Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

For starters how about the government expanding vocational training program options instead of the myth that a formal high school education is the ticket to ride? Teach a man or woman to fish instead of giving them a fish. Historically proven to yield better results.

WTF does your first sentence have to do with your second sentence?

BTW, vocational training programs are extremely robust. You come off as someone who is just anti education, likely because you have none.
For starters how about the government expanding vocational training program options instead of the myth that a formal high school education is the ticket to ride? Teach a man or woman to fish instead of giving them a fish. Historically proven to yield better results.

Everybody wants to sit behind a desk. A lot of people won't get an advanced education only to work with their hands.

If I was young today and wanted to get a white collar job, I'd continue living at home for two or three years, get a full time job working as many hours as possible. Save all that money during those years, and then go to college. There is no law that states you must go to college right after graduating high school.

Then I'd be able to pay for college with my own personal check, continue to work part-time during the school year, full time when I'm out of class, and by the time I'd graduate, the school will be paid off totally. At worst, I may have to take a very small loan to payoff the rest.

Most kids don't know WTF they want to go for in college. Working a few years before going would likely give them experience and time to think about what profession they'd like to be in.
For starters how about the government expanding vocational training program options instead of the myth that a formal high school education is the ticket to ride? Teach a man or woman to fish instead of giving them a fish. Historically proven to yield better results.

Everybody wants to sit behind a desk. A lot of people won't get an advanced education only to work with their hands.

If I was young today and wanted to get a white collar job, I'd continue living at home for two or three years, get a full time job working as many hours as possible. Save all that money during those years, and then go to college. There is no law that states you must go to college right after graduating high school.

Then I'd be able to pay for college with my own personal check, continue to work part-time during the school year, full time when I'm out of class, and by the time I'd graduate, the school will be paid off totally. At worst, I may have to take a very small loan to payoff the rest.

Most kids don't know WTF they want to go for in college. Working a few years before going would likely give them experience and time to think about what profession they'd like to be in.

Many people know exactly what they want to be.
I paid for my children's secondary education in full. It was painful. And now I have to pay for other kids too, I see.

I guess I should have let my kids take taxpayer-funded loans instead.

$50k for a doctorate in Gender Studies for a student who got C's and will become an activist and/or politician. Isn't that wonderful.

I'm just curious how many "Gender Studies" majors you think are out there, exactly.

Here is is again... the list of top college majors for degrees given out.

Here's a list of the top ten college majors... Gender studies isn't anywhere on the list.

Most of them are actually career field related.

A better way is let them payoff their own debt like my niece and nephew just did. HTF are these people supposed to learn anything by being bailed out when they make a mistake? I understand the Democrat party is the party of irresponsible people, but making more irresponsible people certainly won't help this nation one bit.

Except they didn't make a mistake. They did exactly what our system expected them to do... go to college to get the skills required for the modern workplace.

Except thanks to Trump Plague and Trump Recession, those jobs aren't out there.
Many people know exactly what they want to be.

Not the kids I've talked to. My nephews ex-wife went to college and asked them what she should be. They told her take up advertising. She's working at a bank processing loans today.
Except they didn't make a mistake. They did exactly what our system expected them to do... go to college to get the skills required for the modern workplace.

Except thanks to Trump Plague and Trump Recession, those jobs aren't out there.

You must have not read my earlier post. There is no law that says if you go to college, you must do so right after high school. Live at home, work full time for a few years, save all that money and pay cash for your education.
I was well into my forties before finishing the pay-off of my college loans-------will I get some back? huh?
I was-----as my son calls it SARDONICALLY ----extremely THRIFTY. ------the poor kid
Well then that settles it. Your nephews ex-wife proves the point.

Actually she's the epitome of what I've seen of younger people who went to college. What do I go for is the biggest question they have. If you're working for a couple of years, you learn a lot of things. You might run into something you never thought of at the age of 18.
Well then that settles it. Your nephews ex-wife proves the point.

Actually she's the epitome of what I've seen of younger people who went to college. What do I go for is the biggest question they have. If you're working for a couple of years, you learn a lot of things. You might run into something you never thought of at the age of 18.

You need to get out.
A better way is let them payoff their own debt like my niece and nephew just did. HTF are these people supposed to learn anything by being bailed out when they make a mistake? I understand the Democrat party is the party of irresponsible people, but making more irresponsible people certainly won't help this nation one bit.

Except they didn't make a mistake. They did exactly what our system expected them to do... go to college to get the skills required for the modern workplace.

Except thanks to Trump Plague and Trump Recession, those jobs aren't out there.
Ole Joe is making sure they ain't coming back and getting rid of thousands of good jobs in his first day. Oh and ole Joe owns the China plague and hasn't a clue what to do.

Another campaign promise broke, what a liar.
You must have not read my earlier post. There is no law that says if you go to college, you must do so right after high school. Live at home, work full time for a few years, save all that money and pay cash for your education.

Um, yeah... Guy, it's a lot harder to start up college after you've started a career doing something else. Sadly, the ideal time to go to college actually is in your late teens, early 20's. Simply put, the human brain is less inclined towards learning in your thirties or forties.

The system I would do... Everyone has to do two years of National Service. If your performance at National Service was good, then you get a free ride in College for four years.
I paid for my children's secondary education in full. It was painful. And now I have to pay for other kids too, I see.

I guess I should have let my kids take taxpayer-funded loans instead.

$50k for a doctorate in Gender Studies for a student who got C's and will become an activist and/or politician. Isn't that wonderful.


LOL, there is only one American soldier in your picture, I think the others are Brits.
Ole Joe is making sure they ain't coming back and getting rid of thousands of good jobs in his first day. Oh and ole Joe owns the China plague and hasn't a clue what to do.

Polluting the environment isn't a "Good Job".

We know how this goes, buddy. YOu'll spend the next year whining Biden didn't fix Trump's fuckups fast enough... and then when he does, you'll claim it was nothing to do with him and move on to some bullshit social issue.

"Hey, the economy is pretty good and no one has died of Covid in years!"

"Never mind that... There's a Dude in a dress, and he wants to use the same bathroom as your daughter!!!"
Um, yeah... Guy, it's a lot harder to start up college after you've started a career doing something else. Sadly, the ideal time to go to college actually is in your late teens, early 20's. Simply put, the human brain is less inclined towards learning in your thirties or forties.

How much more difficult is it to go back to college at an older age? - Quora

The system I would do... Everyone has to do two years of National Service. If your performance at National Service was good, then you get a free ride in College for four years.

And government is still paying for it. I didn't say stay at home until your 30's or 40's, I said stay home a couple of years. You won't be any less sharp starting college at the age of 21 or 22. You can continue to work part-time during school, and full-time when there are no classes.
"Never mind that... There's a Dude in a dress, and he wants to use the same bathroom as your daughter!!!"

He is also competing against your daughter in school athletics which could rob her of a trophy she rightfully deserved, or worse yet a college scholarship since we're on the subject.

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