Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.

Yeah, we're "deplorable" because we want our immigration laws enforced.

You're showing your true colors.
Your true colors are supporting policy ideas an 8 year old could come up with.

Wanting our immigration laws enforced is childish?
No thinking building a wall will do anything to curb illegal immigration is.

So eliminate ALL borders Globally, just one big happy world.
You've screwed the pooch Hillary.
In the coming days we'll see if this is forgotten, or if this story has legs.

Speaking of stories with "legs"....what are the chances that Trump's Birther Movement, and Pam Bondi's bribe will be forgotten???

Simple question, really.
She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
When she was running against a black man in 2008, apparently she was one of them.

USA Today notices that Sen. Hillary Clinton has begun referring explicitly to her appeal among white voters while on the campaign trail:

Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed Wednesday to continue her quest for the Democratic nomination, arguing she would be the stronger nominee because she appeals to a wider coalition of voters — including whites who have not supported Barack Obama in recent contests.

“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article “that found how Sen. Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

Clinton: Obama Not Winning Over "Hard-Working Americans, White Americans" | Huffington Post
Nice to see her channeling "President" Grovel. Cute little apology. Insincere but still, cute.
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.


I love it when progressive politicians mess up and tell everyone how they really feel.

I'm sure her handlers will up her meds after this little snafu.
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.


I love it when progressive politicians mess up and tell everyone how they really feel.

I'm sure her handlers will up her meds after this little snafu.
This is why Hillary should wear that earpiece 24/7.
Hillary only wants to be President to the 47% of Americans who are government dependents.
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Hillary only wants to be President to the 47% of Americans who are government drpendents.

The Donald's Campaign are hoping that Hillary makes some more comments like the Deplorables one, Hillary is wandering off course as Huma can't be paying full attention because of the POS pervert she's divorcing.
Liberals: incapable of being honest, because when they are, they just reveal how much they hate America.

Like the Hussein when he said "they cling to guns or religion".
old hillary's statement turned off my independent daughter who was favoring jill stein.

she is now one the trump deplorables.
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I would like to welcome all the new folks boarding The Trump Train as a result of them realizing who Crooked Hillary is! Welcome aboard!

The Donald 2016! Let's make America Great Again and get rid of 30 years of Crooked Hillary corruption!

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