Explaining Socialism to a Republican

... I'm from Ky. Among the poorest people in the country lives and thrives in surrounding counties here....they're proud and poor and most are on some type of disability or some form of welfare....yet all of them vote the GOP ticket, hate socialism, hate the government but cash a socialism check each month and to penetrate that brain with some rational thinking, is like chippin away at concrete with a plastic knife.

Of course they do... the welfare is a resource. They use it. The thing is that if the check was removed, it wouldn't change much. Those folks would just keep on gettin' on with it.

They probably eat food and smoke weed they grow from the grown, eat nuts and berries, fish, deer, hog... Drink water they pump out of the ground... and it's likely a rare day that the men folk, pee inside.
If our savage, greedy, idiotic GOP capitalism was SMARTER, manufacturing would be lured to those areas, and we'd all be better off, but that would be intelligent, not GOP at all.
The GOP also LOVES ignoring our infrastructure and education system- socialist stuff. STUPID and SHORTSIGHTED.

Obama was given $800 billion to fix our infrastructure. So what happened to it?
Socialism is defined, for 75 years now, as democratic, well regulated, fair capitalism with help for the unfortunate. BUT Pub dupes are never told- for them, it's communism and poor people are lazy and shouldn't be helped. A disgrace. Enjoy hell.

Wrong. You just said socialism is define to be capitalism.

A) You appear to be illiterate.
B) You are a brainwashed functional MORON. I'll go with the 1960 World Book definition, all intelligent , modern definitions, and the way non Pub dupes around the world agree on.

Please post the World Book definition.
Don't be ridiculous. But the first thing was ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. Which lets out Communism, a moot idea, and Hitlerism, a modern, idiotic GOP canard.

It ridiculous to post the definition you claim to be using?

You're ridiculous. Who says "the first thing was always democratic?" That's political propaganda, not economics.
Obama was given $800 billion to fix our infrastructure. So what happened to it?

Once again, this poster LIES either because he is malicious or because he is just stupid......Here how the money was allocated:

That's a chart of total federal spending, not how the $800 billion "stimulus" was spent. Remember the "shovel ready jobs?"

Wow, you're dumber than usual.....are you OK????

Fine, have it your way....Obama stashed that $800 billion into a Swiss account.....but, shhhh, don't tell Rush or Sean.....
That's a chart of total federal spending, not how the $800 billion "stimulus" was spent. Remember the "shovel ready jobs?"

Wow, you're dumber than usual.....are you OK????

Fine, have it your way....Obama stashed that $800 billion into a Swiss account.....but, shhhh, don't tell Rush or Sean.....

He obviously didn't spend it on "shovel ready jobs." Otherwise our infrastructure would be fixed. The truth is he spent it on government sector unions so they wouldn't have to lay anyone off. Of course, that means a portion of the money went to pay union dues, which means it went right into Democrat campaign coffers. The stimulus was really just a Democrat re-election slush fund.
false there is nothing to explain..
your confusion is not my problem...

Translation: you refuse to answer any questions put to you because you know you'll answers will make it obvious that you're a fool.
false! you wanting me to appear foolish does not make me a fool, on the other hand ....

Then why can't you answer a couple of simple questions?
I already did no need to repeat my self..

I don't recall seeing any such explanation.

You're running away. Just admit it.
not running and your recall is again not my problem.
translation: as a typical liberal im too stupid to say how capitalism encourages greed.
odd? weren't you just yammering about how capitalism PREVENTS GREED?

dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement."EB

"capitalism prevents greed"
the ever-present conservative tripped over you own dick stupidity and arrogance on display..
post #430
dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?
"capitalism encourages greed."- EB

capitalism makes greed impossible. If a competitior gets greedy another competitor can undersell him and drive him out of business.

Now do you understand how Republican capitalism works and why it makes us all so rich??
"capitalism encourages greed."- EB
Addicting Info Explaining Socialism To A Republican

There you go republicans...Learn something

You can't.....I'm from Ky. Among the poorest people in the country lives and thrives in surrounding counties here....they're proud and poor and most are on some type of disability or some form of welfare....yet all of them vote the GOP ticket, hate socialism, hate the government but cash a socialism check each month and to penetrate that brain with some rational thinking, is like chippin away at concrete with a plastic knife.
you're from an anal lubricant?
too stupid how many Ph.D/s need to say before you concede that you are a typical lberal illiterate?? Do you want a reading list??

You libtards are so stupid, and you are their queen.

WOW, who could possibly argue with such a "brilliant" mind as yours?

BTW, don't forget to dry clean that white sheet and pointed hood of yours. LOL.
BTW, I hate white supremacists as much as black thugs. Liberals are the worst of them all.
if you hate white supremacists, than you must hate yourself.
everything you post reeks of white supremacy ....
Obama was given $800 billion to fix our infrastructure. So what happened to it?

Once again, this poster LIES either because he is malicious or because he is just stupid......Here how the money was allocated:

Closer to 100 billion in infrastructure if this is correct.
How the stimulus plan breaks down - USATODAY.com

That STILL begs the same question, where did it go. 100 billion buys a shit ton of infrastructure.
not really, if the contractor dicks around and does not build to spec or miscalculates finish dates then that money dries up fast.
got to figure in condition delays like weather that costs money too.
translation: as a typical liberal im too stupid to say how capitalism encourages greed.
odd? weren't you just yammering about how capitalism PREVENTS GREED?

dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement."EB

"capitalism prevents greed"
the ever-present conservative tripped over you own dick stupidity and arrogance on display..
post #430
dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?
"capitalism encourages greed."- EB
False - capitalism HARNESSES greed.

It will always be there - you can ignore it and fail as communism does or you can use it and succeed.
what? cant' you read? I was exposing EB'S BULLSHIT.
too stupid how many Ph.D/s need to say before you concede that you are a typical lberal illiterate?? Do you want a reading list??

No, no, don't get me wrong......you can believe all the right wing dingbats with Ph.Ds you want..... LOL

so Aristotle Cicero Jesus Locke Jefferson and Friedman were dingbats because they believed in freedom??

Now do you understand why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance??
odd? weren't you just yammering about how capitalism PREVENTS GREED?

dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement."EB

"capitalism prevents greed"
the ever-present conservative tripped over you own dick stupidity and arrogance on display..
post #430
dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?
"capitalism encourages greed."- EB
False - capitalism HARNESSES greed.

It will always be there - you can ignore it and fail as communism does or you can use it and succeed.
what? cant' you read? I was exposing EB'S BULLSHIT.
odd? weren't you just yammering about how capitalism PREVENTS GREED?

dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement."EB

"capitalism prevents greed"
the ever-present conservative tripped over you own dick stupidity and arrogance on display..
post #430
dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?
"capitalism encourages greed."- EB
False - capitalism HARNESSES greed.

It will always be there - you can ignore it and fail as communism does or you can use it and succeed.
what? cant' you read? I was exposing EB'S BULLSHIT.
actually capitalism prevents greed. If your competitor is greedy you can undersell him and drive him out of business.

Capital;ism is about pleasing and understanding and caring about other people. If you doubt it for a second start a business.
...yet all of them vote the GOP ticket,

dear, most people who vote don't know political philosophy but if they vote for the conservative wisdom of Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson and Friedman, even by mistake, lets all thank God and pray its a mistake they keep making.

Do you understand?

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