Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

Student loan forgiveness is about as unfair as anything could be. Another Democrat fuck up, right there with open borders and sanctuary cities.

Correct, and what's next, home mortgage forgiveness? Auto loans on electric cars? This is a country 28 trillion in debt, and dementia Joe is about to add another 2 trillion.
I paid for my children's secondary education in full. It was painful. And now I have to pay for other kids too, I see.

I guess I should have let my kids take taxpayer-funded loans instead.

$50k for a doctorate in Gender Studies for a student who got C's and will become an activist and/or politician. Isn't that wonderful.

I'm just curious how many "Gender Studies" majors you think are out there, exactly.

Here is is again... the list of top college majors for degrees given out.

Here's a list of the top ten college majors... Gender studies isn't anywhere on the list.

Most of them are actually career field related.

You don't even understand your own links. That is not a list of the most popular majors; it is a list of what that website thinks are the best majors.

And you are right, Gender Studies, just an example I came up with off the top of my head, is not even on this list.

So thanks for backing up my point about wasting $50k on each of those majors.

For the record, I have an engineering degree. I have one child getting a Computer Science degree soon, and another who is has an Associate's degree and welding certification and employed as a welder.


Everyone gets free college. Problem solved.

Frankly, I've never understood this bizarre thing of making girls compete in sports no one actually wants to watch to get money for college.

If you got rid of Title IX and just let the colleges do sports for money, you'd be amazed how fast those scholarships would dry up.

Instead, you have the bizarre thing of the Varsity Blues Mom faking a Rowing Team Resume for her daughter, and getting into college for it. Well, it wasn't like anyone was going to check. No one watches those sports.

So what you have are dumb-as-stump athletes getting into the sports some people watch (Men's basketball and Football) and a bunch of other sports they give out scholarships and admissions for because the government makes them.

College is an investment, and the federal government should not be funding investments. You want taxpayers to send somebody to school to get a law degree, then when he's making the big bucks, charges that taxpayer who funded his or her education $250.00 an hour for their services. Sorry, there is nothing equitable about that.

Even if there is no college scholarship, people who are into sports compete to win. They are striving to be the best and put a lot of work into it. There is no reason to take that pride away from them because of some half-a-sissy in a dress is so Fd up in the head he actually thinks he's a girl.
Then again... If it's the College itself taking the hit... You can bet your sweet ass that phycology would no longer be considered a "Science" anymore. Even if it *could* be. I believe the implementation on how the work is applied is what makes it a science, not the foundation of the topic itself. Money makes a for profit organization a hypocrite faster than anything else I've noticed.

So... Yeah. I think what you propose wouldn't be so bad.
In a logical world, it would be reasonable for colleges (NOT the government) to "discount" less marketable degrees. But since our world is not logical, we both know my proposal would go nowhere.
In a logical world, it would be reasonable for colleges (NOT the government) to "discount" less marketable degrees. But since our world is not logical, we both know my proposal would go nowhere.
I’m old enough to remember the left telling me presidents can’t spend money on things like border protection without congress.

wonder what’s different this time?

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

The core trouble is people took on more debt than they should have. Republican or Democrat, it’s time for limits.

How about private businesses training their own employees instead of whining for govt. to do it, then sniveling about how the govt. does it.

For starters how about the government expanding vocational training program options instead of the myth that a formal high school education is the ticket to ride? Teach a man or woman to fish instead of giving them a fish. Historically proven to yield better results.

For starters, how about companies paying for their training? Teach a conservative to actually pay his own way insread of whining about how the government should give hi free stuff and he will get better results.

A high school education is more than adequate for the vast majority of jobs created in the last 50 years. Just because some company wants a 4 year degree for its part time receptionist job opening in the lobby doesn't mean its actually a real necessity.
Lol, has nothing to do with polluting the environment. Buffet ownes the railroads that transport the oil. He is a huge democrat donor. Also 18 wheelers will be transporting the oil now. The pipeline is more environmentally sound than the alternatives, ole Joe has been bought again!

Actually, it's really not, because one of those burst, the water table gets polluted for decades.
U be a bullshit artist. Ooohhh,,,,the water table.. I would support freedom fighters blowing up the trains. Its all fun. Against the wealthy who control us and then you back them up. Three times more in cost to transport the oil.
I’m old enough to remember the left telling me presidents can’t spend money on things like border protection without congress.

wonder what’s different this time?
I remember a time in school when they said only an act of Congress can involve us in a war. And that is why Vietnam was a "conflict" and not a war.

Weird how we keep having conflicts because Congress isn't doing it's job, and allowing presidents to create war where none are supposed to exist.
He is also competing against your daughter in school athletics which could rob her of a trophy she rightfully deserved, or worse yet a college scholarship since we're on the subject.

Everyone gets free college. Problem solved.

Frankly, I've never understood this bizarre thing of making girls compete in sports no one actually wants to watch to get money for college.

