Exodus From New York

Well like California NY is a pretty expensive place to live.

I sure wouldn't want to live there.
I left decades ago because it was a totalitarian shithole, and they tax you to death in order to support their police state. And it's only gotten worse since then. Fuck New York.
Who's running New York at this time, you may ask.

New York leads nation in population loss

Western New York has really taken a kick in the keister with all of the tax money that gets drained out of there to fund NYC. Further, they are banned from expanding their gas industry through the miracle of Fracking, banned by the extremists in Albany. New York City doesn't have much gas- but cities like Olean and Jamestown are surrounded by fantastic opportunities that the people can't access.
Who's running New York at this time, you may ask.

New York leads nation in population loss
List seems based on total people rather than a percentage

Somewhat misleading

Yes, but moreso than the total numbers or percentage is the wealth and incomes of those leaving vs those coming in. Places like California and Illinois are losing their tax base, the people that are leaving pay more in taxes than the people coming in, many of which aren't paying any income taxes at all. So, the squeeze is on, I heard on TV that the Dems will be trying to get rid of that cap on the tax deduction for mortgage interest rates (SALT) that the tax cut bill included. Funny thing, the Dems so often bitch about the rich guys paying their fair share, yet here they are trying to cut their taxes.
Who's running New York at this time, you may ask.

New York leads nation in population loss

Western New York has really taken a kick in the keister with all of the tax money that gets drained out of there to fund NYC. Further, they are banned from expanding their gas industry through the miracle of Fracking, banned by the extremists in Albany. New York City doesn't have much gas- but cities like Olean and Jamestown are surrounded by fantastic opportunities that the people can't access.

The New York metropolitan area has always supported the rest of the state. They are your tax base

Western N.Y. has taken a hit because of the loss of key employers like Kodak, Bethlehem Steel, GM
New Yorkers are paying 20c kwh for electricity, compared to an average of 13 cents for Pennsylvanians. The state has to import gas in massive quantities to fuel their state- that costs the PEOPLE money and that's why the people are leaving. NY's ban on fracking is UNSUSTAINABLE, and that's what liberals say we need, sustainability.

Why New York's Fracking Ban For Natural Gas Is Unsustainable
I guess hypocrisy is in the DNA of liberal democrats. Liberal N.Y. democrats complain about Trump's tax cuts but they have a program offering tax cuts to corporations who (are foolish enough to) relocate to NY. Pretty soon NY is going to rival Ca. in economic disaster.

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