Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???

What they're angling for is for Trump to use the same Unconstitutional power Obama did, simply decide not to enforce the law, and turn all the illegal immigrants loose to wander away and disappear. And THEN - bonus! - they get the masses of illegals they want AND they get to attack Trump for not solving illegal immigration.

Personally I think this whole thing is a whole lot of nothing.

The left didn't seem to care when Barry was POTUS and now all of a sudden its a big juicy deal when Trump is POTUS.

For my money they can kick the whole lot of them back to Mexico. Let the Mexicans deal with their sorry asses.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???

What they're angling for is for Trump to use the same Unconstitutional power Obama did, simply decide not to enforce the law, and turn all the illegal immigrants loose to wander away and disappear. And THEN - bonus! - they get the masses of illegals they want AND they get to attack Trump for not solving illegal immigration.
Trump has already decided not to enforce other laws he wants changed. Don’t pretend like this is something he hasn’t done, can’t do, or won’t do.
Bullshit. There’s no law that stipulates separating families. This is being done on policy. And the president has every authority to sign a memorandum or executive order dictating the rules of how laws are carried out. Just as Trump did when he changed the policies of how ObamaCare would be enforced.
The law was made in 1997. It doesn't stipulate about separating families per se, but it bans kids from being put in adult jails (where the parents are) - so it de facto does stipulate separating famiies. Note: this applies to ALL criminals, and ALL laws - Americans, burglaries, bad checks, everything.

As for EOs, they can make a new law. They can't rescind an existing one. Only Congress can do that (which Trump has stated)
Yes, that's exactly what we're saying. All this whining is just a sleazy political stunt. You just admitted it.
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent

Your own fucking link contradicts you, lackwit. The policy Sessions is talking about is zero tolerance for illegal adults, and prosecuting all of them for their crime.

Go ahead, scream and holler about how awful it is for the government to prosecute people for committing crimes. See how well THAT sells.

You're absolutely correct that upholding the law is a new change from Obama, because God knows, he wasn't famous for his respect for the laws of the United States. Thank you for pointing out how your Messiah failed at his job.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?
Yup. At this point it becomes very selective self-righteous indignation.

The families can be reunified south of the border almost immediately.
Who is being self righteous and why?
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?
Yes, that's exactly what we're saying. All this whining is just a sleazy political stunt. You just admitted it.
I admitted it was true for some but not the majority of people. Only a fraction are partisan wingnut hacks.
But they did put children in cages, something you’d NEVER ignore if it happened under Trump. Don’t even try and deny it.
So Obama was tough on illegals and you give him credit for having the balls to give these illegal animals what they deserve??

Or did Obama not lift a finger to stop illegals?

You Trump lovers keep trying to have it both ways and it just makes you look silly -- as you say "Don't even try to deny it"

Obama was not even remotely tough on illegals, and when his administration was forced to deal with them instead of just turning them loose, they bungled it mightily.

That clear things up for you, Sparkles?
Bullshit. There’s no law that stipulates separating families. This is being done on policy. And the president has every authority to sign a memorandum or executive order dictating the rules of how laws are carried out. Just as Trump did when he changed the policies of how ObamaCare would be enforced.
The law was made in 1997. It doesn't stipulate about separating families per se, but it bans kids from being put in adult jails (where the parents are) - so it de facto does stipulate separating famiies. Note: this applies to ALL criminals, and ALL laws - Americans, burglaries, bad checks, everything.

As for EOs, they can make a new law. They can't rescind an existing one. Only Congress can do that (which Trump has stated)
No, it wasn’t. Cite the 1997 law that stipulates breaking up families....
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?

So, what is YOUR idea for a solution? Do you want the children to go to jail with their parents?
No I don’t think people need to go to jail for misdemeanor offenses
Bush signed the law into effect, why don't you get him to do it? Bath house BJ barry had 8 years to undo it, why don't you get him to do it?
Obama wanted as many illegal aliens to come into the US as he could cram in here - all to become Democrat VOTES. He didn't want anything to interfere, so he couldn't do it out in the open. Instead, he did it clandestine, kept it hidden. Even his own Democrats admit it >>

Democrat Admits Child Migrant Crisis "Was Kept Very Quiet Under Obama"
Bush signed the law into effect, why don't you get him to do it? Bath house BJ barry had 8 years to undo it, why don't you get him to do it?
Obama wanted as many illegal aliens to come into the US as he could cram in here - all to become Democrat VOTES. He didn't want anything to interfere, so he couldn't do it out in the open. Instead, he did it clandestine, kept it hidden. Even his own Democrats admit it >>

Democrat Admits Child Migrant Crisis "Was Kept Very Quiet Under Obama"
Political scientist Larry Sabato notes:
"Good for you, Melania. Now ask your husband to issue an executive order to stop this cruel policy. POTUS can end it TODAY. No need for Congress to act."
Larry Sabato on Twitter

Larry Sabato should stop posturing for the fawning crowds, shut his head, and think for a couple of minutes to prevent making a fool of himself.

