Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

Wrong. It is not an opinion that serpents cannot speak in any language except human serpents. It is not an opinion that what defiles and contaminates the mind is unclean teaching, not food, fool.
Yes it is. And I have a different opinion. Feel free to disagree and value your opinion over mine. I'm ok with that.
Yes it is. And I have a different opinion. Feel free to disagree and value your opinion over mine. I'm ok with that.
No its not. Was there something in what I said that makes you think that I don't already feel free?

And are you really trying to tell intelligent people that 'serpents can't talk' is only an opinion? :auiqs.jpg:

Give it up pal. Your sorcery has absolutely no effect on anyone anymore. Death is taking a holiday.
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God is the life giver. He breathed life into the corpse of Adam, and the corpse of the second Adam, Jesus Christ. There is no scientific explanation for life, therefore we defer to the Biblical narrative.
Walking Back the Literal Roads

How about the narrative which claims that the sun orbits the earth, or the genealogies that mathematically lead back to the "first human" being born only a few millennia before Christ?
No, you are a fraud. Methuselah lived to 969 years, and it took Noah 120 years to build the ark. What I am suggesting is that they used a lunar calendar which would make methuselah 81 years old, at least twice as old as the average lifespan, and it took ten years for Noah to build an ark.

This conforms to reality.

Don't be stupid. Do you think that "just believing" in the ridiculous will buy you a ticket to heaven?

How much money have you wasted paying a preacher to confuse you and tell you lies? Sucker.
The Ark was actually barges that hauled grain, livestock and beer down the Euphrates river.
And you can continue to blindly believe that you understand a book that is way beyond you because the online translation has words you think you know. Do you tell lawyers how to be lawyers because you can pick up a legal textbook and understand a bunch of words?

Good. More of your belief.

I have never met them so your claim that they are my friends is strange.

Yes, how THEY do even though they provide no evidence for it. I guess that's enough for you.

Does that website by my "friends" say that it refers only to "righteous ones" or does it say "the people"?

And you are being deceitful by replacing the language of the quote with your words.

Jewish counter-missionaries would not try to make you leave Christianity. That's not what they do. If you were influenced by them then you really don't have a clue as to what is going on.
Rabbi Tovia Singer is now actively attacking Christianity, even inviting atheist scholars like Robert Price on his video blog, to talk about how the NT is supposedly a fairytale. He denies Jesus ever existed and Tovia runs with it, without informing his audience that his atheist-scholar guest also denies the historicity of Moses and other Hebrew prophets. He rejects the inspiration of the Hebrew Bible as well, not just the NT. Jewish anti-missionaries are actively attacking Christianity, and for you to pretend otherwise is again, like most of what you say in response to me, disingenuous at best.
You may have missed the first part of the discussion. Another poster has no belief in the resurrection because there is no physical evidence. I believe in the resurrection despite there being no physical evidence and I believe everything Anne wrote happened--even the personal events where there is no physical evidence. In everyone's life there are events that leave no physical evidence despite the fact they actually occurred. The same with Jesus' life.
Meet the Ancient Art Bell Coast to Coast Show

There is logical evidence refuting the whole Bible. If the miracles had actually occurred, then all those who witnessed them would have killed the Romans who were trying to crucify Jesus. Since those who would be killed doing that would believe they'd go directly to heaven if they had actually witnessed any miracles But even those who are claimed to have seen the most miracles, the Apostles, deserted him. And Judas actually betrayed him. Those reactions prove there were no miracles. So all this is a primitive myth and about as respectable as the National Enquirer.
No its not. Was there something in what I said that makes you think that I don't already feel free?
It was a figure of speech.
And are you really trying to tell intelligent people that 'serpents can't talk' is only an opinion? :auiqs.jpg:
Yup. Same way that I would say to anyone who says "there is no God" or that any of the miracles in the bible didn't happen that their position is their opinion.
Give it up pal. Your sorcery has absolutely no effect on anyone anymore. Death is taking a holiday.
Sorcery? I'm not sure what you are talking about.
Rabbi Tovia Singer is now actively attacking Christianity, even inviting atheist scholars like Robert Price on his video blog, to talk about how the NT is supposedly a fairytale. He denies Jesus ever existed and Tovia runs with it, without informing his audience that his atheist-scholar guest also denies the historicity of Moses and other Hebrew prophets. He rejects the inspiration of the Hebrew Bible as well, not just the NT. Jewish anti-missionaries are actively attacking Christianity, and for you to pretend otherwise is again, like most of what you say in response to me, disingenuous at best.
Anti-missionaries are against missionaries. They aren't there to convince the random Christian to leave his religion. That you are influenced by what they say shows a lack of depth in your own belief.
And you can continue to blindly believe that you understand a book that is way beyond you because the online translation has words you think you know. Do you tell lawyers how to be lawyers because you can pick up a legal textbook and understand a bunch of words?

Good. More of your belief.

I have never met them so your claim that they are my friends is strange.

Yes, how THEY do even though they provide no evidence for it. I guess that's enough for you.

Does that website by my "friends" say that it refers only to "righteous ones" or does it say "the people"?

And you are being deceitful by replacing the language of the quote with your words.

Jewish counter-missionaries would not try to make you leave Christianity. That's not what they do. If you were influenced by them then you really don't have a clue as to what is going on.

