Explaining Socialism to a Republican

.....and isn't the personal computer revolution killing movie-house owners?

yes and the wheel is killing millions of businesses that other wise could be employing million and millions of people doing things very inefficiently!

It reminds me of when MIlton Friedman was watching a giant Chinese construction project and said to his Chinese host, "why so many people and so few big earth moving machines." The host said,its in part a jobs program, to which Friedman replied, why don't you give them all spoons so you can employ millions on the project..
dear, a liberal is a fool. He wants to buy from from Steve Jobs and then have the govt steal the money back. Suppose Jobs wanted the phone back but did not want to give you your money back? To the liberal, govt is nothing more than a thief on their behalf.

Steve Jobs (whom didn't build the iPhone) is dead. Let's talk about Apple. Apple take profit made and funnels it overseas, uses said profit to buy product, imports the product using taxpayer paid services, then deducts the product as cost. Do you think that's right?
[]false my statement is only confusing to low end of the gene pool types who need someone or something to blame for their own ignorance, lack of skill or luck .
throw in a heavy dose of an unearned sense of entitlement and guys like you appear.

You haven't given one specific example of how you are poorer because somebody else is richer, even though I have asked a half dozen times.

You have nothing. Typical for a Moon Bat.

I have also asked. The result?

*** cricketes ***

He won't explain it because deep down he knows it's true. However, he also just "knows" that he's entitled to some of the money that rich guy earned.
false there is nothing to explain..
your confusion is not my problem...

Translation: you refuse to answer any questions put to you because you know you'll answers will make it obvious that you're a fool.
false! you wanting me to appear foolish does not make me a fool, on the other hand ....

Then why can't you answer a couple of simple questions?
Freedom means absence of government initiated force. The Founding Fathers had the same definition. Turds like you, on the other hand, think freedom means not having to earn a living and having the government pay for your birth control.
proclaiming you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..
Avoiding the issue, as always.

Tell us what your definition of freedom is. We can all use a good laugh.
you wish.....freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...

So you are against freedom?
lol! I'm against ignorance.....

So you support having nothing left to lose? You're babbling incoherently. Nothing you say makes any sense.
You didn't answer my question. Tell me how somebody having more money than you has made you poorer. I want specifics.
it depends on how they made "their" money.
most all billionaires by doing just that making other people poorer
How do they make other people poorer?
asked and answered. you just don't like the answer..stop repeating...
Please refer me to the answer. Post #?
is your mouse broken? back button?
I don't know the post #. You do. So why are you so afraid to tell us which one it is?
thanks captain obvious.....
[ ˈnänˌsens ]
noun: nonsense
  1. spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense:
    "he was talking absolute nonsense"
by definition is unexplainable)that's why

btw this gem is a prime example of nonsense "A liberal will so stupid as to not know that saying why is necessary."
English not your first language?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement.

PS- you fool only yourself by trying to change the subject

Notice that he still hasn't answered any questions. He hasn't told us what his definition of freedom is, even though he claims to know that mine is wrong.
I'm under no contract to answer in a manner or a time frame that is convenient to you.....clear...

True. You can run away with your tail between your legs, but we'll all know what to think.

This is a debate forum. You obviously don't want to discuss your idiotic ideas. What are you doing here?
I'm not running anywhere .
there's that appeal to the masses chicken shit again..
Ideas? nothing anyone of you has posted even close to an IDEA just a rehash of the same shit rush Limbaugh glen beck etc. spew....

What "masses" did I appeal to?

You're still running away from answering the question. You're not making a good impression on the other forum members. You come off as someone with something to hide, like you're stupidity.
ROFL! No, I know what happened to them. They went out of business. If we adopted your policy we'd still be back in the stone age. How would not having computers be better?

Typewriters are still used in many countries. You should travel.

I find that hard to believe when computers are so cheap. Furthermore, when did I say typewriters weren't being used in some godforsaken hole in Africa?
You haven't given one specific example of how you are poorer because somebody else is richer, even though I have asked a half dozen times.

You have nothing. Typical for a Moon Bat.

I have also asked. The result?

*** cricketes ***

He won't explain it because deep down he knows it's true. However, he also just "knows" that he's entitled to some of the money that rich guy earned.
false there is nothing to explain..
your confusion is not my problem...

Translation: you refuse to answer any questions put to you because you know you'll answers will make it obvious that you're a fool.
false! you wanting me to appear foolish does not make me a fool, on the other hand ....

Then why can't you answer a couple of simple questions?

He can't understand a couple of simple questions
I would like to take this time and opportunity to goad our token wealthy Person, to suggest he and his peers simply insist their public servants merely purchase the finest solutions money can buy, with an official Mint at their disposal.

Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders that could be making you money instead of potentially, having to plan to live off the interest of your estates, instead of the interest on the interest.

Why do you think we're losing money on Commerce at our borders? Corporate America is making record profits. How many hundreds of billions are being made on e-commerce and strategic partnership programs?
why does the right complain about high tax rates?
dear, conservatism started with Aristotle Jesus Locke Jefferson and Friedman. As a total liberal illiterate you would have no idea.

Well, Hon, careful in exposing your stupidity by citing names that you know virtually nothing about and certainly have not read what they've written....

For example, Aristotle in both his Ethics and in his Politics, first NEVER defined freedom....only to mention that it is a cornerstone of any democracy.

Regarding Aristotle "conservatism", obviously you again know nothing but what you may have read in a Chinese fortune cookie....
why does the right complain about high tax rates?

Because Sean Hannity told them to do so?.......in their ignorance they can't probably not cite ANY corporation that actually pays the highest tax rate...nonetheless, they (and Hannity) will bitch and moan about how these poor billionaires are subjected to high taxes.
too stupid as a totally illiterate liberal you said same rehash of Limbaugh having no idea that Aristotle invented conservatism.

See why we liberalism is based in pure ignorance. See why you spend your time dodging questions rather than answering

Good Lord you right wingers are truly stupid, gullible and uneducated....Aristotle DID NOT "invent " conservatism (as if conservatism was a light bulb)........The concept of conservatism was first advocated by Edmund Burke (an Irishman) more than 2000 years after Aristotle, Burke spoke out AGAINST the French Revolution because he felt that common dingbats (like you) couldn't possibly be trusted to form a viable governmental system and that we should "conserve" the aristocracy......
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why does the right complain about high tax rates?

Because Sean Hannity told them to do so?.......in their ignorance they can't probably not cite ANY corporation that actually pays the highest tax rate...nonetheless, they (and Hannity) will bitch and moan about how these poor billionaires are subjected to high taxes.



FACT: Those taxes undermine the process which is being taxed to generate revenue... thus reducing the potential for Revenue...



FACT: Those taxes undermine the process which is being taxed to generate revenue... thus reducing the potential for Revenue...


Beware of any right wing hack who begins his/her post with "FACT".....

Actually, CitiGroup pre-tax income was about $14B and paid a tax rate of 16%; At & T earned about $19B and paid a rate of 6.4%; and GE earned about $16B and paid a tax rate of 7.4%.....

My wife and I, on the other hand, paid a tax rate of 25 or 26%.....
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