Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

Well, you do think so. Maybe in a few years you will decide that you are being deceived by Christianity again and you'll flip flop some more. Good luck.

But now you realize that you were thoughtless and immature. OK.

I don't have a case against Christianity. So there's that.

Well, it affects those who don't know any better and who don't understand their own supposed belief system I guess.

Interesting definition.

Do you know where I stand on the issue of metzitzah b'peh? (that's what the procedure is called and it isn't sucking on a baby's penis. I'll chalk your ignorance up to your, um "thoughtful and mature" approach to learning.

So you are against modesty and the reserving of something special for only a spouse? So noted.

Who is "they"? In my neighborhood, people don't do that. In fact, when my wife used to (because at her firm, hats were not acceptable) people kept asking her if she was sick -- not because her wig was more beautiful, but because it looked like a wig. But you get good exercise jumping to conclusions.

The "head anti-missionary"? Is that an elected position or did you just decide to crown him? And if someone supports a non-Jew, that doesn't mean that the non-Jew is aware of or bound by any Jewish laws or teachings.

Nope. Another wrong guess by you.

I really hope you, someday, see the circular and self-serving illogic behind what you just wrote.

Hate drives you to make wrong assumptions, present conclusions based on erroneous assumptions, and generate emotional involvement based on wrong conclusions. In this post, alone, you have presented lack of knowledge about Jewish law and practice and insulted based on that lack of knowledge. And yet, instead of asking questions or making any effort to learn, you jump to conclusions, impute actions and thoughts to me and just generally make a fool of yourself.

Well, you do think so. Maybe in a few years you will decide that you are being deceived by Christianity again and you'll flip flop some more. Good luck.

The alternative to not "flip-flopping" when you sincerely believe your position has been proven wrong is remaining committed to a lie, violating your conscience and character. Yes indeed, if you present me with evidence that undermines my present position, I will discard my present cherished assertions and embrace yours. There's no such thing in this world as possessing perfect knowledge or an absolute precise perspective on reality. There are flaws in our awareness and world view because we're human.

But now you realize that you were thoughtless and immature. OK.

You're the one being thoughtless and immature.

I don't have a case against Christianity. So there's that.

So far, I would have to agree with you. You haven't presented much of a case against Christianity.

Well, it affects those who don't know any better and who don't understand their own supposed belief system I guess.

That's an irrational statement.

Interesting definition.
Yes, but most importantly, accurate.

Do you know where I stand on the issue of metzitzah b'peh? (that's what the procedure is called and it isn't sucking on a baby's penis. I'll chalk your ignorance up to your, um "thoughtful and mature" approach to learning.

Yeah sure, putting a baby's penis in your mouth is a good idea. Go ahead, keep defending the practice.


So you are against modesty and the reserving of something special for only a spouse? So noted.

You're not for modesty, because wearing hair on your hair, isn't really covering your hair. That wig might actually look more appealing than her natural hair, so where is the modesty in that? You're increasing the chances of receiving more attention from men. That's not modesty. As I said, your logic is fuzzy. Lame "braininess". This is modesty:




This isn't:

Wearing sexy wigs isn't modesty, but of course, since you're essentially brain-dead spiritually and otherwise, you'll go down with the ship, defending this moronic practice. To do otherwise is to "flip-flop", another way of saying that you're admitting you're wrong and adjusting your beliefs to conform to what you sincerely believe is true (you know this is ridiculous, but you continue to defend it because being a "good card-carrying Jew" in the ultra-orthodox community is more important to you than the truth).

Who is "they"? In my neighborhood, people don't do that. In fact, when my wife used to (because at her firm, hats were not acceptable) people kept asking her if she was sick -- not because her wig was more beautiful, but because it looked like a wig. But you get good exercise jumping to conclusions.

Hey, continue promoting the sexy hair on the not-so-sexy natural hair practice. That's your thinking as an ultra-orthodox Jewish person, who probably wears a black suit in mid-July here in NYC, and maybe even a black furry hat as well.


The "head anti-missionary"? Is that an elected position or did you just decide to crown him? And if someone supports a non-Jew, that doesn't mean that the non-Jew is aware of or bound by any Jewish laws or teachings.

