expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Remember the LA Rams A Guide to Moving a Pro Sports TeamTicketing Today

Did I hear Fred right, Rams will file in August??

A few questions I have for the Ramily:

1. I know I'm done with, "Deflate-Gate," but with Robert Kraft now mad at his boy Goodell (who has been delaying and delaying a team coming back to LA), do you feel that Kraft's anger will be our blessing as it could heavily accelerate approval of the move just to get back at Goodell since he is on the committee to bring back the NFL?

2. I don't know if many of you know but Carson's Mayor Robles is being accused of rape from an incident in 2013. Do you think the allegations may hurt chances of Oakland and San Diego moving to that site as the NFL does not want to be associated with assaults on women even if it is only allegations at this point?
Not to mention the NFL did say after the first owners meeting that they only want two teams in SoCal. Either two in LA or one in LA and one in SD.

Despite the fact that LA spent a dozen years being a 2-team town, I don't believe that anyone could say that it ended well for either team. In fact, both teams departed due to the irregularity of a split market. Now, the NFL has changed a lot in the last 20 years, and risen to a prominence not before seen, but I don't think they take the chance on 2 teams right away...not at first, and maybe not ever.#larams

Debra, I agree. I am having a hard time believing that the NFL is going to be in a rush to pressure Stan to rent out his Inglewood stadium's second slot right away. With only the Rams in Inglewood, the NFL has the best of both worlds, a team in the L.A. market, and an open slot ready to go for any team to use as leverage like they've been doing the last 20 years. I am feeling more and more that there won't be a second team in L.A. with the Rams, for awhile.

don't see how anyone, from any side, could argue that any team but the Rams belongs here. It flies in the face of reason!

I said not right away, if ever. I stand by that assessment. At the very least Kroenke is gonna insist on some sort of payback for 1) Cooling his heels while this Chargers/Raiders debacle plays out, and 2) For building them the NFL football Taj Mahal. He will have autonomy in this market for some time, at first...maybe always. We shall see.

If Spanos has the crust to move the Chargers, he becomes something that neither Davis, Fronteire, Bidwell, etc. could ever have been in anyone's wildest dreams.: The ASSHOLE who moved a team that all but originated in a single market, and stayedfor nearly 6 decades. No...I do not count the 1 exhibition year in LA as valid. The Chargers will always be a San Diego team. And for those who keep saying that LA is a quick 100 mile drive for the SD fans, they have obviously never driven up the 5 on any given weekend. I would rather stick hot pokers in my eyes.
From Vinny-Details still to come obviously,but Im hearing announcement for san diego stadium plan for chargers is coming on monday.

Paul Rivera Facebook

Hope hey make it happen but $500M in public money? That's a lot. Can't see the taxpayers going for that.

was in San Diego this weekend just going home now .spent time in old town and asked around looks like most charger fans in San Diego accept that to keep them they have to spend the money

I work in San Diego and all of my Co workers don't really care as long as some of the money goes to the convention center.

Sounds good so far...

Ernie Ulloa Facebook

I spy a Rams jersey.
I think there is someone wearing a LA Rams Todd Gurley 30 jersey at the Ducks game today. I saw them on TV. Represent the Rams!!
Ernie Ulloa - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams Facebook
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one of the better articles from Vinnie.

Big week for NFL Rams Raiders Chargers The NFL in L.A. with Vincent Bonsignore

Found this onNFL.comsays, "when Rams move back to LA"
Rick Iribe - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams Facebook

Raiders Oakland stadium deal on life support - Silver And Black Pride

The Raiders are already screwed. Their brand is so married to the gang/thug image, that sponsors don't want anything to do with them. The NFL doesn't want Davis or the Raiders in LA.

makes a critical error. It states that Stan Kroenke "wants" to move to LA, while the Chargers and Raiders might "need" to move to LA. This is false. The Raiders have the option of going to Santa Clara, and the Chargers have the option of going to Inglewood. For all three it is a "want". If their home markets don't put forth a plan they like, it isn't any different than Stan not liking the plan St. Louis puts forth. Each owner could work with his home market, it's just a matter of them choosing not to. PS: not a single city has an approved plan yet anyway.
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Expansion L.A. soccer team plans new stadium on Sports Arena site - LA Times

Chargers Stadium Surprise No Public Vote for New Taxes Needed NBC 7 San Diego

BREAKING NEWS per San Diego Tribune:http://www.utsandiego.com/…/chargers-stadium-task-force-pl…/

CSAG Lays out a Clear Workable Path to New Multi-Use Stadium with No New Taxes

Jim Trotter filed to ESPN.
chargers owner dean spanos has relinquished day to day control of the team to his sons.permanent move.

