explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Terrorists are blowing kids up. Terrorists who have hijacked a religion. They don't actually represent Islam; they just say they do.They are warped and have a warped interpretation of Islam. If you can't understand that, you haven't got a brain.

I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. Jesus and muhammud are polar opposites in their teaching- are you truly this fucking ignorant?
You are an idiot, a total idiot without any critical thinking skills. If their ideology is to kill all non-Muslims, how have I survived for 10 years in 3 different Muslim majority countries? Why are there Christian churches in these countries? You don't know what you are talking about because you have absolutely no direct empirical evidence. You just believe BS because it feeds your bigotry.

Muslims do treat their prostitutes and many wives quite well (by not beheading them...most of the time). So that must mean they are great people and are incapable of mass terrorism.
You have never even been there. What the fuck do you know about it? Nothing. Jackass.
GB should boot all Muslims out of their country unless they want more murders.

Hard to feel sympathy for idiots who allow those death cult assholes in. All one has to do is look at the rest of Europe and see how many have been murdered.

You can't cure stupid.
She's living in an oppressed Muslim state. What do you expect her opinion to be?
The only thing you know about Muslim countries is what you get from the ring wing media, which is so completely incorrect it isn't even funny.

Feel free to enlighten us on where this magical Islamic country exists that isn't oppressive to anyone that isn't their brand of Islam is.
Most Muslim countries are like that. Even Saudi hosts millions of Westerners who are teachers, engineers, and other professionals, who are NOT Muslims and go about their daily life unmolested and not threatened. You are all so ignorant it's pathetic.

LMAO, Saudi Arabia. One of the most oppressive nations on the planet. Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of foreigners working there. And guess what, they ARE NOT allowed to practice their faith. A Christian is not allowed to even take a bible into the country, or wear a crucifix, not allowed to take communion by drinking wine.

Now, I dare you to walk around one of these lovely Muslim countries and profess you are a Jew and see what happens. Until then, you've proven yourself to be nothing but a partisan Muslim apologist.
Saudi is an extreme example, which is why I said even Saudi hosts millions of Western professionals w/o mistreating them. What other Muslim country bans the Bible? None that I know of. North Korea bans it and they are not Muslim.

Saudi is the extreme example of an Islamic theocratic monarchy. No other Muslim country is as strict. You missed my point entirely. You have missed all of my points because you actually don't want to think, if you can. You just want to be a bigot.

So you tried to make the point that the most extreme Muslim country isn't oppressive....yet you concede it is.

Now, how about you name a non-oppressive Muslim country that welcomes religious diversity and women's rights too.
GB should boot all Muslims out of their country unless they want more murders.

Hard to feel sympathy for idiots who allow those death cult assholes in. All one has to do is look at the rest of Europe and see how many have been murdered.

You can't cure stupid.

And you know that they will do nothing, but let more in. Their culture will slowly fade, and eventually a Muslim majority will have it.
GB should boot all Muslims out of their country unless they want more murders.

Hard to feel sympathy for idiots who allow those death cult assholes in. All one has to do is look at the rest of Europe and see how many have been murdered.

You can't cure stupid.

And you know that they will do nothing, but let more in. Their culture will slowly fade, and eventually a Muslim majority will have it.

I could see that happening just like France who has been letting those assholes into their country for decades.

You can't cure stupid.
The only thing you know about Muslim countries is what you get from the ring wing media, which is so completely incorrect it isn't even funny.

Feel free to enlighten us on where this magical Islamic country exists that isn't oppressive to anyone that isn't their brand of Islam is.
Most Muslim countries are like that. Even Saudi hosts millions of Westerners who are teachers, engineers, and other professionals, who are NOT Muslims and go about their daily life unmolested and not threatened. You are all so ignorant it's pathetic.

LMAO, Saudi Arabia. One of the most oppressive nations on the planet. Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of foreigners working therelf. And guess what, they ARE NOT allowed to practice their faith. A Christian is not allowed to even take a bible into the country, or wear a crucifix, not allowed to take communion by drinking wine.

