
The Chinese people will uprise when they realize what is going on with them -

what is going on is that they are buying shiny new cars thanks to Republican capitalism as oppposed to slowly starving to death by the 10's of millions as they did under liberalism.

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure deadly ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?
Where did you get this misinformation from Ed, because it's absolutely wrong.

of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Peach isn't a "liberal", stupid. She's right about that, as I've told you, as 99.9% of everybody well knows. I even linked you to the history page of the Republican Party itself, and it says you're wrong too.

But you continue to go :lalala: in your abject ignorance army of one. Good luck with that.
Where did you get this misinformation from Ed, because it's absolutely wrong.

of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Peach isn't a "liberal", stupid. She's right about that, as I've told you, as 99.9% of everybody well knows. I even linked you to the history page of the Republican Party itself, and it says you're wrong too.

But you continue to go :lalala: in your abject ignorance army of one. Good luck with that.

Here is reprint from Congressional Record:

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


6th Congress (1799-1801)

Majority Party: Federalist (22 seats)

Minority Party: Republican (10 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Total Seats: 32


7th Congress (1801-1803)

Majority Party: Republican (17 seats)

Minority Party: Federalist (15 seats)

Other Parties: 0

Vacant: 2

Total Seats: 34
Where did you get this misinformation from Ed, because it's absolutely wrong.

of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Democratic Republican Party - Thomas Jefferson

Democratic Party
Whig Party

1854 -
Republican Party
Democrat Party.

Before 1792
1st Congress (1789-1791)
Majority Party: Pro-Administration (18 seats)
Minority Party: Anti-Administration (8 seats)
Other Parties: 0
Total Seats: 26

2nd Congress (1791-1793)
Majority Party: Pro-Administration (16 seats)
Minority Party: Anti-Administration (13 seats)
Other Parties: 0
Vacant: 1 Total Seats: 30

3rd Congress (1793-1795)
Majority Party: Pro-Administration (16 seats)
Minority Party: Anti-Administration (14 seats)
Other Parties: 0
Total Seats: 30
Last edited:


Dodge Lancer (1952)​


Mitsubishi Lancer (2012)
Both cars named "Lancer". Clearly Dodge founded the Mitsubishi Lancer in 1952.

Where did you get this misinformation from Ed, because it's absolutely wrong.

of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Democratic Republican Party - Thomas Jefferson

Democratic Party
Whig Party

1854 -
Republican Party
Democrat Party.

dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??
Awesome, another 2nd year college student who thinks he knows everything.
Come back 10 years later when you know something and you will have a god time laughing at your old posts.


Dodge Lancer (1952)​


Mitsubishi Lancer (2012)
Both cars named "Lancer". Clearly Dodge founded the Mitsubishi Lancer in 1952.


so you agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy of todays Republlican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.
Where did you get this misinformation from Ed, because it's absolutely wrong.

of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Democratic Republican Party - Thomas Jefferson

Democratic Party
Whig Party

1854 -
Republican Party
Democrat Party.

dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??

That you dropped a few words there deary poo.
Where did you get this misinformation from Ed, because it's absolutely wrong.

of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Democratic Republican Party - Thomas Jefferson

Democratic Party
Whig Party

1854 -
Republican Party
Democrat Party.

dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??

That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.
Last edited:
Where did you get this misinformation from Ed, because it's absolutely wrong.

of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Democratic Republican Party - Thomas Jefferson

Democratic Party
Whig Party

1854 -
Republican Party
Democrat Party.

dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??

That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.
of course thats too stupid. If it was wrong you would not be so afraid to present your reason. What does your fear teach you? A liberal will actually lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary.

Democratic Republican Party - Thomas Jefferson

Democratic Party
Whig Party

1854 -
Republican Party
Democrat Party.

dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??

That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?
Democratic Republican Party - Thomas Jefferson

Democratic Party
Whig Party

1854 -
Republican Party
Democrat Party.

dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??

That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

They were the ones who split from the Democratic Republican Party after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: The Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party).
dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??

