Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

There is logical evidence refuting the whole Bible.

oh, the jewish accomplices that wrote the 4th century c-bible - singing to the choir will barley be a salvation for any of the criminals ... good luck.

what those people w/ jesus died for was the repudiation of the prevailing religion - a small step forward and that step's near obliteration by the forgeries and fallacies the c-bible deliberately was written to accomplish.
So I have been brainwashed and impacted by sorcery but you know better?
Right. Thats why I said that your sorcery, the same garbage that contaminated and defiled your mind, has absolutely no effect on me. Kashrut is about food? You do not believe that. Why lie?

That you even try to convince anyone that you are right would be hysterical if it wasn't so pathetic.
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One thing that you seem to not include in your speculations is that the "miracles", originally called "signs" that Jesus was the messiah are metaphorical accounts of actual events. Not displays of supernatural power. When Jesus healed the blind man first he wrote something on the ground, made a past of mud and spit and covered his eyes with that, and then put his hand over the mans eyes and asked him what he saw. First the man said he saw trees walking around and then when Jesus told the man to take a harder look the blind man said that he saw men. How could the blind man see anything with mud and spit in his eyes? It logically follows then that this was a healing of perception not sight, because in scripture men are often represented by trees as in Eden where there were many trees with fruit (of the mind) that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

He was teaching the man how to understand the metaphors in scripture that many are still blind to

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven 'miracles'. In revelation there are exactly seven seals on a scroll that prevent everyone from seeing what is written inside. Every single miracle of Jesus that defies reality is like a big X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value was buried and hidden. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it (Jesus H. Christ) buried it again."

Can you dig it?

patience, cyberbuddies---Our hobie is getting carried away with his metaphors again---
he has the heart of a ....uhm somewhat deranged POET
A person can be deceived, due to a lack of knowledge in a specific area of the issue or topic, whatever that might be. At the time, I wasn't familiar with Jewish arguments against Christianity as I am now, hence I was caught off guard and it did affect my faith. I lost it and became an atheist. Through a long process of study and reflection, I returned to Christianity. Calling me "weak-minded" for being influenced by Jewish anti-missionary arguments back in the late 1990s, is misinformed and unnecessary. If a Christian is influenced by Jewish anti-missionary arguments that implies they're "weak-minded"? That's a weak-minded, stupid assumption.
Well, you do think so. Maybe in a few years you will decide that you are being deceived by Christianity again and you'll flip flop some more. Good luck.
At the time, based on what I knew and had experienced, anyone who values the truth, wouldn't have continued being a Christian or even a theist. My decision to be consistent with my values with respect to the importance of truth as it relates to my faith, was the thoughtful and mature thing to do, at the time.
But now you realize that you were thoughtless and immature. OK.
You're entitled to your opinion. Your ad hominem attacks don't strengthen your case against Christianity.
I don't have a case against Christianity. So there's that.
It doesn't matter what his intentions supposedly are, what he does in public, broadcasting his anti-Christian rhetoric, affects everyone, not just the people that he is exclusively targeting, supposedly according to you.
Well, it affects those who don't know any better and who don't understand their own supposed belief system I guess.

What you call "weak-minded" is actually being sincerely committed to the truth, whatever that might be.
Interesting definition.
More, at least I don't defend the sucking of baby penises as you do:
Do you know where I stand on the issue of metzitzah b'peh? (that's what the procedure is called and it isn't sucking on a baby's penis. I'll chalk your ignorance up to your, um "thoughtful and mature" approach to learning.
...and make provision within Jewish law for my wife to wear hair (a wig), to cover her hair in public, when the purpose of covering her hair is to cover her beauty.
So you are against modesty and the reserving of something special for only a spouse? So noted.
They cover the beauty of their natural hair with hair that is sexier, and more attractive, than their natural hair, perhaps increasing the attention they receive from men. This is a good example of rabbinic Judaism's fuzzy logic and lame-braininess.
Who is "they"? In my neighborhood, people don't do that. In fact, when my wife used to (because at her firm, hats were not acceptable) people kept asking her if she was sick -- not because her wig was more beautiful, but because it looked like a wig. But you get good exercise jumping to conclusions.
The head anti-missionary in the world supports Him and has essentially made him his partner in His work.
The "head anti-missionary"? Is that an elected position or did you just decide to crown him? And if someone supports a non-Jew, that doesn't mean that the non-Jew is aware of or bound by any Jewish laws or teachings.
Do you actually believe the world is only 6000 years old and the universe went helter-skelter when a caveman and his wife ate from the wrong fruit tree?
Nope. Another wrong guess by you.
My faith is reasonable, unlike yours. We recognize that which is self-evident, hence if the Bible is true and there are verses that clearly contradict reality, we interpret it metaphorically, unless there's a reason not to.
I really hope you, someday, see the circular and self-serving illogic behind what you just wrote.
Be specific. In what sense or on what issue do I lack knowledge and why do you assume my hate is irrational and blinds me? What proof do you have that hate by default renders one's argument incorrect? Present your evidence.
Hate drives you to make wrong assumptions, present conclusions based on erroneous assumptions, and generate emotional involvement based on wrong conclusions. In this post, alone, you have presented lack of knowledge about Jewish law and practice and insulted based on that lack of knowledge. And yet, instead of asking questions or making any effort to learn, you jump to conclusions, impute actions and thoughts to me and just generally make a fool of yourself.
Right. Thats why I said that your sorcery, the same garbage that contaminated and defiled your mind, has absolutely no effect on me. Kashrut is about food? You do not believe that. Why lie?
Your sorcery is what you must be using to tell me that I don't believe something I know to be true. So calm down Harry Potter.
That you even try to convince anyone that you are right would be hysterical if it wasn't so pathetic.
I don't need to convince anyone that I'm right. I'm presenting my opinion and belief based on text and teaching. You don't like it, or want to accept my opinion and belief, then fine, don't. That's how I feel about your opinion and belief.
patience, cyberbuddies---Our hobie is getting carried away with his metaphors again---
he has the heart of a ....uhm somewhat deranged POET

Somewhat? Don't be silly. I am completely out of my tree, a stranger in a strange land where people worship a god who says beware of what you eat , what you wear, and human sexuality or will surely die or if you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood, literally, you can have no life in you.