Now, I dare you to walk around one of these lovely Muslim countries and profess you are a Jew and see what happens. Until then, you've proven yourself to be nothing but a partisan Muslim apologist.
Saudi is an extreme example, which is why I said even Saudi hosts millions of Western professionals w/o mistreating them. What other Muslim country bans the Bible? None that I know of. North Korea bans it and they are not Muslim.

Saudi is the extreme example of an Islamic theocratic monarchy. No other Muslim country is as strict. You missed my point entirely. You have missed all of my points because you actually don't want to think, if you can. You just want to be a bigot.

So you tried to make the point that the most extreme Muslim country isn't oppressive....yet you concede it is.

Now, how about you name a non-oppressive Muslim country that welcomes religious diversity and women's rights too.

Don't forget about welcoming gay rights, you know how the mixed up in the membrane Leftists champion the gay rights while at the same time do Propaganda For Islam across the Internets.

So they should name one Muslim nation who welcomes gays being gay and doesn't either throw them in prison for being gay or hang them or throw them off rooftops.
I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. Jesus and muhammud are polar opposites in their teaching- are you truly this fucking ignorant?
You are an idiot, a total idiot without any critical thinking skills. If their ideology is to kill all non-Muslims, how have I survived for 10 years in 3 different Muslim majority countries? Why are there Christian churches in these countries? You don't know what you are talking about because you have absolutely no direct empirical evidence. You just believe BS because it feeds your bigotry.

Muslims do treat their prostitutes and many wives quite well (by not beheading them...most of the time). So that must mean they are great people and are incapable of mass terrorism.
You have never even been there. What the fuck do you know about it? Nothing. Jackass.

One does not have to go to all Islamic shitholes to know how oppressive they all are, just like one does not have to go to Antarctica to know it's cold as fuck.
Feel free to enlighten us on where this magical Islamic country exists that isn't oppressive to anyone that isn't their brand of Islam is.
Most Muslim countries are like that. Even Saudi hosts millions of Westerners who are teachers, engineers, and other professionals, who are NOT Muslims and go about their daily life unmolested and not threatened. You are all so ignorant it's pathetic.

LMAO, Saudi Arabia. One of the most oppressive nations on the planet. Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of foreigners working therelf. And guess what, they ARE NOT allowed to practice their faith. A Christian is not allowed to even take a bible into the country, or wear a crucifix, not allowed to take communion by drinking wine.

Now, I dare you to walk around one of these lovely Muslim countries and profess you are a Jew and see what happens. Until then, you've proven yourself to be nothing but a partisan Muslim apologist.
Saudi is an extreme example, which is why I said even Saudi hosts millions of Western professionals w/o mistreating them. What other Muslim country bans the Bible? None that I know of. North Korea bans it and they are not Muslim.

Saudi is the extreme example of an Islamic theocratic monarchy. No other Muslim country is as strict. You missed my point entirely. You have missed all of my points because you actually don't want to think, if you can. You just want to be a bigot.

So you tried to make the point that the most extreme Muslim country isn't oppressive....yet you concede it is.

Now, how about you name a non-oppressive Muslim country that welcomes religious diversity and women's rights too.

Don't forget about welcoming gay rights, you know how the mixed up in the membrane Leftists champion the gay rights while at the same time do Propaganda For Islam across the Internets.

So they should name one Muslim nation who welcomes gays being gay and doesn't either throw them in prison for being gay or hang them or throw them off rooftops.

Who could forget.


But according to Esmeralda, these things don't happen because you haven't been there yourself.
I have a brain. The statement "terrorists have hijacked islam" is silly. Read the Koran and learn a bit
about the DEVELOPEMENT of islam in its early years. Did Richard the Lion-hearted "HIJACK" Christianity? How about the Emperor of the FIRST REICH (holy roman empire)....... did CONSTANTINE HIJACK JESUS? Use your brain for something other than PROJECTION
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. Jesus and muhammud are polar opposites in their teaching- are you truly this fucking ignorant?
You are an idiot, a total idiot without any critical thinking skills. If their ideology is to kill all non-Muslims, how have I survived for 10 years in 3 different Muslim majority countries? Why are there Christian churches in these countries? You don't know what you are talking about because you have absolutely no direct empirical evidence. You just believe BS because it feeds your bigotry.

