Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate

One of Pope Francis's key advisers is Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo. He's a marxist.

Currently he is the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

One has to always remember how left wing this Pope is. And he surrounds himself with other very left wingers. Cripes he's influenced by an extreme alarmist, Professor John Schnellnhuber, founding director of the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

This one is so whacked out that he wants an Earth Constitution.

Let that sink in because it's so one worlder it's off the charts crazy but this lunatic advises Angela Merkel as well. Doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy at all.

This Earth Constitution would transcend the UN Charter. He wants to put in place a Global Council that would be elected by all the people of the earth.

AND set up a Planetary Court that could handle violations of the Earth Constitution.


Dude sounds like a nut job.
What's he gonna do? Part the Red Sea?
He's going to call on catholics and others to realize the reality of climate change and the growing worldwide inequality.

So the pope is a climate expert?

Yes the Pope is a climate expert. He has a Phd in chemistry.


Well there ya go Reader, a Ph.D in Chemistry is a Climate Expert.

I wonder what happens to the projected expertise when reality steps in and demonstrates that the Pope does not have a Ph.D in Chemistry.

Francis has a Master's Degree in Chemistry, Not a Ph.D.
One of Pope Francis's key advisers is Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo. He's a marxist.

Currently he is the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

One has to always remember how left wing this Pope is. And he surrounds himself with other very left wingers. Cripes he's influenced by an extreme alarmist, Professor John Schnellnhuber, founding director of the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

This one is so whacked out that he wants an Earth Constitution.

Let that sink in because it's so one worlder it's off the charts crazy but this lunatic advises Angela Merkel as well. Doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy at all.

This Earth Constitution would transcend the UN Charter. He wants to put in place a Global Council that would be elected by all the people of the earth.

AND set up a Planetary Court that could handle violations of the Earth Constitution.


Can't ya just see that Constitution?

An enormous list of "RIGHTS!". Without a single responsibility sustaining those rights being implied or so much as insinuated.
We reject this Marxist "Pope"
The pope is certainly not a marxist, and even if he was, he is simply someone who holds a worldview based on dialectical materialism, again, marxism is just a worldview, unless you refer to marxism-leninism,Maoism,etc..
How do you think he is going to make you more = with world wide peasantry........it aint by improving their lot
Show me these stateless societies with unlimited surplus, lack of social classes, and a lack of money. I'm waiting.

So you want me to show you a utopian fiction, which exist only in the feckless imagination of children and fools?


Delusion: an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.
Hey, I'm going off of the definition of communism, it's what he wanted. What is it with you and your hatred of homosexuals anyways?

What you're going off of is the utopian fiction, which exist only in the feckless imagination of children and fools.

The actual communism, which comes to pass in the wake of the advocacy by children and fools for such, turns out to be something much less appealing.

It's like the consequence of promiscuous sex (Sex outside of of marriage...) it turns out that the consequences for such are much different than the appeal on the front end suggests it would be. And that's because the appeal on the front end, is a lie, designed to lead you into chaos, calamity and catastrophe.
We reject this Marxist "Pope"
The pope is certainly not a marxist, and even if he was, he is simply someone who holds a worldview based on dialectical materialism, again, marxism is just a worldview, unless you refer to marxism-leninism,Maoism,etc..
How do you think he is going to make you more = with world wide peasantry........it aint by improving their lot
Evidently he doesn't think it will affect him. he thinks he's above everyone as it is
The circlejerk continues, atleast the left wing members of this site aren't immature morons.
The circlejerk continues, atleast the left wing members of this site aren't immature morons.

like you are here?
you such a boring know it all. that if you're challenged you stomp your feet and call people: immature. what a joke
At least in this article we are only called: skeptics. for crying out loud the intolerance of this cult of Globull warming aka Climate change

Sen. James Inhofe: Pope Francis Ought to Stay Out of Climate Change Debate

June 13, 2015 by Jim Hoft 27 Comments

Global Warming skeptics bashed the Pope at the Heartland Institute this year.
Senator Inhofe told the pope “stay with his job and we’ll stay with ours.”

all of it here:
Sen. James Inhofe Pope Francis Ought to Stay Out of Climate Change Debate - The Gateway Pundit
One of Pope Francis's key advisers is Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo. He's a marxist.

Currently he is the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

One has to always remember how left wing this Pope is. And he surrounds himself with other very left wingers. Cripes he's influenced by an extreme alarmist, Professor John Schnellnhuber, founding director of the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

This one is so whacked out that he wants an Earth Constitution.

Let that sink in because it's so one worlder it's off the charts crazy but this lunatic advises Angela Merkel as well. Doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy at all.

This Earth Constitution would transcend the UN Charter. He wants to put in place a Global Council that would be elected by all the people of the earth.

AND set up a Planetary Court that could handle violations of the Earth Constitution.


Dude sounds like a nut job.

Certifiable alarmist and a powerful one.
Democratic socialist, not once in that post did I admit I was a communist, however, if socialism did lead to communism, nothing wrong with that.

Well there ya go... now you HAVE admit to being a communist.

So that was the last time that you could truthfully claim that you have never admitted you are a communist.
No, I really do not, if communism, by it's actual definition, was achievable, (One can argue it was in catalonia/the free ukraine) I am all for it, however, I am a realistic person examining the conditions that are present.

Communism has been achieved repeatedly... you just can't find the strength of courage to admit it, because the consequences of communism are the same as the consequences of evil...

But hey, that's only because communism is a manifestation of evil.
Show me these stateless societies with unlimited surplus, lack of social classes, and a lack of money. I'm waiting.

Show me a triangle with four sides.
This was from 2010. but people need to WAKE up what all this globull warming AKA climate change is REALLY ALL ABOUT.

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'

By Noel Sheppard | November 18, 2010 | 11:27 AM EST

If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "[W]e redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."

Such was originally published by Germany's NZZ Online Sunday, and reprinted in English by the Global Warming Policy Foundation moments ago:

ALL of it here
- See more at: UN IPCC Official Admits We Redistribute World s Wealth By Climate Policy
I see Socialist started another thread of fail, the hypocrisy of him hitching his wagon to the Catholic church.
All socialists promote is collective ownership of production, much like what was done in Catalonia, the free ukraine, etc, etc.. Then again, capitalists seem to be promoting a hierarchical system, for how can one truly be free if someone is dictating to them from above, when their entire livelyhoods are dependent on the capitalists?
That was a very short lived experiment. All socialist states are VERY hierarchical because...wait for it...power corrupts. At least with a free market capitalist system the bad can be overcome by the people. What we have here is businesses merging, becoming giant multinational conglomerates and greasing the rails with their friends in DC. Small business can't compete. That means government has too much power. And your dream world will never exist.
The climate change deniers are just like those who deny evolution...

Straight out of the IPCC Bible

"Those who deny the warming deny evolution too. Be weary, a denier is your greatest enemy, berate him whenever possible."

-Book of McCarthyism, 2nd Degree

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