You can play this game and pretend no one can understand what the RAMCHAL is saying because supposedly it's so complex that only those with "special training" can understand it. What he is clearly saying, isn't really that clear, because he's not really saying what he apparently says, it's something else. Yeah right, sure.

It's not just a belief, it's a conviction confirmed by reality itself. Spirits communicate through radio sweepers like this:

and shortwave radios as well, in certain frequencies:

Many of these spirits claim to be fallen angels.

Certain Christians have spiritual gifts:

Your rabbinic dogma which asserts that heavenly spirits are like automatons without free will, not being able to fall into sin, is false. You can believe whatever nonsense you want, but the only ones you're convincing are your own people. You're preaching to the choir. And you're so pedantic that you will now remind me that Jews don't have choirs, and you'll claim victory on that note. That's how disingenuous you are. You'll also pretend you were never trying to win anything or attain victory, while you continue wrestling back and forth with me. Actually, you're not even wrestling you're meditating with a Zohar touching your forehead. That's how you connect to the internet.
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Anti-missionaries are against missionaries. They aren't there to convince the random Christian to leave his religion. That you are influenced by what they say shows a lack of depth in your own belief.

He's broadcasting anti-Christian videos, using underhanded tactics. The same atheists that he appeals to for his anti-Christian rhetoric, also reject Judaism and the Hebrew Bible. I was influenced by Jewish anti-missionaries when I was much younger, but not anymore.
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He's broadcasting anti-Christian videos, using underhanded tactics. The same atheists that he appeals to for his anti-Christian rhetoric, also reject Judaism and the Hebrew Bible. I was influenced by Jewish anti-missionaries when I was much younger, but not anymore.
but yes, you were influenced because you are clearly weak minded.
There is logical evidence refuting the whole Bible. If the miracles had actually occurred, then all those who witnessed them would have killed the Romans who were trying to crucify Jesus. Since those who would be killed doing that would believe they'd go directly to heaven if they had actually witnessed any miracles But even those who are claimed to have seen the most miracles, the Apostles, deserted him. And Judas actually betrayed him. Those reactions prove there were no miracles.
Have you any experience with miracles? I have.

Witnessing a miracle does not endow one with the strength to gather a crowd to defeat an army or police unit. Think about it. A person who needs a miracle isn't exactly the epitome of strength--they cannot even overcome the original, rather ordinary, problem by themselves. After the miracle, no one suddenly morphs into Hercules; they remain who they are, the vulnerable in need of yet another miracle. And wasn't that what the vulnerable Apostles who deserted him got? Another miracle?
but yes, you were influenced because you are clearly weak minded.

Again, like always, you're being unfair and dishonest in your criticism. Are you saying that the only non-Jews who would be influenced by Jewish rabbis are weak-minded? Obviously, just because I was once deceived by Jewish anti-missionaries, doesn't imply I was "weak-minded", you're just being a disingenuous snob, like always.
Explaining Jesus to a Jew

Personally, how would your life change if the Jewish Messiah came into power tomorrow? Would you treat your family, friends, loved ones, and colleagues any differently than you are treating them now? How about people who irk you--those who cut in front of you on the road or any other line? Those who do not give proper service? Would you be more patient, more generous, more giving than you are today?

The above are the issues Jesus addressed. He did not teach nations how to act with other kingdoms. He taught bringing the heavenly kingdom here, for God's way to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

If Jesus were to visit us tomorrow, I believe he would be teaching the same thing: Stop focusing on the political and how politicians act towards other people and other nations. Instead, focus on bringing God's ways, God's Kingdom into your personal life/world. Bring peace into your part of this earth, no matter what others are doing in the worldly planet kingdom.
Sure, but Jesus is not the messiah, therefore he is irrelevant to Judaism.

certainly not the jewish apartheid heaven ...

- is that someone claiming only a jew would be the messiah - the messiah being for them only - that for sure would exclude those people from the heavenly religion and of jesus had they ever claimed such a foolish title to begin with.
Again, like always, you're being unfair and dishonest in your criticism. Are you saying that the only non-Jews who would be influenced by Jewish rabbis are weak-minded?
No, I'm saying that you are weak minded. Why try to guess what I'm saying instead of reading what I wrote.
Obviously, just because I was once deceived by Jewish anti-missionaries, doesn't imply I was "weak-minded", you're just being a disingenuous snob, like always.
Well, my assessment is a combination of that fact with all the other things you have written.
There is no such thing as a card carrying Pharisee.

sure there's not - it was a jew that claimed otherwise for jesus ...

the 1st century events began with a couple that would not fit any manor of judaism, to claim their child would be different or the events confirmed otherwise is pure heresy ... of the heavens.
No, I'm saying that you are weak minded. Why try to guess what I'm saying instead of reading what I wrote.

Well, my assessment is a combination of that fact with all the other things you have written.
According to you, I'm weak-minded because I was influenced by Jewish anti-missionary arguments, hence those arguments must really suck huh? Only weak-minded people would believe a Jewish rabbi's arguments against Christianity.

You're the one who believes in talking snakes and a genocidal "god" who orders you to burn your daughter alive if she has premarital sex. Talk about "weak-minded" and irrational. You religious Jews are a bunch of xenophobic psychopaths. You worship the devil, not God.

Religion of weak-minded sickos.​
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