expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

raiders involvement in oaklands new stadium.

Floyd Kephart says the Raiders are more involved in LA stadium planning

For those in St. Louis who say they didn't steal the Rams from LA, a quote from one of their own (starts at 4:54):

"We lost the Cardinals and we're like, y'know what? We need an NFL team here in town. So Arizona, you steal the Cardinals from us, we're gonna steal the Rams from LA. No you can't have the Rams now, they're our team. Oh LA, you're gonna steal the Rams from us? Hey Oakland, hey Raiders, c'mon here we'll take you guys now. So yeah we'll be upset when we lose a team but then we'll immediately try and steal a team from somebody else."


Poor Bernie...


Strauss Rams face tall task of marketing team Sports

Vinny thinks the Rams want to relocate to LA. Really?

oh my god,yowsa.

Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams - FordEver Frank Jr. Facebook
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Have you heard how they're doing with season-ticket renewals?
"My understanding is they anticipate renewals to be down double-digits. It's not out of the realm of possibility they struggle to reach 30,000 for the season opener against Seattle. It's pretty remarkable. I just think the level of cynicism within this market has escalated to the point where people don't want to hear about it anymore. I think that's why the club has accelerated their single-ticket sales earlier than usual." St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Joe Strauss on The Ryan Kelley Morning After on Monday.

With Rams eyeing Los Angeles their game-plan comes into focus The NFL in L.A. with Vincent Bonsignore

think that from now on, Vincent Bonsignore articles should never be posted on the main page again. This guy already had little credibility coming into today because of his lack of genuine journalism and playing all sides, but now he writes an article quoting Porky and D.W., 2 of the worst people from the opposing page. I get that Vinny is trying to remain neutral, but he's a scrub journalist.

So as a result, in my opinion, his articles should be nihil pretii (of no value) to us. Not to mention he doesn't deserve having more clicks and views on his articles than they would normally get if we (as in Tom) didn't post them.

so very true.
his Vincent Bonsignore is increasingly losing credibility with these items Pro St Louis who has written lately.

well said as well.
ts Funny we all know jason cole flip flops...but its funny last week when he stated rams staying in the lou,,,they(KTRISL) took that guys word as gold....NOW he is a no name la biased hack bwawawa!
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This new rumor circulating around St. Louis is very creative, but it is patently false. Here's why: 1.) The NFL will not expand beyond 32 teams any time soon, if ever. The owners will not willingly choose to make their piece of the league revenue split any smaller. 2.) Stan Kronke will not sell the Rams. Why should he? Why would he? He and his family want to leave a mark in the Los Angeles area, and make a pile of money in the process. Almost every "expert" who is certain that Kronke would sell the Rams so he can buy the Broncos fails to recognize certain things. First of all, the Broncos are not for sale, and the team may never be offered for sale any time soon, if ever. Even if he did suddenly get to buy the Broncos, Kronke would not own "every sports team in Denver." He would still not own MLB's Colorado Rockies. Kronke has a home in Malibu, and his daughter lives in the Los Angeles area. He tried to buy the Dodgers. Where would the average person look to spend their "golden years," in St. Louis or in Malibu? More importantly, Kronke is about to spend about $2 Billion to build what could arguably be called the greatest stadium in the history of sports. Chances like this don't come around too often, even for the very wealthy. 3.) After their most recent meeting in Arizona, the owners decided that there will only be two teams in the new Los Angeles/Anaheim/San Diego marketplace it has created. Although it has not yet been officially announced, those two teams will certainly be the Rams and Chargers. Even the Raiders now realize this. This is why the team just announced plans for a new $40 million practice facility in Northern California. 4.) Because people in St. Louis will not fully support the Rams' lame duck season, and if put to a vote, will not choose to use public funds to construct that riverfront stadium, St. Louis will be without an NFL team until and unless their friend Shad Khan could move his Jaguars there sometime in the late 2020's or early 2030's. 5.) In the meantime, the second team spot in Inglewood will either be used by the Chargers, or else it will remain vacant so that the NFL can continue to use L.A. as "threat city" to other towns which may need to build a new stadium for their team. Any other scenario concocted by anybody else is pure BS.

