Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate

I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Pope Francis will call for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality in a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics on Thursday.

In an unprecedented encyclical on the subject of the environment, the pontiff is expected to argue that humanity’s exploitation of the planet’s resources has crossed the Earth’s natural boundaries, and that the world faces ruin without a revolution in hearts and minds. The much-anticipated message, which will be sent to the world’s 5,000 Catholic bishops, will be published online in five languages on Thursday and is expected to be the most radical statement yet from the outspoken pontiff.

However, it is certain to anger sections of Republican opinion in America by endorsing the warnings of climate scientists and admonishing rich elites, say cardinals and scientists who have advised the Vatican.

The Ghanaian cardinal, Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and a close ally of the pope, will launch the encyclical. He has said it will address the root causes of poverty and the threats facing nature, or “creation”.

In a recent speech widely regarded as a curtain-raiser to the encyclical, Turkson said: “Much of the world remains in poverty, despite abundant resources, while a privileged global elite controls the bulk of the world’s wealth and consumes the bulk of its resources.”

The Argentinian pontiff is expected to repeat calls for a change in attitudes to poverty and nature. “An economic system centred on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it,” he told a meeting of social movements last year. “I think a question that we are not asking ourselves is: isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature? Safeguard creation because, if we destroy it, it will destroy us. Never forget this.”
Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate Environment The Guardian

He's set only to make the papacy a laughing stock.
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Well, duh. He's a socialist. What is it with climate change and socialism, it's like a religion. The fact that a deeply religious man would buy into it is hardly surprising.

But of course the main purpose is to extract other people's money and spend it on pet projects. Something the church has been doing for 2,000 years.
I don't see pope francis talking about giving the means of production to working people, stop throwing out the same old crap.
We reject this Marxist "Pope"
The pope is certainly not a marxist, and even if he was, he is simply someone who holds a worldview based on dialectical materialism, again, marxism is just a worldview, unless you refer to marxism-leninism,Maoism,etc..

"Marxism is just a world view?" So was Nazism, numskull.
Marxism is a worldview, many modern marxists find their homes in university settings, and nazism is a worldview, until someone acts on it. There is nothing to act on within marxism unless you go towards its extensions.
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Pope Francis will call for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality in a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics on Thursday.

In an unprecedented encyclical on the subject of the environment, the pontiff is expected to argue that humanity’s exploitation of the planet’s resources has crossed the Earth’s natural boundaries, and that the world faces ruin without a revolution in hearts and minds. The much-anticipated message, which will be sent to the world’s 5,000 Catholic bishops, will be published online in five languages on Thursday and is expected to be the most radical statement yet from the outspoken pontiff.

However, it is certain to anger sections of Republican opinion in America by endorsing the warnings of climate scientists and admonishing rich elites, say cardinals and scientists who have advised the Vatican.

The Ghanaian cardinal, Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and a close ally of the pope, will launch the encyclical. He has said it will address the root causes of poverty and the threats facing nature, or “creation”.

In a recent speech widely regarded as a curtain-raiser to the encyclical, Turkson said: “Much of the world remains in poverty, despite abundant resources, while a privileged global elite controls the bulk of the world’s wealth and consumes the bulk of its resources.”

The Argentinian pontiff is expected to repeat calls for a change in attitudes to poverty and nature. “An economic system centred on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it,” he told a meeting of social movements last year. “I think a question that we are not asking ourselves is: isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature? Safeguard creation because, if we destroy it, it will destroy us. Never forget this.”
Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate Environment The Guardian

Could just remind everyone that from a religious perspective, Man exists solely to take care of the Earth. Not plunder it for selfish desires.

15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
- Genesis 2 (KJV)
Most christians tend to ignore what they don't like in the bible.
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Pope Francis will call for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality in a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics on Thursday.

In an unprecedented encyclical on the subject of the environment, the pontiff is expected to argue that humanity’s exploitation of the planet’s resources has crossed the Earth’s natural boundaries, and that the world faces ruin without a revolution in hearts and minds. The much-anticipated message, which will be sent to the world’s 5,000 Catholic bishops, will be published online in five languages on Thursday and is expected to be the most radical statement yet from the outspoken pontiff.

