Expert : Obama To Avoid State Of Economy For Reelection. Will Focus On Class Warfare


May 29, 2010
The former presidential deputy assistant is correct. Obama has nothing to run on pertaining to the economy. He has devastated it with his liberal ideology and his decision to put himself first above the American people as indicated by his actions over the weekend. Obama has failed to create jobs and unemployment is at a whopping 9% which no president has ever won reelection with a percentage that high. Obama's non executive experience and ignorance has caused people to lose jobs. Look at the Nasa layoffs and look at the moratorium he put on drilling along the Gulf Coast that put over 230,000 out of work. Those people will not forget. So what does Obama have as his last resort? Class Warfare as the expert states. Obama, a former community agitator, will focus on class warfare pitting the poor against the rich causing massive devisiveness across the country between all different levels of people and their way of life. Divisive means to create dissagreement and dissension or hostility between people. That is what he wants. If you look back during his presidency, you will see that he has done this many times. One instance was last week not promising seniors and veterans would get their SS checks on the 3rd of August. Another instance was interfering with the union problem in Wisconsin, a private state matter that involved different classes of people, union workers & non union workers. What this all boils down to is that Obama isn
t a uniter and never intended to be as president. What I think we are fixing to see is the most devisive & violent campaign we have ever witnessed put on by a most desperate incumbent president (usurper). If you thought the violence at the democratic 1968 convention was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet with this community agitator n chief.

Watch video:
Rpt: President Obama’s Reelection Campaign Bid May Try to Avoid State of Economy « Fox News Insider


Is it possible for President Obama to run his reelection campaign without being able to point to a strengthening economy? A new report suggests the White House is looking at former campaigns that were able to overcome a first-term rise in unemployment


Stanzel also said that President Obama’s administration has not been able to deliver their messages to the American people and the commander in chief has put the U.S. on “a road to nowhere.” In response to Varney’s question as to whether Obama will resort to a campaign based on class warfare, Stanzel said it’s the only message they have in their arsenal, and will use that to attack the Republican nominee.
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What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.
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What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

gee, who could you possibly have in mind

Why thank you so much for asking. The answer to your question is of course patriotic Governor Sarah Palin. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for your splended generous curiosity for whom I had in mind.


U.S. Army Retired
What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

I hate to break it to you, but your corporate overlords have *ZERO* inclination to do this. They haven't, they won't and they never will, as long as they can lobby for tax breaks to half-enslave people on the other side of the world instead of hiring American workers with their record profts - all while they are still able to enrich shareholders and pay pasty white douchebags 7 figure salaries for... well nothing of note, usually. Nothing... Not.One.Damn.Cent has trickled down to the middle and lower classes as promised by those corporatists. Not one job was saved or created with the Bush tax cuts - we know this. It is obvious and provable. Still you morons spout the same tired, incorrect garbage. Just how would you magically create 20 million jobs?

Salary of Top American Executives Up 23 Percent in 2010 - ABC News
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What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

I hate to break it to you, but your corporate overlords have *ZERO* inclination to do this. They haven't, they won't and they never will, as long as they can lobby for tax breaks to half-enslave people on the other side of the world instead of hiring American workers with their record profts - all while they are still able to enrich shareholders and pay pasty white douchebags 7 figure salaries for... well nothing of note, usually. Nothing... Not.One.Damn.Cent has trickled down to the middle and lower classes as promised by those corporatists. Not one job was saved or created with the Bush tax cuts - we know this. It is obvious and provable. Still you morons spout the same tired, incorrect garbage. Just how would you magically create 20 million jobs?

Salary of Top American Executives Up 23 Percent in 2010 - ABC News

I'd hire the guy that sent 20 000 plus jobs overseas to show me how to create jobs.
What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

I hate to break it to you, but your corporate overlords have *ZERO* inclination to do this. They haven't, they won't and they never will, as long as they can lobby for tax breaks to half-enslave people on the other side of the world instead of hiring American workers with their record profts - all while they are still able to enrich shareholders and pay pasty white douchebags 7 figure salaries for... well nothing of note, usually. Nothing... Not.One.Damn.Cent has trickled down to the middle and lower classes as promised by those corporatists. Not one job was saved or created with the Bush tax cuts - we know this. It is obvious and provable. Still you morons spout the same tired, incorrect garbage. Just how would you magically create 20 million jobs?

