been advocating. Student debt relief funded 100% by the Colleges. I would exclude science and math related degrees as they are highly marketable. If you can't get a job with an engineering or bio-chemistry degree, that's on you.

You'd really have to nail down "Science" as a definition, as there are a great many courses that colleges would consider them a branch of science of phycology. You can get a PHD in "Women's Studies" as an example...
And government is still paying for it. I didn't say stay at home until your 30's or 40's, I said stay home a couple of years. You won't be any less sharp starting college at the age of 21 or 22. You can continue to work part-time during school, and full-time when there are no classes.

yeah, you make it sound like you never went to college, and it shows.

Back in the 1980's, I worked my way through college. The National Guard picked up my tuition, but I still had to pay for everything else working two minimum wage jobs. And this was back in the 1980's, when the minimum wage was actually worth a lot more than it is now relative to inflation.
Ole Joe is making sure they ain't coming back and getting rid of thousands of good jobs in his first day. Oh and ole Joe owns the China plague and hasn't a clue what to do.

Polluting the environment isn't a "Good Job".

We know how this goes, buddy. YOu'll spend the next year whining Biden didn't fix Trump's fuckups fast enough... and then when he does, you'll claim it was nothing to do with him and move on to some bullshit social issue.

"Hey, the economy is pretty good and no one has died of Covid in years!"

"Never mind that... There's a Dude in a dress, and he wants to use the same bathroom as your daughter!!!"
Lol, has nothing to do with polluting the environment. Buffet ownes the railroads that transport the oil. He is a huge democrat donor. Also 18 wheelers will be transporting the oil now. The pipeline is more environmentally sound than the alternatives, ole Joe has been bought again!
He is also competing against your daughter in school athletics which could rob her of a trophy she rightfully deserved, or worse yet a college scholarship since we're on the subject.

Everyone gets free college. Problem solved.

Frankly, I've never understood this bizarre thing of making girls compete in sports no one actually wants to watch to get money for college.

If you got rid of Title IX and just let the colleges do sports for money, you'd be amazed how fast those scholarships would dry up.

Instead, you have the bizarre thing of the Varsity Blues Mom faking a Rowing Team Resume for her daughter, and getting into college for it. Well, it wasn't like anyone was going to check. No one watches those sports.

So what you have are dumb-as-stump athletes getting into the sports some people watch (Men's basketball and Football) and a bunch of other sports they give out scholarships and admissions for because the government makes them.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

What money?

I'm not a history teacher. If you have had your head buried in the sand for the last few decades, whatever.
it seems you must have been public schooled let help you out

If it's not alone you don't have to pay it back

I think that you shouldn't be questioning the education of others.

Talk to text error sugar
Lol, has nothing to do with polluting the environment. Buffet ownes the railroads that transport the oil. He is a huge democrat donor. Also 18 wheelers will be transporting the oil now. The pipeline is more environmentally sound than the alternatives, ole Joe has been bought again!

Actually, it's really not, because one of those burst, the water table gets polluted for decades.
Ole Joe is making sure they ain't coming back and getting rid of thousands of good jobs in his first day. Oh and ole Joe owns the China plague and hasn't a clue what to do.

Polluting the environment isn't a "Good Job".

We know how this goes, buddy. YOu'll spend the next year whining Biden didn't fix Trump's fuckups fast enough... and then when he does, you'll claim it was nothing to do with him and move on to some bullshit social issue.

"Hey, the economy is pretty good and no one has died of Covid in years!"

"Never mind that... There's a Dude in a dress, and he wants to use the same bathroom as your daughter!!!"
Lol, has nothing to do with polluting the environment. Buffet ownes the railroads that transport the oil. He is a huge democrat donor. Also 18 wheelers will be transporting the oil now. The pipeline is more environmentally sound than the alternatives, ole Joe has been bought again!

Why the fuck would an american nationlaist care about canadian oil sludge

let those fucking canadians ship it to their own coast and deal with it there. Not drag that fucking toxic sludge across the heartland

Fuck you retard.

"bend me over capital what is clean water and why would i care"

Wanna be nationalists like you should be hung. The worst. Just a pleb who doesn't know his place
Lol, has nothing to do with polluting the environment. Buffet ownes the railroads that transport the oil. He is a huge democrat donor. Also 18 wheelers will be transporting the oil now. The pipeline is more environmentally sound than the alternatives, ole Joe has been bought again!

Actually, it's really not, because one of those burst, the water table gets polluted for decades.
Train wreck with millions of barrels will do the same. There are thousands of miles of lines already. They do well.
That is what I've been advocating. Student debt relief funded 100% by the Colleges. I would exclude science and math related degrees as they are highly marketable. If you can't get a job with an engineering or bio-chemistry degree, that's on you.

You'd really have to nail down "Science" as a definition, as there are a great many courses that colleges would consider them a branch of science of phycology. You can get a PHD in "Women's Studies" as an example...
True. I would make the distinction between "hard sciences" and "social sciences". Women's studies would clearly be in the social sciences group.
I paid for my children's secondary education in full. It was painful. And now I have to pay for other kids too, I see.

I guess I should have let my kids take taxpayer-funded loans instead.

$50k for a doctorate in Gender Studies for a student who got C's and will become an activist and/or politician. Isn't that wonderful.


LOL, there is only one American soldier in your picture, I think the others are Brits.
It's not my picture; it's a meme from the interwebs.

And so what. It makes a great point, and Brits are our allies.

Here is one of my pictures...

yeah, you make it sound like you never went to college, and it shows.

Back in the 1980's, I worked my way through college. The National Guard picked up my tuition, but I still had to pay for everything else working two minimum wage jobs. And this was back in the 1980's, when the minimum wage was actually worth a lot more than it is now relative to inflation.

And there is nothing wrong with that. If you served, then you earned that aid in tuition. If you got even more by joining the military full-time, good on you. But these kids don't understand the responsibility of finances, and government giving them a free ride isn't going to help them in that area either. They pick a study without looking at the want ads to see if there is a demand in that field of work, party for two, four or more years running up a huge debt, didn't work the entire time, and then cry about having to pay it off.

No, I didn't go to college, but my niece and nephew did. My niece took up biology, she's still waiting tables today. My nephew was already working part-time, and decided to get into a profession in that company he was working for, ended up with a Masters degree, and is still working today. But.......my sister, her ex, and both kids had a lot of debt to payoff. My nephew is way ahead because he was working when he decided a field of work.
rain wreck with millions of barrels will do the same. There are thousands of miles of lines already. They do well.

Irrelevant. Who owns the trains that are going to be transporting that oil across our country? Warren Buffet. Who contributes big bucks to the Democrat party, and likely to Joe Biden? You guessed it.
That is what I've been advocating. Student debt relief funded 100% by the Colleges. I would exclude science and math related degrees as they are highly marketable. If you can't get a job with an engineering or bio-chemistry degree, that's on you.

You'd really have to nail down "Science" as a definition, as there are a great many courses that colleges would consider them a branch of science of phycology. You can get a PHD in "Women's Studies" as an example...
True. I would make the distinction between "hard sciences" and "social sciences". Women's studies would clearly be in the social sciences group.
Then again... If it's the College itself taking the hit... You can bet your sweet ass that phycology would no longer be considered a "Science" anymore. Even if it *could* be. I believe the implementation on how the work is applied is what makes it a science, not the foundation of the topic itself. Money makes a for profit organization a hypocrite faster than anything else I've noticed.

So... Yeah. I think what you propose wouldn't be so bad.

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