Zone1 Explaining Jesus to a Jew

If there was no sin and no death….well that was Eden, and will be the new creation when the Messiah returns.

rather the heavens in conclusion to their parable will render a final judgement - whether eden by their own works through self determination is reestablished or humanity will permanently be set asunder.

there has never been a messiah and never will be one, simply humanity to solve their own issues one way or the other ...
rather the heavens in conclusion to their parable will render a final judgement - whether eden by their own works through self determination is reestablished or humanity will permanently be set asunder.

there has never been a messiah and never will be one, simply humanity to solve their own issues one way or the other ...
Oh breezie!!!! are you working on your SCRIPTURAL OPUS MAGNUS? I am SALIVATING
with the thought of reading it.
OH I got his address wrong? how about his telephone number? do you
have anything at all on MR SATAN?

Irosie won't listen, but for others who read her snide, flippant question, here is the answer.

Satan's "address" is the abyss. Satan (a.k.a.the devil) is both an arcon or individual entity and likewise a community, an assembly/body, of evil spirits/fallen angels.

"And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience." (Ephesians 2:1–2)

Necromancers and paranormal researchers using radio sweepers (a.k.a. "ghost boxes" or "spirit boxes") and certain frequency bands on shortwave radios (ITC - Instrumental TransCommunication) can contact "Satan" (adversarial, abysmal, dark spirit entities)

John Huntington:

Shannon a.k.a. "Mortis The Wizard":

What you just saw above is communication with the lower tier or low-frequency spirits, using "sweepers". Practically anyone can confirm the existence of abysmal spirits using radio-sweepers or "ghost boxes".

The following videos present a more advanced form of communication with spirits, known as "ITC - direct communication", using shortwave radios. The radio doesn't "sweep" through the channels but rather is fixed at certain frequencies (I will give you a few of the frequencies later).

Marcello Bacci (Italy):

His work was also shown in the documentary about the "Scole Experiment" at the following time in the video: 11:40 (spirits speaking in English), here is the video:

Hans Otto Konig (Germany), an Engineer and Scientist:

In this session, conducted on live television in 1986 in Luxembourg, Konig connects her to her deceased son, Frank ("Franky Boy"). Her son's voice comes through clearly at: 2:28 and at 3:00, when her son comes through the most clearly she is overwhelmed, by the fact that the entity is speaking to her with the exact voice of her deceased son. How can this be faked? The television channel hired a team of engineers to make sure no transmissions would enter the studio where this experiment was being conducted.

Here Hans Otto Konig is working with the German physicist Ernst Senkowski in this session, with another mother who is connected to her child "Angie" and she confirmed that the voice was that of her child. The voice comes through at 3:03:

Here is Ernsk Senkowski the German physicist, speaking in a press conference in English, about his ITC work:

Here is a direct communication session, conducted by Ernsk Senkowski and another scientist colleague of his :

Some more videos with Ernsk Senkowski :

A "video - ITC" (video loop ITC) session:

Anabela Cardoso (Anabela Cardoso is a former Portuguese diplomat, having served as Consul General in Spain, France, and the United States – as well as Chargé de Affaires in Japan and India. ), worked with Ernsk Senkowski:


Seatle ITC - video looping:

Shannon - Mortis The Wizard gives some interesting insights on who the spirits are and on the nature of reality:

"...the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience." (Ephesians 2:1–2)

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Oh breezie!!!! are you working on your SCRIPTURAL OPUS MAGNUS? I am SALIVATING
with the thought of reading it.

well, that would not be any worse than the desert documents - you have already read.

... to be rewritten with heavenly intent, not selective self interest - would be for the religious to read further as the corrections would keep from happening to them than the result that happened to you.

* the apex of the pyramid into the everlasting ... before the physiology expires is by positive energy, desert dwellers need not apply.
well, that would not be any worse than the desert documents - you have already read.

... to be rewritten with heavenly intent, not selective self interest - would be for the religious to read further as the corrections would keep from happening to them than the result that happened to you.

* the apex of the pyramid into the everlasting ... before the physiology expires is by positive energy, desert dwellers need not apply.

Cryptic gobbledygook. What are you saying? Are the "desert documents" the Bible? What are you smoking man?
well, that would not be any worse than the desert documents - you have already read.

... to be rewritten with heavenly intent, not selective self interest - would be for the religious to read further as the corrections would keep from happening to them than the result that happened to you.

* the apex of the pyramid into the everlasting ... before the physiology expires is by positive energy, desert dwellers need not apply.
????? you EGYPTIAN??? ------or peruvian?
????? you EGYPTIAN??? ------or peruvian?



a poor example - the heavens are above the apex only ones spirit is within - the map to the heavens - some never make it off the floor ... mostly desert dwellers - works both ways, they can't go in the spirit has only one way out ... good luck, rosie - she needs it.
Cryptic gobbledygook. What are you saying? Are the "desert documents" the Bible? What are you smoking man?

the desert religions - all that preface the horible moses at their beginning ... spiritually doomed from the beginning. should not be read without warning, like cigarettes.
the desert religions - all that preface the horible moses at their beginning ... spiritually doomed from the beginning. should not be read without warning, like cigarettes.
DON"T BLAME MOSES-----he was brought up by a shiksa !!!!!!!!


a poor example - the heavens are above the apex only ones spirit is within - the map to the heavens - some never make it off the floor ... mostly desert dwellers - works both ways, they can't go in the spirit has only one way out ... good luck, rosie - she needs it.
NOPE!!!! I don't need it----I AM IN THE RIGHT PLACE NOW!!!!!!
Let us not forget that the Messiah was not only to be a King, but also a Most High Priest in the line of Melchizedek.

