expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

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NFL starts in two months

Still looking at the St Louis Rams

taking you off ignore for a second disinfo agent troll rightwinger,look at my my message at the bottom in my profile.

thanks for showing you have reading comprehension problems paid TROLL,your message in your avatar is HALF correct,it just needs to say paid TROLL in it. you clearly have alzheimers because it says LOS ANGELES RAMS "2016" in it.

see unlike you,I can admit when i am wrong.I have stated many times recently I was off by a year,that it wont be till 2016.not my fault you have reading comprehension problems.:cuckoo:

oh and here is further proof the Rams WILL be back in LA next year.:D:up_yours:

USC Senior Vice President Todd Dickey: “Under the terms of its lease with the Coliseum Commission, USC is permitted to allow up to one NFL team to play in the Coliseum on a temporary basis (up to 4 years) at any given time.”
USC hopes to welcome NFL team to Coliseum in 2016 - The Orange County Register

the Rams in fact came to a verbal agreement about a month ago to use their facility next year.:D:up_yours:

oh and so much for your lies the government pays you to tell that the Raiders will be in LA next year.

Heck I doubt even the Chargers will be in LA next year,they might join the Rams as a second tenant in LA in 2018 when the new stadium in inglewood is completed.they just blew up hollywood park just a month ago to get ready to start construction on the inglewood project in december this year.

Here again are facts that LA will have a team next year year and it will be the Rams.

USC Senior Vice President Todd Dickey: “Under the terms of its lease with the Coliseum Commission, USC is permitted to allow up to one NFL team to play in the Coliseum on a temporary basis (up to 4 years) at any given time.”
USC hopes to welcome NFL team to Coliseum in 2016 - The Orange County Register

and listen to this video,John Robinson has talked with the Rams organization,so he knows what he is talking about as well.:up:

the only question is will the chargers join Kroneke in a few years like Robinson says they might.

You better hope the chargers do join kronke so you wont have total shit on your face saying LOS ANGELES CHARGERS AND LOS ANGELES RAIDERS in your trolling posts on my thread.:D if the chargers join them,then you can at least say you were HALF right. cause here is the proof the raiders wont be joining the Rams next year.:D

Zelasko went on:

I was told this morning on the phone straight out that the LA Coliseum and the Pasadena Rose Bowl have flat said ‘we are not opening our doors to the Raiders.’

This is important because a move in 2016 would mean that the Raiders would need a temporary place to play while the new stadium is being built. The two obvious options? The Coliseum and the Rose Bowl. If both of those refuse to host the Raiders, it could make it very difficult for the team to move to Los Angeles. The Oakland Coliseum would be unlikely to offer the Raiders a short term lease knowing they are just waiting to move to LA, so that leaves them with a rather big problem.:lmao:

Read more at Thug image of Raiders fans may stand in way of move to Los Angeles Oakland Raiders
Thug image of Raiders fans may stand in way of move to Los Angeles Oakland Raiders

waits for your typical classic trolling rebuttal of LOS ANGELES RAIDERS 2016 reply.:D
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inglewood mayor james butts who has met with knonke many times since last year,had a welcome back to LA speech already prepared and ready to go for the rams this year.

Kroneke could have moved them this year legally if he wanted to but the only reason he did not is word around town is because had he done the move this year like everyone was expecting in the NFL,then dean spanos,would have lost LA as leverage for his threat to san diego to get a new stadium done. so kronke is keeping them in st louis one more year for spanos to use the LA threat for leverage for a new stadium in SD.

thats how these greedy owners operate,they scratch each others backs.

spanos and davis are doing what kiss my troll said kronke was doing when he said the rams were never coming back to LA,that he was just using the LA purcahse for leverage and then backpeddled as i said he would back then lying saying he never said that.:biggrin:

he was right about an owner using LA as leverage for a new stadium,just the wrong one.Its not kroneke,its spanos using LA as leverage.:biggrin:

the chargers would be the one other team the NFL and the city of LA would allow to come there from the AFC,the city of LA doesnt want the Raiders.carson is a hoax as i have said from day one.:D

only way the raiders ever are allowed back is if they rebrand their image and davis sells,the NFL does not want a davis owned raiders franchise in LA.
dont know why pooper is such a chickenshit coward.

everytime i have asked him to pm you here so i can take you to school on this,the chickenshit coward refuses to do so.

guess he hates me owning you in debates is why he wont take me up on the challenege.lol.