Salary of Top American Executives Up 23 Percent in 2010 - ABC News

Are you not aware that any corporate taxes levvied upon corporations is just passed on to the people who buy their products.....? In other words...YOU are paying the high corporate addition to all the other taxes you have to pay...

Jobs would increase and stay here in America if we had much lower corporate taxes....taxes which just send our jobs overseas....AND if we loosened strangling liberal regulations enough to encourage productivity here instead of encouraging businesses to operate in other countries...

Executive salaries are a drop in the bucket compared to the money we all could make as a whole....if our businesses were encouraged to grow and become productive....
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What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

I hate to break it to you, but your corporate overlords have *ZERO* inclination to do this. They haven't, they won't and they never will, as long as they can lobby for tax breaks to half-enslave people on the other side of the world instead of hiring American workers with their record profts - all while they are still able to enrich shareholders and pay pasty white douchebags 7 figure salaries for... well nothing of note, usually. Nothing... Not.One.Damn.Cent has trickled down to the middle and lower classes as promised by those corporatists. Not one job was saved or created with the Bush tax cuts - we know this. It is obvious and provable. Still you morons spout the same tired, incorrect garbage. Just how would you magically create 20 million jobs?

Salary of Top American Executives Up 23 Percent in 2010 - ABC News
Bush created thousands of jobs to Americans, especially in the oilfield where average blue collar workers were able to get good paying jobs working on rigs, pipeline companies, trucking firms, compressor companies, drill bit companies, fracking companies, exploration companies, rental tool companies,abstract companies and title companies for the drilling leases and so on and so on. Those lower class hard working people earned lots of money and turned around and spent that money in towns they lived in creating tax revenue stimulating the local economies. They spent that money on sending their kids to college so they could get a education in order to learn a trade, get a job and pay taxes. Now all of those people are out of work in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states because Obama put a moratorium on drilling and won't lift it. As soon as she gets in office, Palin would immediately lift it with a executive order.
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Jobs would increase and stay here in America if we had much lower corporate taxes....taxes which just send our jobs overseas....

Moron, it isn't taxes that send jobs overseas. It is nothing but unadulterated greed. I would bet you that 100% of corporations who outsourced our jobs could still hire Americans AND turn a profit. CEO and executive pay is completely out of control and workers beneath them are being squeezed at every turn income-wise. Did you read the article? CEO pay is not market driven because they help to establish what they are paid. When will you morons realize that the American worker can only take so much. Soon, no one will be able to afford anything that corporations have to sell. They don't care. All that matters is highest short term profit. Just look at the fnancial corporations that got us all into this mess in the first place. Taxes, my ass!
400 people control more wealth than 150 million Americans combined.

The class war is over.

The rich won.
What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

I hate to break it to you, but your corporate overlords have *ZERO* inclination to do this. They haven't, they won't and they never will, as long as they can lobby for tax breaks to half-enslave people on the other side of the world instead of hiring American workers with their record profts - all while they are still able to enrich shareholders and pay pasty white douchebags 7 figure salaries for... well nothing of note, usually. Nothing... Not.One.Damn.Cent has trickled down to the middle and lower classes as promised by those corporatists. Not one job was saved or created with the Bush tax cuts - we know this. It is obvious and provable. Still you morons spout the same tired, incorrect garbage. Just how would you magically create 20 million jobs?

Salary of Top American Executives Up 23 Percent in 2010 - ABC News
Bush created thousands of jobs to Americans, especially in the oilfield where average blue collar workers were able to get good paying jobs working on rigs, pipeline companies, trucking firms, compressor companies, drill bit companies, fracking companies, exploration companies, rental tool companies,abstract companies and title companies for the drilling leases and so on and so on. Those lower class hard working people earned lots of money and turned around and spent that money in towns they lived in creating tax revenue stimulating the local economies. They spent that money on sending their kids to college so they could get a education in order to learn a trade, get a job and pay taxes. Now all of those people are out of work in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states because Obama put a moratorium on drilling and won't lift it. As soon as she gets in office, Palin would immediately lift it with a executive order.

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Bush was the worst president in American history.
What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

What we need to do is cut the billions we are spending for retired military to sit on their asses.

We could balance the budget right there.
What we need to run against Obama is someone who can bring jobs to Americans immediately for all classes of people who will not divide us on purpose.

What we need to do is cut the billions we are spending for retired military to sit on their asses.

We could balance the budget right there.