He's the most prolific, famous Jewish counter-missionary. Much of his work is with Gentiles, not just Jews. So what? He has every right to defend Judaism vs Christian missionaries. Call it for what it is and stop pretending that if a Christian is impressed or influenced by his arguments, they're "weak-minded" or not committed to the truth. That's an unnecessary and irrational stance.

Nope. Another wrong guess by you.

It was a question, not a guess.

I really hope you, someday, see the circular and self-serving illogic behind what you just wrote.

How so? Explain. Don't be afraid, present the reason why.

Hate drives you to make wrong assumptions, present conclusions based on erroneous assumptions, and generate emotional involvement based on wrong conclusions.

Not necessarily. Especially if your hatred is warranted and rational. Your blanket dismissal of hatred is wrong:

Psa 97:10-11 Ye that love Yahweh, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. (11) Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.

Psa_119:104 Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

Psa 139:21-22 Do not I hate them, O Yahweh, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? (22) I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

Do you hate Nazis? You should. Are you unable to establish a rational argument against Nazism, due to your hatred of the Nazis? If that's the case, it's not due to your hatred but due to something else. Hate can be good and necessary. You must hate certain people and ideologies if you're a decent person, especially a servant and priest of YHWH. You must hate.

In this post, alone, you have presented lack of knowledge about Jewish law and practice and insulted based on that lack of knowledge.

I agree with the insults. You've insulted me, so you're now fair game. Boohoo. As far as the lack of knowledge, how so? So far, you just say that, but haven't presented anything to prove it.

And yet, instead of asking questions or making any effort to learn, you jump to conclusions, impute actions and thoughts to me and just generally make a fool of yourself.

You're the imbecile who pretentiously assumes your opponent is wrong and needs to learn from you.
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In the last days, the Godly will rule the Earth with a rod of iron (through the barrel of a combat rifle).

I really hope that this admission will put you, your church, and all of your church buddies on a watch list. When it says, "Thy rod and thy staff comfort me" the prophet was talking about a combat rifle? Before rifles existed?

You are out of your mind.
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You're the one being thoughtless and immature.
If you say so.
That's an irrational statement.
If you think so.
Yes, but most importantly, accurate.
If you think so.
Yeah sure, putting a baby's penis in your mouth is a good idea. Go ahead, keep defending the practice.
I don't recall defending the practice (or saying anything about except that you don't really understand what the practice is). But if you want to presume my position so you can reject it, have fun.
You're not for modesty, because wearing hair on your hair, isn't really covering your hair.
That is certainly your opinion. Of course, your opinion has no bearing on Judaism, but it seems to make you happy to spout off, so have at it.
Wearing sexy wigs isn't modesty,
this is indeed your uninformed position.
That's your thinking as an ultra-orthodox Jewish person, who probably wears a black suit in mid-July here in NYC, and maybe even a black furry hat as well.
Hilarious. You know nothing about me so you make stuff up so that I fit into the stereotype you want to attack.
He's the most prolific, famous Jewish counter-missionary.
That you know.
He has every right to defend Judaism vs Christian missionaries.
So nice of you to extend him that right. I'm sure he appreciates it.
Call it for what it is and stop pretending that if a Christian is impressed or influenced by his arguments, they're "weak-minded" or not committed to the truth. That's an unnecessary and irrational stance.
No, it is based on what you said and your mode of thinking. I clarified earlier that this was not an assessment made in a vacuum, but was based also on what you had posted. You should go back and reread.
It was a question, not a guess.
Then why include the word "actually" in your "question" if you were not predicating it on a preconceived guess as to my position? Clearly you were trying to confirm a guess you had already made.
How so? Explain. Don't be afraid, present the reason why.
You really need others to do all your thinking for you? You have taken the position that if the bible is true and yet is contradicted by what you think of as "reality" then you alter the truth of the text to fit your reality. If that works for you, best of luck.
Not necessarily. Especially if your hatred is warranted and rational. Your blanket dismissal of hatred is wrong:
I made a blanket dismissal of hate? Nope. Read what I wrote and try again. I mentioned what hate has pushed YOU to do. I spoke of you and the impact hate has had on what you think and post. You just imputd yet another thing to me that I did not say. You aren't very good at this.
I agree with the insults. You've insulted me, so you're now fair game. Boohoo. As far as the lack of knowledge, how so? So far, you just say that, but haven't presented anything to prove it.
I wasn't concerned about the insults, just that yours are based on ignorance. You insult "fuzzy thinking" and "lameness" but you do so without understanding the concepts you are insulting. You make reductionist and incorrect statements about Jewish law (regarding, for example, capital punishment) and then criticize based on your ignorance. If you can't be troubled to keep track of the mistakes you make, then you have made a statement about what matters to you.
You're the imbecile who pretentiously assumes your opponent is wrong and needs to learn from you.
I needn't assume it when you parade it constantly. Did you want to make more errors about Jewish law and practice or just keep posting pictures which show your lack of understanding of the ones you already mentioned?

