Expelled Oklahoma U fraternity to sue university, possibly President Boren

They were singing while others held up their cell phones to film them. How private is that, ding-dong?
When it was leaked to the public, horse's ass.

Welcome to the world of technology, where nothing is private.
A far cry from intentionally creating a hostile environment.

I don't recall seeing the word "intentional" in the OU handbook of code and conduct.

I don't see an exception for speech being called "conduct" in the 1st Amendment.
When you fly the bird at a cop....
When it was leaked to the public, horse's ass.

Welcome to the world of technology, where nothing is private.
A far cry from intentionally creating a hostile environment.

I don't recall seeing the word "intentional" in the OU handbook of code and conduct.

I don't see an exception for speech being called "conduct" in the 1st Amendment.
When you fly the bird at a cop....
I beleive there has been a case inwhich flying a bird at a cop was protected by 1A.
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.
The Army is a government agency
The same speech would get you kicked out
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.

I've posted this 2-3 times now. I hope I don't have to post it again.

Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.

Tell me, hypocrite Leftist, if homosexual dating were a violation of the school's code of conduct, which side of the issue would you be on?

I thought so.
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.
The Army is a government agency
The same speech would get you kicked out
Now you are really reaching, comparing a civilian student to a soldier.
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.

I've posted this 2-3 times now. I hope I don't have to post it again.

You need to post it a few more times....it might make the 1st ammendment go away.
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.

I've posted this 2-3 times now. I hope I don't have to post it again.

You need to post it a few more times....it might make the 1st ammendment go away.

Do you even know if the boys contested it?
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.

I've posted this 2-3 times now. I hope I don't have to post it again.

You need to post it a few more times....it might make the 1st ammendment go away.

Do you even know if the boys contested it?
Actually, i haven't seen any new news on this this weekend. I don't know if they contested it of not. That said, I wouldn't be surprised either way.
OMG they were literally singing about killing people. I remember that time someone told me to literally kill myself and I got that huge settlement because of his mean words. :lol:

:lol: at how some unspecified code of conduct overrides the 1A and established case law on free speech for college students.

The same way some 'code of conduct' says that if I call my coworker a nasty c-word, I can be fired, forget about the "First Amendment". This isn't a first Amendment issue.

Not only is your position stupid on a legal basis. It would still be a dumb one to hold without the 1A. Expelling someone for an edgy joke in private is crazy. Speech codes like this are when annoying political correctness slips over into repressive tyranny.

These kids did absolutely nothing immoral. They were joking in private among friends. The immoral actors here are the state punishing them for wrong think.

I think singing about lynching people who want to join your frat is pretty offensive and so do most people.

They signed an agreement with the University and they violated it. Time to learn from your mistake and move on with your life.
Nope, entirely different situation, you are talking about someone publicly harassing someone at a private firm and a state institution enacting speech codes against someone for what they said among friends at a private function. In fact, the two scenarios is the exact opposite of one another. I :lol: at your example.

But please, tell us more about this "code of conduct" that overrides the 1A and established case law on this exact issue :lol:.

It is absolutely offensive. It was deliberately edgy humor. I thought it was funny, but maybe that isn't for baby ears like you. It doesn't change the fact that the State are unquestionably the immoral actors for levying punishment upon someone for their speech. Speech codes, particularly for what is said in private, are morally egregious.

You should move on from this issue and into oncoming traffic you worthless piece of shit.
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.
Protection means more than not going to jail. They were penalized by an institution of the goverment because of their conduct. However, in this case their conduct was what the president of the university (and most others) consider to be an inappropriate message in a song. In otherwords, they were expelled for speech. The U.S. constitution overrides a public (government) college policy book every day of the week.
The Army is a government agency
The same speech would get you kicked out
Now you are really reaching, comparing a civilian student to a soldier.

Soldiers sign on to a set of rules they must follow....so do students
If no one complained about a hostel environment, then the case of expelling the students for creating a hostel environment is weak!

Would you approve of Belle Knox being expelled from Duke for making porn?
Seems the entire nation is complaining about a hostile educational environment
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

In this case, it was the feelings of an entire university

Sucks being a racist these days doesn't it?
Guess racists don't have 1st ammendment rights. Don't you see the problem here. The first ammendment doesn't only protect speech that we like or agree with, it protects speech that we hate or disagree with.
You have no understanding of the first amendment

It never says there can be no consequences for what you say

Expulsion is one of those consequences
Yes, in fact the First Amendment is all about consequences. In fact, that is the entire point. It protects you from the State abridging your right to free speech, such as in a State institution implementing speech codes and levying punishment upon you for your speech.

I know this and I am not even an American. Your Bill of Rights is still one of the few things I love about your country and admire them for.

Looks like you need a refresher on your own Constitution

Legally, the University doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Expulsion of student for distributing on campus a publication assertedly containing "indecent speech" proscribed by a bylaw of a state university's Board of Curators held an impermissible violation of her First Amendment free speech rights since the mere dissemination of ideas on a state university campus cannot be proscribed in the name of "conventions of decency."

Certiorari granted; 464 F.2d 136, reversed.
FindLaw Cases and Codes
Seems the entire nation is complaining about a hostile educational environment
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

In this case, it was the feelings of an entire university

Sucks being a racist these days doesn't it?
Guess racists don't have 1st ammendment rights. Don't you see the problem here. The first ammendment doesn't only protect speech that we like or agree with, it protects speech that we hate or disagree with.
You have no understanding of the first amendment

It never says there can be no consequences for what you say

Expulsion is one of those consequences
Yes, in fact the First Amendment is all about consequences. In fact, that is the entire point. It protects you from the State abridging your right to free speech, such as in a State institution implementing speech codes and levying punishment upon you for your speech.

I know this and I am not even an American. Your Bill of Rights is still one of the few things I love about your country and admire them for.

Looks like you need a refresher on your own Constitution

Legally, the University doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Expulsion of student for distributing on campus a publication assertedly containing "indecent speech" proscribed by a bylaw of a state university's Board of Curators held an impermissible violation of her First Amendment free speech rights since the mere dissemination of ideas on a state university campus cannot be proscribed in the name of "conventions of decency."

Certiorari granted; 464 F.2d 136, reversed.
FindLaw Cases and Codes
You have no concept of freedom of speech. It prohibits the government from taking action against you for what you might say

It does nothing to protect you from the consequences of your actions
That's the same simplistic, idiotic argument all liberals use: "The college has a code of conduct therefore the expulsion was constitutional." Then we see what legal experts say: "the code could not take precedence over First Amendment rights." Link http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/12/u...oma-students-leads-to-free-speech-debate.html

Do you liberals really think that this all boils down to the existence of a code of conduct? Is there any university that doesn't have one? Do you argue that legal experts somehow believe that OU didn't have a code of conduct?

the first Amendment doesn't prevent universities from taking action, just Congress. so, no.

Now, I'm sure that there's some ambulance chaser who is going to take this to court, and the university might even settle to get rid of the charge.

Public Universities have been held to the same standard of speech protection that government has.
where they arrested?

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