expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

California here I come,right back where I started from.

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Before the game, with Rams owner Stan Kroenke and executive vice president Kevin Demoff standing in the vicinity of the team’s bench, the fans behind them loudly urged them to bring the team back to Southern California.

And as the second half began, the letters hanging on the railing behind the St. Louis bench were arranged thusly: “L-O-S A-N-G-E-L-E-S R-A-M-S.”

It was a hard message to miss.

Chargers win a tense battle for survival - The Orange County Register
The Dallas Cowboys, the Washington Redskins, the San Francisco 49ers all have there work cutout for them this off season.

Who do the Cowboys keep? Their all star WR or their all star RB?

What do the Redskins do with RG3?

How will a new coach effect the 49ers?

Lots,of questions.
So Kroenke is looking like a liar.

Bernie Stadium plan deserves a chance Sports

I’m going to attempt to do everything that I can to keep the Rams in St. Louis. Just as I did everything that I could to bring the team to St. Louis in 1995. I believe my actions speak for themselves.”
And … “There’s a track record. I’ve always stepped up for pro football in St. Louis. And I’m stepping up one more time.”

Finally, the kicker … “I’m born and raised in Missouri. I’ve been a Missourian for 60 years. People in our state know me. People know I can be trusted. People know I am an honorable guy.”

Lack of support? Not a winning record in 11 years. The worst record in the NFL in a five year stretch.

Amusing how some say they aren't supported, they were at 81% capacity this year, not bad for losers.
"one other thing we know,is that Rams fans have been very adamant about letting Kroneke know where they want the Rams to play.

"maybe the biggest impact for silent stan was in san diego.Estimated at about a third of the seats in the stadium filled with Rams fans.

"Estimated attendance 66,000. estimated Rams attendance: 20,000"

"Stan had to have noticed the cries from fans to move the Rams back.If you watched the game on tv,you certainly noticed the Rams fans in the crowd."

"with some fans having signs that read " Los Angeles Rams" spanning over multiple seats right behind the Rams bench. "

"Stan Kroenke lives in L.A."

"With about a third of the crowd "maybe more" being Rams fans yesterday."

St. Louis Rams fans takeover San Diego TruluvSports. com
NBC's Bob Costas weighs in on Rams to LA."But in all fairness,this is often a case of whose ox is getting gored.."

"it's just a matter of time.NFL sources have told me."

"if you're going to have something solid and concrete in st louis for them to keep them,then its going to be hard for them to move."
st louis has NOTHING solid and concrete,they are bankrupt.:biggrin:

"you have the chargers from the AFC to relocate,which makes sense.The Raiders would make absolutely no sense even though they are talking about it because they would be going back and forth."

Bob Costas Gives Thoughts on Rams Possibly Moving to LA insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports Music Entertainment and Nightlife STL Rams

costas nailed it.:thup: also the raiders have a deal for a new stadium thats nearly sealed,.whats holding it up is the politics between the city and the county."
I know you are reading this pooper so so much for you and fellow troll rightwingers fantasy about the raiders coming back to LA.:lmao::lmao:

plus he also forget to mention the owners are sore at the davis family for moving them to LA so they will never get 24 of the 31 votes from the owners needed.:lol:

LA is not a two team market,it was proven already, the Chargers should stay where they are at,$200 million is still owed on the Eddie Dome and St. Louis citizens are not going to pay for a new stadium when Kroenke already has the land and will pay for the stadium in LA,also the value of the franchise triples along with the bigger revenue streams being in the #2 market. The Rams are as good as gone.

this guy here nailed it.the NFL BETTER get wise in their foolish ideas about having TWO teams in LA cause LA is different than new York,they wil not support two teams.one like the rams yes,but another they will not so they better give up this foolishness of having anybody else there other than the rams.

also very interesting comments made there by Jason La canfora making the comparisons to what was going on in Minnesota to get a new stadium vs the Rams in LA poining how where in Minnesota,they demonstrated they were very active and passionate about keeping the Vikings there and not moving to LA constantly lobbying the city council and groups for funding and all.

that has been going on in Oakland as well also where you don't see ANY of that in st Louis going on,nobody showng they care at all,the fans OR the city so the rams are as good as gone.:banana:
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this post here describes many of the USMB posters around here.lol

To all those trolls who like coming on this page,
The writing is on the wall. The way the NFL is reacting to these rumors and what Jerry Jones said shows that Kroenke is making a big move (of course they are a little upset, because Kroenke didn't give the NFL a heads up). And that is the Rams coming back to LA (Inglewood is in LA county FYI). The NFL may not want them to go this year, but it will happen. The process is happening before our eyes. It's just like LeBron going back home. Some people saw little signs that he was coming back and then eventually everyone saw his article where he announced his return to Cleveland. The little signs have already shown in the past 18-24 months. And now the writing is on the wall. The Rams and coming home.

  • Actually Matt, Kroenke did give the league a heads up on the City of Champions announcement two weeks ago. Grubman said so in a radio interview on STL radio this past week. So, the league knew about the deal.
  • He also reported it to RG and the league last year. Not only that Eric Grumman was the lead LA TASK FORCE along with the league and Jerry Jones LA STADIUM COMMITTEE. So connect all those dots St. Looserville.
gotta love Eric.

Several members of The Rams' Greatest Show on Turf era - including Kurt Warner and Isaac Bruce - were quoted last month in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about their desire for the franchise to stay in St. Louis.
That sentiment is apparently not shared by former Rams running back Eric Dickerson, who starred for the Los Angeles Rams from 1983 to 1987. In fact, Dicker told the St. Paul Pioneer Press the Rams are as good as gone from St. Louis in his eyes.

“I believe they’re going to come back to L.A.,’’ Dickerson told the paper in a phone interview. “I’ve heard that from Rams people. All the things that I’ve heard is they’ll eventually come back to Los Angeles. It will be great for the Rams and for the guys who played in L.A. for them. And I don’t have to fly to St. Louis for games.’’

Dickerson said he doesn't know if the move will happen by next season, but that it's only a matter of time.

Eric Dickerson 8220 The perfect fit would be the Rams coming home to L.A. 8221 The Beast 980

my man Dickerson I REALLY like now even more so than I did back then the way he tells it like it is.Just like he said,the chargers belong in san diego,raiders belong in Oakland,and the rams belong in LA.:thup:
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