expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

St. Louis Rams tickets may be the most interesting of the bunch. This could potentially be the Ramsā€™ last season playing in the Edward Jones Dome. The Rams have been one of the frontrunners to relocate to Los Angeles with owner Stan Kroenke leading a project in Inglewoodā€™s Hollywood Park.

Several NFL Teams Wasting Little Time Putting Tickets On Sale After Schedule Release

Random Lengths News Independent And Free

Interesting. At least he flat out says "we're in
a battle with the Rams for L.A."


Mark Fabiani The earliest football could be played in Carson is 2019. Mighty1090AM

The mayor of Carson was on Fred Rogan news. He is so full of it, but what else do you expect him to say. Fred told him it will be Inglewood stadium and listed the reasons why. This mayor agreed that Stan may have the land, the team, and the money, but he still thinks it will be the Chargers in Carson. Fred asked him what will he do when it doesn't happen. Amazing!

yes,that is awesome.

Fred is going off on Raiders fans right now. It.Is.Awesome. Hahaha
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ā€œThe Chargers/Raiders stuff is much more thin-air hopes and dreams,ā€ the Fox Sports 1 NFL analyst said on CBS Sports Radioā€™s The DA Show. ā€œThe Rams to Inglewood is absolutely concrete, and I expect it to happen. I would put it at a 85-90 percent clip that itā€™s going to happen ā€“ and itā€™s very simple why. The Chargersā€™ and Raidersā€™ plan is going to need public support, and theyā€™re trying to go down to Orange County ā€“ and thatā€™s a very conservative county that is not going to want to give them all that much support, at least from a public sector

Can you repost this recent interview? Everyone knows that Kurt is the face of the franchise in StL. As well-travelled and respected as he is, he has a realistic view of the situation:

But Warner also realizes the Rams have a rich history in Los Angeles, playing in that city from 1946 through 1994, and would be a natural fit from whence they came.

ā€œIā€™m also realistic and understand how that fits for the NFL, how it fits for the Rams to move back to L.A.,ā€ Warner said. ā€œWhen Iwas with the St. Louis Rams, and every time I would go out to L.A., you would be amazed at the number of people who would come up and say, ā€˜Thanks for the great season. Iā€™ve been a Rams fans my entire life.ā€™ There is a built-in fan base in L.A.ā€



When I and several other L.A. Rams fans were at the 'Inglewood State of The City' event at the Forum last Thursday, Inglewood city council member Alex Padilla, took the time to come up to where we were sitting. He wanted to let us know how much he, and the rest of the city council members appreciated all the support us Rams fans have shown the city of Inglewood throughout the whole stadium process. He said "they greatly, greatly appreciated it, and that it would not be forgotten". Just thought I would share that with everyone.

Anyway, NFL commissioner called the Carson project (and the St. Louis Ramsā€˜ proposed Inglewood project) ā€œviableā€ with a ā€œgreat deal of potential to be successfulā€ on Friday, and then his paid employee Dan Hanzus ofNFL.comsaid this gave the L.A. plans ā€œmomentum,ā€ so job well done, crazy lightning renderers! Another day that the media doesnā€™t spend discussing how exactly anyone is going to pay for these buildings is a happy day for Goodell.

If St. Louis gets everything lined up to build a new NFL stadium and the Rams still leave ā€“ would another team move here?
An expert on NFL relocations says donā€™t count on it.

