Explain it to me like I'm stupid ...


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May 19, 2013
Why is there so much hate between Israel and Palestine? Is it all because both want Jerusalem to belong to them?
When Israel became a nation, in 1948, Muslims in Egypt, Syria and other places were welcome and lived and worked in Israel. Not a lot of them. Egypt and Syria decided to attack Israel at once and told the Muslims to get out of there for their safety. Israel asked them to stay. But they left. Egypt invaded, and lost.
EGYPT refused to let the Muslims that left Israel into their country. So the Muslims camped on the outskirt of Israel. They were no longer welcome in Israel.
They had no food or shelter. In order to qualify for help from the League of Nations as refugees, a group of refugees had to have been on the property they were on for 2 years and of course these had not. What became the UN, voted to over rule that law and started to provide for those, about 400,000, Muslims. They were right where Egypt wanted them to be. Right on the Jew's doorstep and have been lobbing shit at the Jews ever since. Those are the ancestors of the now militant Muslims we see lobbing shit at the Jews today.
Syria lost Jerusalem when they lost the war. So goes the spoils of war. When Britain gave the land, which was part of the British Empire, to the Israelis, it was a wasteland that nobody gave one shit about, except the Jews. It was their heritage. The, oh so important, Dome of the rock was a crumbling, deserted piece of real estate:

When Samuel Clemens visited in the late 1800's he saw one person. A nomad passing through.

What the Jews have is a tiny sliver of land to call their own. And it is their own. It is the only land on God's green earth that He Himself deeded to the children of His friend, Abraham. And He means for them to keep it. The Muslims, on the other hand, own ALLLLL the rest. Instead of a peace treaty that would make Israel less than 8 miles wide, and easy prey, how about Egypt open it's border? That would be the more equitable solution.
That's it in a nut shell.
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The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: a lecture by Rashid Khalidi, University of Waterloo​

Simple... VERY early organized civilizations started along the Euphrates river.
After a time, some people were like... this kind of sucks. Hot.. floods a lot.. we have to huddle around the river all the time... let's head north. But some people were like..not me! This land is mine! People a little farther down the river were like - wait! This land is ours!!
The sane people left and went north leaving small bands of people who have a mentality that they were the first there and it is all theirs.
And they are still doing it today, 12000 years later.
Why is there so much hate between Israel and Palestine? Is it all because both want Jerusalem to belong to them?
I think one needs to look at the foundational documents of Islamism as manufactured by muhammud for an answer. The system of denigration aimed at non-moslems (and Jews in particular), defines Islamic history. Muhammud saw Jews as an eternal enemy and the Koran is littered with Jew hatred.

Islamism affiliates itself with a political and a military ideology and is completely hostile to the out-group so is bound to take on the oppressive attributes that denigrates those of competing faiths. Reinforced by other imperative factors, such as political hegemony and limits on associations with societies dominated by other faiths, it acquires a yoke of oppression of unholy proportions.

Islam's political aspirations are defined by the term fascist. Because it will not grant political equality to non-Moslems, Islamic states are inherently dangerous to them. The political inequality of non-Moslems is defined by the term dhimmitude. As noted, the analog to dhimmitude is fascism - where one class of people is defined as having greater rights than the oppressed class
The problem is not the issue of Palestine/Israel.

The problem is that this forum needs far less control of posters and more control over the spamming game. Look at all the other forums and you will see the difference. Zones, rules, etc. just give the staff more power to interpret on their own.

Hack moderators who pretend to be centrist do not prove themselves out by the way they have turned this sub-forum into a controlling factor.

And the hack moderators allow the spamming to continue because of the spammer?

Who is clearly on the side of the hack moderator.

This sub-forum stinks of immoderate maude control.
I think one needs to look at the foundational documents of Islamism as manufactured by muhammud for an answer. The system of denigration aimed at non-moslems (and Jews in particular), defines Islamic history. Muhammud saw Jews as an eternal enemy and the Koran is littered with Jew hatred.

Islamism affiliates itself with a political and a military ideology and is completely hostile to the out-group so is bound to take on the oppressive attributes that denigrates those of competing faiths. Reinforced by other imperative factors, such as political hegemony and limits on associations with societies dominated by other faiths, it acquires a yoke of oppression of unholy proportions.

Islam's political aspirations are defined by the term fascist. Because it will not grant political equality to non-Moslems, Islamic states are inherently dangerous to them. The political inequality of non-Moslems is defined by the term dhimmitude. As noted, the analog to dhimmitude is fascism - where one class of people is defined as having greater rights than the oppressed class

and when you add in the fact that these supremacists feel humiliated by failing to dominate the target of their aggression, and you have the perfect recipe for even MORE hatred.

The cognitive dissonance created when a group of people who view themselves as supreme run against all these reminders that they are actually quite inferior finds outlet through rage.
'kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees"

Mohammad commded it and these very words are in the Hamas charter.
Originally posted by Lipush
How much spare time to you have?​
Originally posted by Dogmaphobe
'kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees"

Mohammad commded it and these very words are in the Hamas charter.

There's a Lipush hidden behind me, come and kill her!!

The followers of the muslim faith will have to forgive me but that line is ridiculous... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This thread is already 100% better than the staff-created threads that OP's get moved into...

Still imo, the spam issue is the thing that kills gen forum discussion.
How much spare time to you have?
For those that can give an honest answer: as long as they need to explain it.

For those that give a one-sided answer: none.

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