expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

If Missouri were serious about keeping the Rams in the St Louis area why would they wait till early November to get a committee started when the team is going to make a decision in Feburary?

could not have said it better myself.:thup:

Look STL "still" owes millions from the move to STL in 94`, If they built a new Stadium then what about the ed dome? It's not even payed off yet.. LoL btw the "pink" elephant in the room is there's no money so plans for the Rams to stay is a nonsense they simply can't afford the team any longer..

There isn't even a chance Kroenke would stay, why would he? Stl fans wouldn't even Monday night football tickets vs the 9ers $10! The tickets were being sold for $10 for that nationally televised game.. what a joke.. new Stadium in Stl. Agahaa yea right! LA RAMS 2015`
hey pooper,you should pm this to the man you need to get room with,disinfo agent kissmy.the agent who said kroneke was using his purchase for mere LEVERAGE.lol

I keep hearing the word "leverage" from STL residents. No. Sorry. Leverage would be the simple threat of moving the team. Buying land in LA large enough to build an NFL stadium is not called leverage. It's called step 1.
  • and step 2 is meeting with the mayor of Inglewood.
You don't buy 60 acres in LA, for leverage.:biggrin:
You hear stuff about them building a new stadium — all I know is the city, county and state have no money to make it happen," said Kim Tucci, vice chairman of the board for the CVC

Whats the difference between the Rams playing in a new stadium in St. Louis and, say, Los Angeles?

Right around a billion dollars says John Vrooman, a Vanderbilt University economics professor and expert on sports economics.

Tackling Rams rumors Will they stay or will they go - St. Louis Business Journal

thats WHY the Rams are coming back to LA.:banana::dance:
yep know all about this.Old news for me.Not going to happen.Kroneke only needs 23 of the 31 votes by the owners to move the team which he will get.The majority all want the move since the move to LA benefits them as well.they get relocation fees as well as much better exposure playing in LA the second biggest media market in the country.

The majority of them will vote for it because when the team moved out of LA,they voted 27-3 against the move out of LA to saint louis,they only later reversed their vote because the evil bitch owner who murdered her husband so she could get control of the team to move them,she then threatend to sue the NFL if they opposed it so they then caved in and reversed their vote voting in the majority to approve it.

I been saying this all along but it just goes through one ear and out the other with the saint louis apologists here that goodell is powerless to stop the move,Its what the owners vote for that matters and they are all in favor of it except idiot spanos and maybe mark davis.thats just two owners who will oppose the move.LA RAMS 2015.

The key dates to look for are feb 15th and march 1st. feb15 is when the announcement is expected to be made by The rams they are leaving and then on march 1st is when the owners vote for the move,its the relocation deadline.
How bad would it look if a team announced its intent to move right smack dab in the middle of the playoffs, creating all sorts of bad press and controversy and taking away from the most important time of the season in the NFL?
When you can simply avoid all that drama by moving the window.
To take it a step further, why would the NFL all of a sudden take a serious look at the timing of a team expressing relocation intent?

Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis x201c Los Angeles is a great option x201d not for you it isn't mark,the owners wont approve your move.as always,the media leaves out those key details.:laugh:
this is why you wont ever see the raiders move.they are making way too much noise in Oakland about keeping them.half the fans in the stadium in Oakland showed KEEP THE RAIDERS IN OAKLAND signs in the stands the last three games of the year.

Unlike LA fans,they are passionate about the Raiders.LA fans have passion when it comes to the Rams but not the raiders.Now the chargers MIGHT join the rams in a couple years cause their fans are being stupid,they are not making any noise about keeping them.
LA native and sports legend,Al Michaels of fan support in LA.

Al Michaels talks Hollywood Park the NFL in L.A. and Hollywood

And you point out, too, in the book, you watched the Rams play at the Coliseum with 100,000 people, and still there are augments about how L.A. can’t support an NFL team.

I laugh when I read this crap about, “Oh, they’re out there always at the beach, surfing ...” Yeah, 14 million people are out there surfing on an autumn Sunday. It’s so silly and it’s always written by someone who doesn’t know L.A. When they say they didn’t support the Rams well, you know, the Coliseum was a pretty bad place to go to a game, and Anaheim Stadium was one of the ugliest pieces of garbage. It looked like Candlestick Park the way they took it from a baseball stadium and tried to make it into a football stadium. It was a terrible place. Just like Candlestick.
from an Oakland raider fan-Cool man.we agree,the Raiders belong in Oakland,the Rams in LA.

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