Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

Open mouth insert foot. At this rate even the graveyard vote will have trouble putting her over the top.
How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?
As if Trump's Chumps would ever unite in support of Clinton. Be serious. :lol:
Not really sure what all the fuss about, if you are a Trump supporter you ARE deplorable. You ARE a scumbag, moron, idiot, imbecile, dirtbag, fuckwit, etc.

You're just as accurately describing Hillary supporters as well. It's pathetic watching the two camps go back and forth when supporters of both have lined up behind the lowest common denominator.

People that are pro middle class vs you?

The Clintons are not pro middle class. They just convince millions of stupid people like yourself that they are
look what they are doing to jill stein


Awwwww. Did Hillary huwt youw widdle feewings?

Poor babies. I guess there's no chance you could ever support her now. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

As if you haven't been insulting her supporters since, like, FOREVER.

That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.


what she should have said; you trump rubes are pasty faced ,bloated, depends wearing jesus materbaters
look what they are doing to jill stein



The Hillarybots are attempting character assassination on everyone who's not a Hillarybot, they're desperate now, they know Hillary is going to lose to The Donald, if they were confident of Hillary winning they wouldn't be operating from the gutter like they are.
The hypocrisy is ripe here.


Really, what a bitch



Several days ago, the WSJ reported that in a change of strategy, Hillary would tone down her personal attacks on Trump to distance herself from an increasingly uglier mudslinging campaign on both sides. It didn't last long: perhaps after she saw the latest polls which continue to slip away from her favor, and confirm the two candidates are again neck and neck, on Friday night during an LGBT fundraiser for her campaign in New York hosted by Barbara Streisand, Hillary unleashed an unprecedented ad hominem attack on what amounts a quarter of America, calling half of Trump's supporters a "basket of deplorables."

Cited by BuzzFeed, Hillary made a statement which 4 years ago effectively lost Mitt Romney the election: "you know, just to be grossly generalist, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables."

“Right?” she said as the crowd laughed and applauded. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it,” Clinton continued. “And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people -- now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.”

Hillary Calls Trump Supporters A "Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Basket Of Deplorables" | Zero Hedge

Timely thread.
]The Hillarybots are attempting character assassination on everyone who's not a Hillarybot, they're desperate now, they know Hillary is going to lose to The Donald, if they were confident of Hillary winning they wouldn't be operating from the gutter like they are.

Yes, they probably would. The gutter is where they live, and the gutter is the source of all that they perceive. They know no other world but the gutter.
Even a C*NT can walk it back....somewhat...THIS is her 47% remark!!!!

  • CNN ^ | 9/10/2016 | Dan Merica and Sophie Tatum
    New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton expressed "regret" Saturday for comments in which she said "half" of Donald Trump's supporters are "deplorables," meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic. "Last night I was 'grossly generalistic,' and that's never a good idea. I regret saying 'half' -- that was wrong," Clinton said in a statement in which she also vowed to call out "bigotry" in Trump's campaign. The Democratic presidential nominee sparked an uproar late Friday when she described Trump's supporters at a fundraiser. "To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the...
In my humble opinion, Clinton's apology for what she stated about Trump's screwy supporters, is a strategic ploy to draw Trump to ALSO apologize for his Birther Movement.....

Hillary's apology won't lose her any votes....but Donald's possible apology will lose him all his fellow racist birthers.

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