expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Stan Kroenke finally announced plans to build a new stadium in CA. This means the Rams will move back to CA sometime over the next 3 years.
so now you have gone from saying the raiders would be the one that would move there to LA and the Rams never would, to the Rams will sometime in the next three years.gotcha. i wondered what you would try and come up with to try and weasel your way out of it:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: yep,sometime in the next three years alright,september 2015 will be that third year.:laugh:

will be so interesting to see what you come up with next when the team is playing in the rose bowl or the LA coliseum in 2015.:lmao::rofl::rofl:

I honestly expected you to come back and say Stan Kronke is building an NFL stadium out of his kind generous heart so the raiders could have a stadium to play in.:biggrin: this one though is ALMOST as funny as that one would have been had you come back and said that like i was expecting:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

You are the same lying sack of shit you always have been. I never said "the Raiders would be the team that would move to LA and the Rams never would".

You lie, you lie, you always lie!!!
yeah we both know you lie and always will.

Stan is just using his families WalMart property as leverage in negociations with St. Louis. It will cost him $2.5 billion to move the team. The NFL will hit him with a $275 million relocation fee if he moves the Rams to Los Angeles. The massive relocation fee and the cost of building a stadium himself would appear to be prohibitive.

Never said stan wasn't going to move the rams huh? liar.this post proves beyond a doubt you were convinced he was trying to get a new stadium in st Louis,that he just purchased the land for mere leverage.:haha::lmao:

hate to break the news to you but he NEVER had any interest in getting a new stadium in st Louis or negotiating with them like you claimed

see why wheter you want to believe it not pooper why I had you on ignore? you listen to lies like this fellow troll of yours agent kiss my who calimed back then he bought that land as just LEVERAGE for a new stadium when he never had any interest In a new one there.:biggrin:

that's how this troll operates,he evades facts claiming he never said something when he gets called out on it.he goes from saying the rams aren't coming back to now saying it will be THREE YEARS.:ahole-1:
BTW Pooper, to no surprise,you and kiss are dense about the raiders,you two should get a room together,you guys are so dense about the raiders actually thinking they will ever come back to LA.why do you think mark davis had meeting with officials in san Antonio?

it was because he knows for the city of Oakland to take him serious for a new stadium,he would have to talk to them since they would laugh at his face if he tried to move to LA since he knows THEY know,he can never take the team back to LA because the owners are sore at the davis family because of al suing them to move there int he first place:lmao:
that comedy gold you and agent kiss my are such idiots you actually thing the raiders could ver go back to LA again.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

quote from KISSMY below.:lmao:

And we have nicer cops in our part of town. Just look at our Lynwood division, they're so caring, they treat people of color like a King.[/QUOTE]
I wish we had the Cardinals back in St. Louis also, but that is water under the bridge. Stan is just trying to fleece tax payers for more money. He can kiss my ass. LA should get the Raiders, I hear they are available.[/QUOTE]
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The Raiders going back to LA.thats a good one.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

pretty impossible since you have to have the approval of the majority of the owners to move a team and they are all sore at the davis family because of al suing the league to move them there in the first place.

oh and mark davis is in no position to sue them like his father because he isnt rich like stan so he doesnt have the money for a long winded court battle.

mark davis unlike his father,doesnt have the clout or the money to sue the NFL like his father did. matter of fact things are going in oakland with the raiders as i knew they would.I knew that despite what mark davis said that he would not go on another year to year basis with the stadium after the 2014 season that he would do just that and sign another extension this year because he has no place else to go.

he cant go back to LA and i doubt the owners would approve the move to san antonio either because the chargers would be the only team in the AFC west if they did,you would have to call it the AFC midwest and thats not happening.

mark davis's only choices are share levi stadium with the niners or get a new stadium in oakland.

the NFL offered davis to share with the niners somethign they were open to,he didnt want to do that though,he wouldnt share with the niners,why would he move to LA and share with kroneke? duh.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
the rams though,the owners WILL approve the move,the majority voted against them moving to st louis if you dont know that.

they only changed their vote when the bitch threatened to sue the NFL to move them there.

she can burn in hell,i wish i knew where her grave was so i could go piss on it.

thank god that fucking bitch is no longer the owner anymore and stan kroneke is.:dance:

kroneke is about to become my hero.
btw pooper since you are such a dumbfuck who lives in a fantasy that I never had you on ignore,everytime I posted someone farted in here right after you posted,that meant that I had you on ignore.:cuckoo: when you see me start posting that again in the future,maybe you'll remember that unless you are like huggy of course who has alzheimers diseace and claims he said things like new jersey giants when he has never called them that and only calls them new York giants.

