Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

Jewish counter-missionaries would not try to make you leave Christianity. That's not what they do. If you were influenced by them then you really don't have a clue as to what is going on
What a load of crap. Our entire entertainment industry and much of our government is run by Jews. Lots of anti-Christian propaganda in our culture and education system.
yes I do-----and because I have been an avid reader since age 7 I know how Pharisees have
been described in the literature and stories known by christians, passed down from grandmothers
and Sunday school teachers, and clergy and poets. "PHARISEE" is a dirty word as a noun and
PHARISAICAL is an adjective meaning evil, filthy, dangerous, and malicious and having knowledge
in BLACK ARTS (and pharmacy) all detailed in the secret book---THE TALMUD
I have heard how it was explained to you. It was not explained that way to me by any of my teachers, by my mom or even by my grandmother. You broad-brush, and once again have a cemented belief that your experiences are the experience of all. I do not doubt your experiences are the experiences of many. I keep that in mind. I wish you could open your mind just a tiny bit and accept some Christians had a much different education--even as far back in time as their grandparents.

Rabbis, Ministers, Priests, Deacons, Nuns, Teachers, Police, Doctors,Military Officers, AND Pharisees have all been people where most have earned the respect of their communities down through the ages. HOWEVER, there is always that small percent in each and every one that have failed to lived up to the expectations of those positions. That goes for the position of moms and dads as well.

My Catholic education included ministers of other Christian denominations. It included modern Jewish rabbis and pharisees. I was from a medium sized town in our diocese and am therefore confident the other Catholic schools were given the same education as I. Same with the diocese in which my grandmother lived.

While I am truly sorry your education was not the same, I get the feeling you are thrilled you had it as bad as you did. You seem to absolutely revel in that and take every opportunity to throw back the mud thrown at you. Doesn't matter if it hits other people, either.
What a load of crap. Our entire entertainment industry and much of our government is run by Jews. Lots of anti-Christian propaganda in our culture and education system.
Oh you are just SO precious! I'm saving this one for posterity.
Your citation is utter BS. I really liked that idiot claim that one had to MEMORIZE---
a whole book to BE A PHARISEE----uhm REGISTERD CARD CARRYING???------
the DILINEATION OF THE SECTS----sorry bub----it didn't EXIST ------well-----today (or maybe
yesterday) we had LITVAKS----what makes a jew a LITVAK?
The point is that Jesus wasn't a member of the sect of the Pharisees.

I do electrical work, but that doesn't make me an electrician. Being a due paying member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers makes me one.
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Your cursed at a priest when you were in second grade and your mother approved? Wow.
Yes. I went to confession thinking the priest would be glad that I did not sin all week and he said "No sins? You didn't steal a cookie, you don't hate your siblings? you don't wish your parents were dead? I said No to all of those things, he said, "You are a liar. You know who a liar is? THE DEVIL."

So I said FUCK YOU and never went back. Does this shock you? lol Why would anyone show deference to a member of a religious institution dedicated to defying the Hebrew God by worshipping a trinity, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus by handing out a lifeless matzo made by human hands that believers worship and eat for spiritual life effectively aborting the development of the human mind.

Wow? Stop being such a dick.
The point is that Jesus wasn't a member of the sect of the Pharisees.

I do electrical work, but that doesn't make me an electrician. Being a due paying member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers makes me one.
There is no such thing as a card carrying Pharisee. To be a Pharisee is to follow the understanding of Judaism as per the Pharisaic sect. One important hallmark of that group is that it believed in a codified and divine oral law which complemented the written one. People who believed in the existence of that law, studied it and (one would hope) followed it were Pharisees. Jesus had (it seems) a problem with the teachers in the Pharisaic group because they taught things but didn't follow them (making them hypocrites). Jesus told followers to follow the teachings of the Pharisees even though the leaders didn't do what they taught others to do. So this is an endorsement of the Pharisaic way of life. He also taught many of the same things and referenced Pharisaic teachings and legal methodology. This would make him a follower of the Pharisaic approach to Judaism which is as much as anyone can do to "be" a Pharisee. Had he been an Essene or a Sadducee, his message would have been different.
Yes. I went to confession thinking the priest would be glad that I did not sin all week and he said "No sins? You didn't steal a cookie, you don't hate your siblings? you don't wish your parents were dead? I said No to all of those things, he said, "You are a liar. You know who a liar is? THE DEVIL."