However, it is certain to anger sections of Republican opinion in America by endorsing the warnings of climate scientists and admonishing rich elites, say cardinals and scientists who have advised the Vatican.

The Ghanaian cardinal, Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and a close ally of the pope, will launch the encyclical. He has said it will address the root causes of poverty and the threats facing nature, or “creation”.

In a recent speech widely regarded as a curtain-raiser to the encyclical, Turkson said: “Much of the world remains in poverty, despite abundant resources, while a privileged global elite controls the bulk of the world’s wealth and consumes the bulk of its resources.”

The Argentinian pontiff is expected to repeat calls for a change in attitudes to poverty and nature. “An economic system centred on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it,” he told a meeting of social movements last year. “I think a question that we are not asking ourselves is: isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature? Safeguard creation because, if we destroy it, it will destroy us. Never forget this.”
Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate Environment The Guardian

Huh... So The Catholics embrace of Homosexuality worked out for them, that they felt that why shouldn't they embrace Communism?


Oh that's BRILLIANT!

(Catholics... here's what ya need to understand.

Do ya recall how it went when you embraced homosexuality? And the homosexuals ended up raping thousands of the children who the were trusted with? And do ya remember how when that all came out, that the homosexual cult BLAMED THOSE RAPES UPON CATHOLICISM... denying any responsibility on the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy.

Well when this little trip into the ideological swamp comes around to bite ya in the collective ass... you need to understand that the communists (in which the Homo-cult camps) WILL BLAME YOU FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF COMMUNISM.

If you can't understand THAT, then you deserve the ass beating you're setting yourself up for.)
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Pope Francis will call for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality in a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics on Thursday.

In an unprecedented encyclical on the subject of the environment, the pontiff is expected to argue that humanity’s exploitation of the planet’s resources has crossed the Earth’s natural boundaries, and that the world faces ruin without a revolution in hearts and minds. The much-anticipated message, which will be sent to the world’s 5,000 Catholic bishops, will be published online in five languages on Thursday and is expected to be the most radical statement yet from the outspoken pontiff.

However, it is certain to anger sections of Republican opinion in America by endorsing the warnings of climate scientists and admonishing rich elites, say cardinals and scientists who have advised the Vatican.

The Ghanaian cardinal, Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and a close ally of the pope, will launch the encyclical. He has said it will address the root causes of poverty and the threats facing nature, or “creation”.

In a recent speech widely regarded as a curtain-raiser to the encyclical, Turkson said: “Much of the world remains in poverty, despite abundant resources, while a privileged global elite controls the bulk of the world’s wealth and consumes the bulk of its resources.”

The Argentinian pontiff is expected to repeat calls for a change in attitudes to poverty and nature. “An economic system centred on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it,” he told a meeting of social movements last year. “I think a question that we are not asking ourselves is: isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature? Safeguard creation because, if we destroy it, it will destroy us. Never forget this.”
Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate Environment The Guardian

Huh... So The Catholics embrace of Homosexuality worked out for them, that they felt that why shouldn't they embrace Communism?


Oh that's BRILLIANT!

(Catholics... here's what ya need to understand.

Do ya recall how it went when you embraced homosexuality? And the homosexuals ended up raping thousands of the children who the were trusted with? And do ya remember how when that all came out, that the homosexual cult BLAMED THOSE RAPES UPON CATHOLICISM... denying any responsibility on the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy.

Well when this little trip into the ideological swamp comes around to bite ya in the collective ass... you need to understand that the communists (in which the Homo-cult camps) WILL BLAME YOU FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF COMMUNISM.

If you can't understand THAT, then you deserve the ass beating you're setting yourself up for.)
Could you please stop ranting and attempt to explain how homosexuality leads to pedophilia, oh wait.. People like you disgust me, I am a bi-sexual male who has no interest in pedophilia, like most of the world, might aswell blame heterosexuality on pedophilia when an older male rapes a young female. You need to seriously grow up, and would you mind giving me evidence that the pope is a communist? Oh wait.
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Well, duh. He's a socialist. What is it with climate change and socialism, it's like a religion. The fact that a deeply religious man would buy into it is hardly surprising.

