expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Deflecting to cover the lies and everyone knows you lied hand job. You can ignore me but everyone else can read my exposing how much you lie.
floyd kephart who is spearheading the plan to keep the raiders in oakland on talking about the Rams going back to LA said on the radio show in SD-If the Rams go to LA WHICH APPEARS TO BE THE CASE,then the carson project wont happen.lol

he also says the carson financing numbers are insane.,that there will be private debt if it happens.:biggrin:

he then said that a market study done shows the NFL cant support an NFL team in st louis.:biggrin:

i wonder what disinfo agent rightwinger has to say about that.:biggrin:

also like the title below says- SD mayor faulkner has done all he can for the chargers.

Floyd Kephart I Believe Mayor Faulconer Has Done About All He Can Do Mighty1090AM
these st louis hack sports writers are so much in denial.To know surprise,they are still trying to convince st louis fans the Rams arent leaving.:rofl::lmao:

Strauss Not a Done Deal Rams Leave St. Louis insideSTL.com - St. Louis Sports Music Entertainment and Nightlife CBS Sports 920 Feature Interviews

that one st louis sportswriter who writes for st louis magazine and i mentioned earlier,is the only one out there objective and not biased about it saying he doesnt agree with them in st louis that there is a chance they will stay.got to tip my hat off to him for being objective and non biased about the situation.:thup:
The St. Louis Rams Should Not Move - Arch Authority - A St. Louis Sports Site - Cardinals Rams Blues and more


The Rams have a 49 year proud history in Los Angeles and there are still many fans that will make the relocation work! Plus, there are WAY more high profile corporations in Los Angeles/ Southern California that will definitely get behind the Rams and WON'T support the Raiders or Chargers!

St Louis is a dead business market according to recent surveys and
St Louis can't compete on a business level with Los Angeles!

Stan Kroenke is NOT part of the plans for the "supposed" new stadium by the river in St. Louis. Rather, he owns the land in Inglewood and construction on HIS stadium for the Rams is breaking ground in December.

Welcome home LOS ANGELES Rams!!

my fellow "LA RAM" brutha nailed it big time there.:up::udaman:

great rebuttal to that BS st louis article.:thup:
Rams won't be in Los Angeles this year as hand job has told everyone.

Remember him claiming The Rams owner would move them without league approval! :lmao:

Boy was hand job wrong! :lmao:
I loved hearing what fred roggin said the other day on his show.he basically said since the raiders and chargers did not show up to give their presentations for the carson project which they PROMISED,they basically said to everybody in carson-we arent interested in carson making the great point that people in carson wont want to have anything to do with them now because who would want to do business with scum like that?:up::lmao: saying that people in SD are calling that scum Fabiani FIBiani.:thup:
@miklasz: "What if St. Louis lines everything up, just as the NFL wants, only to have the league choose Kroenke as the winner of the LA sweepstakes? Suppose the NFL decides that Kroenke’s stadium plan is too attractive to pass up, and allows the Rams to move? This is the league’s big problem... One that presents an enormous test of ethics... How does the NFL manage to reward Kroenke but also take care of St. Louis? How does the NFL pat Kroenke on the back without stabbing the backs of Nixon, Peacock and Blitz?"

Bernie Stadium project is a test of ethics for NFL Sports

these comments below from LA RAM fans tell the truth how st louis hack hack writer Bernie is indeed delusional and in denial.:biggrin::clap2:

very informative comments from LA RAM fans below.

60,000 vs 80,000. Plus the CVC walked away from the Arbitrators ruling. At that point, neither the Rams nor the NFL owed STL anything after this season. In fact, the team could have moved already, if not for the NFL wanting to give the Chargers and Raiders more time to arrange stadium deals in their respective cities.

The only 'test of ethics' that matters here is the one STL already failed, by refusing to live up to the lease agreement.

They are? News to me. From what I've seen, they've made the same terrible offer all along and insisted the Rams and NFL must go along with it.

Ed, it doesn't matter if STL could or could not upgrade the EJD to the top 25% of the league. That's what the lease that STL signed called for, what the Arbitrator affirmed, and what STL refused to honor. So the Rams are leaving.

Also ironic that Nixon wants the NFL to save football in St. Louis when in fact he threatened to sue the League when they stole football from L.A. . They will right the wrong.

