Explosion In New Heart Conditions Dismissed As "Post Pandemic Stress Disorder"

Syringe full of insulin, and call it a covid shot. Or enough potassium to stop the heart. Whatever. Anything goes in the ER these days. Depends what the emergency is, and who's asking. Which family members are consulting with the doctor and who isn't being allowed to make his or her own decisions? A cardiac infarction just in time for Valentine's Day, and the girl doesn't have it on her record to have served a restraining order on the dead boy or man.
One should have serious reservations about shooting-up children to produce commie virus parts like a factory for the rest of their lifespans.
Sacsin is most highly expresses in neurons of the brain including cerebelllar Purkinje cells. Purkinje cells link to the heart.
Sacsin is most highly expresses in neurons of the brain including cerebelllar Purkinje cells. Purkinje cells link to the heart.
Sacsin? Scarcely relevant. These people speak by suggestions and innuendos.
>>>Saxitoxin, by virtue of its extremely low LD50, readily lends itself to weaponization. In the past, it was considered for military use by the United States and was developed as a chemical weapon by the US military. It is known that saxitoxin was developed for both overt military use as well as for covert purposes by the CIA. Among weapons stockpiles were M1 munitions that contained either saxitoxin or botulinum toxin or a mixture of both. On the other hand, the CIA is known to have issued a small dose of saxitoxin to U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers in the form of a small injection hidden within a silver dollar, for use in the event of his capture and detainment.<<<
Sacsin? Scarcely relevant. These people speak by suggestions and innuendos.
>>>Saxitoxin, by virtue of its extremely low LD50, readily lends itself to weaponization. In the past, it was considered for military use by the United States and was developed as a chemical weapon by the US military. It is known that saxitoxin was developed for both overt military use as well as for covert purposes by the CIA. Among weapons stockpiles were M1 munitions that contained either saxitoxin or botulinum toxin or a mixture of both. On the other hand, the CIA is known to have issued a small dose of saxitoxin to U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers in the form of a small injection hidden within a silver dollar, for use in the event of his capture and detainment.<<<
No, sacsin is not saxitoxin.
Influenza and feline leukemia virus links have been found for the Yangtze finless porpoise, which has been suggested as intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2. As we will show, again a French link similar to sacsin Charlevoix-Saguenay, the spastin gene causing spastic paraplegia in humans has been published from this porpoise. This will go into the file for Japanese White-Eye, because no doubt Fau Chi knows about spastin:

2019 NIH, Bethesda, Md. / Spastin / Fatty-Acid Trafficking
Maddie’s story comes close to spastic paraplegia.
’On September 28, a scientific journal, JAMA Neurology, reported a new series of cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) linked to COVID-19 vaccines, confirming the severity of the reaction and the associated high mortality rate, and another journal confirmed the resumption of hepatitis C in a patient related to the jab.

The numbers and diversity of these serious injuries probably continue to be dramatically underreported. Steve Kirsch has investigated several broad deceptions Pfizer used to conceal injuries to the vaccine group during its clinical trial. We know, for example, due to the courage of Maddie and her parents, that Maddie de Garay, a 14-year-old who participated in the Pfizer trial, suffered severe neurological injuries including seizures and permanent paralysis. However, Pfizer reported only that Maddie suffered from a stomach ache.

The Pfizer vaccine only gained emergency authorization for use in children because Pfizer manipulated trial data and committed serious offenses, like hiding Maddie de Garay’s injury.

Given that Maddie was only one of 2,300 teenagers in Pfizer’s trial, her injury was potentially very significant. By extrapolating a one in 2,300 injury rate to the 86 million teens who Pfizer and Dr. Fauci have targeted for vaccination, some 36,000 of these potentially debilitating injuries could be expected to develop nationwide. While COVID may kill old people, the vaccine, in Maddie’s case, shows it also kills and harms the young.’
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 90)
Below is more evidence that Fau Chi knows the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Spastin from Neophocaena, the Yangtze finless porpoise posted earlier in the thread, is a microtubule-severing protein. This correlates to loss of smell in COVID-19. Spastin links to the polyethylene glycol (anti-freeze) Pfizer uses in their mRNA vaccine:

Second Military Medical University, Changzhen Hospital, Shanghai; Second People’s Hospital of Kramay, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: Spastin / Polyethylene Glycol

Cilia are microtubule-based organelles. They precisely link to porpoise spastin and the loss-of-smell ciliopathy in COVID-19:
Neophocaena, some think to be the intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2, is published here:

Neophocaena Spastin
We first posted on Neophocaena on 7 Aug 2020, posts #846-848:
Fau Chi’s sleight of hand agenda has caused many deaths that could have been prevented, especially the arrogance of the mystery and the animal karma of the natural reservoir.

‘Dr. Fauci’s on-again off-again interest in drug safety is situational and self-interested. He claimed on July 31 about HCQ that “If that randomized placebo-controlled trial shows efficacy, I would be the first to admit it and to promote it, but I have not....So I just have to go with the data. I don’t have any horse in the game one way or the others; I just look at the data.”

In fact, Dr, Fauci always had a stable of horses in the game. One of them is remdesivir, even after the WHO’s randomized placebo-controlled trial showed remdesivir ineffective against COVID. Furthermore remdesivir has a catastrophic safety profile.

His second nag is the Moderna vaccine, in which he invested years and six billion taxpayer dollars. He was thrilled to sponsor a human trial of a Moderna COVID vaccine (partly owned by his agency), before there were any safety and efficacy data from animal studies, which goes against FDA regulations. He then pushed for hundreds of millions of people to get EUA vaccines before the randomized placebo-controlled trials were complete. So much for Dr. Fauci’s requirement for having high-quality evidence before risking use of drugs and vaccines in humans.’
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 36)
So knowledge about the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 should continue to accumulate for the historical, scientific record. We agree with this observation:

’Professor Risch believes that Dr. Fauci knowingly lied about the drug hydroxycholorquine and used his influence to get the FDA to suppress it because he and other bureaucrats are “in bed with other forces that are causing them to make decisions that are not based on the science [and are] killing Americans.”

Moreover, Dr. Risch specifically claims that Fauci and the FDA have caused “ the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who could have been saved by” HCQ. (Michael Thau, COVID-19: Top Yale Professor Says “Decisions Not Based On Science,” PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC, (Oct 14, 2020)
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 36)
Zosterops coronavirus was mentioned in post #15. Bill Gates malaria funding links to this bird and to chloroquine against its parasites, on the islands infected by the Zika epidemic:

New Caledonia / Zosterops / Haemoproteus

Chloroquine / Haemoproteus / Snowy Owl
The media’s deflection is that the recovery is swift, not that any of the myocarditis symptoms are comparable to coronaviruses and parasites happening to other hosts in nature:

10 Dec 2021 Young People Recover Quickly

Heartworms include Dirofilaria in dogs, etc.

Heartworm Trajectory: Civet / Paradoxurus hermaphroditus / Cardiofilaria
We can readily link inflammation to Paradoxurus in the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV and the fattty-acid pocket of SARS-CoV-2, viral target of the obese, already mentioned in this thread:

Masked Palm Civet / Paradoxurus hermaphroditus / Fatal Hemorrhagic-Necrotizing Pancreatitis
’....large amount of adipose tissue....’
But the spastic ataxia and feline leukemia virus for the finless porpoise (posts #15, #28) link to the second once-suspected intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2, the Painted Turtle, Chrysemys, we tracked feline leukemia virus to a Grant County, Washington, specimen, site of some of the first COVID-19 cases. The Purkinje connection mentioned in a previous post is also here:

Recalling the Zosterops coronavirus and this bird’s report for Haemoproteus infection posted earlier, there is mention of ‘neutrophil-associated’:

Linking to Charlevoix-Saguenay (post #28) is the ataxia symptom:

Chile: Feline Leukemia Virus / Neutrophil / Ataxia
’....neutrophilic pleocytosis....severe Purkinje cell loss....’
So, the American Painted turtle links to the Chinese finless porpoise for the same virus, as far as we can tell at this point. We posted Chrysemys on 28 Feb 2020, post #555:
’Grant County, Washington.’

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