Funny thing is, I think he knows that corporations are NOT going to do this, no matter what anyone does. Many of them pay no taxes as it is, and they STILL aren't creating jobs here in the US... yes, in polluted shitholes like Mexico, Indonesia and China where you can eat the air with a fork. They won't be happy until this country is a third world, polluted, unlivable hole with a handful of wealthy, the corporations and their slaves. Problem is, slaves don't have much in the way of buying power. This is the considerable kink in their ideology.
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I hate to break it to you, but your corporate overlords have *ZERO* inclination to do this. They haven't, they won't and they never will, as long as they can lobby for tax breaks to half-enslave people on the other side of the world instead of hiring American workers with their record profts - all while they are still able to enrich shareholders and pay pasty white douchebags 7 figure salaries for... well nothing of note, usually. Nothing... Not.One.Damn.Cent has trickled down to the middle and lower classes as promised by those corporatists. Not one job was saved or created with the Bush tax cuts - we know this. It is obvious and provable. Still you morons spout the same tired, incorrect garbage. Just how would you magically create 20 million jobs?

Salary of Top American Executives Up 23 Percent in 2010 - ABC News
Bush created thousands of jobs to Americans, especially in the oilfield where average blue collar workers were able to get good paying jobs working on rigs, pipeline companies, trucking firms, compressor companies, drill bit companies, fracking companies, exploration companies, rental tool companies,abstract companies and title companies for the drilling leases and so on and so on. Those lower class hard working people earned lots of money and turned around and spent that money in towns they lived in creating tax revenue stimulating the local economies. They spent that money on sending their kids to college so they could get a education in order to learn a trade, get a job and pay taxes. Now all of those people are out of work in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states because Obama put a moratorium on drilling and won't lift it. As soon as she gets in office, Palin would immediately lift it with a executive order.

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Bush was the worst president in American history.
Rubbish. Bush was a great president. He was a liberator in the middle east freeing the Iraqi people from a tyrant who defied the UN 17 times. We were attacked by muslims and he took the fight to them on their soil instead of here in order to fight terrorists on a global scale. He did the right thing and should be commended for it. He put people to work in the oilfield which is the business I am in. The economy was a 5% unemployment and after democrats took over in 06 with full control, the economy went into implosion under Pelosi and Reid. Barney Franks was behind the housing collapse and Obama is resposible for trillions of dollars he has induced us in debt with. Now unemployment is at 9% and no president has ever been reelected with a number like that. Also he still won't lift the moratorium on drilling so people in the south can get back to work drilling. Again, the expert is right. Obama can't run on the economy he has created so he will only resort to a class warfare campaign.

Arianna Huffinton: "Obama's Stilulus Package Failed"
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The former presidential deputy assistant is correct. Obama has nothing to run on pertaining to the economy. He has devastated it with his liberal ideology and his decision to put himself first above the American people as indicated by his actions over the weekend. Obama has failed to create jobs and unemployment is at a whopping 9% which no president has ever won reelection with a percentage that high. Obama's non executive experience and ignorance has caused people to lose jobs. Look at the Nasa layoffs and look at the moratorium he put on drilling along the Gulf Coast that put over 230,000 out of work. Those people will not forget. So what does Obama have as his last resort? Class Warfare as the expert states. Obama, a former community agitator, will focus on class warfare pitting the poor against the rich causing massive devisiveness across the country between all different levels of people and their way of life. Divisive means to create dissagreement and dissension or hostility between people. That is what he wants. If you look back during his presidency, you will see that he has done this many times. One instance was last week not promising seniors and veterans would get their SS checks on the 3rd of August. Another instance was interfering with the union problem in Wisconsin, a private state matter that involved different classes of people, union workers & non union workers. What this all boils down to is that Obama isn
t a uniter and never intended to be as president. What I think we are fixing to see is the most devisive & violent campaign we have ever witnessed put on by a most desperate incumbent president (usurper). If you thought the violence at the democratic 1968 convention was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet with this community agitator n chief.

Watch video:
Rpt: President Obama’s Reelection Campaign Bid May Try to Avoid State of Economy « Fox News Insider


Is it possible for President Obama to run his reelection campaign without being able to point to a strengthening economy? A new report suggests the White House is looking at former campaigns that were able to overcome a first-term rise in unemployment


Stanzel also said that President Obama’s administration has not been able to deliver their messages to the American people and the commander in chief has put the U.S. on “a road to nowhere.” In response to Varney’s question as to whether Obama will resort to a campaign based on class warfare, Stanzel said it’s the only message they have in their arsenal, and will use that to attack the Republican nominee.