Apparently I worship an unknown God who never became a man and doesn't give a crap about what you eat or what you wear or your sexual preferences. How crazy and deranged of me!

Can you recommend any medication to help me? Maybe you can sew my eyes shut? Woe is me!
Somewhat? Don't be silly. I am completely out of my tree, a stranger in a strange land where people worship a god who says beware of what you eat , what you wear, and human sexuality or will surely die or if you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood, literally, you can have no life in you.

Apparently I worship an unknown God who never became a man and doesn't give a crap about what you eat or what you wear or your sexual preferences. How crazy and deranged of me!

Can you recommend any medication to help me? Maybe you can sew my eyes shut? Woe is me!
there are new neuroleptics which have less side effects compared to the really troublesome
stuff like Thorazine----see your local neuropsych man
I don't need to convince anyone that I'm right. I'm presenting my opinion and belief based on text and teaching. You don't like it, or want to accept my opinion and belief, then fine, don't. That's how I feel about your opinion and belief.

For someone who claims to have no need to convince anyone you certainly have put a lot of effort trying to convince me, to no avail. If what you call "my opinion" had no effect on you and didn't care about it at all then you would not have stooped as low as you have stooped.

Maybe you should find another hobby. As an actor, you really suck.
For someone who claims to have no need to convince anyone you certainly have put a lot of effort trying to convince me, to no avail. If what you call "my opinion" had no effect on you and didn't care about it at all then you would not have stooped as low as you have stooped.

Maybe you should find another hobby. As an actor, you really suck.
good line Hobie-----I will file it for future use on pesky---uhm----well YANNO

"Explaining Jesus to a Jew".​

Easy: Jesus was one of thousands of prophets who was falsely claimed to be the Messiah. He probably didn't make that claim himself but the result is the same.
For someone who claims to have no need to convince anyone you certainly have put a lot of effort trying to convince me, to no avail.
I'm trying to show you the basis for my belief so you can see an alternative to yours. I saw yours. I think it is a fanciful opinion based on nothing in particular other than your claim of access to some phantom truth. That's fine for you.
If what you call "my opinion" had no effect on you and didn't care about it at all then you would not have stooped as low as you have stooped.
I have stooped low? You mean by cursing? Calling names? Oh wait...that was you.
Maybe you should find another hobby. As an actor, you really suck.
When I was an actor, I was actually pretty good, but that was a long time ago. Now I'm really good at what I do also, and yes, sometimes, it requires acting. Why you think that being myself is "acting" is unclear. As a communicator, you are not very good.
I'm trying to show you the basis for my belief so you can see an alternative to yours.

I spent years studying Judaism in an ultra orthodox neighborhood. Ask rosie. I have heard it all before so don't waste anymore of your precious time informing me about what I already know. Yet ironically while I was living there I finally understood what Jesus meant by the nutty things he said.

I saw yours. I think it is a fanciful opinion based on nothing in particular other than your claim of access to some phantom truth. That's fine for you.

The bell has been rung. It can't be undone. Don't be so arrogant to imagine that others can't hear.
I spent years studying Judaism in an ultra orthodox neighborhood. Ask rosie. I have heard it all before so don't waste anymore of your precious time informing me about what I already know. Yet ironically while I was living there I finally understood what Jesus meant by the nutty things he said.
that's so cute, that you think you studied Judaism in an ultra-orthodox neighborhood. What shiurim did you attend in yeshiva? Who was your rebbe? Is your Yiddish better than your Aramaic? I mean, your Hebrew must be excellent also, but I'm curious about which is #2 and which #3 for you.
The bell has been rung. It can't be undone. Don't be so arrogant to imagine that others can't hear.
"never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee"
Oh My! Have your delicate ears been injured? Thats a shame.
Who said anything about being injured? You jump to conclusions and miss what is actually said. Clearly your study method is deficient, but this reflects what I said about your weakness as a communicator.
When I was an actor, I was actually pretty good, but that was a long time ago. Now I'm really good at what I do also, and yes, sometimes, it requires acting. Why you think that being myself is "acting" is unclear. As a communicator, you are not very good.

You are really good at what you do which sometimes requires acting? Is that you being yourself?

A really good phony? You admit to acting and then wonder why I called you an actor? Seriously?

Talk about being not a very good communicator!

I hear the secrets that you keep, when you're talking in you're sleep.
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that's so cute, that you think you studied Judaism in an ultra-orthodox neighborhood. What shiurim did you attend in yeshiva? Who was your rebbe? Is your Yiddish better than your Aramaic? I mean, your Hebrew must be excellent also, but I'm curious about which is #2 and which #3 for you.
I already told you, your sorcery has absolutely no effect on me. Nice try.
You are really good at what you do which sometimes requires acting? Is that you being yourself?
Not always. Here, I can be myself, but in my job, sometimes acting is required.
A really good phony? You admit to acting and then wonder why I called you an actor? Seriously?
Except that I'm not an actor here. Were you not paying attention?
I hear the secrets that you keep, when you're talking in you're sleep.
I quote Donne and your quote the Romantics. Call it a tie.
I ruined that joke. It should have been "I quote the metaphysical, you quote the Romantic". My bad.
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