Muslims do treat their prostitutes and many wives quite well (by not beheading them...most of the time). So that must mean they are great people and are incapable of mass terrorism.
You have never even been there. What the fuck do you know about it? Nothing. Jackass.

good point, Esmeralda. I am a chld of the sixties------which actually means I was born circa 1950.
I remember the time very well. I had neighbors who stated with TRUE CONVICTION that
blacks (that is n^%%ers) were never oppressed in the USA and were LUCKY to have been enslaved. People do not have to be killed and denied ALL RIGHTS to be oppressed, despised, and slated for destruction &/or CHRONIC EXPLOITATION. Of course you KNOW-----that citizenship is not opened to non muslims in SEVERAL muslim countries--------ALL of which had Christian communities before the unfortunate advent of islam.
Last edited:
Just watched the PM make the usual statements about how the terrorists will never win, how they'll never divide us, yada yada.
Meanwhile they'll keep letting more Muslims in, and their culture will continue to be watered down until it's gone altogether.
I live in a Muslim country. Have been here for 6 years. Before that I spent 4 years in two other Muslim countries. I work with and am surrounded by Muslims all day. You are ignorant. Obviously narrow minded and foolish. Terrorists are terrorists. A miniscule proportion of the entire 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. The Koran doesn't promote violence any more than the Bible does. You are stupid and ignorant and bigoted. Sad to be you.

As well, you obviously know nothing about the 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIBLE IN IT'S EARLY YEARS,' LOL


you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. Jesus and muhammud are polar opposites in their teaching- are you truly this fucking ignorant?
You are an idiot, a total idiot without any critical thinking skills. If their ideology is to kill all non-Muslims, how have I survived for 10 years in 3 different Muslim majority countries? Why are there Christian churches in these countries? You don't know what you are talking about because you have absolutely no direct empirical evidence. You just believe BS because it feeds your bigotry.

Muslims do treat their prostitutes and many wives quite well (by not beheading them...most of the time). So that must mean they are great people and are incapable of mass terrorism.
You have never even been there. What the fuck do you know about it? Nothing. Jackass.

good point, Esmeralda. I am a chld of the sixties------which actually means I was born circa 1950.
I remember the time very well. I had neighbors who stated with TRUE CONVICTION that
blacks (that is n^%%ers) were never oppressed in the USA and were LUCKY to have been
enslaved. People do not have to killed and denied ALL RIGHTS to be oppressed, despised,
and slated for destruction &/or CHRONIC EXPLOITATION. Of course you KNOW-----that citizenship is not opened to non muslims in SEVERAL muslim countries--------ALL of which had Christian communities before the unfortunate advent of islam.

your wahabi terrorist friends did it again !!!!!!!
Any of the ones who were making jokes about it. People over here are putting pix on Facebook to trace kids while sick fucks make jokes.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Take a bow... It's dregs like you, and your ilk that have made this carnage possible. Even now; in the still smouldering aftermath of your Ill fated stance on Islam, you stand petulantly uncaring, for the loss of your own countrymen. And immune to the only reasoning that might save others in the future. You, and those like you ought to be declared enemies of the state. That is... If it were that Great Britain weren't defeated years ago by your failed ideology. Is it too late? All signs point to yes.
The only thing you know about Muslim countries is what you get from the ring wing media, which is so completely incorrect it isn't even funny.

Feel free to enlighten us on where this magical Islamic country exists that isn't oppressive to anyone that isn't their brand of Islam is.
Most Muslim countries are like that. Even Saudi hosts millions of Westerners who are teachers, engineers, and other professionals, who are NOT Muslims and go about their daily life unmolested and not threatened. You are all so ignorant it's pathetic.

