expect Rams to be back in LA next year.


"There are a lot of NFL fans here in Los Angeles. I see no problem with the Rams not having a fan base out here.

***I have heard from many people (mostly friends) that if the NFL came back to LA, they would immediately root for that team***.

Fans love to see their teams win. It is hard for fans to spend their hard earned money on a team that doesn’t show any promise. Since 2008, the St. Louis Rams have averaged around 57,000 people in attendance.

***I can definitely see the new LA Rams’ fans bringing in more than that number.***

People here in LA have been starving for football for 20 years now, and they will show their pride by rocking the blue and gold."

The NFL s official website already has a Los Angeles Rams page Shutdown Corner - Yahoo Sports

The Carson Mayor sure doesn't answer questions directly... A typical jive turkey government official

no surprise there.
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I've been researching this all along and the truth is finally coming out ... the Carson stadium proposal site is a freaking Toxic Waste Dump that is still in the process of being cleaned up . In a article by the Los Angeles Times dated Feb 20 2015 and titled " State says Carson site ready for construction of NFL stadium "

Emad Yemut, a supervising engineer for the state Toxic Substances Control Department, which oversees the decontamination effort says the site is Safe andEverything is Done ?

Yemut also said the site still needs a series of extraction wells to remove methane and other gases from 157 tainted acres, but it could be installed in six months to a year once a final plan for a stadium is approved ?

"It will be expensive," Yemut said of the remaining work, estimating the monthly costs of operating just the gas extraction wells at $200,000 to $300,000 ?

Is this a added cost for the stadium maintanance ?

Yemut continues , Eventually, the parcel would be capped with high-density plastic to prevent garbage-spawned gases from leaking into the air. The cap would be topped with layers of new soil ?

So as long as you don't punch a hole in this high-density plastic then everything is okay , while a 72,000 seat stadium will be built ?

This new Carson Mayor Albert Robles is a pretty shady guy , goggle him and read .

Anyway , It Is What It Is ...

Carson Mayor On Chargers Stadium Site It s Contaminated Land NBC 7 San Diego
I love it,that is the bomb.priceless.:biggrin:

Ticket sales mixed for NFL L.A. suitors with St. Louis Rams down San Diego Chargers up and Oakland Raiders flat - St. Louis Business Journal

Wow - someone on today'sstltoday.com's chat opened Jim Thomas' eyes. What kinda paper are they running there?

I think he has an agreement with kroneke to guide the Rams to LA and then have a couple years to build there before his job is on the line.do you think i could be on to something?

You know,you could be on to something.I reported way back when kroneke interviewe fisher for the job in early jan 2012 that fisher was asked several questions about what it was like moving the oilers to tennesssee.maybe kronke wants fishers expertise in that area during the transition period.

Anybody listen to Fred Roggin today? Did I hear Jason Cole right that Kroenke would come to the conclussion the profit margin in STL with the new stadium was good enough and remain in STL? WTF?!! Are you kidding me?! Really?! And what planet does Jason Cole live on? So Stan plops down 400 million for a stadium he will not own in the number 21 media market in the United States when he has a plan in place to be the KING OF NFL FOOTBALL IN THE NUMBER 2 MEDIA MARKET IN THEUNITED STATES?!!! When pigs fly. So, three years of this baloney that Stan put himself through just to settle for that? So the sweat and long hours of working the deal with Inglewood and then going to the owners meeting this past March and then going to NY to personally do an hour long presentation to the owners committee this April and he's going to settle for the love child of Quallcom and Anaheim Stadium because the profit margin is just good enough? Lets not forget all the other economic problems with St Louis that we have read about. Maybe its the water? Huh? Not enough water for the new Inglewood stadium? Or maybe its that big earthquake coming any day now? Or maybe..............?
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Interesting stuff.:thup:

They talked about the L.A. football scenario today on Portland drive home sports radio. Both hosts said St. Louis is an awful sports city san the Cardinals (they did say it was perhaps the best MLB city in the country, which I don't think many disagree with) and that the Rams were "as good as gone" to L.A. (basing it on season ticket numbers). They also said that was the team they most likely think was leaving and the one they feel the least bad about leaving their current home. Just an FYI.
LA is leverage. The NFL wants it that way, clearly. I expect the Rams to be in a new or renovated stadium in St. Louis.
great funny joke of the day. :biggrin:

you been hanging around with the koolaide drinkers in st louis.even THEY have come around down there in fenton and expect them gone next year.:biggrin:

season tickets have dropped by 20% this year,they have only averaged around 30,000 fans the last few years so that was bad enough which was bad enough and it will be MUCH worse this year obviously and you think stan wants to keep them there in that ghost town where NOBODY will show up for any of those games?:biggrin:

even though USA TODAY reported in the last owners meeting in march in arizona,that he was LOBBYING THE OWNERS for their votes for the move to LA.

again better stop drinking the koolaide you been in to.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

the ONLY reason he did not make the move this year like everybody was thinking, is he wants to give spanos time to use LA for leverage for a new stadium in san diego which they finally seem to be taking action to do something after all these years after the carson threat.

you got the part right of an NFL owner using LA for leverage,just the wrong one charlie.Its spanos using it for leverage for a new stadium.
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Dude, I've lived in or around LA for most of my life; I can tell you that nobody here even bats an eye when they talk about bringing an NFL team here. If a local news outlet does a story on it, then it must be a slow news day.
Dude, I've lived in or around LA for most of my life; I can tell you that nobody here even bats an eye when they talk about bringing an NFL team here. If a local news outlet does a story on it, then it must be a slow news day.
you been housed up in your house everyday of your whole life then cause hate to inform you of this but there there is a thing called a telephone and the Net and i have many people i constantly talk to who live there in LA as well so i happen to know you are blowing smoke.

sorry but I will listen to people i know in REAL life,what they tell me,over you.no offense.:lol:

Yea, the Rams want as many of those stories out there as they can get so that they can coerce St. Louis to giving them as much as they can get. The NFL is making more money by using LA as leverage than they'd ever make by having a team here. We've now not had a team in the second largest market for 21 years. Does that make sense otherwise? Come on, dude; figure out what the rest of us already know..

Yea, the Rams want as many of those stories out there as they can get so that they can coerce St. Louis to giving them as much as they can get. The NFL is making more money by using LA as leverage than they'd ever make by having a team here. We've now not had a team in the second largest market for 21 years. Does that make sense otherwise? Come on, dude; figure out what the rest of us already know..

again you need to get out of the house.rest? like your two or three other nuts out there in LA who agree with you?:lmao:

Yea, the Rams want as many of those stories out there as they can get so that they can coerce St. Louis to giving them as much as they can get. The NFL is making more money by using LA as leverage than they'd ever make by having a team here. We've now not had a team in the second largest market for 21 years. Does that make sense otherwise? Come on, dude; figure out what the rest of us already know..

sorry but this guy here below makes MUCH more sense to me:thup:

than you and jason cole,a sports goof nut who has gotten MANY things wrong in the past in his reporting.