It is a massive usurpation of power, totally Unconstitutional, for the President to make and change law by executive order. I lost count of how many times we told you asshat leftists this during the reign of His Imperial Majesty, Obama. Furthermore, only a complete moron would believe this is anything but a trap, or that the left would actually approve of President Trump acting in this fashion. As soon as he did, you hypocritical ass kittens would be jumping his shit and attacking him for THAT. And his own base would be shitting bricks over it, so that's pretty much "three strikes and you're out" for that idea.

This problem COULD be handled in a matter of days, though, if the PROPER legislative authority - Congress - would take a little time off from grandstanding for the cameras and demagoguing to simply pass a law overruling the Flores Settlement and the Ninth Circuit ruling on this subject, and providing appropriate funding to allow for family detention (although one of the many dirty little secrets the media doesn't tell you is that the vast majority of these cases are settled in about a day, because the illegal immigrant in question pleads guilty, gets the kid back, and they get deported together).
Bullshit. There’s no law that stipulates separating families. This is being done on policy. And the president has every authority to sign a memorandum or executive order dictating the rules of how laws are carried out. Just as Trump did when he changed the policies of how ObsmaCare would be enforced.

There is a law stipulating that children must be released within 20 days, as I have pointed out to you rockheaded, disingenuous pusbag leftists about a million times just this week. By definition, that means you either release the parent with the kid, so that they can wander away and never be heard from again - which we all know is what you lying sacks are REALLY angling for - or you keep the parent in custody and send the kid to the foster care system. There's not a third option there.

You're damned right "this is being done on policy" - a policy of prosecuting people for crossing our border illegally. Not Trump's damned fault you leftist dipshits decided to try to do end-runs around the immigration laws and now it's coming back to haunt you. Maybe in the future you should just advocate for what you really want and let the chips fall where they may, instead of sneaking around it by passing laws you don't intend to enforce to give yourself an excuse for ignoring laws you don't WANT to enforce.

Do not fucking give me that bullshit line about "the President has every authority to". First of all, the President does NOT legally have the authority to make or change laws via executive order. Second of all, he does NOT legally have the authority to decide to ignore laws and refuse to enforce them. I realize your Messiah, Emperor Obama, did it all the time and you cheered for it, but it was illegal then, and it's illegal now. And that brings me to the third of all, which is that we both know there is no way you would applaud Trump for behaving like Obama did; you'd just use it as another excuse to attack him. And there's no way HIS base is going to applaud him for doing the exact opposite of what they elected him to do, so there's no percentage whatsoever in him taking your pussy-aching on this subject seriously.
No, it wasn’t. Cite the 1997 law that stipulates breaking up families....
I just told you. it doesn't stipulate that, the breaking up is a automatic result.
Great, so you admit this is a new policy then; because no other president since 1997 broke up families like trump is doing now.
No liar, Trump is doing his job and enforcing the law. You don't like it? Grow up and stop lying.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???

What they're angling for is for Trump to use the same Unconstitutional power Obama did, simply decide not to enforce the law, and turn all the illegal immigrants loose to wander away and disappear. And THEN - bonus! - they get the masses of illegals they want AND they get to attack Trump for not solving illegal immigration.
Trump has already decided not to enforce other laws he wants changed. Don’t pretend like this is something he hasn’t done, can’t do, or won’t do.
Which other laws?
Bullshit. There’s no law that stipulates separating families. This is being done on policy. And the president has every authority to sign a memorandum or executive order dictating the rules of how laws are carried out. Just as Trump did when he changed the policies of how ObamaCare would be enforced.
The law was made in 1997. It doesn't stipulate about separating families per se, but it bans kids from being put in adult jails (where the parents are) - so it de facto does stipulate separating famiies. Note: this applies to ALL criminals, and ALL laws - Americans, burglaries, bad checks, everything.

As for EOs, they can make a new law. They can't rescind an existing one. Only Congress can do that (which Trump has stated)
No, it wasn’t. Cite the 1997 law that stipulates breaking up families....
Cite any year law that stipulates not prosecuting criminals and putting them in jail for their crimes if they have kids.
Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???

What they're angling for is for Trump to use the same Unconstitutional power Obama did, simply decide not to enforce the law, and turn all the illegal immigrants loose to wander away and disappear. And THEN - bonus! - they get the masses of illegals they want AND they get to attack Trump for not solving illegal immigration.
Trump has already decided not to enforce other laws he wants changed. Don’t pretend like this is something he hasn’t done, can’t do, or won’t do.

Prove it. Name me the laws Trump has elected to ignore and not enforce. Spit it the fuck out, and don't even think of citing some left-wing blog as "evidence".

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