Experts Shred Obama Administration's Laughably Fraudulent Climate Scam

I'm only interested in what they found from the observed data. And what they found I posted. Anything else out of that report is mumbo jumbo my man! Like I also stated, 'likely' 'very likely' phrases which means there is no causal data to support the models.

You believe that short paragraph was everything they found.

I see.

And you found everything else to be mumbo jumbo.

I see.

Case closed.

Yep! unproven. No causal evidence, not even from your favorite group of unscientists.

BTW, why don't you provide the portion that shows that the observed data confirms that CO2 did not increase from 1998 to 2012 and that is why the temperatures didn't track to the models. Go ahead, show me where I missed it.
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Did I say that? No.

You claimed there is no evidence that CO2 in the atmosphere will cause warming. So, yes, you DID say one of those two things.

I said, there is no causal evidence to support that CO2 alone can cause an increase in temperature, and as I wrote, no evidence has yet to be given showing that causal experiment. None!

And now you say it again. Do you not understand what the greenhouse effect IS?

So provide that experiment!

A number of experiments demonstrating the greenhouse effect and CO2's greenhouse properties are discussed here. It's a good start.
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Did I say that? No.

You claimed there is no evidence that CO2 in the atmosphere will cause warming. So, yes, that IS what you said.

I said, there is no causal evidence to support that CO2 alone can cause an increase in temperature, and as I wrote, no evidence has yet to be given showing that causal experiment. None!

And now you say it again. Do you not understand what the greenhouse effect IS?

So provide that experiment!

A number of experiments demonstrating the greenhouse effect and CO2's greenhouse properties are discussed here. It's a good start.

I supposed reading is a virtue. I said an increase in temperature. Notice the word increase.

And still no proof.
If you are going to deny what is before your eyes, there's not much point in showing you anything.
Sad to see someone proud of having blinded themselves to reality.

What makes you think that's the better strategy?
That you aren't convinced is not the result of any flaws in the scientific evidence. It is the result of your prejudices and your ignorance.
Just because you don't need proof before buying in doesn't mean we all do. It's ashame folks like you have a personal agenda rather than having a rational discussion. you are the epitome of a jerk, sorry no nice way to characterize you. Oh, you still have zero evidence of your claims. ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, he is not a jerk. You are, and I am. You are an ignorant asshole and proud of it. Like SSDD, Walleyes, and Flatass, you put political correctness before scientific evidence. I provided you with a link to the site of the American Institute of Physics, which not only explains the history of the study of GHGs, but has many links to other information on the subject. One can also go to USGS sites, or the equivelent sites of other nations, and see what they state. None state your stupidity.

Now I have worked in sawmills, construction, and steel mills, and I learned early on to address people in terms that they can understand. Terms used in polite debate are wasted on you people, so I will address you in a manner you can understand.

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