If Peacock and Blitz ever wanted Kroenke to hear them out, they should've at least come up with a stadium plan that would cover at least $700 M for Kroenke and have a retractable roof. The two glaring proposals in Kroenke's counter-proposal. Because as much as St. Louis wants to believe it, Kroenke isn't entitled to spend a dime. If he wanted to keep the Rams in St. Louis, he'd just stay at The Dome, where he has the best lease in the history of sports. When St. Louis Convention let the Rams become free agents, Kroenke turned his attention to LA. Oh and by the way, Spanos and Davis were late to the party. They should've made their move as soon as the Rams were in play for LA. Not after Kroenke had already purchased the parcel of land next to The Forum.ā€Ŗ#ā€ŽFREETHERAMSā€¬ā€Ŗ#ā€ŽNOLAMEDUCKā€¬
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Fred Roggin is to be congratulated for being the only professional journalist around to actually do what is taught in the nation's better Journalism programs. Go to the public records, and read them. Buried under the boring and mundane are usually facts that almost everyone else will overlook--hidden in plain sight material--which will tell the truth of the matter. As one should have expected, the Carson stadium plan is a ruse to get Oakland and San Diego to do something about their longstanding stadium delays. Again, as one should have already known, unless your name is Mayor Robles and the other "politicians" on the Carson City Council, no one is fooled that neither team is yet on the hook for the toxic waste, or as Mayor Butts refers to it, "what lies beneath." Mayor Robles has assured Roggin that this will all become clear "next week." Whatever, Mayor Robles. The truth is that Carson is at least two years behind Inglewood, so, outside of possibly scaring the powers that be in Oakland and San Diego, what the heck is the point? At the end of the day, the Rams are in Inglewood, San Diego either gets a deal in San Diego, or, failing that, moves to Inglewood. Since the NFL says it will not allow three teams in "San Angeles," (L.A./Anaheim/San Diego) that means that the Raiders can never, ever return, unless somehow, someway, Spanos is convinced to move the Chargers out of Southern California. Does Governor Nixon have another "sweetheart deal" up his sleeve? Would Spanos fall for it? Would Davis? Tune in next week, same Ram time, same Ram station.
You know throughout this Carson Stadium deal something always bothered me. I knew that it didn't make sense that the Chargers were moving forward with building a stadium in Carson while negotiating with the city of San Diego at the same time. Why you ask? Well, the first step to building a stadium is to buy the land then build the stadium on it right?. Now, if Carson is to start digging by this December to keep up with Ingelwood, like they want, the land must be theirs first before December makes sense right? Now, If the Chargers have a shot at staying in San Diego (this is why they are still in talks with the city, and Fabiani says Chargers' first priority is to stay in San Diego) here is what always bothers me: what will the Raiders and Chargers do with the Carson land if the Chargers stay in San Diego or the NFL pick Ingelwood as the LA stadium location? In Ingelwood, Stan Kroenke and Starwood Capital own the land, so let's hypothetically say there is no stadium built, they can turn around and build something else with the 298 acres. But what are the Chargers going to do with 167 contaminated acres in Carson if they stay in San Diego or NFL picks Ingelwood? it's not like Spanos can turn around and develop it to residential and commercial buildings, no developer has and wants to touch that land in fear of future liability and litigation, this is why that land has stayed empty all these years in the first place. Like I said, that always bothered that Spanos will spend so much money buying and maintaining Carson and will risk getting stuck with so much landfill waste land just to flex at Ingelwood, he can't develop it and no one else wants it, so what gives? Today, Fred Roggin's Beast 980 show (Podcast: hour 1, starting minute 24) finally put it together for me. Fred is reporting, using public documents, that the Chargers and the Raiders formed a LLC called Cardinal Cavalry (how ironic StL) that has a purchase agreement to assign the land in Carson for Carson Marketplace (actual owners of the land) the land is NOT in escrow (like the Chargers claim) and Cardinal Cavalry is unwilling to take title directly due to the liability issues and unwilling to indemnify the developer of that land when assigned the land. In other words, the Chargers are not in the process of buying the land or take current and future responsibility for it! They have a purchase agreement to only assign the land for a nominal fee paid to Carson Marketplace! How can you build a stadium if you don't own it? Fred also said that the city of Carson has given Carson Marketplace 69 million in cleaning the stadium site and it will require at least another 50 million to complete the clean up so the city is on the hook for at least an additional 50 million at this point, so much for public funding not needed. Once the clean up is done it takes the State of California 6 months to a year to inspect/approve the site for building! So much for December, wouldn't you say? Fred also estimates that only 11 acres were actually purchased by the Charges in Carson, land is considered not contaminated. So when that weasel, Mark Fabiani goes on radio and says the land is in escrow, is he referring to 11 acres only? because if he wasn't, (because he said the land will be theirs by the end of this month) the man is flat out a liar! You can't build on a football stadium on 11 acres Mark! Mr. Roggin did say however that he spoke this morning with the Carson mayor, Albert Robles and he told him that his information is right, but to be fair, the mayor said he will be on the Fred Roggin Show this Monday to explain his side. Oh man, he does! Stay tuned.
So...does Bonsignore have a Carson agenda or does he just love to play all sides? It seems as if only him and Albert "The Crossdresser" Robles are confident that the Chargers will purchase the Carson land soon, despite public documents saying otherwise. He even said what Roggin reported earlier today isn't true.

Too bad for the City of Industry, they're going through a crisis in the 'industrial city.' Majestic Realty had the opportunity to land an NFL team there, but that changed when AEG thrummed them and the NFL never admired the atmosphere of an NFL stadium being built there. Time to move on to other great events.http://www.latimes.com/ā€¦/la-ed-city-of-industry-audit-contrā€¦

NFL commissioner comments on proposed stadium - CBS News 8 - San Diego CA News Station - KFMB Channel 8

New football stadium bills total about 800 000 so far News
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RAMS as always,take the lead with most votes for the team most want to see in LA.:rock:

New football stadium bills total about 800 000 so far News

jason cole is such an idiot.