The founding fathers were brilliant to insure the freedom of expression. That way anyone with a functioning brain will know exactly were all the assholes are. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

Blather away! Testify! Combat Jesus is coming with an iron rod! Woo hoo! Yippee ki-yay! Amen!

Peace on earth at last! Hallelujah! Kill, kill, kill. Yay!

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The founding fathers were brilliant to insure the freedom of expression. That way anyone with a functioning brain will know exactly were all the assholes are. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

Blather away! Testify!

You might not like what I said but nothing I've said constitutes a crime. I believe decent, Godfearing people will one day rule the Earth and defend their freedoms and way of life, with firearms or by whatever other means they have available. You can go out of your way as a drama queen and make more out of what I said if you want.
If you say so.

If you think so.

If you think so.

I don't recall defending the practice (or saying anything about except that you don't really understand what the practice is). But if you want to presume my position so you can reject it, have fun.

That is certainly your opinion. Of course, your opinion has no bearing on Judaism, but it seems to make you happy to spout off, so have at it.

this is indeed your uninformed position.

Hilarious. You know nothing about me so you make stuff up so that I fit into the stereotype you want to attack.

That you know.

So nice of you to extend him that right. I'm sure he appreciates it.

No, it is based on what you said and your mode of thinking. I clarified earlier that this was not an assessment made in a vacuum, but was based also on what you had posted. You should go back and reread.

Then why include the word "actually" in your "question" if you were not predicating it on a preconceived guess as to my position? Clearly you were trying to confirm a guess you had already made.

You really need others to do all your thinking for you? You have taken the position that if the bible is true and yet is contradicted by what you think of as "reality" then you alter the truth of the text to fit your reality. If that works for you, best of luck.

I made a blanket dismissal of hate? Nope. Read what I wrote and try again. I mentioned what hate has pushed YOU to do. I spoke of you and the impact hate has had on what you think and post. You just imputd yet another thing to me that I did not say. You aren't very good at this.

I wasn't concerned about the insults, just that yours are based on ignorance. You insult "fuzzy thinking" and "lameness" but you do so without understanding the concepts you are insulting. You make reductionist and incorrect statements about Jewish law (regarding, for example, capital punishment) and then criticize based on your ignorance. If you can't be troubled to keep track of the mistakes you make, then you have made a statement about what matters to you.

I needn't assume it when you parade it constantly. Did you want to make more errors about Jewish law and practice or just keep posting pictures which show your lack of understanding of the ones you already mentioned?

I could continue going back and forth with you, responding to all of your bullshit, but I have a life. There are a lot more interesting things I can do with my time and energy than going back and forth with you here ad infinitum, so go ahead and continue with your delusions. I've had enough of you.
. I believe decent, Godfearing people will one day rule the Earth and defend their freedoms and way of life, with firearms or by whatever other means they have available.

So "Godfearing" people are prepared to kill and die for the right to remain insane hoping to rule the earth one day even though thats Gods responsibility and his kingdom has always been in power?

lol....Go for it.

But first I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you first admitted that you were a worthless piece of shit, a compulsive sinner, and turned to a reality defying trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man to save you, you died and descended into the netherworld, hades, the realm of the dead. You will never escape the condemnation of hell by ritually repeating the stupid things that got you into hell in the first place.

Now take those guns that you want to kill people with and turn them into farm tools and feed them, you useless waste of life.
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So "Godfearing" people are prepared to kill and die for the right to remain insane hoping to rule the earth one day even though thats Gods responsibility and his kingdom has always been in power?

lol....Go for it.