Fuck off loser.
I just heard about this seconds ago.what do you have to say NOW toto,kissmy,rightwinger,pooper,wildfool,kissmy troll? let me guess,he is being generous and building an NFL stadium for mark davis and the raiders right?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

so far toto,your the only brave troll to come on here and concede i might be right,wonder how many others here will come on and concede they dont know how to debate.:rofl:

it might not happen till 2016 i can concede,but hey,thats fine with me.I have waited for 20 years of my life for this,i think i can certainly wait one more year.:biggrin:
I already said it would happen dumbshit. I said it wouldn't happen until 2016, can you be any stupider?

You said 2015, so I am closer to being right And I didn't have post 1000's of old links either.

It looks like you were wrong and I was right. There will also be one more team moving to LA.

well since i put you on ignore a few months ago and so many idiots came on here ignoring all my facts refusing to watch the videos or read the links that detailed it all and covering their eyes to facts i would say, and kept insisting it was NEVER going to happen such as agents kissmy,rightwinger and non paid trolls such as mad nutcase and others, it was only natural for me to assume you were one of them as well based on how you have trolled so many times here in the past refusing to acknowledge when you have been proven wrong with asinine posts such as wilson is just a mere game manager and bullshit crap like that.:rolleyes-41:

okay i peaked to see what you said,back to ignore again and back to my passion of talking about the rams with older links.:biggrin:

More excuses from you. Lol!

Sure I'm on ignore, Wilson is a game manager, and you seem to think its a bad thing? Wilson and Carroll manage the game, some of the best I've seen,

And you have never proven me wrong, nice try nutter.

see pooper,that's now what you said a long time ago to Huggy when putting down his hawks. oh and in case your going to say something like-"I see you are saying his hawks",since you are so dense,for a reminder to you,the chargers have been my team for the past 20 years.I turned to them when my Rams betrayed me and left LA.

the seahawks are my favorite team in the NFC until later this year of course when the rams are back in LA. The rams will once again be my favorite team with the chargers being my favorite in the AFC.the chargers will always hold a special place in my heart for being there the past 20 years when the rams left.

Next year I wont be watching anymore seahawk games,why would I want to when my dream come true,the Rams are back in LA?only time I will tune in to sehawk games now is when they play the Rams or are on prime time as well.

anyways back then pooper,you said to Huggy Wilson is a game manager on the same level and Brad Johnson and trent dilfer.

I vividly remember you saying that because rightfully so got all pissed at you saying something like-don't ever mention Wilson in the same breath as brad Johnson or trent dilfer,that is insulting to me.

that was a very asinine thing to say as you did and you lost your credibility back then just as you have denying reality that I have had you on ignore the last 4 months and actually are suich an idiot,actually beliving the raiders will ever come back.hahahahahahghaaaa
see this is why I am putting you on ignore again,you deny reality that I had you on ignore the last four months,the only way I know you post here on here is your picture pops up when you do,but more importantly,i am putting you on ignore again because you wont read my facts I post which would keep you from looking like a dumbass if you did bother to read them before coming on here.

if you had bothered to watch this first video here below on this page here,you would know there is no way in hell the raiders are coming back to LA.:cuckoo:

expect Rams to be back in LA next year. Page 78 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

this guy in this video is saying the exact same thing that sports illustrated peter king has said,that the owners don't want the raiders in LA.

I called this several months ago,i said many months ago that although davis said he wont sign another one year lease extension to play in the Oakland coliseum after the 2014 season,i said he would do so despite what he says and that is because he has nowhere else to go.

he cant go to back to LA since the owners will all vote against it and he cant move to san Antonio either cause the chargers would be the only team left in the AFC west if that happened,you would have to callit the AFC MIDWEST and that's not gonna happen.

so he has nowhere else to go but to stay in Oakland.

he wouldn't share levi stadium with the niners,WHY would he move to LA and share with knoneke.:cuckoo:

raiders back to LA.thats a good one,i'll never live that one down.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha:
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love how all you saint Louis apologists have all changed your tune since the announcement came out backpeddling just like I knew you all would.

