Expand the underclass with illegals….Make our billionaires even wealthier…then complain about income / wealth inequalities. Why do Dems do this?

Thanks for proving how racist corporate America is. Sounds like that company needs a diversity program and AA.
Nope these are not Fortune 500 employers. Now the Pharma Co is a big player a household name so to speak and they employ Blacks, Chinese, Indians, Whites, Africans. I know because when they swipe their badge their name and photo pops up. The reason the blue collar construction workers are all white is because Blacks, Chinese, Indians, Africans etc., won't do that work. White guys will do that work.
Thanks for proving how racist corporate America is. Sounds like that company needs a diversity program and AA.
You sure do delight in thinking the country of your birth is racist. I guess Communism has to make you hate your country before any of its idiocies can take hold.
Nope these are not Fortune 500 employers. Now the Pharma Co is a big player a household name so to speak and they employ Blacks, Chinese, Indians, Whites, Africans. I know because when they swipe their badge their name and photo pops up. The reason the blue collar construction workers are all white is because Blacks, Chinese, Indians, Africans etc., won't do that work. White guys will do that work.
So you admit there are jobs whites won’t do. Mcd, Tim Horton, Taco Bell.

You admit there are jobs blacks won’t do. Now you must admit there are jobs whites won’t do.

Those construction jobs pay better than mcd. Are you sure blacks won’t do those jobs or is that your white bias?

Why do so many whites stay home rather than work at mcd?
You sure do delight in thinking the country of your birth is racist. I guess Communism has to make you hate your country before any of its idiocies can take hold.
I’m scared republicans have now rigged elections so we now have a putin type government. They aren’t communist and neither am I. You want to be like them.
Nope these are not Fortune 500 employers. Now the Pharma Co is a big player a household name so to speak and they employ Blacks, Chinese, Indians, Whites, Africans. I know because when they swipe their badge their name and photo pops up. The reason the blue collar construction workers are all white is because Blacks, Chinese, Indians, Africans etc., won't do that work. White guys will do that work.
We all know how guys get construction jobs. Thru their buddies. And none of you have black buddies. That’s at least how it works around here.
I’m scared republicans have now rigged elections so we now have a putin type government. They aren’t communist and neither am I. You want to be like them.
You turds keep telling us that our elections are free and fair, that's impossible to cheat them.
You turds keep telling us that our elections are free and fair, that's impossible to cheat them.
We saw how a lot of republicans tried to cheat and what if pence and other republicans went along? What if they do next time? And we see all the anti voter laws you passed.

You guys are too sure elections are rigged. I think you know something you’re not telling us. like, do you know people vote twice because trump votes in Florida and New York?
bobo no matter what you showed, there are still millions of white people working blue collar jobs...
What choice do they have?

We all know there are way too many 19 year old white kids in their parents basements taking a gap year or two.

Are you suggesting this isn’t true of today’s youth?
You sure do delight in thinking the country of your birth is racist. I guess Communism has to make you hate your country before any of its idiocies can take hold.

The Left wants everyone to believe this country is racist and must be radically changed in the name of justice and equality. So, they create an atmosphere of fear and self-doubt, and loathing any and all who oppose their ideology. We should be thankful that Manchin and Sinema voted against ending the filibuster for if that happened, we'd already be further down the road towards a totalitarian state. Not many people accept that outcome as a possibility, and maybe it'll never happen. But I'm guessing the people in Cuba, Venezuela, and other similar places probably thought that too. Look at where they are now.
What choice do they have?

We all know there are way too many 19 year old white kids in their parents basements taking a gap year or two.

Are you suggesting this isn’t true of today’s youth?
Is "way too many" a scientific term, professor? Typical liberal "logic" to imagine saying "we all know" somehow equates to an unquestionable truth. Idiot.
are you serious?.....were i worked there were lots of white people....come out of your bubble bobo....
He is talking about the pussy progressive pajama boy, who sits in his/her/its parents basement smoking dope and watching their parents Netflix account.

this guy..

We all know how guys get construction jobs. Thru their buddies. And none of you have black buddies. That’s at least how it works around here.
Black guys mostly want to be rappers, athlete, or club promotion.

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