- $300 million from the Chargers
- $173 million in bondable construction capital from the team’s rent.
- $200 million from the NFL.
- $121 million from the County of San Diego.
- $121 million from the City of San Diego.
- $225 million from the sale of 75 acres of land.
- More than $100 million from fans, who would contribute through the purchase of Personal Seat Licenses (PSLs), and ticket and parking surcharges.

  • .and no public vote
  • Not required, but the Mayor wants a vote. Something the city and the team would have to negotiate.
  • From Day 1, both Spanos and Davis said that Carson was only being proposed as a "Plan B" in case they couldn't reach a deal in their home markets. Do you actually believe that they were under the impression that they would have to pay NOTHING?? Even in Carson, that is financing from Goldman Sachs that would need to be paid back via revenue streams. They pay either way. Lets see if Spanos is committed to a market that has suppoerted him for six decades.
  • Stl still doesn't have one the sd plan is very detailed
  • StL has optioned only 62% of the land...which IS NOT a purchase...and has to eminent-dmain additional portions. Can you say "law suits?" Meanwhile in SD, the City already owns all the land, and will sell-off a portion to a developer to make up part of the cost. I know which plan I would choose.
    Right now CSAG and the Inglewood plans are the only plans that have solid financing figured out. STL? Are you kidding. They keep changing all the time and now they are facing litigation.
  • I don't think the Chargers are moving. I think CSAG has answered the question.
  • ust my guess and I could be wrong but unless the Chargers are bound and determined to come to LA then I don't think they are coming.
  • Matt, sounds to me like the CSAG has a better financing plan than STL does. Just my opinion.
  • I agree Gerald, Nixon and his Stooges may have come up with a stadium proposal first, but all they have are drawings. San Diego not only presented renderings before, but now has a known financing plan people can point to. Meanwhile, Peacock just keepsgiving everyone the runaround when it comes to financing and there is no concrete financing in place. And the homers on the other page eat everything he says up like it's religion. If you ask me, San Diego just moved ahead of St. Louis and is now behind Inglewood and the smokescreen on that tainted land in that other city.
  • StL likes to crow about how far ahead they are, but they have only "optioned," not bought, 62% of the land. The rest will need to be obtained thru eminent domain and additional means. Plus, they are embroiled in at least one lawsuit from the CVC to the City, with more to come, I'm guessing. So, they have NO LAND and they have NO MONEY. Whereas SD had put forth a 42 page prospectus detailing everything from soup to nuts in their plan. Oh...and they already own their land. I don't know why that idiot Spanos would say no at this point. He would be crushed in LA.
  • They've jumped off the leverage train. Now they're on the "Stan is gonna sell the Rams and Jack Taylor is going to buy them train". Their blindness and stubbornness amazes me. Even people outside of California and St. Louis can see he's bringing HIS team back home.
  • Leverage.hee hee.
  • Gray Stadium Task Force Remains Focused on Rams insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports Music Entertainment and Nightlife STL Rams
  • San Diego committee unveils plans for 1.1-billion NFL stadium - LA Times
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I don't see three teams in this market, at least not in the next three to five years. Three teams would be over saturating the LA/OC football market. Spanos will be alright with one team moving here (doesn't have a choice), not two. In the end, the Rams are Chargers are in the So Cal market. The Niners and Raiders share Santa Clara and the Bay. St. Louis...well, hope for relocation in the next ten years.

Albert breer-said this in march.as it stands now,out of fairness to chargers,NFL wont have more than 2 teams in so cal in 2016.2 in LA or 1 in SD and 1 in LA.

REPORT Dean Spanos relinquishes control of San Diego Chargers - Bolts From The Blue
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