Lets look at how all the st Louis apologists have all back peddled.lol

1.Lets see,Huggy has gone from saying I am getting desperate to NOW saying he doesn't care if they come back one way or another,that he would be fine with them coming back and has not surfaced since the announcement.lol

no surprise that he came on here saying they would not come back originally.

outside of his world of the seahawks,he is clueless about pro football in the history of the game other than his seahawks.

2.mad nutcase lunatic scientist has gone from saying they will never come back to NOW saying he never said they would never come back. and then when i proved he lied reposting his quote where he mentioned they indeed would not come back,he then changed the subject lying saying he never said that and then said -I never said they would not come back,i said LA is not an NFL city,then when I porved him wrong on that one as well,he of course changed the subject AGAIN with another lie after I cornered him and he has yet to return now since the announcement.lol

3.the resident troll of USMB rightwinger of course keeps trolling here posting pics of LOS ANGELES RAIDERS 2016 like the paid troll he is and which I expected and has not returned since the announcement either.lol

4.dipshit antiquity.another seahawk fan, to no surprise has not shown his face on here either since the announcement like I knew he wouldn't.he kept insisting they were not coming back so this is what I expected of him.lol

seahawk fans are the biggest idiots.you cant reason with them.

5.wildcard who kept saying I can only hope and pray they will come back some day,has also been too scared to come back to this thread since the announcement.lol

6.kiss my has gone from saying kroneke was just using LA as mere leverage for a new stadium deal in saint Louis and that the raiders would go back to lying saying he never said the rams would not come back to LAwhich I just proved wrong in my previous post quoting him on to NOW saying the rams wont be there for three years.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I love all the backpeddling from you all knowing you all were cornered and proven wrong making up lies saying that you never said the things I said you said
Only trouble is you forgot this place keeps records to show that you DID indeed say those things such as claims like kroneke was just using the land purchase for leverage for a new stadium.I'll never live that one down.:haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I hate to admit this pooper but all these dipshit posters who have made one lie after another saying they never said the rams were not coming back are all far more stupid than you have been on this topic since you have at least said they will return in 2016 and maybe 2015.

you were far more reasonable than they were on this topic. I give you credit for that much.
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btw pooper since you are such a dumbfuck who lives in a fantasy that I never had you on ignore,everytime I posted someone farted in here right after you posted,that meant that I had you on ignore.:cuckoo: when you see me start posting that again in the future,maybe you'll remember that unless you are like huggy of course who has alzheimers diseace and claims he said things like new jersey giants when he has never called them that and only calls them new York giants.

Fuck off loser.
ahh the truth hurts the troll.you brought it on yourself that I had to hurt you with the truth what an idiot you are making an untrue statement that I never had you on ignore which I am putting you on again.

I only took you off briefly to see what you had to say after the announcement on the rams.lol
Stan Kroenke finally announced plans to build a new stadium in CA. This means the Rams will move back to CA sometime over the next 3 years.
so now you have gone from saying the raiders would be the one that would move there to LA and the Rams never would, to the Rams will sometime in the next three years.gotcha. i wondered what you would try and come up with to try and weasel your way out of it:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: yep,sometime in the next three years alright,september 2015 will be that third year.:laugh:

will be so interesting to see what you come up with next when the team is playing in the rose bowl or the LA coliseum in 2015.:lmao::rofl::rofl:

I honestly expected you to come back and say Stan Kronke is building an NFL stadium out of his kind generous heart so the raiders could have a stadium to play in.:biggrin: this one though is ALMOST as funny as that one would have been had you come back and said that like i was expecting:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

You are the same lying sack of shit you always have been. I never said "the Raiders would be the team that would move to LA and the Rams never would".

You lie, you lie, you always lie!!!
He has his own strange version of reality, he claimed I said the Rams wouldn't move to LA. You either agree with him 100% or he gets really pissed off.

pissed off? you all are back peddling now just as I knew you all would when you found out i was right all along about the rams coming back.yeah right that's why I show all these laughing smileys at the stupidity all you lying trolls display like this one.:asshole:
cause I get pissed off,good one.:lmao:

whats really funny though is how you trolls versions are all different from each other now that you have been cornered that they ARE coming back.lol

YOU just said that they will be back in 2016,paid disinfo troll for the government kiss my just said three years,

you trolls cant even agree with each other.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I don't have to back peddle, I was right, I said LA would be getting a team, go find it. You said 2015, not me. I said a team and probably two teams would call LA home, prove to me I didn't or stfu. I tire of you are your stupid delusions. Then you want me to PM others to tell them you were right? You want it done, do it yourself, what a freakin mind warped idiot you are. I can tell you this, no matter what the argument is, you'd be the last guy I'd want on my side. I bet Huggy is ecstatic that you gave up on the Hawks. You retarded blather was sickening.