The fact that there was no formal investigation or autopsy done which the spouse is usually the 1st suspect. The will had been changed just 6 months prior to his death. The will change was to avoid estate taxes and not lose a large portion to the government "trusting" Georgia to do the right thing. She was 30 minutes late to his funeral. 6 months after Carol's death she is living with her later 7th husband. Oh and around that same time frame she fires Steve Rosenbloom as Vice president (who was part of the operations of the 70's Rams team) and takes full control. Ironic the Rams players loved the Rosenblooms, but hated Georgia.

Yes, it was never proven in a court of law or even formally investigated. But O.J. wasn't convicted murder IN court either. Some things aren't too hard figure out.

Was it a test of ethics when Georgia inherited the team and moved them away from LA in the first place? St Louis wouldn't even have the Rams if Rosenbloom didn't die.

she was living with her 7th husband and fired her 6th husband's son from the team months after his death. Oh and 6 months prior to his death the will was changed. Those are facts.

Ya, It's just nutty to think might have been foul play.

I don't know why St Louis fans or even crying you did it to yourself and I don't even know why you want the NFL to step in because the NFL voted an 94 that the Rams couldn't leave Los Angeles in the first place and yet the Wicked Witch from San Luis threatened to sue and so she was able to up and rip the blue and gold out of the city of angels all I can say to you is paybacks are a bitch paybacks are a bitch!!!!!!

It all comes down to the terms of the lease. Once the CVC announced that it would not fulfill the agreement, it was a done deal. Kronke & the Rams have the right to go to a year to year lease to play in the dome or to move the franchise as they see fit. All the rest of what STL is trying to accomplish with a supposed new stadium means absolutely nothing. The NFL is not going to pass up the best opportunity to bring football back to Southern California. Shovels are in the ground in Inglewood. The owners are not going to pass up the relocation $$$ they will receive along with their votes. It's just a matter of time now.

The only one who has failed ethics here is St. Louis. Rather than keep their word on the top tier clause, they've come up with a unilateral offer of hundreds of millions of dollars less to try to force the team to stay.

Not going along with a scheme is not a lack of ethics. Doing this kind of scheme IS.

Rams won arbitration, St. Louis declined to meet their terms, Rams are free agents. No ethical problems by the NFL or Rams whatsoever.

The people and media in St. Louis love to ask if the NFL will be ethical about this process. Was it ethical to allow the Rams to move after the move was voted down overwhelming? Was it ethical to use LA as leverage for the last 20 years? Is it ethicalto circumvent the law and put the tax payers in St Louis 500 million in debt without a vote? The way I see it the only truly ethical thing to do is return the Rams to their rightful home! I wonder how St Louis will like being used as leverage for the next decade?

St. Louis already violated their contract. They decided not to honor their end of the bargain and ignore what the arbitrator said. It doesn't matter what St. Louis does now. They violated the original terms. They can't magically just say hey we're building a new stadium and everything is fixed.

I would say that St. Louis has already failed the test of ethics. I would point him to his own article that he wrote back in '95 filled with hate and vitriol toward LA when St. Louis was the villain and LA was the victim. I would point him to St. Louis not living up to their end of the lease agreement. I would point him to how they are mangling a law, specifically written to prevent public funds from being spent without a vote. I would point them to the bogus lawsuit where the city is suing itself.

But most of all, I would point him at the utter hypocrisy in all of it. Claiming that Georgia is a saint, but Kroenke is the devil. That LA didn't support the team despite having a bad owner and a losing record, but St. Louis' lack of support should be excused due to a bad owner and losing record. And Nixon's own words from '94, where he calls the league a cartel and threatens to sue if they try to prevent the Rams from moving from an existing market, yet now he expects the league to abide by those same rules to keep the Rams in the existing market.

Nixon is a hypocrite. They failed the ethics test, not the league or the Rams.

What happened when Nixon tried to sue the NFL when the bitch Georgia stabbed LA in the back and moved the team?? I say KARMA IS A BITCH SCREW ST LOUIS BRING OUR TEAM BACK.

I'll also point out that this kind of nonsense is precisely why the forums at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ban pretty much any L.A. fan. So no one can point out there how stupid this idea is, and certain St. Louis fans can continue living in denial.

Stop crying already. Ethics my ass. Kroenke gave you guys plenty of chances to make right on the stadium issue. Only when you guys realized that he was serious about moving to LA did you make an effort to keep them there and then comes the copycat Raiders and Chargers wanting a piece of the pie. It's his team and should be able to move them at will. The power of the dictator commissioner should not come in play. Kroenke will take the NFL to court if he has to.

