Expert: President Trump can issue executive order stopping family separations at the border

Gee. Obama could have done the same thing.

Don't see any of you complaining about Barry and those separated children.

Hypocrisy much???
Obama didn't separate children and parents.
We already know he did, dumbass.
No, you don't know that. You're typing the false claim on a message board. It doesn't mean you "know it".

It has already been proven, dumbass. Your post is additional evidence that nothing any snowflake says can be believed. You will lie about anything.
Trump began this nightmare of taking children from their families, he’s solely responsible, and he has the authority to stop it – but he doesn’t want to, the consequence of his bigotry and hate.
Trump didn't start it, but the whining didn't start until he became President.
If Trump could and did stop family separations, how would that work ? The kids being put in jails ?
"Dems' Keep Families Together Act is better called the Child Trafficking Encouragement Act. Show up at border with a minor & call him your child, then you get released into the US! Children will be abducted & sold to drug cartels & slave-traders as a free ticket into US." - Wonderful Tom Cotton
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
No it didn't. Families were only separated when parents weren't in caught and release. And even then, the kids were placed with relatives or foster care. You don't get alternative facts.

Miller also mentioned the “Flores settlement” from 1997. This legal agreement struck by President Bill Clinton’s administration requires the federal government to release rather than detain undocumented immigrant children, first to their parents if possible, to other adult relatives if not, and to licensed programs willing to accept custody if no relatives are available. As a last resort, U.S. officials may place children in the “least restrictive” setting available.

A federal judge in California ruled in 2015 that the Flores settlement covered all children in immigration officials’ custody, regardless of whether they were apprehended at the border alone or with family members. The judge’s ruling also covered any accompanying parents. But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit reversed the latter part of the ruling and said the Flores settlement required only that children, not parents, be released. Therefore, the government is required to keep immigrant children and their parents together only for a limited time.

Analysis | Fact-checking immigration spin on separating families and 1,500 ‘lost’ children

And you're being dishonest for not acknoledging this is about PUTTIGN KIDS IN CAGES.
Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?
So what? What does that have to do with anything that’s going on now? Do you really think that distracting from the situation by trying to point out political hypocrisy is of any help?

Are you trying to make a point that since Dems didn’t complain about it under Obama then they have no right to complain about what’s happening now? Fine, fair point so all the partisan hacks can beat it... so now that it is us moderates and independents left, what do you think about the issue at hand?

So, what is YOUR idea for a solution? Do you want the children to go to jail with their parents?
Just prove that these children are related to the claimed parents. Some of these teen minors are as old as the women they claim as mothers.
Yes, that's exactly what we're saying. All this whining is just a sleazy political stunt. You just admitted it.
Except both of you are wrong -- this is a new policy -- if you don't believe me..Ask Pastor Jeff Sessions

Obama didn't split up families as policy -- when people keep saying that, they are lying....

Ask Jeff Sessions, he admits its his policy and he admits he uses it as a deterrent -- it just backfired and now they are relying on folks like you to blame on the black guy, per usual....

Sessions admits policy is a deterrent
Trump will be judged at the polls, and later by the All Mighty powers from above - or below.
Of course that’s what the left wants. They don’t want the government to work as it was designed to work, not when it comes to their own policies... and this is why they’d be fine with a dictatorship as long as the dictator was also a lefty.

It’s crazy to me how they say they’re so fearful of Trump’s perceived authoritarianism, yet they want him to execute the most dictatorial action the Constitution allows for the president to carry out. If they realize this discrepancy, they’re hypocrites, but I believe most of them don’t realize how their beliefs and words don’t line up.
and yes, this is being used a political football by both sides ---

1. One side is hoping to use the separated kids as a bargaining tool to get funding for a wall that Mexico didn't pay for --

2. The other side is exploiting this public relations disaster as a way to get DACA made permanent.....

I say, we should try to get some of the kids to help build the wall themselves and this issue will go away
But they did put children in cages, something you’d NEVER ignore if it happened under Trump. Don’t even try and deny it.

Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?

Nope. Camp and his bunch of lefty loons don't seem to remember 2014 when those pictures were taken. They sure didn't care in 2014 and you never saw a thread on it.

They are hypocrites one and all.
Chalk this up as rightards never learn. What happened in 2014 was not where the U.S. government split up families. There was a massive influx suddenly of about 70,000 unaccompanied kids crossed the border that the government had to deal with. The Obama administration did not tear families apart. That is a new policy started under Heartless Trump.
But they did put children in cages, something you’d NEVER ignore if it happened under Trump. Don’t even try and deny it.

Just to inject a little context and perspective here: You realize that separating illegal families began under . . . Obama, right? Right? You know that, right?

Nope. Camp and his bunch of lefty loons don't seem to remember 2014 when those pictures were taken. They sure didn't care in 2014 and you never saw a thread on it.

They are hypocrites one and all.
Chalk this up as rightards never learn. What happened in 2014 was not where the U.S. government split up families. There was a massive influx suddenly of about 70,000 unaccompanied kids crossed the border that the government had to deal with. The Obama administration did not tear families apart. That is a new policy started under Heartless Trump.

Hate to tell you but I couldn't care less.

The parents dragging their kids or not kids with them, made this mess. Hope they kick them all back across the border. Let the Mexicans deal with them.

Oh and those cages are actually cells. Plenty of room.
But they did put children in cages, something you’d NEVER ignore if it happened under Trump. Don’t even try and deny it.
So Obama was tough on illegals and you give him credit for having the balls to give these illegal animals what they deserve??

Or did Obama not lift a finger to stop illegals?

You Trump lovers keep trying to have it both ways and it just makes you look silly -- as you say "Don't even try to deny it"
Trump began this nightmare of taking children from their families, he’s solely responsible, and he has the authority to stop it – but he doesn’t want to, the consequence of his bigotry and hate.

I know, right? It’s so bigoted and hateful to allow the government to work the way in which it was designed. Ya’ll only want executive orders when they fall in line with your beliefs... but the US govt wasn’t and isn’t designed to rely on executive orders. If it was, we wouldn’t be a democracy or a republic. We’d be something far worse. If the idea of “Dictator Trump” makes you nervous, perhaps don’t encourage him to carry out the most dictatorial action allowed for him.
Filthy Don is dogwhistling his base and running this country as a dictatorship...or wanting to. Mueller is going higher up his assistant and will hand the Orange Marmalade two cyanide pulls, Ivanka and a 32 ACP handgun. This will not end well for the Filthy Don.
You’re assuming I’m the same as all the other righties here. I’m not, nor am I even a righty. If you want to go into my history and find where I said Obama didn’t do enough to stop illegal immigration, be my guest. You’re assuming you know my beliefs solely bc I defend Trump. Stop doing that bc you’re wrong.

But they did put children in cages, something you’d NEVER ignore if it happened under Trump. Don’t even try and deny it.
So Obama was tough on illegals and you give him credit for having the balls to give these illegal animals what they deserve??

Or did Obama not lift a finger to stop illegals?

You Trump lovers keep trying to have it both ways and it just makes you look silly -- as you say "Don't even try to deny it"

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