explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Take a bow... It's dregs like you, and your ilk that have made this carnage possible. Even now; in the still smouldering aftermath of your Ill fated stance on Islam, you stand petulantly uncaring, for the loss of your own countrymen. And immune to the only reasoning that might save others in the future. You, and those like you ought to be declared enemies of the state. That is... If it were that Great Britain weren't defeated years ago by your failed ideology. Is it too late? All signs point to yes.

You're an idiot. Only an idiot would put a whole people in the one basket.
No. It is you who are the idiot. For those with basic reading comprehension skills, it is plain to see that I show three "baskets" as you put it... The Muslim infiltrators, the native collaborators who foster their destructive ideology; and the native inoccent victims.

Unfortunately for many; it is you, and those like you; who would wish to place all in the same "basket" under the deadly, flawed premise of "we're all the same"...
[QUOTE="Issa, post: 17324944, member: 62493

Not really but no one can deny that things got worse and the US shouldn't have invaded that country.

what country should the US not have "invaded" and what are the "things" that "got worse"?
Wrong wrong and wrong.
Most of us Muslims assimilate just fine, love live and let live. This craziness has too many factors one big one is the interference of world powers in muslim countries.

Iraq was very stable under Saddam, no Isis no chaos, they toppled him and hell break loose.
The west want cheap oil they back puppets and invade countries and they help isis when it's necessary and create a good atmosphere to recruit and brainwash the crazies.
Most of us Muslims we just want to work, take care of our families and enjoy life ad much as we can. No one is craving to me a Virgin in after life but a mental p weer son and those are probably 0.0001%. Just like any other group or religion.

Let's be serious...bombings and invasions will make matters worse.
Isis do recruit and brainwash easily when there is an invasion or agression on a Muslim country. They can't brainwash 1.5 billion Muslims but the few crazies do make too much noise.

Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.

I am being serious. And it looks to me like 1.5 billion are being brainwashed daily. Whether there is aggression or not...muslims will still want their sharia law, treat women like chattel, etc etc etc.

Its a warped religion and it teaches infidels and heathens that don't go along with their warped views, deserve to die.

Yes you do, and they did at first in the U.K. too. All of you do just fine right up until your numbers reach a point where you smcan start making a difference. That is when you all turn. It's happening right now in Europe.

This below was especially bizarro. WTF was this all about, does anyone know?

'Hail orb!': Trump's Saudi photo op summons black magic jokes on Twitter
'Hail orb!': Trump's Saudi photo op summons black magic jokes on Twitter
'Hail orb!': Trump's Saudi photo op summons black magic jokes on Twitter

The list of those that lost their lives will be especially sad as many will be between 12-20 years old.

What the hell is wrong with people. I know a woman that lives in Manchester and she is just heartbroken to say the least.
Wrong wrong and wrong.
Most of us Muslims assimilate just fine, love live and let live. This craziness has too many factors one big one is the interference of world powers in muslim countries.

Iraq was very stable under Saddam, no Isis no chaos, they toppled him and hell break loose.
The west want cheap oil they back puppets and invade countries and they help isis when it's necessary and create a good atmosphere to recruit and brainwash the crazies.
Most of us Muslims we just want to work, take care of our families and enjoy life ad much as we can. No one is craving to me a Virgin in after life but a mental p weer son and those are probably 0.0001%. Just like any other group or religion.

Let's be serious...bombings and invasions will make matters worse.
Isis do recruit and brainwash easily when there is an invasion or agression on a Muslim country. They can't brainwash 1.5 billion Muslims but the few crazies do make too much noise.

Not a find an excuse for the terrorists, but invading Iraq, Afghanistan, distabilizing others created this chaos.
No. Drones believing there are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven..prolly 10 year old virgins at that..and male...are the ones that create this chaos.

I am being serious. And it looks to me like 1.5 billion are being brainwashed daily. Whether there is aggression or not...muslims will still want their sharia law, treat women like chattel, etc etc etc.

Its a warped religion and it teaches infidels and heathens that don't go along with their warped views, deserve to die.

Teqiyya my friend? We Christians know all about your House of Peace. Hehehe. Although I must say, that if Islam can bring down the national country borders of Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, then Islam would create a more real European Union than what the entente could ever master to this day. But tell us this, how do you beat your women into never daring to show even a little hair?
Question for you:

Islam ruled southern Europe for centuries specially the Iberian peninsula. If islam was evil as you presume why they didn't exterminate non muslims ? Why Christians kept on practicing their faith?
Why there were always non Muslim minorities in Muslim countries? Churches and synagogues are still standing in Muslim countries for centuries.
Why the Jews fled to Muslim countries in two occasions the last one it was in WW2.

Issa-----in which Islamic cesspit or mosque did you learn history?. Islam did not "rule" southern Europe----
except----largely ----the IBERIAN PENNINSULA where they DID slaughter Christians and Jews now and
then. Christians MOSTLY fled the filth to lands where Christians ruled (including in the Iberian Penninsula)
-----jews had no places to flee so they moved about from here to there based on which place
was LESS DANGEROUS. Jews did not flee to muslim countries during world war II (two or three does
not describe a trend) Mostly jews FLED FROM ISLAMIC countries in the past 1400 years. Hubby's
family began its flight from the Islamic cesspit in which he was born in the mid-thirties which happens
to be the same time that the islamo Nazi ADOLF came to power (but adolf had nothing to do with the
flight of his family from the filth of islam) ----Hubby was born DURING the flight-----his little brother died---
as did his grandfather in the filth of the Islamic country. about 1940. In the same Islamic shithole---
there was a BABY THROAT SLITTING POGROM a few years later. Most of the churches and synagogues
that existed in what are now Islamic countries were destroyed with the unfortunate advent of islam. Not
a single one still exists in the Islamic "holy land" Saudi Arabia where there were once MANY. Did you learn
history in Pakistan? There were even -----at one time------synagogues in what is now Pakistan-----then islam happened
The list of those that lost their lives will be especially sad as many will be between 12-20 years old.

What the hell is wrong with people. I know a woman that lives in Manchester and she is just heartbroken to say the least.

What is wrong with people? The lack of their 2nd amendment rights.
Just watched the PM make the usual statements about how the terrorists will never win, how they'll never divide us, yada yada.
Meanwhile they'll keep letting more Muslims in, and their culture will continue to be watered down until it's gone altogether.

I agree. I was sickened by her empty platitudes. Business as usual, sorry kids but more of you will have to die. Carry on....

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