Yesterday at the conclusion of his show, Fred Roggin interviewed Jason Cole from Bleacher Report. Although I respect Fred, I think he let Mr. Cole off easy! Fred agreed with Cole that StL "will build a stadium" first, sorry Fred but you are wrong, when it comes to the Rams staying, StL is not building a stadium! Simply, without Stan Kroenke's owner's commitment, Riverfront will only be a blue print on Peacock's desk waiting. An owner's commitment is needed first before any stadium is build, and that doesn't just hold true in StL, that's a logical prerequisite anywhere. Now, when it comes to NFL (not the Rams) in StL, again, an owner's committee is needed before the stadium is built, not after, so without a hint of a single NFL owner committing, how is Riverfront a sure thing? How are we connecting the dots and reading the tea leaves that stadium is "going to be built"? Let's break it down further, both Spanos and Davis are on record that they want to stay in their current respective markets first and their collaboration in Carson is a reaction to Kroenke's bold and unexpected move in Ingelwood. Now, if Stan Kroenke is building a stadium "no matter what" in LA which he has and is still investing millions in and will stay according to Jason Cole in StL, then Stan has two serious issues: one, if Spanos and Davis stay in their current markets and two, if Carson is built. The only way Kroenke is building Ingelwood and stays in StL is if he knows 100% (on a $2.2 billion development) that the Chargers and Raiders are 100% not going to stay in their current markets and Carson is bust. Because, Mr. Cole if either of the above is not 100% Kroenke is taking a massive risk, who will play in his state of the art stadium? He needs tenants ASAP. Also can you imagine the leverage an NFL owner will have on Stan, if Stan signs a lease in Riverfront and now desperately tries to rent his expensive development in Ingelwood? Remember what I said, and Dave Peacock said it too, without an owner's commitment first, again first, the best you can do is have a shovel ready stadium, that's it! Ask AEG! So Jason, if You believe, at the end of the day, Stan will keep his Rams in StL, where is his 100% owner's commitment to build Ingelwood? Because unlike StL, Kroenke is already building in Ingelwood, no ifs ands or buts, so he must have an owner's commitment in his pocket if his stadium is in full throttle. So if Spanos and Davis have directed their commitments to 1- current market and 2- Carson, on who's owner's 100% commitment is Stan building in Ingelwood? How about his own Jason! The reason he is actually building is because he has that logical prerequisite called an owner's commitment in his left pocket that his team, the Rams will move and triple in price. My other problem with Jason Cole's narrative is this: if Stan Kroenke has any intention in staying in StL (this late in the game) why is he not doing the logical think like Spanos and Davis? Both of them are on record that they want to stay and they are only considering Carson out of future financial fear for their respective franchises. They want their current markets to offer them a great deal, you know, like the one StL put together in public money support for the Rams. Now ask yourself this, if San Diego and Oakland had the same deal StL was offering the Rams in their current markets, wouldn't they take it? Of course they willI! More than half of stadium will be publicly funded, Spanos and Davis will be kids at a candy store if either San Diego or Oakland offered them what StL is offering the Rams to stay. So why oh why Jason, Kroenke hasn't jumped on this offer from Peacock/Nixon and with only 5 months away from relocation, we still call him silent Stan and Ingelwood hasn't missed a step? Not a word has been spoken, it is not like what StL is offering is going to get better in the next 5 months, Stan is getting a max deal from StL right now! Nothing is going to change in next few months, why is Stan not taking the deal now and save a lame duck low ticket sale season Jason? Why is he moving full speed in Ingelwood Jason? what more could StL offer him Jason? Maybe because he is moving no matter what Jason! I am not a sport writer, you are, when you do this for a living, we expect better logic to logic analysts! I find it humanly asinine that Jason Cole thinks Stan is staying with all that has transpired since the beginning of this year! At the end of the interview, Jason Cole bet Fred Roggin a six pack of beer that the Rams are staying in StL. Jason, I see your six pack of beer and raise you every supermarket, club, and liquor store in LA! Rams are moving to LA!
funny stuff.lol

Stadium Scramble
“Most of that site was a former landfill. It’s contaminated land,” said Robles. “There is a strip, about 11 acres, that was never a landfill.”
So the Chargers and Raiders are buying two separate pieces of property. The 11-acre non-landfill area was purchased for about $20 million. How much did they get the remaining 157 acres of landfill for?

LA is leverage. The NFL wants it that way, clearly. I expect the Rams to be in a new or renovated stadium in St. Louis.
you obviously wont be convinced till they move back next year i see.some people you just cant be reasoned with I see.

i cant help it if you dont read all the stuff i post..

yep staying in a ghostown in st louis like you said it looks like where NOBODY in st louis cares about the rams and wont show up to games. you kill me.:lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh:

Stan Kroenke to fast-track his L.A. NFL stadium
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Raiders moving to carson? oh really, what is this then?:biggrin:

Raiders To Invest Millions For New Training Facility At Alameda Headquarters CBS San Francisco

The Raiders are spending between 10 to 40 million dollars to Build a practice facility in Alameda yet KTRISTL says this means nothing. Can you imagine what they would be saying if the Rams were building a practice facility in St Louis?

good for raiders stay in OAKLAND were you belong just like RAMS belong in L.A.
its going to be cool when you come HOME..................
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