So I said FUCK YOU and never went back. Does this shock you? lol Why would anyone show deference to a member of a religious institution dedicated to defying the Hebrew God by worshipping a trinity, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus by handing out a lifeless matzo made by human hands that believers worship and eat for spiritual life effectively aborting the development of the human mind.

Wow? Stop being such a dick.
Am I shocked? Not especially. You think it is ok for a second grader to curse and your mother approved. This just creates a better context in which to read all of what you write.
Does it get any better than this?

John MacArthur explains Jesus to Ben Shapiro.

You either accept Jesus is the Messiah, or that he is a blasphemer. There is no middle ground.

He also covers the animal sacrifice and why it was never good enough to cover for Israel’s sins.

Can any of you anti-Christs refute this?

Poor Ben, has no response.

Why would you even do that? Leave Jews alone. What's it to you what they believe? It's all bullshit
There is no such thing as a card carrying Pharisee. To be a Pharisee is to follow the understanding of Judaism as per the Pharisaic sect. One important hallmark of that group is that it believed in a codified and divine oral law which complemented the written one. People who believed in the existence of that law, studied it and (one would hope) followed it were Pharisees. Jesus had (it seems) a problem with the teachers in the Pharisaic group because they taught things but didn't follow them (making them hypocrites). Jesus told followers to follow the teachings of the Pharisees even though the leaders didn't do what they taught others to do. So this is an endorsement of the Pharisaic way of life. He also taught many of the same things and referenced Pharisaic teachings and legal methodology. This would make him a follower of the Pharisaic approach to Judaism which is as much as anyone can do to "be" a Pharisee. Had he been an Essene or a Sadducee, his message would have been different.

Jesus also disputed with them about the subject of kashrut teaching that what defiles a person is what goes into the mind, teaching, beliefs, thoughts, evil desires, etc., which all originate in the mind not the stomach and are caused by words, teaching, beliefs, ideas, desires, etc., not food.

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Am I shocked? Not especially. You think it is ok for a second grader to curse and your mother approved. This just creates a better context in which to read all of what you write.

She approved decades later. If she knew then I would have has been, lets say, taught a lesson.

Some people actually evolve. And so I said FUCK YOU to you too. Was that wrong? lol...

I'm sure that she would approve of that too, knowing what she knows and seeing what you said

So in case you misunderstood, FUCK THE FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING actor and lying fraud.
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You may have missed the first part of the discussion. Another poster has no belief in the resurrection because there is no physical evidence. I believe in the resurrection despite there being no physical evidence and I believe everything Anne wrote happened--even the personal events where there is no physical evidence. In everyone's life there are events that leave no physical evidence despite the fact they actually occurred. The same with Jesus' life.
Yeah but the parts of Jesus’s life that we are disputing are anything but personal.

So, no, not the same.
Jesus also disputed with them about the subject of kashrut and what defiles a person is words, not food, teaching, beliefs, thoughts, evil desires, etc., which all originate in the mind not the stomach.

Yes, he did, but he didn't reject their teachings as being invalid because they were derived in the oral law. Instead he argued the understanding/interpretation thereby agreeing to the basis of the laws even though they are not in the written canon. This just underscores that he was part of the Pharisaic understanding of Judaism.
She approved decades later. At the time I would have has been, lets say, taught a lesson.

Some people actually evolve. And so I said FUCK YOU to you too. Was that wrong? lol...

I'm sure that she would approve of that too, knowing what she knows and seeing what you said

So in case you misunderstood, FUCK THE FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING actor and lying fraud.
You seem to have a lot of anger in you. You lash out and say things that can't be supported. Are you like this in person, or just when you are an anonymous keyboard warrior?
You seem to have a lot of anger in you. You lash out and say things that can't be supported. Are you like this in person, or just when you are an anonymous keyboard warrior?
Anonymous my ass. I couldn't think of anything better than telling you all of this to your face.

And it isn't anger silly boy. Its indignation. I am sick and tired of all of you religious hypocrites screwing up society with your offensive and perverted interpretations of children stories and blaming the carnage that you cause on the victims of your collective deceit. Don't get me started.


Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about what you say or think. You are irrelevant. A joker, clinging to the religious flotsam of a dying age in the light of dawn in full view of heaven and earth.
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Anonymous my ass. I couldn't think of anything better than telling you all of this to your face.
Are you saying you aren't anonymous right now? And if you told me this to my face, I would have a good laugh, knowing that you can't back up what you say.

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