enjoy your short victory while you can paid troll rightwinger,the NFL is obviously serious about bringing a team to LA next year and its obviously not the Raiders.:rofl:

and the chargers have ZERO fans in LA.that only leaves one other team.
gee i wonder which team that could be.:rofl:

you have won the battle agent rightwinger,but your going to lose the war next year so enjoy your short victory while you can paid troll.:asshole:
dont know why pooper is such a chickenshit coward.

everytime i have asked him to pm you here so i can take you to school on this,the chickenshit coward refuses to do so.

guess he hates me owning you in debates is why he wont take me up on the challenege.lol.

enjoy your short victory while you can paid troll rightwinger,the NFL is obviously serious about bringing a team to LA next year and its obviously not the Raiders.:rofl:

and the chargers have ZERO fans in LA.that only leaves one other team.
gee i wonder which team that could be.:rofl:

you have won the battle agent rightwinger,but your going to lose the war next year so enjoy your short victory while you can paid troll.:asshole:

PM him yourself chicken shit, why do I need to do your fucking shit for you fucker?

Are such a dumb shit you can't fucking PM yourself?

Why do you need me asshole?

Shut the fuck up troll bitch.
someone farted in here.^:9:

yep pooper as always.your a chickenshit coward who wont take me up on my challenge to pm rightwinger so i can own him as always.:biggrin: will be funny as hell to watch agent rightwinger run off like he always does when the raiders and chargers are not in LA next year like he kept saying they were on this thread.:biggrin:

oh and in case you are reading this agent rightwinger and pooper finally got brave to pm you, dont forget,Former LA RAMS quarterback Pat Haden is the athletic director of USC.

USC has the right to say who they want and dont want,its already been established that neither USC or UCLA are going to allow the Raiders to play in their stadium.

the Rose Bowl in pasedena has bowed out to playing host to an NFL team and USC has said only ONE team will be able to use their facility.

USC just like UCLA is not going to allow the Raiders to use their facility and we know they are only going to host ONE team. that just leaves the two choices being between the Chargers and Rams.

Lets see,former LA RAMS quarterback Pat Haden is the athletic director of USC.gee i wonder which one he will choose between the two?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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USC Senior Vice President Todd Dickey: “Under the terms of its lease with the Coliseum Commission, USC is permitted to allow up to one NFL team to play in the Coliseum on a temporary basis (up to 4 years) at any given time.”

USC is seeking to play host to an NFL franchise on a temporary basis at the Coliseum as early as the 2016 season, USC officials confirmed Thursday.

we hope to welcome an NFL team into the Coliseum starting in the 2016 season.”

USC hopes to welcome NFL team to Coliseum in 2016 - The Orange County Register
If the NFL comes to the Coliseum, it will be on USC's terms...


Losing the Rose Bowl as an option drove the price up. I'm sure USC is smiling.

Rose bowl saying no is a huge step in the Rams favor.
Only 1 team can come. With the Carson deal, it needs 2 teams to come in at the same time. This is going the Rams way. NFL don't want the Raiders and Chargers fighting on who's coming first. Now I see the Rams deal with Kronkie funding Inglewood with him helping the Chargers and Raiders fun their stadiums with the location fee. The Rams will be alone in LA with the 2nd LA team being a expansion team along with Saint Louis expansion team.

SL and LA expansion teams will come after SL builds its new stadium and Inglewood is about a year old.

I like this guys thinking.^
I agree,i think thats how it will all play out.:beer:

Didn't Davis say he doesn't want the raiders playing on dirt anymore? If so, they won't be going to Dodger or Angels Stadium, nor will the Coliseum take them. And no NFL owner will use Stub Hub, it is insanely too small! So that right there knocks theRaiders out of the picture. Which in turn knocks the Chargers out of LA for at least a few years.

As for expansion, I could see LA getting a second team that way, but it won't be for about a decade, in my estimation. Why? Because there will have to be 8 teams added to the league, one in each division, to keep things balanced. The NFL will have to realign the preseason, moving one or two of those games to the regular season, to allow for an 18-game season (with one or two bye weeks), to make this all work. Which means they will have to negotiate this, likely as part of the next CBA, and the players union will fight it tooth and nail. Also, keep in mind this will likely be an International expansion, with at least four cities outside of the US getting teams (London, Toronto, Mexico City, and somewhere in Germany) joining LA, San Antonio, St. Louis, and a US city to be named later with getting expansion teams.

