Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

You're a preterist? Are you fully spiritualizing Christian eschatology?
No, I am not a preterist! I simply dismiss the entire concept whether people think it has been fulfilled or is not yet fulfilled. In my opinion both ideas pointless and not worthy of consideration.
How would a lunar calendar make Methuselah 81 years old rather than 969? You're accusing me of being a fraud, but in view of what you're suggesting, it would just make me misinformed, and need accurate information, not a fraud.
Then maybe you should stop 'spreading the word' if you have been misinformed. If you mislead others, whether you have made great errors in your own speculations or even if you have been misled yourself, it amounts to an intentional sin. MURDER. No one knows better than you that you are pretending to believe in something unbelievable. That makes you an actor and lying fraud.

Having faith in bullshit is no alibi. Get your shit together. Do the right thing if you hope to live.
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No, I am not a preterist! I simply dismiss the entire concept whether people think it has been fulfilled or is not yet fulfilled. In my opinion both ideas pointless and not worth consideration.
Christian eschatology is irrelevant?
Then maybe you should stop 'spreading the word' if you have been misinformed. If you mislead others whether you have made great errors in your own speculations or even if you have been misled yourself, it amount to an intentional sin. MURDER. No one knows better than you that you are pretending to believe in something unbelievable. That makes you a actor and lying fraud.

Having faith in bullshit is no alibi.

I asked you a question, and you haven't answered it yet. Where is the evidence that the long lifespans aren't to be taken literally and are counted under a lunar calendar? How does a lunar calendar make a difference?
How does a lunar calendar make a difference?

969 divided by 12=80.75 years that methuselah lived. 120 divided by 12=10 years to build an ark,

It makes the story believable by conforming to the same reality that slaps everyone in the face day and night whatever they profess to believe. No one ever lived for centuries. Its a fact. Deal with it.

You need me to explain to you the practices and beliefs of Pharisees? I am really close to rolling my eyes (something I never do, but I am tempted at the moment). Surely you know the practices and beliefs of Pharisees!
yes I do-----and because I have been an avid reader since age 7 I know how Pharisees have
been described in the literature and stories known by christians, passed down from grandmothers
and Sunday school teachers, and clergy and poets. "PHARISEE" is a dirty word as a noun and
PHARISAICAL is an adjective meaning evil, filthy, dangerous, and malicious and having knowledge
in BLACK ARTS (and pharmacy) all detailed in the secret book---THE TALMUD
Two issues about which I have never been clear. Jews believe that the Messiah will be a ruler, and it is my understanding he is to rule Israel, but all other leaders of nations will look to him. Does this make him a world leader?

Second, Jesus was clear that his kingdom is not of this world. Do Jews give any credence to an afterlife, and if so, do they have any thoughts about Jesus having a kingdom in the afterlife?
where do you get "Messiah will be a ruler" ? Isaiah described a KING OF ISRAEL who is not
a messiah
He has not fulfilled what the messiah has to. Let's start with the easiest one to check. peace on Earth.
One thing you may not realize is that the story of Christ was from the beginning a story only half told, to be completed in what was once a distant future.

969 divided by 12=80.75 years that methuselah lived. 120 divided by 12=10 years to build an ark,

It makes the story believable by conforming to the same reality that slaps everyone in the face day and night whatever they profess to believe. No one ever lived for centuries. Its a fact. Deal with it.


The Bible says 969 years, not 80.7 years.
As it pertains to End Times/Apocalyptic literature? Yes.
Christian eschatology is irrelevant to end times/apocalyptic literature.
More sophistry. Words have meaning, and you can pretend the RAMCHAL was simply stating that the suffering of the righteous just inspires people to repent, but that's not what he is saying. No one needs a degree or special knowledge to understand what he's saying, he's speaking clearly.
And you can continue to blindly believe that you understand a book that is way beyond you because the online translation has words you think you know. Do you tell lawyers how to be lawyers because you can pick up a legal textbook and understand a bunch of words?
We believe demons are fallen angels (angels are spirits) and the demons themselves refer to themselves as fallen angels.
Good. More of your belief.
The online source that I cited is Jews for Judaism. Your Jewish anti-missionary friends.
I have never met them so your claim that they are my friends is strange.
Anyone can read that article and see how they interpret the man in the vision as both the symbolic embodiment of the tzadikim (the righteous remnant of Israel) and the Messiah.
Yes, how THEY do even though they provide no evidence for it. I guess that's enough for you.
Both. I used the word "saints" for tzadikim, in the sense of "righteous ones".
Does that website by my "friends" say that it refers only to "righteous ones" or does it say "the people"?
You're being pedantic, like always.
And you are being deceitful by replacing the language of the quote with your words.
I was once deceived by the Jewish counter-missionaries, leaving my Christian faith and becoming an atheist. I want to prevent that from happening to others.
Jewish counter-missionaries would not try to make you leave Christianity. That's not what they do. If you were influenced by them then you really don't have a clue as to what is going on.
No she did not. The first person I ever said that to was a priest, in the second grade.
Your cursed at a priest when you were in second grade and your mother approved? Wow.
However when I told her the story she approved. Im sure you will not be the last. You got what you deserve.
A cup of tea? A good laugh? A sense of superiority? OK, thanks.
If you had any class you would tear your clothes and cover yourself with dust and ashes.
You have a strange idea of what "class" is.
The Bible says 969 years, not 80.7 years.

Alrighty then. Apparently poisonous pentecostal crap has rendered your mind completely useless.

Not to worry! I heard Jesus is coming. ANY MINUTE! He will either heal you or toss you alive right into fire lake. FOREVER

So tell me. Do you feel lucky? PUNK.
And I would care if a non-Jew presented something on that level about Judaism. I haven't seen it happen.

hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven - alleviates judaism as a hevenly religion than one made up for self serving purposes - the liar moses.

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