EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Bill Clinton Facing NEW Sex Assault Claims

He's so old. Does he wear a colonoscopy bag? He won't live forever. Republicans will still keep accusing him even when he's in a wheelchair.

You know, they still locate and prosecute Nazi War Criminals. Their advanced age doesn't justify their crimes and make them go away. Even if they're a 100yrs old, they should be prosecuted.
I never heard Clinton refer to Nazi's as "good people".

Trump on the other hand...............
He's so old. Does he wear a colonoscopy bag? He won't live forever. Republicans will still keep accusing him even when he's in a wheelchair.

You know, they still locate and prosecute Nazi War Criminals. Their advanced age doesn't justify their crimes and make them go away. Even if they're a 100yrs old, they should be prosecuted.
I never heard Clinton refer to Nazi's as "good people".

Trump on the other hand...............

I was referring to your advanced age excuse. Crimes don't get justified or just go away because the perpetrator is elderly. So yes, this all should haunt Bill Clinton even when he's physically ill and confined to a wheel chair.
My only doubt about the accusations against Bill Clinton is this:

How can a woman with a three inch nose blow a man with a one inch dick?
Man, what kind of people fly around on a plane 'affectionately' nicknamed 'Air F*ck One?' I'll have to let folks answer that question themselves.
Man, what kind of people fly around on a plane 'affectionately' nicknamed 'Air F*ck One?' I'll have to let folks answer that question themselves.
That’s yet to be asserted, no less proven.
Bill Clinton is a very sick sex predator. Shame on all Democrats who've dutifully defended him. He's a very sick man, he's needed psychiatric care for many years. That doesn't justify his crimes, it's just the reality.

However, Hillary Clinton represents true evil. She set out to smear and destroy the lives of his numerous victims. She's far more evil than he is. There's definitely a special place in hell reserved for her.
Someone needs a psychiatrist, and it isn't them. Look in the mirror.:cuckoo:

Uh huh, continue defending a sick serial rapist. Whatever floats your boat, i guess. :cuckoo:
Why no answer? Who did Clinton rape?


Ed Klein.


'nough said.

So if a media outlet doesn't parrot Democrat Fake News, you refuse to accept it as being credible. Pretty closed-minded and ignorant. You need to expand your horizons, kid. Tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. Get enlightened.
dude, there is no such thing as another opinion in their world. they are all jack asses. they are nazi's or communists fascists who hate free speech and our legal process. they want some other law over our land and are desperately trying to change it. flush them to hell. they hate us by the way. there is no rational discussion that can be had. it will always be their way or no way.


Ed Klein.


'nough said.

So if a media outlet doesn't parrot Democrat Fake News, you refuse to accept it as being credible. Pretty closed-minded and ignorant. You need to expand your horizons, kid. Tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. Get enlightened.
dude, there is no such thing as another opinion in their world. they are all jack asses. they are nazi's or communists fascists who hate free speech and our legal process. they want some other law over our land and are desperately trying to change it. flush them to hell. they hate us by the way. there is no rational discussion that can be had. it will always be their way or no way.

College again?
You never do say.
People with 1/2 a brain have a life and don't care.
Ever tried to look at the other side?
Like my 23 yr old engineering plastics gal
Pays no attention to these extremists and college football, "both stupid"


Ed Klein.


'nough said.

So if a media outlet doesn't parrot Democrat Fake News, you refuse to accept it as being credible. Pretty closed-minded and ignorant. You need to expand your horizons, kid. Tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. Get enlightened.
Like knees news?
You might get enlightened and know the difference between an adjective and a noun.
Too much too ask?
Time to go to college?
Easier to spew uneducated bile?


Ed Klein.


'nough said.

So if a media outlet doesn't parrot Democrat Fake News, you refuse to accept it as being credible. Pretty closed-minded and ignorant. You need to expand your horizons, kid. Tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. Get enlightened.

Listen moron... We have seen enough fake news spammed by fake russian sites finding them brought to social media sites including here for a year and a half ( and Trump loves to blame fake news ).. You need to question and do your own search with everything..



Ed Klein.


'nough said.

So if a media outlet doesn't parrot Democrat Fake News, you refuse to accept it as being credible. Pretty closed-minded and ignorant. You need to expand your horizons, kid. Tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. Get enlightened.

Listen moron... We have seen enough fake news spammed by fake russian sites finding them brought to social media sites including here for a year and a half ( and Trump loves to blame fake news ).. You need to question and do your own search with everything..


I know, right? It's the Russia Boogeyman's fault Bill Clinton is a despicable serial pervert. Y'all wingnuts crack me up. When in doubt, go with the Russia Boogeyman shite. Y'all crazy. :cuckoo:
Man, what kind of people fly around on a plane 'affectionately' nicknamed 'Air F*ck One?' I'll have to let folks answer that question themselves.
That’s yet to be asserted, no less proven.

Ha, sure thing. :cuckoo:
If I’m wrong, it should be easy for you to link to an actual news agency reporting on these women making a public statement regarding Clinton......

I won’t hold my breath.

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