Tripe, apparently, is not just made from a cow's stomach. It can be made, as you've just shown us, by stringing words together.
I hate to break it to you, but your corporate overlords have *ZERO* inclination to do this. They haven't, they won't and they never will, as long as they can lobby for tax breaks to half-enslave people on the other side of the world instead of hiring American workers with their record profts - all while they are still able to enrich shareholders and pay pasty white douchebags 7 figure salaries for... well nothing of note, usually. Nothing... Not.One.Damn.Cent has trickled down to the middle and lower classes as promised by those corporatists. Not one job was saved or created with the Bush tax cuts - we know this. It is obvious and provable. Still you morons spout the same tired, incorrect garbage. Just how would you magically create 20 million jobs?

Salary of Top American Executives Up 23 Percent in 2010 - ABC News
Bush created thousands of jobs to Americans, especially in the oilfield where average blue collar workers were able to get good paying jobs working on rigs, pipeline companies, trucking firms, compressor companies, drill bit companies, fracking companies, exploration companies, rental tool companies,abstract companies and title companies for the drilling leases and so on and so on. Those lower class hard working people earned lots of money and turned around and spent that money in towns they lived in creating tax revenue stimulating the local economies. They spent that money on sending their kids to college so they could get a education in order to learn a trade, get a job and pay taxes. Now all of those people are out of work in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states because Obama put a moratorium on drilling and won't lift it. As soon as she gets in office, Palin would immediately lift it with a executive order.

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Bush was the worst president in American history.
Bullshit lies from a liar. Clinton did not leave Bush with a balanced budget and world peace you idiot. Clinton left BUSH with a recession. Obamaturd has had less than three years to become the worst president ever, and he has succeeded.
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Bush created thousands of jobs to Americans, especially in the oilfield where average blue collar workers were able to get good paying jobs working on rigs, pipeline companies, trucking firms, compressor companies, drill bit companies, fracking companies, exploration companies, rental tool companies,abstract companies and title companies for the drilling leases and so on and so on. Those lower class hard working people earned lots of money and turned around and spent that money in towns they lived in creating tax revenue stimulating the local economies. They spent that money on sending their kids to college so they could get a education in order to learn a trade, get a job and pay taxes. Now all of those people are out of work in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states because Obama put a moratorium on drilling and won't lift it. As soon as she gets in office, Palin would immediately lift it with a executive order.

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Bush was the worst president in American history.
Bullshit lies from a liar. Clinton did not leave Bush with a balanced budget and world peace you idiot. Clinton left BUSH with a recession.

The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers. Clinton’s fiscal 1994 budget also contained some spending restraints. An equally if not more powerful influence was the booming economy and huge gains in the stock markets, the so-called dot-com bubble, which brought in hundreds of millions in unanticipated tax revenue from taxes on capital gains and rising salaries.

Clinton’s large budget surpluses also owe much to the Social Security tax on payrolls. Social Security taxes now bring in more than the cost of current benefits, and the "Social Security surplus" makes the total deficit or surplus figures look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted. But even if we remove Social Security from the equation, there was a surplus of $1.9 billion in fiscal 1999 and $86.4 billion in fiscal 2000. So any way you count it, the federal budget was balanced and the deficit was erased, if only for a while.

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton |
Bush created thousands of jobs to Americans, especially in the oilfield where average blue collar workers were able to get good paying jobs working on rigs, pipeline companies, trucking firms, compressor companies, drill bit companies, fracking companies, exploration companies, rental tool companies,abstract companies and title companies for the drilling leases and so on and so on. Those lower class hard working people earned lots of money and turned around and spent that money in towns they lived in creating tax revenue stimulating the local economies. They spent that money on sending their kids to college so they could get a education in order to learn a trade, get a job and pay taxes. Now all of those people are out of work in Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states because Obama put a moratorium on drilling and won't lift it. As soon as she gets in office, Palin would immediately lift it with a executive order.

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Bush was the worst president in American history.
Bullshit lies from a liar. Clinton did not leave Bush with a balanced budget and world peace you idiot. Clinton left BUSH with a recession. Obamaturd has had less than three years to become the worst president ever, and he has succeeded.

And he spent more money in his first term than all 43 presidents combined in their first terms.

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