Expensive EV's and Expensive fuel prices, a hard sell by democrats

Driving and owning homes will soon only be for the rich and elite.

That is the trajectory of the nation and I don't see the GOP really caring.
No the Establishment doesn't care, so we have to keep getting rid of them, then we really need to find the people pulling the levers and sending them out to pasture.
Biden already signed an EO calling for the internal combustion engine to be outlawed by 2030, all use of fossil fuels to end by 2035.

Are you really trying to say no one is forcing Americans to buy EVs ... much like how Democrats are FORCING Americans to go through this transition from fossil fuels to non-existent alternatives?!
Really? Please link to anything that outlaws internal combustion engines by 2030. You think the millions of cars on the road, as well as the new fossil fuel cars being built today will be banned from use in the next 8 years? Only a crazy person would believe that.

Bieden has mandated 52mpg by 2026, 50%of all cars made by 2030 be EVs,

"For now the automakers are on board. Why? Because Biden has promised them billions of dollars to build a charging network and to pour into more battery research. They are happy to take real money right now in exchange for promises that they may never have to deliver on later."

AGAIN, BIDEN HAS PROMISED TO ELIMINATE FOSSIL FUEL USE. (So far he has done more to ensure we do not produce our own and get it from our enemies than elimina5e the use.)

12 US states have asked Biden to outlaw the Internal Combustion engine by 2030...

The WH / Biden plans on ending the sale of yas-powered vehicles in the US by 2035...

(Is it even legal / Constitutional for a President to tell a business owner what he can and can't sell based on his personal political agenda?)
I am just repeating what your dear dumb leader has ordered ... or are you saying Biden is a liar?
I'm saying someone lied to you. Before that orange fool's election, we had plans to reduce allowable emissions by 55% in 2026. Trump changed that to 44%. Biden's EO (the one you are whining about) returned the projection to 55%. You need to quit using those crazy "hair on fire" conspiracy theory sources before you work yourself into a stroke. There is no EO that will ban internal combustion engines by 2030. If you think there is, then show the actual text of any Biden EO that backs your silly calim.

But they are going to have to stop blaming Putin and begin to make their case, and that is, driving is only for the rich folks like themselves.

Straight from Tucker talking points. Are you guys that stupid so as NOT to come up with your own fake ideas.

First, hybrids are just $900 more then gas engine cars. Second, a Chevy Bolt costs $30 k BEFORE incentives.

you guys are lookin* foolish just listening to Tucker.
Biden already signed an EO calling for the internal combustion engine to be outlawed by 2030, all use of fossil fuels to end by 2035.

Are you really trying to say no one is forcing Americans to buy EVs ... much like how Democrats are FORCING Americans to go through this transition from fossil fuels to non-existent alternatives?!
Hey. Wake up. This has to do with manufacturing new cars., 40-50% EVs.The existing models will be available for decades.
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Bieden has mandated 52mpg by 2026, 50%of all cars made by 2030 be EVs,

"For now the automakers are on board. Why? Because Biden has promised them billions of dollars to build a charging network and to pour into more battery research. They are happy to take real money right now in exchange for promises that they may never have to deliver on later."

AGAIN, BIDEN HAS PROMISED TO ELIMINATE FOSSIL FUEL USE. (So far he has done more to ensure we do not produce our own and get it from our enemies than elimina5e the use.)

12 US states have asked Biden to outlaw the Internal Combustion engine by 2030...

The WH / Biden plans on ending the sale of yas-powered vehicles in the US by 2035...

(Is it even legal / Constitutional for a President to tell a business owner what he can and can't sell based on his personal political agenda?)
And not one of your links is an EO banning the sale of internal combustion cars. You are exaggerating and lying. Quit whining, you big baby.
$67,000 cars

$20,000+ Replacement Batteries

$0.35 a minute charging stations (already being seen), full charge requiring 9 hours - that's over $200 for a 'fill up'

THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS lost out-of-pocket when internal combustion engines are outlawed in 2030
- No trade-in value except pennies on the dollar for scraps / parts

Used Car market wiped out

1. What is the govt going to do with millions of useless cars? Dump them in the ovean like Qatar does?
- Sell them to all the other nations NOT stupid enough to do this?