In short, it is going to be a huge headache with the next expansion, and it will take quite some time to get there, thus at least a decade or more in the future. But it could happen, eventually.

The only thing that is certain is that the Rams will be coming home in 2016, first to the Coliseum, and then to Inglewood a couple of years later.

this poster nailed it as well.:beer:
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The Rams returning to their ancestral home before moving to their permanent home in Inglewood is what's best for Los Angeles and the NFL. The only reason this is not already happening for 2015 is Dean Spanos.

this poster nailed it.:thup: thats what i said earlier is the only reason kroneke did not make the move this year like many in the NFL thought he would,is because he is letting spanos use LA as leverage for a new stadium in SD.
The Los Angeles Rams + The Coliseum = history,tradition & great memories i believe since pat haden is a usc alumi & ex la ram this will work in the favor of stan k & the rams lastly the coliseum is a great venue for the rams because it was their home for many years the team moving to anaheim stadium was a mistake that should of never happened.:thup:

Like most members of the national sports media, @ClaytonESPN never asks "What team is best for L.A.?" It's as if we aren't even in the room...

Clayton NFL is Likely Favoring Carson Stadium Over Kroenke s - 101Sports.com

The NFL and the owners love everything... until they have to start writing checks, and the only owner writing checks now to build in L.A. is Stan Kroenke...:beer:

You really have to take Clayton with a grain of salt on this. He first reported that Carson was "in the lead" back in May solely because he heard that Spanos and Davis were seen at dinner with owners on the L.A. committee. He had no idea what was talked about, only that they were at dinner. For all he knows, the topic of conversation was "Hey, this Inglewood thing is too good to pass up. How can we make things right by you guys?" All he's reporting now is that nothing has changed since then to make him alter his guess.

As well, the whole notion that one project is "ahead" is silly if you look at it. The NFL would be stupid to put both the Carson and Inglewood projects up for a vote. You only need 9 votes to block a move, so unless one is the overwhelming favorite, BOTH projects would be blocked. Then the NFL would look silly, and Stan would likely go rogue anyway. They'll work out some sort of deal, present that ONE deal to the owners, and it would likely pass instantly.

And that one deal will almost certainly include the Rams in Inglewood. In the end, the owners don't care about St. Louis, San Diego, Oakland or even L.A. They're a club that takes care of other members of the club. They're not going to leave Stan twisting in the wind and stuck in a city that has already shown they make contractual agreements with a team and do not honor them. Stan NEEDS to move. Spanos may or may not need to move. Davis doesn't need to move and has even issued a dollar figure that will MAKE the Raiders not move.

Here's the most likely outcome: Stan to Inglewood. Spanos guaranteed the second Inglewood spot so he can tell San Diego "If we can't work this out, I'm gone." Davis given his money to stay in Oakland. It's a win-win-win situation

this guy nailed it.:beer::thup:

The guy filp flops too much on his OPINION

clayton indeed flip flops all the time.
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Ya know, Stan started this whole NFL to L.A. thing. The other 2 followed as a means to block him and protect the market. RAMS are Serious about moving. The other two are mostly blowing smoke.

Carson is a hoax! Rams are moving home to LA, Raiders are staying home in Oakland, and hopefully the Chargers stay in SD for their fan's sake!

Just watch! You are going to see a lot of these kinds of articles when the rams come to oxnard for spring training. It's all about misdirection. Keeping people guessing of what we all know is going to happen. Trying to save st. Louis from being a ghost town this year during games.

Look this is all propaganda John Clayton is part of the NFL propaganda machine don't believe a word of it kronke is going to Los Angeles. John Clayton works for the NFL he's part of the same propaganda machine he does know what he's talking about thisis just a rogue Kroenke will move to Los Angeles he has the money and power. The Raiders and chargers are both broke don't believe a word of it Los Angeles Rams will exist very soon.

Pure conjecture on his part. Not reporting. The NFL's narrative is that they have to get LA right. The Charger brand is not right for LA, period, punto....

I would also say Carson is not the right location for LA area fans either. It's too far south from the San Fernando Valley. A major reason why attendance dropped for the Rams when they moved to Anaheim was the distance from the Valley. (LA Times) Inglewood is just right, in fact better than the historically successful LA Coliseum.

This, exactly. ESPN has nothing else to talk about regarding the NFL, so they are focusing on JPP's injured hands and the "Race to LA"... which is a complete farce. JPP can only count to nine now, and there has never been a race for LA, the Rams are going, period.
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