Now wait a minute. Wasn't Jason Cole just doing interviews saying the Rams were definitely going back to L.A.


drivel from vinnie as always.

Clearing up some questions about Carson stadium project The NFL in L.A. with Vincent Bonsignore

Indeed he may.
Bernie may finally be onto something

And if Kroenke can lure the Chargers or Raiders to Inglewood, the team that doesn't end up with a new stadium in SoCal could look to St. Louis for a new start.

Bernie may finally be onto something

Bernie Goodell says only one stadium for LA Sports
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Bernie may finally be onto something

And if Kroenke can lure the Chargers or Raiders to Inglewood, the team that doesn't end up with a new stadium in SoCal could look to St. Louis for a new start.

st louis sportwriter-st louis sports fans,how do you like the cooper pick? comedy gold.lol

Bernie reporting that Roger Goodell says on CBS This Morning that there will only be one stadium chosen in LA. Bernie proves again he is light years behind Fred Roggin. "There will only be one." That stadium will be the one built in Inglewood. LA Rams!!!

DSC02613 Flickr - Photo Sharing Its gonna be cool to come back here 3 years from now and see a 80k seat NFL Stadium at this spotsmile emoticonsmile emoticon(From 4/30/15) . . . .

Well Mike and mike in the Morning on ESPN2 FINALLY talked about Relocation and LOS ANGELES with the Commish this morning, not to much new stuff, except IT FINALLY HIT NATIONAL TV AND RADIO

here is a Short video capture of the primary Chat, take what you can out of it and share out... ESPN Now maybe seriously starting to talk relocation and los angeles this season

Mark Yale Facebook

Fred Roggin calls out Carson and Chargers on the Documents he has about the Carson site....

Audio The Beast 980
After hearing Goodell state only one stadium will be built in LA, does respected NFL Network analyst Albert Breer look like a genius?


Kroenke expands his footprint in L.A. - St. Louis Business Journal

Carson officials Tuesday will consider issuing more than $50 million in bonds to finance the final phase of environmental work on the site of a former toxic landfill.

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Kroenke's dick sucker, how come the Lambs haven't moved to LA like your sorry ass predicted? You are pretty stupid. :lmao: :lmao:

Keep suck Kroenke troll bitch.
someone farted in here.^:9:

that means i have you on ignore since you are too stupid to figure that out pooper.
The biggest difference in all the stadium hoo-ha...Kroenke can afford to go rogue; Spanos and Davis can't...and the NFL knows it. Advantage; Stan.

very true.
Carson officials Tuesday will consider issuing more than $50 million in bonds to finance the final phase of environmental work on the site of a former toxic landfill.


further proof the raiders are not wanted in LA.lol

  • There was some booing going on when the MC said Raiders .

  • .A recent article in the San Diego U-T also points out the the complex LA football situation. Just like many before it, It points out that the NFL had tightened it's bylaws since the 1982 Al Davis vs NFL court case. Now, the NFL controls more revenue, an estimated 80% of total revenue. Also, voluntary associated contracts (Like the one Kroenke has with the NFL) carry more integrity in the courts now a days. So although the NFL can't actually, physically stop a fully determined... Kroenke from moving, they can potentially push him with their revenue 2x4 back to his current market. Of course the situation is more complex than the above and highly unlikely (even by the U-T writer standards) but theoretically it is an interesting point. A counter measure to the NFL threat, an unsanctioned moved to LA saves Kroenke an estimated $500,000 in relocation fees! Add to that the 20% in revenue not controlled by the NFL and his personal wealth Kroenke, a hard headed Stan can stay afloat in LA as he butts heads with Goodell in court. So let's say Kroenke goes rogue and moves, the NFL pulls the it's 2X4, Kroenke weathers the financial storm in his first season in LA, what happens next? He moves back to StL and drinks from that poisoned well? What a drama panorama that would be! Can we say disastrous NFL PR black eye circus? Excuse me as I go to hypothetical extreme. The NFL is not going to throw a highly qualified owner such as Stan (who can argue he exhausted his options in StL) under the bus, how is that kind of treatment to a current owner going to look when other billionaires, which now you have to be to own in the NFL, decide to buy in into the NFL either through expansion or selling of an existing team? Not very good, Stan Kroenke is not Al Davis! Davis taunted the NFL and sued then asked questions, have you hear Stan Kroenke? With all his development deals, the guy is a prolific negotiator! Behind doors is his natural niche. The NFL is a good old boys club of billionaires, they do their best work (as they are now) behind closed doors. Look for a NFL sanctioned Spanos/Kroenke compromise that will manifest in Ingelwood. The last thing the NFL will do is roll bylaw dice in front of a federal judge for LA.
wow,how crooked is this guy?

Carson Councilman Albert Robles faces conflict-of-interest probe - LA Times
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