But of course the main purpose is to extract other people's money and spend it on pet projects. Something the church has been doing for 2,000 years.

A deeply religious man would recognize the evil intrinsic to the cult promoting irrational notions designed to undermine the means of the individual to remain free.
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Pope Francis will call for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality in a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics on Thursday.

In an unprecedented encyclical on the subject of the environment, the pontiff is expected to argue that humanity’s exploitation of the planet’s resources has crossed the Earth’s natural boundaries, and that the world faces ruin without a revolution in hearts and minds. The much-anticipated message, which will be sent to the world’s 5,000 Catholic bishops, will be published online in five languages on Thursday and is expected to be the most radical statement yet from the outspoken pontiff.

However, it is certain to anger sections of Republican opinion in America by endorsing the warnings of climate scientists and admonishing rich elites, say cardinals and scientists who have advised the Vatican.

The Ghanaian cardinal, Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and a close ally of the pope, will launch the encyclical. He has said it will address the root causes of poverty and the threats facing nature, or “creation”.

In a recent speech widely regarded as a curtain-raiser to the encyclical, Turkson said: “Much of the world remains in poverty, despite abundant resources, while a privileged global elite controls the bulk of the world’s wealth and consumes the bulk of its resources.”

The Argentinian pontiff is expected to repeat calls for a change in attitudes to poverty and nature. “An economic system centred on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it,” he told a meeting of social movements last year. “I think a question that we are not asking ourselves is: isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature? Safeguard creation because, if we destroy it, it will destroy us. Never forget this.”
Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate Environment The Guardian

Huh... So The Catholics embrace of Homosexuality worked out for them, that they felt that why shouldn't they embrace Communism?


Oh that's BRILLIANT!

(Catholics... here's what ya need to understand.

Do ya recall how it went when you embraced homosexuality? And the homosexuals ended up raping thousands of the children who the were trusted with? And do ya remember how when that all came out, that the homosexual cult BLAMED THOSE RAPES UPON CATHOLICISM... denying any responsibility on the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy.

Well when this little trip into the ideological swamp comes around to bite ya in the collective ass... you need to understand that the communists (in which the Homo-cult camps) WILL BLAME YOU FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF COMMUNISM.

If you can't understand THAT, then you deserve the ass beating you're setting yourself up for.)
Could you please stop ranting ...


Oh thank you. I SO adore the sweeter ironies.
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Pope Francis will call for an ethical and economic revolution to prevent catastrophic climate change and growing inequality in a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics on Thursday.

In an unprecedented encyclical on the subject of the environment, the pontiff is expected to argue that humanity’s exploitation of the planet’s resources has crossed the Earth’s natural boundaries, and that the world faces ruin without a revolution in hearts and minds. The much-anticipated message, which will be sent to the world’s 5,000 Catholic bishops, will be published online in five languages on Thursday and is expected to be the most radical statement yet from the outspoken pontiff.

However, it is certain to anger sections of Republican opinion in America by endorsing the warnings of climate scientists and admonishing rich elites, say cardinals and scientists who have advised the Vatican.

The Ghanaian cardinal, Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and a close ally of the pope, will launch the encyclical. He has said it will address the root causes of poverty and the threats facing nature, or “creation”.

In a recent speech widely regarded as a curtain-raiser to the encyclical, Turkson said: “Much of the world remains in poverty, despite abundant resources, while a privileged global elite controls the bulk of the world’s wealth and consumes the bulk of its resources.”

The Argentinian pontiff is expected to repeat calls for a change in attitudes to poverty and nature. “An economic system centred on the god of money needs to plunder nature to sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it,” he told a meeting of social movements last year. “I think a question that we are not asking ourselves is: isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature? Safeguard creation because, if we destroy it, it will destroy us. Never forget this.”
Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate Environment The Guardian

Huh... So The Catholics embrace of Homosexuality worked out for them, that they felt that why shouldn't they embrace Communism?


Oh that's BRILLIANT!

(Catholics... here's what ya need to understand.

