Executive Orders

Here you go:
Obama to sign executive order capping student loan payments

So Congress already approved legislation giving Obama this authority. I would strongly suggest reading that legislation before hauling out the tired old "bypassing Congress" meme once again.

Wow, great job at not answering the question.

To repeat, explain,in detail, why the story, which had the exact same facts you just posted, is wrong in describing this as bypassing Congress. Keep in mind before you get started that you are the one that started this thread, and that you will be hard pressed to find many examples of me complaining about Obama and EOs. Stop being a fucking hack and explain why they story is wrong.

By the way, if it makes you feel ore stupid, which I sincerely think you need, here is a story in favor of Obama's actions in bypassing Congress.

Obama Just Did What Congress Hasn't Had the Guts to Do - PolicyMic

Obama is executing a law passed by Congress. Please explain how executing a law passed by Congress is bypassing Congress.

There. I have made this as simple as possible for you. So go ahead and explain.

Thank you.

Because Obama is expanding the scope of a law passed by Congress. You may, or may not, agree with his intentions, but pretending that he shouldn't actually get Congress to change the law if he thinks it needs to be changed is flat out being a hack.
I can't find a single Obama EO that bypasses Congress? Are you 100% sure about that?

Obama to bypass Congress with executive order on student loans | Money | theguardian.com

Explain to me, in detail why this story is wrong. Keep in mind that, if you keep insisting this isn't bypassing Congress, I can quote the White House saying it is.

Congress can override any E.O. Obama signs.

In theory.

In practice, it really doesn't work that way.

Executive Order 13492 was issued by President Obama ordering the closure of the Guantanamo Bay. What did Congress do in response?

From your own link:

The plan expands on a 2010 "Pay As You Earn" law that sought to curb skyrocketing loan payments.
Did Obama make that law dictatorially? Did he bypass Congress and just make that law up himself?

Did I not point out that the author supports what Obama did? Believe it or not, I chose it for that reason because, unlike you, I am not a fucking hack. Can you fucking just stick to the fucking point and answer the fucking question? Does answering a simple question surpass your intellectual abilities?
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Yes they are and who would ever give Obama credit for inventing anything?

As I have already pointed out, only two have ever been found to be unconstitutional. So, no, you are quite wrong. They are not dictatorial.

Stop chugging the piss.

Congress cannot overturn it and they need not pass it either but it is legally binding. The best Congress can do is vote not to fund one.

Thus a balance of power.

But since EOs are usually the Executive's execution of a law passed by Congress, then Congress can overturn an EO, dummy.

Yet you insist that the whole Iran Contra deal was illegal, which is slightly different than unconstitutional.

It is strange how people have voices in their head which tell them things about me which never happened.

Just the other day, someone said I had voted for Obama twice! :lol:

But you really are a hack, so I doubt you will admit your mistake.

You just made a mistake by claiming I "insist that the whole Iran Contra deal was illegal".

I have made no mistake. The term "bypass Congress" by the partisan hacks is frequently used to imply that Obama is being dictatorial or acting unconstitutionally, and invariably the EO in question appears on a list of impeachable offenses not long after.
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From your own link:

The plan expands on a 2010 "Pay As You Earn" law that sought to curb skyrocketing loan payments.
Did Obama make that law dictatorially? Did he bypass Congress and just make that law up himself?

Did I not point out that the author supports what Obama did? Believe it or not, I chose it for that reason because, unlike you, I am not a fucking hack. Can you fucking just stick to the fucking point and answer the fucking question? Does answering a simple question surpass your intellectual abilities?

Let's be honest. You are the definition of a hack. You're frequently caught talking directly out of your ass on topics you have no clue about. Embrace the hack that you are.
This topic is for the dummies who get all red-faced whenever they hear another Executive Order has just been signed.

Dear, dummies. An Executive Order is not what you think it is. It not "bypassing Congress". They were not invented by Obama. They are not dictatorial.

Read a few and straighten your dumb asses out on what they are for and how they work.

Stop chugging the piss.

It's a way for Obama to bypass what the people want. Grow up man.
Yes they are and who would ever give Obama credit for inventing anything?

As I have already pointed out, only two have ever been found to be unconstitutional. So, no, you are quite wrong. They are not dictatorial.

Stop chugging the piss.

Congress cannot overturn it and they need not pass it either but it is legally binding. The best Congress can do is vote not to fund one.

Thus a balance of power.

But since EOs are usually the Executive's execution of a law passed by Congress, then Congress can overturn it, dummy.

No, congress cannot. Hence, bypass congress.


with an approval rating of next to nothing bypassing congress seems prudent.
I would strongly suggest reading the EO first.

As for the student loan thing, there is legislation in the Senate right now:

The Senate is expected to debate the legislation next week, but it faces significant opposition from Republicans, who disagree with the Democrats’ plan for how to pay for it.
Executive order from Obama targets student loan debt - Politics - The Boston Globe

And, when Obama announced this, he went off script to demagogue Republicans, which proves that it his reasons for doing it are political, and you still haven't answered my question.
As I have already pointed out, only two have ever been found to be unconstitutional. So, no, you are quite wrong. They are not dictatorial.

Stop chugging the piss.

Thus a balance of power.

But since EOs are usually the Executive's execution of a law passed by Congress, then Congress can overturn an EO, dummy.

Yet you insist that the whole Iran Contra deal was illegal, which is slightly different than unconstitutional.

It is strange how people have voices in their head which tell them things about me which never happened.

Just the other day, someone said I had voted for Obama twice! :lol:

But you really are a hack, so I doubt you will admit your mistake.

You just made a mistake by claiming I "insist that the whole Iran Contra deal was illegal".

I have made no mistake. The term "bypass Congress" by the partisan hacks is frequently used to imply that Obama is being dictatorial or acting unconstitutionally, and invariably the EO in question appears on a list of impeachable offenses not long after.

Are you telling me it was legal? Because I can cite an actual court case that proves it wasn't.

The problem with hacks like you is you think you are clever, when what you are is just dumb enough to prove how stupid you are.

What, exactly, did the story I posted get wrong? Keep in mind that, as of yet, everything you posted to try to prove me wrong has actually been supported by the links I posted, yet you keep insisting that it is wrong, without actually being able to explain why.
From your own link:

Did Obama make that law dictatorially? Did he bypass Congress and just make that law up himself?

Did I not point out that the author supports what Obama did? Believe it or not, I chose it for that reason because, unlike you, I am not a fucking hack. Can you fucking just stick to the fucking point and answer the fucking question? Does answering a simple question surpass your intellectual abilities?

Let's be honest. You are the definition of a hack. You're frequently caught talking directly out of your ass on topics you have no clue about. Embrace the hack that you are.

Yet no one can point out what the story got wrong.


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