WELL SAID.:thup:

Thank you, Captain Obvious. Does this guy seriously get paid to regurgitate news? Journalism is some serious amateur-level shit (outside of The Dean).

The return of the "'LOS ANGELES" RAMS occurs in the 2016 season.
gee you THINK vinnie? lol

Imagine being a Los Angeles high school standout, a USC product drafted by an NFL team in the Midwest.

When the contract is up, the team doesn’t offer a long-term max deal, and in the process, legally frees you up as an unrestricted free agent. Meanwhile, Los Angeles comes calling with a contract offer for you to become the highest-paid player in the NFL. Then, the Midwest team comes back insisting it still wants you, only it asks you to re-sign at a discount.

No brainer, right?

Would anyone argue against your right to say, “Thanks, but no thanks,” and accept the offer to return to the city you grew up on a contract that will make you the richest player in the NFL?

St. Louis Rams fans in knots about team s possible move to Los Angeles
  1. Recently Dave Peacock made this statement: "It’s possible we have different ownership of the (Rams) because I think (Kroenke) is really committed to Los Angeles,” Peacock said. “I’m not against Stan going to Los Angeles, I just don’t want our team there... This is why we’re spending most of our time with the league — we think this is an NFL issue.”
    Can someone put their hand on this man's forehead either to bless his with more wisdom or check for a fever? What Dave? Really Dave? I just love these random/general personal opinion statements that are place at the street corner to be collected by media and the masses. Ok Dave, so let us start with "Kroenke is committed to Los Angeles" that is true, the man has and is investing millions in Inglewood. Now to the sour grapes part: he will sell the Rams, buy another team and move them to LA, right? Wrong Dave! A few questions to consider: 1- which ownership group/man in StL are ready to buy the Rams in the next 5 months? Answer: 2- which team is on sale and is willing to sell to Kroenke? Answer: 3- which team on sale is not currently under lease to move? Answer: 4- what significant benefit makes Kroenke sell his team? Answer: Here is the thing Dave Peacock, in 5 months this LA, NFL market party will be done, by the time the owner's meeting in October, the stadium will be selected, the team will be identified, the relocation fee will be agreed up and the relocation date will be moved up. This is why the LA 6 committee was formed this year. Let us take question 1, not a single person or entity has stepped up to buy the Rams and commit money to build Riverfront Stadium, the Rams are valued at ~ $930 million + $450 million stadium cost (and God know what else) so minimum you need $1.4 billion to buy and keep them in StL! That narrows the field, which multi billionaire is Johnny on the spot to by the Rams Dave? Come on, gives us some names. Question 2, not one team has hinted itself on the market to be sold in the next three years, with NFL revenue estimated to go from 9 billion annually to 25 billion in the next few decades, why would anyone sell? Question 3, we know Inglewood will be done in 2018, so Kroenke must have ownership of a team or his state of the art $1.86 billion stadium will be empty in 2018! besides the Rams, only two other teams are year to year in lease: Chargers and Raiders. Neither are on sale. Question 4, it make no sense for Kroenke to sell the Rams. The perfect team to move is one with a rich/deep rooted history in LA like the Rams. Why would Kroenke forfeit that value? The Rams are the least valued team in the NFL at $930 million, if Stan, for example, were to sell the Rams to buy the Raiders then he would have to pay another $40 million to cover. The Chargers have minimal fan base in LA and the Raiders have a thug image in LA. Do you really think Kroenke will trade the clean image of the Rams in LA, for corporate sponsorship, to the bar-fight image of the Raiders AND pay an extra $40 million? If Kroenke sellshis Rams he will have to pay at least 15% capital gains tax on any part of the Rams that has appreciated under his ownership, that would be millions! Why would he do that Dave? Because he wants to do StL a "favor" the same StL that broke their lease with him, waited to the last minute to offer him a new stadium, took him to arbitration, lost and still didn't renovate the EDJ dome to keep it top tier, and is the lowest valued NFL team in the league in StL. And Dave, you want all this logistics and logic to make sense in 5 months' time? Are you fucking crazy? It's not your team, the LA Rams are Mr. Enos Stanley Kroenke's team!!


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