Explaining Socialism to a Republican

nothing to respond to

translation: as a typical liberal im too stupid to say how capitalism encourages greed.
odd? weren't you just yammering about how capitalism PREVENTS GREED?

dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement."EB

"capitalism prevents greed"
the ever-present conservative tripped over you own dick stupidity and arrogance on display..
post #430
dear, do you feel capitalism prevents greed? Why?
"capitalism encourages greed."- EB

capitalism makes greed impossible. If a competitior gets greedy another competitor can undersell him and drive him out of business.

Now do you understand how Republican capitalism works and why it makes us all so rich??
Like Aristotle, conservatives generally accept the world as it is; they distrust the politics of abstract reason – that is, reason divorced from experience.

~ Benjamin Wiker

Dr. Benjamin Wiker, in his new opus, “10 Books every Conservative Must Read,” refers to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle as the father of political conservatism. Citing Aristotle’s work “Politics,” Wiker lists two primary reasons: First, Aristotle understood that the essential political argument happens between those who recognize that political life and morality are natural (from God) as opposed to those who believe that political life and morality are entirely manmade, like the Sophists and Epicureans of Aristotle’s day.

Secondly, conservatives, like Aristotle, lean toward political suspicion, since they believe mankind is not infinitely malleable, and they understand that morality is objective and places restrictions on what human beings can and should do in a civilized society.

Like anything that suits your ideology, you can find some author to give you a sense of validity.

Wilker is known as an arch-conservative, hates Islam, accuses liberals of being anti-Christian, and writes blogs supporting Ayn Rand's philosophy that borders on Nazism.....

Need I say more?
Like Aristotle, conservatives generally accept the world as it is; they distrust the politics of abstract reason – that is, reason divorced from experience.

~ Benjamin Wiker

Dr. Benjamin Wiker, in his new opus, “10 Books every Conservative Must Read,” refers to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle as the father of political conservatism. Citing Aristotle’s work “Politics,” Wiker lists two primary reasons: First, Aristotle understood that the essential political argument happens between those who recognize that political life and morality are natural (from God) as opposed to those who believe that political life and morality are entirely manmade, like the Sophists and Epicureans of Aristotle’s day.

Secondly, conservatives, like Aristotle, lean toward political suspicion, since they believe mankind is not infinitely malleable, and they understand that morality is objective and places restrictions on what human beings can and should do in a civilized society.

Like anything that suits your ideology, you can find some author to give you a sense of validity.

Wilker is known as an arch-conservative, hates Islam, accuses liberals of being anti-Christian, and writes blogs supporting Ayn Rand's philosophy that borders on Nazism.....

Need I say more?

Sure tell us whether Plato or Aristotle founded conservatism and why you think that?
Like Aristotle, conservatives generally accept the world as it is; they distrust the politics of abstract reason – that is, reason divorced from experience.

~ Benjamin Wiker

Dr. Benjamin Wiker, in his new opus, “10 Books every Conservative Must Read,” refers to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle as the father of political conservatism. Citing Aristotle’s work “Politics,” Wiker lists two primary reasons: First, Aristotle understood that the essential political argument happens between those who recognize that political life and morality are natural (from God) as opposed to those who believe that political life and morality are entirely manmade, like the Sophists and Epicureans of Aristotle’s day.

Secondly, conservatives, like Aristotle, lean toward political suspicion, since they believe mankind is not infinitely malleable, and they understand that morality is objective and places restrictions on what human beings can and should do in a civilized society.

Like anything that suits your ideology, you can find some author to give you a sense of validity.

Wilker is known as an arch-conservative, hates Islam, accuses liberals of being anti-Christian, and writes blogs supporting Ayn Rand's philosophy that borders on Nazism.....

Need I say more?

Sure tell us whether Plato or Aristotle founded conservatism and why you think that?
ARISTOTLE is considered the FATHER of CONSERVATISM, and as such I shall leave you with a few philosophical ideals that make up his genius.

With Aristotle we find the conservative disposition that prefers the local to the national and distrusts centralism and bureaucracy.

Aristotle denies the sophistic (and liberal) idea that society is simply an arrangement, a contract, an agreement among individuals. On the contrary, society is not a contract or agreement, but arises naturally. It rests not on atomistic individuals but on the basic building block of the family. He means this quite literally: the sexual desire for reproduction defines us as naturally, fundamentally social: we desire children to create our own natural society. Contra Hillary Clinton, it doesn't take a village to raise a child (or a state pretending to be a village), it takes a father and mother.
capitalism makes greed impossible. If a competitior gets greedy another competitor can undersell him and drive him out of business.

Now do you understand how Republican capitalism works and why it makes us all so rich??

Did you pick those "brilliant" conclusion from some left over Chinese fortune cookie? "Republican capitalism makes us all rich" REALLY??? Go tell that to some homeless veterans living out of a refrigerator box.
ARISTOTLE is considered the FATHER of CONSERVATISM, and as such I shall leave you with a few philosophical ideals that make up his genius.