LMAO, Saudi Arabia. One of the most oppressive nations on the planet. Yes, there are hundreds of thousands of foreigners working there. And guess what, they ARE NOT allowed to practice their faith. A Christian is not allowed to even take a bible into the country, or wear a crucifix, not allowed to take communion by drinking wine.

Now, I dare you to walk around one of these lovely Muslim countries and profess you are a Jew and see what happens. Until then, you've proven yourself to be nothing but a partisan Muslim apologist.
Saudi is an extreme example, which is why I said even Saudi hosts millions of Western professionals w/o mistreating them. What other Muslim country bans the Bible? None that I know of. North Korea bans it and they are not Muslim.

Saudi is the extreme example of an Islamic theocratic monarchy. No other Muslim country is as strict. You missed my point entirely. You have missed all of my points because you actually don't want to think, if you can. You just want to be a bigot.

So you tried to make the point that the most extreme Muslim country isn't oppressive....yet you concede it is.

Now, how about you name a non-oppressive Muslim country that welcomes religious diversity and women's rights too.

Esmeralda feels welcomed in the parlors of muslims------sipping tea. I, too, have sipped tea in the
parlors of muslims, here in the USA. My hubby always gets served coffee when he visits a muslim with
whom he has a little business relationship------a man born in the same country in which he was born.
It's all very friendly------He would never have had a cup of coffee in the home of a
muslim (not Saudi Arabia) in that land of his birth
Take a bow... It's dregs like you, and your ilk that have made this carnage possible. Even now; in the still smouldering aftermath of your Ill fated stance on Islam, you stand petulantly uncaring, for the loss of your own countrymen. And immune to the only reasoning that might save others in the future. You, and those like you ought to be declared enemies of the state. That is... If it were that Great Britain weren't defeated years ago by your failed ideology. Is it too late? All signs point to yes.

You're an idiot. Only an idiot would put a whole people in the one basket.
you are so fucking stupid it hurts. There are hundreds of violent texts about killing all non muslims in the koran. Have you seen Europe lately? They are taking over you stupid fuck- praying in the streets, killing, beheading, suicide bombing. Jesus and muhammud are polar opposites in their teaching- are you truly this fucking ignorant?
You are an idiot, a total idiot without any critical thinking skills. If their ideology is to kill all non-Muslims, how have I survived for 10 years in 3 different Muslim majority countries? Why are there Christian churches in these countries? You don't know what you are talking about because you have absolutely no direct empirical evidence. You just believe BS because it feeds your bigotry.

Muslims do treat their prostitutes and many wives quite well (by not beheading them...most of the time). So that must mean they are great people and are incapable of mass terrorism.
You have never even been there. What the fuck do you know about it? Nothing. Jackass.

good point, Esmeralda. I am a chld of the sixties------which actually means I was born circa 1950.
I remember the time very well. I had neighbors who stated with TRUE CONVICTION that
blacks (that is n^%%ers) were never oppressed in the USA and were LUCKY to have been
enslaved. People do not have to killed and denied ALL RIGHTS to be oppressed, despised,
and slated for destruction &/or CHRONIC EXPLOITATION. Of course you KNOW-----that citizenship is not opened to non muslims in SEVERAL muslim countries--------ALL of which had Christian communities before the unfortunate advent of islam.

your wahabi terrorist friends did it again !!!!!!!

the situation for non muslims in Islamic cesspools was not INVENTED
by the Wahabis------it goes all the way back to disgusting dog UMAR -----
a member of the sahabah pig sty------along with ALI
Just watched the PM make the usual statements about how the terrorists will never win, how they'll never divide us, yada yada.
Meanwhile they'll keep letting more Muslims in, and their culture will continue to be watered down until it's gone altogether.

They ARE winning though, aren't they?

Just ask the parent of a child with nails flying through its eyes. Body parts flying around.

I can't stand this fatuous talk. Mayor Khan saying terror attacks are part and parcel of living in London. Up next, the outpourings of love and support for the Muslim communities. And so on.....

Just heard; an incident in the shopping centre.

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