But first I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you first admitted that you were a worthless piece of shit, a compulsive sinner, and turned to a reality defying trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man to save you, you died and descended into the netherworld, hades, the realm of the dead. You will never escape the condemnation of hell by ritually repeating the stupid things that got you into hell in the first place.

Now take those guns that you want to kill people with and turn them into farm tools and feed them, you useless waste of life.

So "Godfearing" people are prepared to kill and die for the right to remain insane hoping to rule the earth one day even though thats Gods responsibility and his kingdom has always been in power?

You're a shithead, that doesn't make any sense. God rules His Earth, through people and their values.

lol....Go for it.

But first I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you first admitted that you were a worthless piece of shit, a compulsive sinner, and turned to a reality defying trinity that diddled a virgin to become a man to save you, you died and descended into the netherworld, hades, the realm of the dead. You will never escape the condemnation of hell by ritually repeating the stupid things that got you into hell in the first place.

Now take those guns that you want to kill people with and turn them into farm tools and feed them, you useless waste of life.

You're a shithead, that doesn't make any sense. God rules His Earth, through people and their values.
Wrong. No human element was required necessary or involved in your death and descent into hell. You willingly turned to a trinity to worship, and immediately ended up dead and in hell (because God rules) where you imagine "believers" in a false supernatural reality defying mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence should rule the earth, through violence.

Copra sanctum!

How stupid is that?

Didn't you ever read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent? Damn. Some believer.
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Wrong. No human element was required necessary or involved in your death and descent into hell. You willingly turned to a trinity to worship, and ended up dead and in hell where you imagine "Believers" in a false mangod that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence should rule the earth.

How stupid is that?

Didn't you ever read the story of Adam and Eve and the talking serpent? Damn. Some believer.
You're making plenty of unfounded assertions about what I believe.
Have you any experience with miracles?

People who need a miracle aren't exactly the epitome of strength--they cannot even overcome the original, rather ordinary, problem by themselves. After the miracle, no one suddenly morphs into Hercules; he remains who he is, vulnerable in need of yet another miracle.
Jesus Saves; Moses Invests

Another lie disproven by its result was that after the Hebrews witnessed all the supposed miracles of Moses, they went and worshipped the Golden Calf. And it goes on and on with these ancient fairy tales and the dishonesty of the power freaks who preach them.
Another big problem for the Christ deniers is the prophet Daniel.

The Angel Gabriel came to him to give him a very important message.

Now the prophet Daniel lived during the Babylonian exile. He was given a message about the future second temple, the anointed one, Holy of Holies, a covenant will be made, and the destruction of the city and temple after the anointed one is cut down.

Daniel Chapter 9
24 “Seventy weeks are decreed
for your people and your holy city:
for bringing an end to transgression,
for putting an end to sin,
for expiating iniquity,
for introducing everlasting righteousness,
for ratifying vision and prophecy,
and for anointing the Holy of Holies.
25 “Know therefore, and understand this:
From the time that the message was sent:
‘Return and rebuild Jerusalem,
until the coming of an anointed prince,
there shall be seven weeks.
During sixty-two weeks
it shall be rebuilt and restored
with streets and trenches
in a troubled time.
26 “After the sixty-two weeks
an anointed one will be cut off
and have nothing.
And the troops of a leader who is to come
will destroy the city and the sanctuary
Then the end will come like a torrent,
and until the end there will be war,
the devastation that has been decreed.
27 “During the space of one week
he will make a firm covenant with many people,
and for the space of half a week
he will put a stop to sacrifice and oblation.
And on the temple wing
will be the terrible abomination
until the end that has been decreed
is poured out upon the desolate city.”


So the anointed one, who will make a new covenant, was foretold will be cut down before the destruction of the second temple.

Let’s hear the spin….
All Religions Are Secular Schemes Devised by Control Freaks

Sounds like the scare stories of the Warmalarmies if we don't pass the Green New Deal.
You said in plain language what you believe.

View attachment 808501

Did you forget? Maybe you need to take a nap.
You're claiming I'm a Trinitarian, among other beliefs which I don't hold. You're also misinterpreting what I said about the right to keep and bear arms and the God-given right of decent people to rule the Earth, placing scumbags like you under their heels, where they belong.

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