Psalms 110:4
The LORD has sworn and will never waver:
“You are a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek

Who was Melchizedek? He was a King and priest of God that blessed Abraham:

Genesis 14:18
Melchizedek, king of Salem (Jerusalem), brought out bread and wine. He was a priest of God Most High.

What is odd is how Melchizedek is introduced, no lineage or ancestry, no sons or daughters, or his beginning or death. This is touched on in Hebrews 7.

Why would the Messiah not be of the order of Aaron priesthood? Because those priests were morally flawed and had to offer sacrifices for their own sins, as well as Israel’s. These sacrifices were also insufficient. The Messiah needs to be flawless and without sin. A new order of priesthood would be necessary to move away from constant animal sacrifices, to one perfect sacrifice that truly atones for all sins. Hence the authority to create a New Covenant to partake in that sacrifice, with the bread and wine.
you spent years "STUDYING" Judaism in a religious neighborhood and you conclude that
some guy with a red pitchfork is named SATAN is trying to rule the world?

lol.... WTF? Pay attention!

This guy claims that it is a "God given right" for "decent christians" to rule the world "placing scumbags like you under their heels, where they belong." :auiqs.jpg:And with understanding gained from studying Judaism I used their own comical metaphor for satan, pitchfork etc, and applied it to him because he so perfectly demonstrates all of the despicable qualities of the talking serpent, Satan.

There is no invisible creature with a pitchfork trying to rule the world. This guy who claims to represent 'decent Christians" brazenly and openly professes to believe that is a "God given right" for them, idolators, deceivers, and murderers, to "rule the world", just like the devil in the fairy tale.

SATAN is invisible, even nonexistent, only to the ignorant, the blind, the beguiled and the deluded.
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there is a SATAN described in Jewish literature who carries a red pitchfork and is trying
to TAKE OVER THE WORLD? ------OH----and he lives in a land deep underground----
in a place called HELL ----right? ----you are damned confused

Try to think of heaven and hell as either sanity or insanity, insanity being the underworld, hades, the realm of the dead, far beneath the realm of sanity, as separate as the living are from the dead.

A world above and a world below was a direct consequence of the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations", a light that teaches people to distinguish between light and dark, clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, heaven and hell, life and death.

Have you never read the long list of maledictions promised by Moses setting aside Divine Law?

Sure sounds exactly like the metaphors used by Christians to describe hell, the realm of the dead.
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Try to think of heaven and hell as either sanity or insanity, insanity being the underworld, hades, the realm of the dead, far beneath the realm of sanity, as separate as the living are from the dead.

A world above and a world below was a direct consequence of the law coming into the world as a "light to the nations", a light that teaches people to distinguish between light and dark, clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, heaven and hell, life and death.

Have you never read the long list of maledictions promised by Moses setting aside Divine Law?

Sure sounds exactly like the metaphors used by Christians to describe hell, the realm of the dead.
well----moses was brought up by an egyptian shiksa----but NOPE----that underground
thing really does not exist in Judaism

Just as I suspected. You got nothing. You have been exposed as an actor and lying fraud by your own words and audacity to claim it is your destiny to rule the world, as if God needs your help. :auiqs.jpg:

Again, no human element or action has ever been necessary for Gods law to be enforced. Moron.

Your shameful descent into a comical metaphor for the devil that you are is the proof.
well----moses was brought up by an egyptian shiksa----but NOPE----that underground
thing really does not exist in Judaism

Psst! Its a METAPHOR for the actual state of mind of all those suffering the detailed maledictions promised for defying the instruction given through Divine Law. It is far below the world of those who receive the abundant blessings promised for fulfilling the demands of the same exact Law.

That idea may not exist in Judaism but it is a logical deduction based on what you claim to believe.

The Law gives a choice between a blessing or a curse, life or death. Moses said "choose life and live", but those who don't chose life choose a curse, to exist without life, in the realm of the dead.

What Jesus called hell, Gehenna. The habitation of every foul and loathsome beast and bird.
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Psst! Its a METAPHOR for the actual state of mind of all those suffering the detailed maledictions promised for defying the instruction given through Divine Law. It is far below the world of those who receive the abundant blessings promised for fulfilling the demands of the same exact Law.

That idea may not exist in Judaism but it is a logical deduction based on what you claim to believe.

The Law gives a choice between a blessing or a curse, life or death. Moses said "choose life and live", but those who don't chose life choose a curse, to exist without life, in the realm of the dead.
not bad HOBIE----you got it fairly well
You worship a false idol, one of your own creation.

No, I worship the only one true God who never diddled a virgin to become 100% human only to be crucified as a 'perfect sacrifice' to himself, because he loved the Roman world so much, :auiqs.jpg:, so that all of you believers can pretend that you can defy Divine law and sin with impunity for life even though you are suffering the consequences for sin every single day and night of your existence.

There is no such thing as a trinity. There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before, during or after their human existence. You worship a false mangod conjured from the depths of hell and unleashed on the world by Rome in 325,c.e., the antichrist.

Family values? Moral majority? lol...Yeah, right. Damn. What an unethical and immoral sucker!

Copra sanctum!

I'm sure Jesus is very impressed with your deep and abiding love for him, throwing him under the bus, accepting the specious lie that Jesus, an innocent man, (who you claim to believe was God), was tortured and crucified so that you don't have to suffer the consequences for your own sins.

I am.
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