Put me back on ignore...please.

who is the retarded one,you make the FALSE untrue claim that I never had you on ignore.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: Yeah you hate ti when you get proven wrong by me all the time so of course you would hate to have me on your side.:lmao:

I know I said 2015,only an idiot would think its not going to happen in 2015.:lmao:

oh and believe me,I'll put you on ignore just so you can lie again in the future and say I did not put you on ignore.:lmao:
btw pooper since you are such a dumbfuck who lives in a fantasy that I never had you on ignore,everytime I posted someone farted in here right after you posted,that meant that I had you on ignore.:cuckoo: when you see me start posting that again in the future,maybe you'll remember that unless you are like huggy of course who has alzheimers diseace and claims he said things like new jersey giants when he has never called them that and only calls them new York giants.

Fuck off loser.

as usual,i notice that's ALL you can come back with when you get frustrated that you cant refute my facts and know you are cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
I just heard about this seconds ago.what do you have to say NOW toto,kissmy,rightwinger,pooper,wildfool,kissmy troll? let me guess,he is being generous and building an NFL stadium for mark davis and the raiders right?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

so far toto,your the only brave troll to come on here and concede i might be right,wonder how many others here will come on and concede they dont know how to debate.:rofl:

it might not happen till 2016 i can concede,but hey,thats fine with me.I have waited for 20 years of my life for this,i think i can certainly wait one more year.:biggrin:
I already said it would happen dumbshit. I said it wouldn't happen until 2016, can you be any stupider?

You said 2015, so I am closer to being right And I didn't have post 1000's of old links either.

It looks like you were wrong and I was right. There will also be one more team moving to LA.

well since i put you on ignore a few months ago and so many idiots came on here ignoring all my facts refusing to watch the videos or read the links that detailed it all and covering their eyes to facts i would say, and kept insisting it was NEVER going to happen such as agents kissmy,rightwinger and non paid trolls such as mad nutcase and others, it was only natural for me to assume you were one of them as well based on how you have trolled so many times here in the past refusing to acknowledge when you have been proven wrong with asinine posts such as wilson is just a mere game manager and bullshit crap like that.:rolleyes-41:

okay i peaked to see what you said,back to ignore again and back to my passion of talking about the rams with older links.:biggrin:

More excuses from you. Lol!

Sure I'm on ignore, Wilson is a game manager, and you seem to think its a bad thing? Wilson and Carroll manage the game, some of the best I've seen,

And you have never proven me wrong, nice try nutter.

see pooper,that's now what you said a long time ago to Huggy when putting down his hawks. oh and in case your going to say something like-"I see you are saying his hawks",since you are so dense,for a reminder to you,the chargers have been my team for the past 20 years.I turned to them when my Rams betrayed me and left LA.

the seahawks are my favorite team in the NFC until later this year of course when the rams are back in LA. The rams will once again be my favorite team with the chargers being my favorite in the AFC.the chargers will always hold a special place in my heart for being there the past 20 years when the rams left.

Next year I wont be watching anymore seahawk games,why would I want to when my dream come true,the Rams are back in LA?only time I will tune in to sehawk games now is when they play the Rams or are on prime time as well.

anyways back then pooper,you said to Huggy Wilson is a game manager on the same level and Brad Johnson and trent dilfer.

I vividly remember you saying that because rightfully so got all pissed at you saying something like-don't ever mention Wilson in the same breath as brad Johnson or trent dilfer,that is insulting to me.

that was a very asinine thing to say as you did and you lost your credibility back then just as you have denying reality that I have had you on ignore the last 4 months and actually are suich an idiot,actually beliving the raiders will ever come back.hahahahahahghaaaa

Dumbshit I'm done trying to explain what a game manager is, I realize you are too stupid to carry on a conversation.

