Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

Not so long she was calling out Trump...



And now... we're deplorable.

Who has an obligation to be respectful of homophobes, islamophobes, and racists?

You mean to Democrats?
After all the Trump namecalling, his cult collectively shits itself when Hillary Clinton gives them a little taste of that medicine.


They realize that she is right deep down and so they react with butthurt.

Worse yet you have a great number of them who believe that being homophobic, Islamophobic, and racist are not deplorable characteristics.

Your belief that those are legitimate terms is what is deplorable. You're an imbecile and a douche bag.

Homophobia is an irrational fear of homosexuals. It results in such things as conservative opposition to same sex marriage, opposition to anti-discrimination laws protecting gays in employment and housing.

Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Muslims. It results in efforts to treat innocent Muslims as second class citizens, such as trying to deny them the right to have places of worship.
After all the Trump namecalling, his cult collectively shits itself when Hillary Clinton gives them a little taste of that medicine.


They realize that she is right deep down and so they react with butthurt.

There is no butthurt Matthew, people on the Right aren't bedwetters, we don't need Safe Spaces.

I have a new sig line, Proud To Be A Deplorable.

Proud to be deplorable simply proves Hillary Clinton is right.

You do know, donchya', that you are supporting someone who has crack chaffing between their YUGGE ass cheeks, besides other more serious medical maladies?

The content of the posts of the Trumptards in this thread is all the proof anyone needs that they lost this argument from the git go.
After all the Trump namecalling, his cult collectively shits itself when Hillary Clinton gives them a little taste of that medicine.


They realize that she is right deep down and so they react with butthurt.

Worse yet you have a great number of them who believe that being homophobic, Islamophobic, and racist are not deplorable characteristics.

Your belief that those are legitimate terms is what is deplorable. You're an imbecile and a douche bag.

Homophobia is an irrational fear of homosexuals. It results in such things as conservative opposition to same sex marriage, opposition to anti-discrimination laws protecting gays in employment and housing.

Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Muslims. It results in efforts to treat innocent Muslims as second class citizens, such as trying to deny them the right to have places of worship.

Opposition to gay marriage is not the result of fear of homosexuals. It's the result of having the capacity to commit logic and understanding that the term "gay marriage" is any oxymoron.

Fear of Muslims is perfectly rational given their predilection for mass slaughter. No one as tried to deny them the right to setup their centers for planning jihad. What we have said is that anyone who wants to import more of these bloodthirsty savages needs to have his head examined.
Hillary was 100% right to call these racist jackasses deplorable. Don't say racist and sexist shit if you don't want to be called out for it!
Hillary was 100% right to call these racist jackasses deplorable. Don't say racist and sexist shit if you don't want to be called out for it!

i suppose you prefer corruption in your morning coffee. can someone make this a thread?

Exposed: FBI Director James Comey's Clinton Foundation Connection

These concerns focus on millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, Comey’s former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.

...,But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.
Hillary Clinton:

Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'

How do you now tell your fellow Americans, that you want to be their leader ?
Be the leader of all Americans?

How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?

If elected, Hillary already has her 'apology tour' speeches ready for her first overseas trip.

After her remarks, there will be regions of the country where she simply will never be welcome now.
I find this utterly amazing how Trump can insult pretty much every group to their faces and yet you attack Hillary for stating the reality that his base supports him at it. The right in this country is evil and must be defeated.

Folks, anyone who places Trump and Hitler together in their avatar, is simply not to be taken seriously.
No one ever takes Mathew seriously anyway.

Matthew was an asset to this board when he played SCIENCE NEWS EDITOR
Folks, anyone who places Trump and Hitler together in their avatar, is simply not to be taken seriously.
No one ever takes Mathew seriously anyway.

Don't worry, no one ever takes you seriously as well.

We all know that isn't true.

DId you pee in your pants again?
I never have.

You used the the word "We". The we I know when some dead from the neck up ConJob pees in their der Trumpendoggfucker will do when he loses in November.
No one ever takes Mathew seriously anyway.

Don't worry, no one ever takes you seriously as well.

We all know that isn't true.