That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

They were the ones who split from the Democratic Republican Party after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: the Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party

dear, do you accept the bet or do you admit you were liberal and mistaken???? You don't fool anybody by trying to change the subject?
That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

They were the ones who split from the Democratic Republican Party after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: the Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party

dear, do you accept the bet or do you admit you were liberal and mistaken???? You don't fool anybody by trying to change the subject?

Everyone that has been here for any length of time on the board knows I am a Conservative. :biggrin:
I'm new to the forum, and haven't gotten the general consensus of what kind of forum this is and which way it "sways". I lean more towards incorporating marxist ideas into my thoughts - so I'm hoping I don't get flamed.

This is more of a rant thread. Because there's one thing I seriously don't understand and it's mindless loyalty. I work for a large retail store which does about 100k+ in sales a day.
Forget about minimum wage workers, there is exploitation at every single solitary level - just the more money you have the less you care about being exploited.
I don't care if you're the store manager or the cashier. The store manager should think to themselves, wow there are 365 days a year, they paid my entire salary in about a day. The cashier should say - wow it took one order for them to pay me this hour. Same thing goes for a surgeon, a doctor - even though they're "rolling in the dough" someone is laughing all the way to the bank for their hard work.

Of course there is incentive to protect assets, because when the company does good, it doesn't go underground and therefore you have a job. Blah blah get more educated and you'll get a better job, the point here is that at every single level there is horrible exploitation, yet there is no serious rebellion. And the response is to get better educated. :eusa_wall:

OK I read the 52 extant posts and didn't see anyone address your OP directly. The Marxist concepts of alienation and exploitation are basically sociological, not economic. To an economist, output is the product of several inputs that jointly produce the output (in the simplest model just labor and capital). What each factor contributes to the final output is debatable since any one factor is incapable of producing output by itself, except for the most rudimentary production processes.

Now to a classical liberal economist who accepts a lot of wildly unrealistic assumptions (immortal economic players, perfect competition in all markets, perfect and equal knowledge of all economic players, completely accurate forecasting of the future, etc), there is a way to determine this allocation. The assumption is that one factor of production, at least in the relevant range, can substitute for another. For example, less labor is required to produce agricultural products with plows rather than digging sticks, and plows are more efficient with oxen instead of human labor. A farmer in this perfect world would choose the combination of productive factors that results in the highest output, and the "marginal productivity" of each factor would be equal. That's why this concept was called the "Marginal Revolution" when first propagated by the precursors of Austrian economics. [See there Rothbardian swine! I said something nice about the Austrians!].

So this is what an economist means by what "labor is worth", the marginal productivity of the last unit of labor hired. But this number is based on all sorts of unrealistic assumptions and there is a large and convincing literature that when some of these assumptions are made more realistic (for example monopsony power in the labor market) the same basic models predict that labor will be paid less than its marginal productivity. Markets, after all are not deities; they are social institutions created to serve society by making production and trade more efficient so that there is a larger pile of goods to divvy up among the owners of the various resources, including labor. How they actually do that is a matter of classic bargaining theory. If you chose to go down that road, look up "Pareto optimality".
dear, can you tell us what your point is dear??

That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

They were the ones who split from the Democratic Republican Party after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: The Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party).

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?[/QUOTE]
That you dropped a few words there deary poo.

as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

They were the ones who split from the Democratic Republican Party after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: The Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party).

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

Nope I don't bet.
Go to any library and get a book on US History and you will find that info.
Better yet go to the library of congress.gov and ask for that information.
as long as you now agree that Jefferson and Madison founded a party named Republican in 1793 and that it had the identical philosophy to todays Republican party? Thanks. You're slow to catch on put you do catch on.

No I don't agree
In 1791 one faction in Congress, who opposed the Constitution, began calling themselves Republicans in the Second United States Congress.

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

They were the ones who split from the Democratic Republican Party after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: The Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party).

I'll bet you $10,000 you have no evidence of that. Bet?

Nope I don't bet.
Go to any library and get a book on US History and you will find that info.
Better yet go to the library of congress.gov and ask for that information.[/QUOTE]

Library of Congress shows that Jefferson and Madison founded Republican party in 1793 to stand for freedom from liberal govt.

And the Republican Party itself says 1854, which means you're full of shit.

Moreover Jefferson and Madison WERE Liberals. Their opposition came from Federalists, not from themselves.


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