Do ya recall how it went when you embraced homosexuality? And the homosexuals ended up raping thousands of the children who the were trusted with? And do ya remember how when that all came out, that the homosexual cult BLAMED THOSE RAPES UPON CATHOLICISM... denying any responsibility on the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy.

Well when this little trip into the ideological swamp comes around to bite ya in the collective ass... you need to understand that the communists (in which the Homo-cult camps) WILL BLAME YOU FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF COMMUNISM.

If you can't understand THAT, then you deserve the ass beating you're setting yourself up for.)
Could you please stop ranting ...


Oh thank you. I SO adore the sweeter ironies.
I don't tend to rant, and if I do, I am sure to be rational.
I'm starting to like this pope more and more..
Well, duh. He's a socialist. What is it with climate change and socialism, it's like a religion. The fact that a deeply religious man would buy into it is hardly surprising.

But of course the main purpose is to extract other people's money and spend it on pet projects. Something the church has been doing for 2,000 years.

A deeply religious man would recognize the evil intrinsic to the cult promoting irrational notions designed to undermine the means of the individual to remain free.
All socialists promote is collective ownership of production, much like what was done in Catalonia, the free ukraine, etc, etc.. Then again, capitalists seem to be promoting a hierarchical system, for how can one truly be free if someone is dictating to them from above, when their entire livelyhoods are dependent on the capitalists?
... explain how homosexuality leads to pedophilia.

No problem... now this is very simple, but given your starkly limited intellectual means, it will likely be beyond your grasp.

Understand that what we're discussing here is sexual deviancy.

The notion that a sexual deviant; which is to say one whose sexual cravings deviate from the human sexual standard, to the point that they... say, crave sexual gratification through sexual interaction with the person of the same gender, would be limited to such, is fairly short cited.

This is because, in terms of the scope of deviating from the human sexual standard, homosexuality deviates as far from that standard as is possible, where the subjects at issue remain exclusively human.

Thus the subject: homo-sexual deviancy, spans the ENTIRE FIELD of possible deviations from the human sexual standard... . Therefore all bets with regard to any lines that they may draw, are off, as they've drawn no line between normality and the antithesis of such... ergo; they could't give a red rats ass about any lines. All they are concerned with is their own subjective needs and getting those would-be itches, scratched.

See how that works?
... explain how homosexuality leads to pedophilia.

No problem... now this is very simple, but given your starkly limited intellectual means, it will likely be beyond your grasp.

Understand that what we're discussing here is sexual deviancy.

The notion that a sexual deviant; which is to say one whose sexual cravings deviate from the human sexual standard, to the point that they... say, crave sexual gratification through sexual interaction with the person of the same gender, would be limited to such, is fairly short cited.

This is because, in terms of the scope of deviating from the human sexual standard, homosexuality deviates as far from that standard as is possible, where the subjects at issue remain exclusively human.

Thus the subject: homo-sexual deviancy, spans the ENTIRE FIELD of possible deviations from the human sexual standard... . Therefore all bets with regard to any lines that they may draw, are off, as they've drawn no line between normality and the antithesis of such... ergo; they could't give a red rats ass about any lines. All they are concerned with is their own subjective needs and getting those would-be itches, scratched.

See how that works?
I'm sexually attracted to men, am I a pedophile? Homophobia is a real problem these days.. Grow up. "Homo sexual deviancy" I don't choose to be sexually attracted to men, sorry, nor do other homosexuals.
All socialists promote is collective ownership of production...

The only viable means that the collective owns production, is where the individual owns their production and by natural extension, the sum of individuals OKA: the Collective owns production.
What's he gonna do? Part the Red Sea?
He's going to call on catholics and others to realize the reality of climate change and the growing worldwide inequality.

So the pope is a climate expert?
He listens to scientists who actually study the climate, and looks at the evidence, while listening to what the bible says about taking care of the planet.

Nah..I think it's more likely the early onset of senility.
All socialists promote is collective ownership of production...

The only viable means that the collective owns production, is where the individual owns their production and by natural extension, the sum of individuals OKA: the Collective owns production.
Tell me more about catalonia and the free ukraine, along with other examples of socialism. The collevtive is comprised of people making democratic decisions .=.

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