DId you pee in your pants again?
I never have.

You used the the word "We". The only "We" I know when some dead from the neck up ConJob pees in their der Trumpendoggfucker will do when he loses in November.

You must have. Oh, your a member of that "We" that includes the Anti-Semitic, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Racist types who are deluded into believing the color their skin makes them somehow superior. The KKK and the Nazi's...the poor picked up White Trash Haters who lack the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.

I had to put with when I was growing up in Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia. To damn stupid to under their lied to. To ignorant to realize their so-called, non-existed savior was a jew nailed to cross.

Yep, love their non-existent god on Sunday, and then to top of their "Day of Worship" the bomb a Black Church or kill Civil Rights Workers. Sucking on beer and being to fat to serve their country.

"There will parts the country will she will not be welcome."

Oh No....Oh actually believe you get to speak for millions?

Put down your dried graham cracker and get of your mother's basement and most of get a life...

Oh, you never peed in your pants.....yeah right. Tell that to Mom as she washes the shit stains your shorts.

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I find this utterly amazing how Trump can insult pretty much every group to their faces and yet you attack Hillary for stating the reality that his base supports him at it. The right in this country is evil and must be defeated.

Folks, anyone who places Trump and Hitler together in their avatar, is simply not to be taken seriously.
No one ever takes Mathew seriously anyway.

Matthew was an asset to this board when he played SCIENCE NEWS EDITOR

And you think angry conspiracy theorists are an asset?
I find this utterly amazing how Trump can insult pretty much every group to their faces and yet you attack Hillary for stating the reality that his base supports him at it. The right in this country is evil and must be defeated.

Folks, anyone who places Trump and Hitler together in their avatar, is simply not to be taken seriously.
No one ever takes Mathew seriously anyway.

Matthew was an asset to this board when he played SCIENCE NEWS EDITOR

And you think angry conspiracy theorists are an asset?

WHEN he posted up MEDICAL NEWS he was an asset-----now he is a PIA
After all the Trump namecalling, his cult collectively shits itself when Hillary Clinton gives them a little taste of that medicine.


They realize that she is right deep down and so they react with butthurt.

Worse yet you have a great number of them who believe that being homophobic, Islamophobic, and racist are not deplorable characteristics.

Your belief that those are legitimate terms is what is deplorable. You're an imbecile and a douche bag.

Homophobia is an irrational fear of homosexuals. It results in such things as conservative opposition to same sex marriage, opposition to anti-discrimination laws protecting gays in employment and housing.

Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Muslims. It results in efforts to treat innocent Muslims as second class citizens, such as trying to deny them the right to have places of worship.

So, it's interesting to see you trying to defend this.

You speak nothing of the fact she did call half of all Trump supporters deplorable. When Trump went after that Hispanic judge, you were outraged. When Trump said all those things about women, you were outraged, when Trump attacked a "gold star" mom, you lost your liberal mind.

But when Hillary labels roughly 7 million Americans (or half of the people who voted for him in the primaries), as people who should be "thrown in the basket of deplorables" you're nowhere to be found. When Hillary lets loose a Trumpist insult, you're not there. You're defending it.

For the record, bigotry is the "phobia", if you will, of different opinions, not of different people. Opposing gay marriage doesn't automatically infer that someone hates or fears gay people, nor does it infer that someone hates or fears all Muslims if they oppose radical Islamic terrorism. Nothing shows that more than someone calling people like me and my grandmother "deplorable."

In your case however, nothing reeks of bigotry more than people like you trying to accuse other people of having "phobias" because they have different opinions on gay marriage or Islam.

You want us all to accept gay marriage and accept the Muslim faith, you want us to exercise tolerance and acceptance, yet you sit there and allow a woman you're voting for to refer to millions of people as "deplorable." Where's the tolerance in that, pray tell?
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She said, as an overbroad generalilzation, half of Trump supporters are....
It was a big mistake on her part, but
if you choose to put yourself in that half, that is YOUR choice.
I don't think it was an overbroad generalization. I'd say that 90% of Trump supporters are deplorable and 10% misguided.

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