Well the rams are headed back to LA no matter what happens bernie miklasz is dumbass he in denial just like joe strauss,shane gray & jim thomas st louis doesn't have the funding for a riverfront stadium lastly bernie the crybaby miklasz can cry & complain all he wants but when it's all said & done the stl rams are history & the rebirth of LA Rams begins

Bernard is in full panic mode

Bernie grasping at straws as usual...

No doubt Bernie Miklasz is addicted to narcotics and fast food.

excellent informative comments from LA RAM fans above^:beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::udaman::udaman::thup::thup::thup::thup::udaman:
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In the last couple of months, ever since Rams owner Stan Kroenke has started construction on a stadium in Inglewood, California, possibilities of the Rams returning Los Angeles has looked more possible than its move to St. Louis in 1995.

Since then, thanks to social media, I have realized just how adored the Rams still are in the L.A. market. The fans are coming out of the wood-work. I will admit I am a “Lou Town” boy and love the Rams in STL. I cannot ignore the loyalty that has been displayed by the L.A. market.

If it’s real, this fan base has loved its divorced team since 1995 almost 3,000m miles away.

A fan base of over 4 million people, separated by a region, to this day shows more tears and heart than its original fans in the Mid-West.

Not to take anything away from the St. Louis market, but the L.A.; if it’s true, has stuck with this team far and away team through multiple single digit win seasons, a Super Bowl win without them, and decades of bad front office decisions, yet they still have no shame.

HewSports Rams A Tale of Two Cities Where to go

Someone posted that Fred Roggin stated on his show that Kroenke has the votes now. Is this true? I haven't heard or seen anything. Also, it looks the city of San Diego is now doing what STL is doing, negotiate directly with NFL and not the owners.

Nobody knows how many votes the Rams have..... But IMO it's not going to come down to votes.... It's what owner has the most money, balls to go rogue if need be, and the Coliseum deciding which NFL team they want leasing their stadium for 2-3 years.
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dont tell that hack bernie in st louis,he will have a heart attack.hee hee

Matt Awbrey, a spokesman for San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, countered that San Diego is in better shape than St. Louis when it comes to a new stadium for the Chargers. He said the city already has the land for a new venue - the Qualcomm Stadium site - and a financial framework laid about by a Faulconer appointed task force. The problem, he said, lies with the Chargers unwillingness to come back to the negotiating table after they broke off talks last month.

NFL hears directly from San Diego St. Louis SanDiegoUnionTribune.com
Seems the closer we get to decisions being made the more desperate St Louis and the Chargers become. Not surprising. Bernie's latest article about does the NFL have any ethics is mind numbing. Where was ethics in 1995 when Frontiere was allowed to just move the team to St Louis and neither she nor the Rams organization had taken any steps towards negotiating in good faith to remain in this market?:beer:
This just shows what a hypocrite Mark FIBiani is saying the chargers never would have even made their move of talking of going to LA if kroneke had not made his.

Mark Fabiani: "Who wants to uproot everybody, the franchise, the employees of the franchise, find new training facilities, find new headquarters, it’s not something you do because you decide you want to do it... If Stan Kroenke hadn’t made his move in January, we never would have made our move."

NFL hears directly from San Diego St. Louis SanDiegoUnionTribune.com

the good thing here is that the Rams have honored their terms in their lease agreement so they will have no problem getting approval to move where the chargers have not negotiated in good faith or exhausted all options so hopefully nine of the owners vote against the move.thats all that is needed to stop them form moving is nine votes from the owners. the chargers wont be able to sue either because unlike knoneke,spanos doesnt have deep pockets for a long winded battle in court.
From the link:
Both franchises seemingly have their eyes on Los Angeles, the nation’s second largest media market.
A market filled with Illegal Aliens that like Futbol NOT Football.

At least they're honest that the NFL doesn't have teams, they have franchises. (Like McDonalds)

Teams are made to win.
Franchises are made for profit and profit only.
I love how whiner bernie says in this old article when the rams moved out of LA,that st louis deserves another chance.well they got that chance and they BLEW IT.:biggrin: they proved they are not a football town.lol

Bernie nailed it though when talking about how evil the bitch was who moved them.

Georgia Frontiere is being cast as some sort of football version of Ma Barker - a sinister character who hijacked a Brinks truck and singlehandedly caused Orange County to go bankrupt. The woman with a team and no conscience.

sinister is indeed correct,she is burning in hell now where she belongs.
Stop Whining la We Deserve Another Chance by Miklasz Bernie - St Louis Post-Dispatch MO January 18 1995 Online Research Library Questia

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