Explosive Job Gains Report Prove, Once Again, That Our Experts Are Fools


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The 'experts' were expecting another 8,000k in job losses for May, but instead there was a net GAIN of 2,200k, friends.

How much more wrong can they be? Why do the media keep returning to these wack job losers to get their information?

The U.S. unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 13.3 percent in May, down from a record high in April as the nation's economy began to gradually reopen from the coronavirus lockdown.
The Labor Department said in its Friday report that employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, even as the virus outbreak and subsequent stay-at-home measures mandated by states to curb the spread of COVID-19 forced nonessential businesses to close.
Economists surveyed by Refinitiv expected the report to show that unemployment rose to 19.8 percent in May and that employers shed 8 million jobs.

Krugman, Ehrlich, Mann, wrong, wrong and even more WRONG.

People stop listening to these Establishment mouth pieces who are nothing more than fools and losers.

They would NOT know the Truth if it bit them in the ass.
unemployment rate plummets

unemployment rate falls to 13.3%

Since when is 13% UE great news?

The UE in April was 14.7%
It's likely a slight of hand.

The small businesses all got their two bailouts, calling back their employees that were laid off and paying them from their bail out money, to sit at home, and be paid by their employer bail out money, vs their employees being paid by Unemployment benefits.....

Is what has caused these numbers to APPEAR so good....is likely the cause.
unemployment rate plummets

unemployment rate falls to 13.3%

Since when is 13% UE great news?

When it was expected to rise to 20% because of the Chinese Kung Flu, its absolutely tremendous news.

The Red Chinese plan to rig the 2020 elections collapsing.

Remember this, and never forget, President Trump is the author of the "Art of the Comeback"
unemployment rate plummets

unemployment rate falls to 13.3%

Since when is 13% UE great news?

When it was expected to rise to 20% because of the Chinese Kung Flu, its absolutely tremendous news.

The Red Chinese plan to rig the 2020 elections collapsing.

Remember this, and never forget, President Trump is the author of the "Art of the Comeback"
People going back to work is not a comeback it is an end to a phase of pandemic precautions.
This uptick only cost 7 trillion dollars..If Trump is responsible for more jobs then he is also credited with massive debt, larger than Oblama's. Now condemn Trump like yous did Oblama.
The 'experts' were expecting another 8,000k in job losses for May, but instead there was a net GAIN of 2,200k, friends.

How much more wrong can they be? Why do the media keep returning to these wack job losers to get their information?

The U.S. unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 13.3 percent in May, down from a record high in April as the nation's economy began to gradually reopen from the coronavirus lockdown.
The Labor Department said in its Friday report that employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, even as the virus outbreak and subsequent stay-at-home measures mandated by states to curb the spread of COVID-19 forced nonessential businesses to close.
Economists surveyed by Refinitiv expected the report to show that unemployment rose to 19.8 percent in May and that employers shed 8 million jobs.

Krugman, Ehrlich, Mann, wrong, wrong and even more WRONG.

People stop listening to these Establishment mouth pieces who are nothing more than fools and losers.

They would NOT know the Truth if it bit them in the ass.
Because fear sells. Simple as that. Remember the two million dead? Remember the country will collapse before Trump is sworn in? Propaganda is news. Fear is news.
I guess holding up that Bible was magic after all. LOL Maybe he should have done that before all his business failures and his Covid response failure. There's magic out there you just have to believe. Some do.

'The president is failing, and Americans are paying for his failures.''

"Cold, grasping, bleak, graceless, and dull; unctuous, sleek, pitiless, and crass; a pallid vulgarian floating through life on clouds of acrid cologne and trailed by a vanguard of fawning divorce lawyers, the devil is probably eerily similar to Donald Trump though perhaps just a little nicer."

Small businesses could not get their bailout money, unless they agreed to bring back on to their payroll, their employees that they had laid off....And continue to pay their stay at home employees until they reopened....

If they paid their employees that shuttered at home until reopening, then the bailout money, would not have to be paid back.

So 2.5 MILLION jobs APPEAR as jobs created but are just a 'call back', and the unemployment rate APPEARS to have gone down but it just switched columns....

Because those employees are STILL just sitting at home, without a job to go to.

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