Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

The core trouble is people took on more debt than they should have. Republican or Democrat, it’s time for limits.
Yes. Close all the Liberal Arts Colleges. Set up Trade Schools for Regular folks. And Colleges should specialize. Why should a future Doctor learn Literature? Or a future Writer lean Biology? These should be taught in High School. And sensitivity training and Ethnic studies should be banned.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.
Fees to go up $50000 in the next month???


Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.
Interesting and all along I thought state colleges
were funded through land grants and state appropriations (bonds) and state taxes, now it’s the GOP that cut federal funding? What colleges and universities receive a majority of their funding from the Federal Government? The Federal government does guarantee student college loans, and yes funds some specific research.
The issue remains majoring in a discipline that, when completed, provides an income greater than that of a non degree holder would receive. Nothing in this world is free, one has to apply themselves and work for it so the government can extrapolate the sweat and toil of your labor and success. A college degree in a non marketable skill set is a waste of time, nothing more than a myth perpetuated by the liberal demigods in the ivory towers. Nice idea just doesn’t pan out.
Now when is the government going to reimburse those that paid off their loans and those that leveraged their assets to provide a child the opportunity to attend college?

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

The core trouble is people took on more debt than they should have. Republican or Democrat, it’s time for limits.
Yes. Close all the Liberal Arts Colleges. Set up Trade Schools for Regular folks. And Colleges should specialize. Why should a future Doctor learn Literature? Or a future Writer lean Biology? These should be taught in High School. And sensitivity training and Ethnic studies should be banned.

You can go to a liberal arts college or state school to

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.
Interesting and all along I thought state colleges
were funded through land grants and state appropriations (bonds) and state taxes, now it’s the GOP that cut federal funding? What colleges and universities receive a majority of their funding from the Federal Government? The Federal government does guarantee student college loans, and yes funds some specific research.
The issue remains majoring in a discipline that, when completed, provides an income greater than that of a non degree holder would receive. Nothing in this world is free, one has to apply themselves and work for it so the government can extrapolate the sweat and toil of your labor and success. A college degree in a non marketable skill set is a waste of time, nothing more than a myth perpetuated by the liberal demigods in the ivory towers. Nice idea just doesn’t pan out.
Now when is the government going to reimburse those that paid off their loans and those that leveraged their assets to provide a child the opportunity to attend college?

Now when is the government going to reimburse those that paid off their loans and those that leveraged their assets to provide a child the opportunity to attend college?

Sen. Warren was asked this very question by a parent that had just finished paying loans off. She smiled at him and said “no”. Then the chicken shit turn and ran so she would not have to justify or explain.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

The core trouble is people took on more debt than they should have. Republican or Democrat, it’s time for limits.
Yes. Close all the Liberal Arts Colleges. Set up Trade Schools for Regular folks. And Colleges should specialize. Why should a future Doctor learn Literature? Or a future Writer lean Biology? These should be taught in High School. And sensitivity training and Ethnic studies should be banned.

You can go to a liberal arts college or state school to

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.
Interesting and all along I thought state colleges
were funded through land grants and state appropriations (bonds) and state taxes, now it’s the GOP that cut federal funding? What colleges and universities receive a majority of their funding from the Federal Government? The Federal government does guarantee student college loans, and yes funds some specific research.
The issue remains majoring in a discipline that, when completed, provides an income greater than that of a non degree holder would receive. Nothing in this world is free, one has to apply themselves and work for it so the government can extrapolate the sweat and toil of your labor and success. A college degree in a non marketable skill set is a waste of time, nothing more than a myth perpetuated by the liberal demigods in the ivory towers. Nice idea just doesn’t pan out.
Now when is the government going to reimburse those that paid off their loans and those that leveraged their assets to provide a child the opportunity to attend college?

Now when is the government going to reimburse those that paid off their loans and those that leveraged their assets to provide a child the opportunity to attend college?

Sen. Warren was asked this very question by a parent that had just finished paying loans off. She smiled at him and said “no”. Then the chicken shit turn and ran so she would not have to justify or explain.
A Degree in Liberal Arts and 5 bucks can get a Coffee at Starbucks.---Warren is the biggest Phony in Politics. Gets the Hillary Award!

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.
You trump Nazis shouldn't worry, another tax cut for the billionaires, and the "trickle down" will have the feds recoup that money in no time.



it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
Did the farmers refuse their $24B in socialist support (on top of the subsidies)?

" Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget, according to a POLITICO analysis. But lawmakers have taken a largely hands-off approach, letting the department decide who gets the money and how much. "



it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
Did the farmers refuse their $24B in socialist support (on top of the subsidies)?

" Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget, according to a POLITICO analysis. But lawmakers have taken a largely hands-off approach, letting the department decide who gets the money and how much. "

Farmers feed you.... worthless degrees pull your dumbass down.

You borrow you pay it back, I have no desire to pay for anyone's poor judgement or lack of responsibility. We paid ours...you should


it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
Did the farmers refuse their $24B in socialist support (on top of the subsidies)?

" Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget, according to a POLITICO analysis. But lawmakers have taken a largely hands-off approach, letting the department decide who gets the money and how much. "

Farmers feed you.... worthless degrees pull your dumbass down.

You borrow you pay it back, I have no desire to pay for anyone's poor judgement or lack of responsibility. We paid ours...you should


The food should be free. We've already paid the farmers. Why are they able to sell stuff we've already paid for?
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

What money?