What are the antique and muscle car collectors going to do?

Does anyone even make electric Harley Davidsons / motorcycles? What are the Bikers going to do?

Internal combustion engines gone by 2030...

So we will be transitioning to solar powered airplanes, trains, ships, and busses...or ones us8ng that alternative energy source that DOES NOT EXIST YET?

Will international flights using internal combustion engines be allowed to land in the US, becauae we won't have jet fuel to fill the planes so they can leave?

Have the Democrats figured out an alternative to petroleum to use to make toothbrushes, tires, etc...., products by the thousand we use every day ... or are we just going to rely in China, Russia, & Iran for tjose products?

Have Democrats even tried to think any of this through?
Useless babble.
You weren't alive in 2008 when they were trying to ban the incandescent light bulb and force everyone to CFL/LED ones? How is it you guys always forget really shitty policies you had?
Hell, buddy. I've got underwear older than that. Sure there was a temporary boost in price when CFL/LED lights came on the market. That price settled at just a little higher than incandescent bulbs, but they last like a million times longer. That transition was a good thing, and gave us a better product that uses less electricity. We made money by changing the standard lightbulb. Every new technology costs more when it's new. VCRs used to cost $2500.00.
And not one of your links is an EO banning the sale of internal combustion cars. You are exaggerating and lying. Quit whining, you big baby.
Note the word 'CORRECTION', if you can read.

Biden has declared he wants tgese things to happen and they are. EO or not - thay is what is important .

You focin on sumantics or what format he is usibg to make it happen - we'll focus on what it is he's forcing to happen.
No shit - Hillary, Obama, Biden, Democrats, the fake news media, snowflakes ... they have all been doing so for decades.
Which one of them fed you that silly lie that internal combustion engins would be banned in 2030?
Please link to any currently priced $10 light bulb designed for normal use in homes.
I have purchased and used many of the better bulbs that were supposed to last for up to ten years. One year for a lot of them is doing good. Suckers purchasing American cars is out of loyalty and from the Deplorables for the most part. The Chinese will be exporting and building the EV vehicles for us and even build a vehicle plant or two here.
Hell, buddy. I've got underwear older than that. Sure there was a temporary boost in price when CFL/LED lights came on the market. That price settled at just a little higher than incandescent bulbs, but they last like a million times longer. That transition was a good thing, and gave us a better product that uses less electricity. We made money by changing the standard lightbulb. Every new technology costs more when it's new. VCRs used to cost $2500.00.
The US woyld have to pay off approx $30 TRILLION in debt just to be 'BROKE'; yet, biden & Democrats are spendong like drunken sailors (billions for charging syation infrastructure, etc...), destroying the economy, forcing a painful, unnecessary yransdition from fossil fuels to an alternative energy source that has not been invented yet...

...and all the questions I posed have no answers yet because no one has thought them yhrough yet...
Note the word 'CORRECTION', if you can read.

Biden has declared he wants tgese things to happen and they are. EO or not - thay is what is important .

You focin on sumantics or what format he is usibg to make it happen - we'll focus on what it is he's forcing to happen.
We all make spelling mistakes, but damn. You should reread your shit before you press that button. Your crazy exaggerations are just silly.
Which one of them fed you that silly lie that internal combustion engins would be banned in 2030?
Read the f*ing links I provided you with to get your answer, dumbass. Put in a little effort to at least make it seem you are actually interested in this than just being a troll.
We all make spelling mistakes, but damn. You should reread your shit before you press that button. Your crazy exaggerations are just silly.
Says the troll who just proved he has not read any of the aryicles / links I provided...

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