I have no problem with you remaining as ignorant as you are now....If you think that Aristotle was the "father of conservatism" and that can help you live with the fact that you hate Obama, et al....FINE.....I don't care.

But just to piss you off, remember that Aristotle's writings formed the basis for Islamic philosophy from medieval to modern times.......Ergo, Islam is based on conservatism....therefore you and Muslims are brethren.
capitalism makes greed impossible. If a competitior gets greedy another competitor can undersell him and drive him out of business.

Now do you understand how Republican capitalism works and why it makes us all so rich??

Did you pick those "brilliant" conclusion from some left over Chinese fortune cookie? "Republican capitalism makes us all rich" REALLY??? Go tell that to some homeless veterans living out of a refrigerator box.

dear, Americans are the richest people in the history of the world and oddly we've had the most capitalism.

people with mental illnesses don't usually participate in the capitalist system. See why we say slow?
ARISTOTLE is considered the FATHER of CONSERVATISM, and as such I shall leave you with a few philosophical ideals that make up his genius.

I have no problem with you remaining as ignorant as you are now....If you think that Aristotle was the "father of conservatism" and that can help you live with the fact that you hate Obama, et al....FINE.....I don't care.

But just to piss you off, remember that Aristotle's writings formed the basis for Islamic philosophy from medieval to modern times.......Ergo, Islam is based on conservatism....therefore you and Muslims are brethren.

Where did you get the idea? What evidence do you have that Islam is based on the writings of Aristotle?
ARISTOTLE is considered the FATHER of CONSERVATISM, and as such I shall leave you with a few philosophical ideals that make up his genius.

I have no problem with you remaining as ignorant as you are now....If you think that Aristotle was the "father of conservatism" and that can help you live with the fact that you hate Obama, et al....FINE.....I don't care.

But just to piss you off, remember that Aristotle's writings formed the basis for Islamic philosophy from medieval to modern times.......Ergo, Islam is based on conservatism....therefore you and Muslims are brethren.

too stupid Arisitotle was at the basis of all Western thinking. Take a look at School of Athens fresco on wall of Vatican to see how they revered Aristotle. You are illiterate.
dear, Americans are the richest people in the history of the world and oddly we've had the most capitalism.

people with mental illnesses don't usually participate in the capitalist system. See why we say slow?

First of all, not every homeless person has mental illness....but you're welcome to go up to homeless folks and call them all nuts....see what happens....

As you assert that Americans are the richest people, did you know tht the wealthiest man is a Mexican and that the city with the most billionaires is Moscow?
dear, Americans are the richest people in the history of the world and oddly we've had the most capitalism.

people with mental illnesses don't usually participate in the capitalist system. See why we say slow?

First of all, not every homeless person has mental illness....but you're welcome to go up to homeless folks and call them all nuts....see what happens....

As you assert that Americans are the richest people, did you know tht the wealthiest man is a Mexican and that the city with the most billionaires is Moscow?

dear, the USA is far richer than Mexico or Russia. See why we say slow??
One thing they don't realize is a family that works together,does things for each other is socialism...

Eye roll, that was stupid
Really why is that because you know its true.A family is a collective

A family may be, I have no interest in taking care of the masses. You like it so much you do it.
Right, because in your faith people don't matter. What are you called again? Oh right, a Catholic.
You libtards are so stupid, and you are their queen.
too stupid how many Ph.D/s need to say before you concede that you are a typical lberal illiterate?? Do you want a reading list??

No, no, don't get me wrong......you can believe all the right wing dingbats with Ph.Ds you want.....after all, you need to justify why you're a neocon, conservative idiot. ........."conserve" all you want. LOL
Addicting Info Explaining Socialism To A Republican

There you go republicans...Learn something

You can't.....I'm from Ky. Among the poorest people in the country lives and thrives in surrounding counties here....they're proud and poor and most are on some type of disability or some form of welfare....yet all of them vote the GOP ticket, hate socialism, hate the government but cash a socialism check each month and to penetrate that brain with some rational thinking, is like chippin away at concrete with a plastic knife.
You can't.....I'm from Ky. Among the poorest people in the country lives and thrives in surrounding counties here....they're proud and poor and most are on some type of disability or some form of welfare....yet all of them vote the GOP ticket, hate socialism, hate the government but cash a socialism check each month and to penetrate that brain with some rational thinking, is like chippin away at concrete with a plastic knife.

Well stated.......reminded me of that tea bagger who walked around with a sign, stating "Keep your government hands off my Medicare."......If stupidity, ignorance and bigotry were criteria to deny some government aid, we could save billions.
too stupid how many Ph.D/s need to say before you concede that you are a typical lberal illiterate?? Do you want a reading list??

You libtards are so stupid, and you are their queen.

WOW, who could possibly argue with such a "brilliant" mind as yours?

BTW, don't forget to dry clean that white sheet and pointed hood of yours. LOL.
BTW, I hate white supremacists as much as black thugs. Liberals are the worst of them all.

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