If you got rid of Title IX and just let the colleges do sports for money, you'd be amazed how fast those scholarships would dry up.

Instead, you have the bizarre thing of the Varsity Blues Mom faking a Rowing Team Resume for her daughter, and getting into college for it. Well, it wasn't like anyone was going to check. No one watches those sports.

So what you have are dumb-as-stump athletes getting into the sports some people watch (Men's basketball and Football) and a bunch of other sports they give out scholarships and admissions for because the government makes them.

First of all, nothing is "free". That being said, I am open to government-funded or government-assisted college and technical education. However, there needs to be limits and accountability on the recipients receiving funds for college. The current system where students and their parents had access to large debt funding in the name of college education got us into this mess. Moving forward, if you need assistance, there should be a cap. Maybe that cap "limits" one to state and local college. The student should be pursuing an education that will yield skills to be met in the job market so that shortages can be addressed and the student can pay back the loan in a reasonable time frame or otherwise eliminate the need for irresponsible bailouts. Maybe also require the student to serve 5 years in the public sector in areas where skills sets are needed such as IT or healthcare.
Not at all. A mortgage is guaranteed by the real property that backs it.

lol complete rubbish. Loans made based on the imaginary 'equity' of bubble prices aren't 'guaranteed by real property'. That's why bubbles burst, especially when ' real property' has to be marked to market when the bubbles burst. According to your dumb fantasy, nobody lost money in market crashes, cuz the 'real property' was always valued correctly., which of course is a lie.

. There is no free lunch.

Unless you're a corporate shareholder hiding your assets behind limited liability scams and getting protected by bankruptcy laws.
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Student loan forgiveness is about as unfair as anything could be. Another Democrat fuck up, right there with open borders and sanctuary cities.

Correct, and what's next, home mortgage forgiveness?

That has been the case in the last four bubbles already. Why do you think it hasn't? The Feds propped up your housing values several times. No 'conservatives' stood up and refused it and insisted on paying all they borrowed back. They let the government eat all that bad paper. They will after this bubble busts, too.
I’m old enough to remember the left telling me presidents can’t spend money on things like border protection without congress.

wonder what’s different this time?
What do you mean? Trump did it anyway. So maybe we should ask YOU what is "different" this time, since you are the one complaining about it. What's the matter? You don't like playing by the new rules, all of the sudden?
One of their own is Eric Swallows I mean Eric Swallowswell I mean Eric Swalwell has this need. He went to school well over his head 15 years ago to become a POLITICIAN, and apparently he's been broke since.

Sure he's well over-paid, but it doesn't help he has a need for the best gadgets, vacations, first class seats & cocaine. But in PROG, he and those like him just feel it's too much a burden to be responsible for their own, let the people bail you out.

Of course PROGS are too STUPID to know all of this is passed down to the common citizen, results in inflation & teaches us you're not responsible for your actions. They've been convinced the filthy rich pay for this crap, but you know, they claim to be smart too.
I actually approve the Democrats for doing this.

I didn't do well at all in High School, but this is America and USC was a fucking blast. I suppose I could have saved some money to attend college, worked part-time and/or done well in grade school, but High School was a blast too. I was captain our cheerleading squad, all men.

I graduated with a 2.8 and became a teacher, but that sucked & I chose the wrong students to trust. I ended up as a bartender which is really good tips & most under the table. But I have expensive tastes, habits & dependencies, so I've only managed to pay down the loan 8K since I went into debt 115K in 2009 toward a degree in Socialism.
I smell jealousy.

I may be right. I suppose I am resentful of the exorbitant pay and benefits teachers receive for such "soft" employment.
Then go be a teacher. Since it is so easy and lucrative. But you will need a skill other than shitting on things. So you may not be qualified.

As over paid as teachers are it would be a significant cut from what I earn. Plus, I could never stand to have so much time off. I am a driven personality. You need to be real laid back to deal with all that idle time.
Exorbitant pay and benefits
"soft" employment
such a silly idea
also agree, no reason for such palatial benefits and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much time off

Palatial benefits? You really should lay off the drugs and alcohol while posting. BTW, I guess you are another know-it-all talking about "time off".

As a teacher, a typical day began with a 45 minute commute to work. I still arrived 45 minutes to an hour before the students. I normally did my planning for the next day after school and then coached sports, the pay for which was below minimum wage because it was paid by the season. Another 45 minute commute, and I would often get home by 7 pm if I didn't have a game to coach. After dinner, 2-3 hours grading homework was required. Then, it was crawl off to bed so I could do it all again the next day.

Summers we were required to do 80 hours in-service training at our school and if the district required, even more. Any other time I was not working, I was usually looking for another job because schools like those fresh young things straight out of college because they could hire two of them for my meager paycheck, That should give you an idea how bad the starting pay was.

Got any other misconceptions of what a teacher's day was like? I did it for 19 years and was an assistant principal almost 2 years.

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