expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

love how all you saint Louis apologists have all changed your tune since the announcement came out backpeddling just like I knew you all would.

Lets look at how all the st Louis apologists have all back peddled.lol

1.Lets see,Huggy has gone from saying I am getting desperate to NOW saying he doesn't care if they come back one way or another,that he would be fine with them coming back and has not surfaced since the announcement.lol

no surprise that he came on here saying they would not come back originally.

outside of his world of the seahawks,he is clueless about pro football in the history of the game other than his seahawks.

2.mad nutcase lunatic scientist has gone from saying they will never come back to NOW saying he never said they would never come back. and then when i proved he lied reposting his quote where he mentioned they indeed would not come back,he then changed the subject lying saying he never said that and then said -I never said they would not come back,i said LA is not an NFL city,then when I porved him wrong on that one as well,he of course changed the subject AGAIN with another lie after I cornered him and he has yet to return now since the announcement.lol

3.the resident troll of USMB rightwinger of course keeps trolling here posting pics of LOS ANGELES RAIDERS 2016 like the paid troll he is and which I expected and has not returned since the announcement either.lol

4.dipshit antiquity.another seahawk fan, to no surprise has not shown his face on here either since the announcement like I knew he wouldn't.he kept insisting they were not coming back so this is what I expected of him.lol

seahawk fans are the biggest idiots.you cant reason with them.

5.wildcard who kept saying I can only hope and pray they will come back some day,has also been too scared to come back to this thread since the announcement.lol

6.kiss my has gone from saying kroneke was just using LA as mere leverage for a new stadium deal in saint Louis and that the raiders would go back to lying saying he never said the rams would not come back to LAwhich I just proved wrong in my previous post quoting him on to NOW saying the rams wont be there for three years.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I love all the backpeddling from you all knowing you all were cornered and proven wrong making up lies saying that you never said the things I said you said
Only trouble is you forgot this place keeps records to show that you DID indeed say those things such as claims like kroneke was just using the land purchase for leverage for a new stadium.I'll never live that one down.:haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I hate to admit this pooper but all these dipshit posters who have made one lie after another saying they never said the rams were not coming back are all far more stupid than you have been on this topic since you have at least said they will return in 2016 and maybe 2015.

you were far more reasonable than they were on this topic. I give you credit for that much.

oh and pass this on to those posters mentioned above in this post I am quoting myself on pooper.

as i said,i would actually take the time to bother with you if you were not such an idiot who actually thinks the raiders are coming back:lmao: and then has to be childish and say fuck off loser when confronted with facts you cant refute.:lol:

I won't pass anything about on, you are to fucking stupid to repeat your childish BS! You want to pass it on? You fucking do it troll doll.
Nov 6th.On Wednesday Gov Jay Nixon announced 60 day plan.

Meanwhile,Inglewood Mayor Butts met with Stan Kroneke.
Mayor Butts,reached via email this weekend,declined to confirm whether that meeting with kroneke took place....
NFL team could end up in LA by next season Rams front-runners - CBSSports.com
as usual,the lamesteam media conveinetly likes to keep people believing that the raiders can move back forgetting to mention of course they wont get the votes from the majority of the owners who will never allow a davis owned family to bring the raiders to LA since they are pissed at AL for suing them to move to LA originally.:rolleyes-41:
two farts in a row from you pooper.hee hee

You know what is very interesting, is I put you on ignore and I cannot see your posts or that you even posted.

Also you made comments in threads I started, while you stated I was on ignore. That is impossible, because when I put you on ignore, I could not see any threads you started.

So when you post, someone farted, you would not know that I even posted, unles I was not on ignore.

So I guess that makes you a fucking liar.

What an idiot you are.

Rams changed their Facebook Photo...I re-did it for them. JUST GO KROENKE you lying bastard. Good thing you married up wasn't it? If not for 2015 then definitely for 2016. Good damn riddance.

Rams changed their Facebook Photo...I re-did it for them. JUST GO KROENKE you lying bastard. Good thing you married up wasn't it? If not for 2015 then definitely for 2016. Good damn riddance.

that again is why I am getting my Rams back THIS year because that's how the majority of the Rams fans feel towards the Rams in st Louis,the same way you do.:biggrin:

Im sure you are aware that they have thrown in the towel down there knowing they are gone this year and have now gone from saying KEEP THE RAMS IN SAINT LOUIS,to SAINT LOUIS NEEDS TO HAVE AN NFL FOOTBALL TEAM not even mention the rams anymore.:biggrin:

they need to have an NFL football team alright,their real team,which is in Arizona.:biggrin:
on Wednesday gov Jay Nixon announced 60 day plan,meanwhile,Inglewood mayor Butts met with Stan Kroneke.

"Inglewood Mayor says he has meeting scheduled with Rams owner Stan Kroneke" meeting was on wed,same day as Gov Nixons announcement.
on Wednesday gov Jay Nixon announced 60 day plan,meanwhile,Inglewood mayor Butts met with Stan Kroneke.
Yeah Kroenke won't even answer his phone calls from these doofuses in St. Louis. But it won't be this year, but 2016.
don't fall for the media spin,they're moving this year.the key dates to watch for are feb 15th when the expected announcement by the Rams is made for relocation and then march 1st which is the relocation deadline,that date is when the owners will vote for the move.He will have no problem with getting the 23 of the 31 votes.

Don't make the mistake most here have made actually thinking goodel is god and can dictate to the owners what to do.they ignore this fact and it falls on deaf ears everytime no matter how many times I repeat it which is "goodel is powerless to stop it."Its whats the owners vote on that matters and he will have no problem getting the 23 of the 31 votes needed for the move,they all want it to happen except spanos and maybe davis.

apparently people around here don't know what the word powerless means cause it just goes through one ear and out the other with them.:cuckoo:
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