It was so obvious that I wasn't on ignore, but I really don't care what you think. I realize you are a deranged 911 tin foil nut case. That is all you will ever be.
someone farted in here^ oh and since you have alzhimers diseace pooper,that means i have you back to being on ignore again.:lol:
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love how all you saint Louis apologists have all changed your tune since the announcement came out backpeddling just like I knew you all would.

Lets look at how all the st Louis apologists have all back peddled.lol

1.Lets see,Huggy has gone from saying I am getting desperate to NOW saying he doesn't care if they come back one way or another,that he would be fine with them coming back and has not surfaced since the announcement.lol

no surprise that he came on here saying they would not come back originally.

outside of his world of the seahawks,he is clueless about pro football in the history of the game other than his seahawks.

2.mad nutcase lunatic scientist has gone from saying they will never come back to NOW saying he never said they would never come back. and then when i proved he lied reposting his quote where he mentioned they indeed would not come back,he then changed the subject lying saying he never said that and then said -I never said they would not come back,i said LA is not an NFL city,then when I porved him wrong on that one as well,he of course changed the subject AGAIN with another lie after I cornered him and he has yet to return now since the announcement.lol

3.the resident troll of USMB rightwinger of course keeps trolling here posting pics of LOS ANGELES RAIDERS 2016 like the paid troll he is and which I expected and has not returned since the announcement either.lol

4.dipshit antiquity.another seahawk fan, to no surprise has not shown his face on here either since the announcement like I knew he wouldn't.he kept insisting they were not coming back so this is what I expected of him.lol

seahawk fans are the biggest idiots.you cant reason with them.

5.wildcard who kept saying I can only hope and pray they will come back some day,has also been too scared to come back to this thread since the announcement.lol

6.kiss my has gone from saying kroneke was just using LA as mere leverage for a new stadium deal in saint Louis and that the raiders would go back to lying saying he never said the rams would not come back to LAwhich I just proved wrong in my previous post quoting him on to NOW saying the rams wont be there for three years.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I love all the backpeddling from you all knowing you all were cornered and proven wrong making up lies saying that you never said the things I said you said
Only trouble is you forgot this place keeps records to show that you DID indeed say those things such as claims like kroneke was just using the land purchase for leverage for a new stadium.I'll never live that one down.:haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I hate to admit this pooper but all these dipshit posters who have made one lie after another saying they never said the rams were not coming back are all far more stupid than you have been on this topic since you have at least said they will return in 2016 and maybe 2015.

you were far more reasonable than they were on this topic. I give you credit for that much.

oh and pass this on to those posters mentioned above in this post I am quoting myself on pooper.

as i said,i would actually take the time to bother with you if you were not such an idiot who actually thinks the raiders are coming back:lmao: and then has to be childish and say fuck off loser when confronted with facts you cant refute.:lol:
Make no mistake about it, St. Louis is an NFL city," Nixon said. "Being an NFL city is a matter of civic and state pride and one of international significance

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon calls St. Louis an NFL city - ESPN Los Angeles

To this point, Rams owner Stan Kroenke has remained mum on the topic, similar to how he handled the decision to purchase the majority ownership of the team in 2010 at the deadline for him to match the offer of now Jacksonville owner Shahid Khan.

very clever for stan to remain mum.
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btw pooper since you are such a dumbfuck who lives in a fantasy that I never had you on ignore,everytime I posted someone farted in here right after you posted,that meant that I had you on ignore.:cuckoo: when you see me start posting that again in the future,maybe you'll remember that unless you are like huggy of course who has alzheimers diseace and claims he said things like new jersey giants when he has never called them that and only calls them new York giants.

Fuck off loser.

as usual,i notice that's ALL you can come back with when you get frustrated that you cant refute my facts and know you are cornered.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Refute what? You said nothing, just your usual trolling. You have no proof other than your imagination which is pretty warped.

You only would post you infantile phrase after I went after you, if it didn't mention, you never said the phrase, until after I mentioned it.

Your posts are poorly written, misspelled, sometimes no spacing, I swear you are eight years old. You want me to PM people? WTF? Why can't you PM people? What is wrong with you? Grow up grow a set and PM people yourself, I rarely PM anyone, I just post it in the open. I would imagine a lot of people have your trolling ass on ignore, is that it? Is that why you can't PM people or are to to stupid to figure it out? Why don't you get a two year old to help you with that.

Fucking loser.

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