I'm not a history teacher. If you have had your head buried in the sand for the last few decades, whatever.
it seems you must have been public schooled let help you out

If it's not alone you don't have to pay it back

I think that you shouldn't be questioning the education of others.
Although I understand the argument for it, I don't think this is the way to handle the problem of the high cost of college education.

It's not. In fact, I would argue it will make college tuition even more expensive than it is now. The way to solve this issue is stop freely doling out easily accessible student loans at astronomical amounts. When the government started "helping" everyone go to college they created this bubble.

Bear in mind, I owe $40k in student loans still because I went all the way through grad school. All of that debt would be wiped out, so I'd benefit from this enormously and I still oppose this.

The bubble is nowhere near the problem of the financial bubble they created.

No doubt, but two wrongs don't make a right. Where does it end? We justify that to do this and then what's next? We're $27 trillion in debt. I've been saying for years our debt is going to cause us major economic problems down the road. How much longer do we have at this rate?

Neither party has any incentive to reduce the debt or even have anything close to a balanced budget.

Politicians controlling and spending money gives them power.

Generally speaking Democrats spend money to buy the vote of the welfare queens.

Republicans spend money to stimulate the economy.

Members of both parties spend money to cater to foreign interest groups, that pay well.

We had a chance in the 1990s to pass a balanced budget bill but Slick Willy chickenshitted out on it and all the Democrats and a sizeable number of Republicans were all too glad he did.
This was inevitable when Obama took the loan program over completely with the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act. Funny how these things always describe the opposite of the effect they promote. It was going to save so much money. Like Obamacare.
Trump U was that cheap?

I said college, not a clown school. In the early 1990s I attended an accredited, small private university here in New England that was far closer to a trade school than a typical liberal arts school.

I got my Associates of Science degree in Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) over two years (the standard time). I stayed on campus both years and learned at least as much in the dorms as I did in class.

My parents paid a good portion of the tuition and fees. I had $5-8K of scholarship money each year, plus financial aid. I did have to take out a $2000 loan fo my first year.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

Yeah, great idea. If you see something that is damaging the entire country... instead of saying 'let's not do that bad thing' you say 'let's apply that bad system to absolutely everyone, and destroy our country completely!'.

Good idea. Let's do that.

I've argued to not do that for years. We are doing it everyday. Not because of me.

Doing it every day? I don't think so.

I don't know about you, but I voted against every single politician that supported the bailouts, or the stimulus package.

So maybe instead of attacking the Tea Party that opposed that, we should have supported that ideology, instead of OWS that pushed for more government give outs.

The "Tea Party" under Ron Paul once supported that. That Tea Party no longer exists. I supported Ron Paul.

we are still here,,,

With like me, zero influence.

peace comes from within,,,

I'm obviously fine with my choices.
most evil people are,,
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The real issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

It isn't 18 year olds running these scams, it's adult criminals and predators, and they need to be bankrupted and sent down the road, CEO's,' scholars', all of them.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

The core trouble is people took on more debt than they should have. Republican or Democrat, it’s time for limits.

How about private businesses training their own employees instead of whining for govt. to do it, then sniveling about how the govt. does it.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
While that is a very good point. . perhaps the solution would be, rather enacting "student loan cancellation," if we could rewind history to the point where the special interests conned both Dems and Repubs to pass legislation to the point where folks could not declare bankruptcy and have those obligations written off and have it reflected on their financial history.

Now. . . I don't know a lot about these issues given my disability and life history, I have never owned property, so feel free to correct me. . . but, if you were in a major car wreck, became a quadriplegic, and could no longer make your note, you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes? Didn't Trump himself declare bankruptcy on several properties? Just asking here. . . I don't know everything.

. . . the same would not be true for a med student with several hundred thousand dollars in debt. They would be disabled with that debt for the rest of their disabled lives. The STATE, in it's infinite wisdom given by the banking interests, decided that student loans were not eligible for bankruptcy court because. . . . . . folks that take out those loans are immune to disastrous life events or something? I dunno. :dunno:

Now, if I have made some errors in logic, please feel free to point them out.
It's a simple concept actually. It makes no sense at all to allow a medical student fresh out of school to declare themselves bankrupt...wipe out all of their debt...and then start a career where they are getting paid huge amounts of money!

Medical school students have plenty of options that allow them choices that get them out of college not owing a dime, so that isn;t an issue for that major. The ral issue is the costs of catering to a bunch of unqualified seat warmers, some 90% of whom shouldn't be admitted to college in the first place and all the building budgets and salaries and new expenses being racked up by these colleges all based on a scam and a lie re the necessity of having to have a college degree for part time semi-skilled jobs. it is a criminal racket, and it's stupid to keep sniveling and whiining about some 18 year olds making bad decisions while the alleged 'adults' keep conning them and an entire infrastructure of liars and crooks created to keep them making bad decisions.

Who really wants lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc to get a stupid degree anyway. Just go at it.

Good idea. You don't need college to study for a bar exam anyway; this country did fine with self-educated professionals for over 150 years. So did Wall Street and all the big corporations. Why should the Fed train a company's employees for them? Conservatives like to make lots of noise all about 'free enterprise', yet demand taxpayers train and educate their workers. It's hypocrisy and bullshit. Companies did just fine with hiring people with liberal arts degrees and training them. John D. took a few business school courses in accounting and regular high school. Walter Chrysler learned engineering working as a blacksmith on a railroad shop floor.
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